Onemanga will remove scanlations in a week’s time.
I actually read from Onemanga from time to time. I follow two shounen romance mangas; Kimi no Iru Machi and Good Ending. I wonder if any of you do too.
In anycase, I seriously doubt the closure of a couple of online manga sites will stop the piracy of manga. As far as it’s of concern, the scanlation groups still goes on doing their translations. It’s the same situation as with animes, even with crunchyroll or FUNimation licensing, irresponsible fansubs still pick them up. (Oops, we do crunchyroll animes too, lol)
Well, if any of you are wondering what the hell this random post is about, it’s just another random post. (I know I’m not answering the question) I think we seldom see such posts on Doki, I don’t know if this will waste server bandwidth or anything. But I got this urge to write something here to “reward” those who come visit our site.
I also might as well do a status update. Seitokai 03 is at TLQC. This is to ensure that the jokes are fully conveyed and shit will not be left out. It may (not) be out soon. Asobi 02 is at Edit. (It’s supposed to be slow right?)
I also heard that Black Rock Shooter is going to be out in 2 days or so. Tony-san, our tler who agreed to do it is M.I.A for 18 days, 11 hours, 21 minutes. So you can probably guess our progress with B.Gata H Kei, and also in no way related Mayoi Neko Overrun.
^Pic from campanella. Can you tell if it’s Ritos or Salsa?
By the way, if you guys want to chat, come onto #doki, don’t loiter at the shoutbox.
TL;DR: Read it when you’re free.
well that’s too bad, but there are still dozens of places to get your manga when OM no longer delivers.
oh and on that pic, that’s definately Salsa.
I read Kimi no Iru Machi too ^^ there are many other websites like OM, but since one is suddenly brought down, who knows what might happen to the rest …
Ya’ll gotta know that this is the best Shukufuku pic:
NSFW slightly
You sir win an internet for that pic posting, I’ll be sure to pick those 2 up, they seem good, FYI I’m a IRC noob so I never go on IRC.
Plural of “anime” is….”anime”.
Thought you’d like to know.
What about the plural of “manga”? LOL, anime… More like animation.
That sucks…onemanga was the site I was used to reading from
I appreciate the update
Well the only manga I’ve read was To Love Ru, and that was at Manga Fox. It’s sad to see a manga site go down, I just hope its not a chain of shut down sites.
Wow, that does suck. I hit Onemanga up all the time. Ah well.
ara zannen……what about
will it be closed just like onemanga?
@martinez, according to OneManga’s forum, yes they too will shut down.
In the case people still need the fansubs, though it’s licensed, was because they have better qualities, either typeset or translation.
A few manga that i read were ichigo 100% and I”S xD
Thanks for the update on seitokai, waiting for it xDD
Sad to see those sites down… >.>
Well you can use torrent sites to download manga instead.
Thanks for the update on Seitokai 03. It’s good to know that it has not been stalled
Crunchyroll and Funimation both suck anyway.
Tortilla company LOL
anyways what’s the status of asobi? i like it… one of my few shows this season
Onemanga isn’t the only one to be affected, apparently. MangaToshokan removed 2000+ titles from their library over the past week. The publishers are just looking for something to do…
well… there are always alternative… No harm done.
i think it will be a huge manga flooding in tokyotosho….:P
I read kimi no iru machi as well, never been to one of those fancy mass manga sites though. I get it directly from Red Hawk as its released. Just watch there RSS feed, and look chapter 98 released today. =)
I want DVDISO.
DVD version(unsencered) and not subtitled is vey good!subtitle is troublesome.
I want NEEDLESS dvd version.
You know, I would love to support Crunchyroll as what they are doing is a great compromise between those who what free Anime and for the industry.
If only the video and translation quality weren’t that terrible. I really tried watching Crunchyroll’s subs for one season (Nogizaka, Sora no Oto), but you know all how that turned out.
Also, WTF for region restrictions? I’m living in Singapore and if it weren’t for fansubs, how am I supposed to watch the latest Anime? I wouldn’t be able to watch Anime online legally anyways.
Many people (companies, both American and Japanese, fans and fansubbers) think that America is the only country which watches fansubs and Anime. Fansubs help and do a service for the INTERNATIONAL Anime community. You guys shouldn’t feel bad about subbing Crunchyroll shows and companies shouldn’t ban or discourage fansubs when they are not offering suitable, legal and quality alternatives for those outside of America or selected countries.
I’m from Singapore too.
Tell me about it, i’m from Paraguay and the only anime that is showed around here is Bakugan…
There were a time when rurouni kenshin was aired but that was like 5 years ago.
All i’m saying thanks a lot to the fansubs!!! xD
That’s Salsa. Ritos has her hair tied up in a strange fashion. Anyway Salsa > Ritos. Love those sisters! Thanks again for subbing Campanella.
petition to keep onemanga open