
Mangaka-san to Assistant-san to - 01

Mangaka-san to Assistant-san to - 01

Could’ve swore this was due to start late on Tuesday, so we were a bit late getting started on this πŸ™

Ero is a huge fan of the manga for this, so he’s been looking forward to this for a while! One ep in and I’m already enjoying it a lot more than WB.

Hayami Saori (Ayase from OreImouto) for Ashisu so good, her voice is hot. I also really like the ED song for this.

PS Heyman, watch this.


  • Translator: Ero_yatsu
  • Typesetting: conkerer
  • Edit/QC: loomy
  • Encoder/K-timing/Timing/PL: ixlone

HD: [Doki] Mangaka-san to Assistant-san to – 01 (1280×720 Hi10P AAC) [E1619D1B].mkv

Torrent | XDCC

SD: [Doki] Mangaka-san to Assistant-san to – 01 (848×480 h264 AAC) [B5944D02].mkv

Torrent | XDCC

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