The banner competition will end when there are sufficient submissions.
The number of banners I pick will be proportional to the number of submitted entries.
Submit by replying to this post, 1 link to a banner per reply.
And here are the technical criteria for the banners submitted to be used on the blog:
- 1240px x 250px
- .jpg or .png (preferred)
- Filesize should be reasonable.
For banners submitted to be used on the Facebook group:
- 851px x 315px
- JPEG (.jpg) with an sRGB colour profile.
- Filesize should be 100 KB to 150 KB.
And here are the criteria for characters/shows:
- Character(s) should be female. (Or at least include a female.)
- Banner must be SFW. No nudity/genitalia/hentai/etc.
- Character(s) should come from a show that Doki has done/is doing/plans to do.
- The banner should include the words “Doki Fansubs” somewhere on it.
Just some advice, the best banners not only have good design, but the logo “Doki Fansubs” also “fits” the banner, ie, it doesn’t stand out.
You may also modify and submit your banner for our facebook page. Or specifically make one for it. Please observe the FB rules.
The best 2 designs (picked by staff vote, 1 for, 1 for FB) will receive a free mousemat of their choice from my remaining mousemat stock.
Good luck.
I do not know what happened to my first attempt to post this one, but it seems to have never gotten through.
betterthanmomo xp
Hmm, if you fix that stretching, that would be a pretty good banner.
I agree, the image looks way too stretched.
I like this a lot. The size / aspect ratio will need changing though. Which is a shame because it looks sweet. I think the banners end up as 1240 X 250 pixels. It is going to be hard to get it to look as good in that aspect ratio. Good luck.
Nah, that’s a submission for the Facebook page. I’m not using Facebook so I just posted it here.
Oh Yeah. So it is. Well there you go. I’ve been coming here for a while now have only just found out Doki has a Facebook page. I don’t use facebook so hadn’t realised. What an odd size 851px × 315px.
Well, I’ll shut up then
That’s quite a smart banner there, and it works well.
This is one is really clever.
*This one is really clever
I love the banner’s, But I do not see a folder when I can see them all.
Laxx posted a reply with some of the current ones last page or so: “And for those who are interested, a little overview of all banners so far:“
i’ve posted some update for the 40th banner of mine… don’t know if u saw it so here the link again
Ma photo hebergée sur ZIMAGEZ.COM
Nice to see SAO banners, you did a good job with this one. Hopefully we’ll get a 2nd season next year too.
Don’t worry about Holo not seeing stuff, he’s likely seen everything as he’s the admin here.
A lovely Misaka for you
I can see this one being on the Doki website personally, what with Railgun being popular here lol
thx i tried my best the level is high here ^^
And yes, he saw it
for SAO I pray for a second season too! i’ve heard it’s been confirm in regard of the huge success of the anime, but u never know…. probably going to continue with Gun Gale Online
A Madoka/Homura banner
Nice. Very pleasing to the eye.
Loving this one. Homura and Madoka are so cute, especially when together. ^^
Good use of colours too.
Misaka Mikoto
I approve.
Here’s mine, although it’s very simple though..
Because the game was still on going and that i couldn’t help it…. Here’s a moe OutBreak Company banner
OutbreakCompany Banner by Forown
and here’s a FB size
OutbreakCompany FB-Banner by Forown
Here goes! I hope you like it!
Hello again! Here’s another entry. Hope its alright sending another.
I wouldn’t worry, as long as a winner hasn’t been announced you’re free to do as many as you want.
Merry Christmas.
Oh, and I can remove the “author” if doki wishes. I only kept it there to give credit to it.
Huh wow. This thing is still going on. I do like the Madoka one from earlier by the way.
Wow, clearly you have some skill there. That looks amazing.
Just another iDOLM@STER-banner I made while being rather bored
That looks pretty good, great job
K Banner by Forown
and here is a Freezing one
Freezing Banner by Forown
Some im@s Hibitaka for you guys.
Say Kotomi, when are you going to check this?! Oreimo
Since this is still going on, MOARR banners =w= Date a live
@Anyone,what software do you use for making these banners.