And since they originally had it (as well as most the other characters’ names) written differently on the anime website’s character introductions, but went out of their way to change them all, I’d say there’s a reason it’s like that.
So you might as well go complain that Yazawa Nico should be “Niko”.
No, because those are different languages, not words being romanised into English in a system that doesn’t even accurately present their pronunciation, thus missing the entire point of romanisation in the first place.
Just do what I do. Open it up in Aegis sub and fix it for yourself. It takes 2 minutes. There’s no point bitching, because they aren’t going to listen to you.
Could we put the kana in the subtitles instead of names, that way it’s exactly translated, and provides the same level of understanding as putting the romanizations in the subs. in fact it could help people learn characters!
It doesn’t, and that’s why I can offer up stupid suggestions, in the hopes that one of them gets put into use and everyone suffers and or benefits from it.
Thank you for the release! (⋈◍>◡<◍)。✧♡
My favorite thing was actually Hazime trying to be excessively cute… xD
Thank you very much for the release.
Also … Yun is my absolute favorite of the series (although Aoba is a close second).
These are supposedly the official lyrics, but I still can’t help but hear “Now loli Now loli Now loli” at the end of the ed.
As always, corrected names.
From now it’s Tooyama, not Touyama (because!#.E3.83.A1.E3.82.A4.E3.83.B3.E3.82.AD.E3.83.A3.E3.83.A9.E3.82.AF.E3.82.BF.E3.83.BC , thanks citrus).
It should be Hajime instead of Hazime. Please fix it.
Not according to any of the official materials.
And since they originally had it (as well as most the other characters’ names) written differently on the anime website’s character introductions, but went out of their way to change them all, I’d say there’s a reason it’s like that.
So you might as well go complain that Yazawa Nico should be “Niko”.
Then again, you’re the one who constantly hears “Now loli” in the ending lyrics….
And yet, the lyrics I actually wrote out only took some extremely minor tweaks, mostly in spellings, once the official ones came out!
At least Nico is logically the same sound, unlike Hazime.
Where’s this week’s name patch?
So you don’t care whether or not something is factually correct, only that it sounds like it could be correct to you, specifically.
Do all the Spanish, French, and other European-lanugage names that don’t make sense by pure English pronunciation rules also bother you?
No, because those are different languages, not words being romanised into English in a system that doesn’t even accurately present their pronunciation, thus missing the entire point of romanisation in the first place.
Russian, Chinese, Arabic, Hindi. Name a single other romanized foreign language that entirely follows English pronunciation rules.
Just do what I do. Open it up in Aegis sub and fix it for yourself. It takes 2 minutes. There’s no point bitching, because they aren’t going to listen to you.
Could we put the kana in the subtitles instead of names, that way it’s exactly translated, and provides the same level of understanding as putting the romanizations in the subs. in fact it could help people learn characters!
You’re absolutely right; making a connection between “zi” and “ji” must be as unfathomable to English speakers as making one between “ra” and “la”!
But if you’re truly blind, what does it even matter to you?
It doesn’t, and that’s why I can offer up stupid suggestions, in the hopes that one of them gets put into use and everyone suffers and or benefits from it.
Mostly it’s just funny though. ┐(゚~゚)┌
Ignore them, mogu. You’re doing a good job and they don’t know what they’re talking about. This coming from someone else who knows Japanese!
Oh dear god, not again