This week’s delays were brought to you by real life ™, meaning someone had exams!
Incidentally, you guys should try to play real life ™ it has very nice graphics. Kinda poor AI though and the NPC usually aren’t too interesting, but what the hey, PC master race!
I kid of course, the PS4 is way better. Final Fantasy Type-0 HD will be out soon, I hope you guys are hyped, if not, you’re probably hyped for something else, like this totally adorable girl in the picture. I know altazure is, he can’t stop talking about her, and he hates talking, hence why I’m writing this post yet again.
altazure edit: Shut up, Orillion, this is why nobody lets you write release posts. I’ve tried real life ™ but I don’t like its grindiness, especially in the NPC relationship quests. At the moment, I’d rather recommend Cities: Skylines, which is the reason I’m still up this late and short on sleep tomorrow.
720p: [Doki] Saenai Heroine no Sodatekata - 08 (1280x720 Hi10P AAC) [7E578B36].mkv
480p: [Doki] Saenai Heroine no Sodatekata - 08 (848x480 h264 AAC) [BD8E29BC].mkv
[Zdm edit: FIRST!!1!1!!!!1!!]
When am I going to get my edit powers?
If you were watching this show, you’d know why we can’t stop talking about her, Orillion!
[Pikminiman edit: You get your edit powers when you hit puberty the third time. That’s also when the real meaning of FLCL becomes clear.]
[Pikminiman edit: For everyone with edit powers, let’s just have conversations within Jocko’s comments from now on.]
[Orillion edit: You have your own site!]
Thanks for the release!
Ah, real life™. It was fun when I started (while I was still low-level), but alas, right now it’s a massive grindfest of boredom. For instance, there is this establishment where you can grind for coins but it limited my ability to do explorations, I am sad 🙁
Real life™ is for casuals.
Thanks! Real life things must be done before anything else… esp. after school life…
Real life is overrated.
Thanks for the episode, has to be one of my favorite so far. Really enjoying this show too, glad you picked it up this season.
Oh and real life suxorz. No graphics options, perma-death, on-body DLC… yeah, nothankyouverymuch.
They recently implemented gender change! For additional fee.
Real life ™ would be better if it were turn-based.
And thanks! Megumi-chan forever.
THE iDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls – 08 ??
for real tho, where my cinderella girls at?