I’m not sure if I should get this, because another group is kinda doing(delayed now) Sasameki Koto’s DVD version, but, they are taking so long to release the next episode. I’m afraid the seeds will go away soon~
Just ask for a reseed, stay on the torrent, and I’ll reseed it at > MB/s some time.
The HD torrent on AniRena is very slow , can someone seed this torrent please . The number of seed at this time is 8 but the speed is not good , ~10 – 30kb/s >.<
Keep downloading, I’ll seed on my server at first opportunity
I’m probably going to be treated like a leper for asking this but….Is the 720p encode from TV or BD? To me it looks like TV or just a poor upscale (not necessarily Doki’s fault so no need to get someone’s panties all twisted up).
is anyone able to seed the 720? I’m sitting at 0%, and would be more than happy to seed it when downloaded.
CR took it down when I wasn’t looking and I wanted to watch it again. sigh.
I was sitting at 60% the other day and apparently my computer rebooted without my knowledge, so now it’s up again and at 91%. will seed after it’s done.
hi, can you please upload the 07v2.avi to anirena or so?
my client is not whitelisted on bakabt and I don’t want to change it for one single file
Use IRC? Its on a bot.
ah, didn’t think of IRC, thanks ^^
Patch for 7v2 mkv please.
torrent link not working
I’m not sure if I should get this, because another group is kinda doing(delayed now) Sasameki Koto’s DVD version, but, they are taking so long to release the next episode. I’m afraid the seeds will go away soon~
Just ask for a reseed, stay on the torrent, and I’ll reseed it at > MB/s some time.
The HD torrent on AniRena is very slow
, can someone seed this torrent please . The number of seed at this time is 8 but the speed is not good , ~10 – 30kb/s >.<
Keep downloading, I’ll seed on my server at first opportunity
Looks like the AniRena torrent’s gone dark. Any chance of a rehost / reseed?
look on anime.hologfx.com
reseed this batch please… i’m stock @ 55% even the track of anirena / hologfx / minglong it doesn’t work or just provide again dll links =C
I’ll reseed this later today, you will need to grab the new torrent since i’ll be updating the trackers.
Grab the new torrent and force recheck your files, reseeding will probably last about 6 hours at the current rate it is going.
thanks i see the new torrent…super thanks =D
I’m probably going to be treated like a leper for asking this but….Is the 720p encode from TV or BD? To me it looks like TV or just a poor upscale (not necessarily Doki’s fault so no need to get someone’s panties all twisted up).
There existed no BD back in that time. But just very recently, maybe within one week from this date, the BD finally comes.
soy latino todo esta en ingles
Is anyone able to/ planning to reseed this at any point please? gettin in the single digit KB/s speeds
I’ll assume you mean the 720.
In which case, done.
is anyone able to seed the 720? I’m sitting at 0%, and would be more than happy to seed it when downloaded.
CR took it down when I wasn’t looking and I wanted to watch it again. sigh.
I was sitting at 60% the other day and apparently my computer rebooted without my knowledge, so now it’s up again and at 91%. will seed after it’s done.
thanks again.
Do you guys eventually have any plans to do the BD for this one?
please seed this anime ver 720p i want watch it. thanks so much