The banner competition will end when there are sufficient submissions.
The number of banners I pick will be proportional to the number of submitted entries.
Submit by replying to this post, 1 link to a banner per reply.
And here are the technical criteria for the banners submitted to be used on the blog:
- 1240px x 250px
- .jpg or .png (preferred)
- Filesize should be reasonable.
For banners submitted to be used on the Facebook group:
- 851px x 315px
- JPEG (.jpg) with an sRGB colour profile.
- Filesize should be 100 KB to 150 KB.
And here are the criteria for characters/shows:
- Character(s) should be female. (Or at least include a female.)
- Banner must be SFW. No nudity/genitalia/hentai/etc.
- Character(s) should come from a show that Doki has done/is doing/plans to do.
- The banner should include the words “Doki Fansubs” somewhere on it.
Just some advice, the best banners not only have good design, but the logo “Doki Fansubs” also “fits” the banner, ie, it doesn’t stand out.
You may also modify and submit your banner for our facebook page. Or specifically make one for it. Please observe the FB rules.
The best 2 designs (picked by staff vote, 1 for, 1 for FB) will receive a free mousemat of their choice from my remaining mousemat stock.
Good luck.
My attempt Bungaku Shoujo.
it´s probably photobuckets’s fault, but the image is too small
Here’s an un-resized version.
I think you have a good idea going on, it’s just not really working all that well. I like the extract though.
It’s mainly because the colour composition clashes a bit considering that there’s some yellows and reds over there which creates contrast in the composition.
Typography just looks like it’s there. At least try to make the typography wrap with the arrows? That’d be cool at least.
Good effort, and yup it is a little small ol
My attempt at Kotonoha no Niwa.
Constructive criticism welcome
Most of the banners have sharp corners. Maybe you should do the same with yours.
Your “Doki Fansubs” fits so well it’s almost difficult to find it. Dunno if it’s a good or a bad point, though.
I agree, the Doki fansubs is very difficult to find at first glance.
Now with sharp edges, Can’t do much about the visability of the logo though.
This is purely my opinion and I say this with precaution because it seems that a lot of people disagree with it.
The typography doesn’t really serve its purpose here. It only seems like you made a typeset image which then blends in with the image later.
The extracts that you used of the two on the right doesn’t really fit in all too well with just the feathering on the edges. Perhaps you can add some kind of lighting to the edges or something.
Though personally, I think it’s just the overall composition of this banner that throws me off.
The typeset image is mostly to “fill” the image somewhat, as just the background would be a bit bland, and was indeed somewhat of an afterthought. I mostly tried to make an image that I felt was a representation of the sad undertone of the story, and to capture the elements of the rain and the guy’s passion for shoes. (as those where important aspect of the story)
I’m not very good at photoshop, or that creative, so the fact that it gets criticezed like this will only help me improve in those aspects, so thank you for that. The most important thing is that I had fun working on it, that the result is a pretty image is second to that.
My personal, highly subjective oppinion:
I love the forest background, the use of the shoe sketches, and the (imo) highly clever use of the Doki logo. I disagree with the others here, I think what you did with the logo is brilliant, and personally I noticed it right away. I would like the banner much better if you chose a happier image/images of the two main characters though, but that’s just me.
To be fair, Rokudaime, art is subjective to begin with ahaha.
I could agree to some point with Rokudaime that the Doki logo is somewhat clever, but it’s not like it’s never been done before. The issue I have is that it’s not immediately noticeable (for me at least, seems different for you Rokudaime).
Also warspite, you should never bring yourself down like that. If you enjoy making it, that’s all that matters. I’ve just had my hand at this for a bit longer than most and often like giving critiques and advice. I like to think that everyone is an artist and they’ve just yet to really see it.
Woot! Banner competition time again! XD I don’t know how to make banners myself, but I love it whenever these competitions come around here at Doki, because I get to see so many great submissions! ^_^
Time for some Erio <3
Ugh, clicked the wrong file. lol.
It’s this one:
I love this. Can I get the original source?
Here you go. :3
You know honestly, I like the first one better. Nice and simple and the typography is really nice.
But the text stands out. :u
I thought people would usually go for subtle text.
I guess that depends on people’s preference. Just lowering the opacity on typography doesn’t necessarily mean that it will blend in with the composition.
The typography has to work with the composition and I think it works well with this one. It just looses its shine when the opacity is lowered. That’s just my opinion.
Well, I didn’t disagree about it looking better. I just made it less transparent because it took some focus off Erio.
dat ugly emoticon.
I agree with Balance, the text looks better in the first version.
Heh, I agree too.
I never expected to spend my evening making a banner. SAO anyone?
Hmm… link learned stealth.
I think it’s good, always nice to see a dark banner lol
Can’t wait for Season 2 too
This is not too bad. You just need to lighten up a few places such as the left part. It’s hard to tell what is Kirito’s jacket and what is the background. Add some lighting dynamics too. I think that’d make the banner much more visually appealing.
Typography could work differently too. Bring the Doki Fansubs up a bit higher (right about Asuna’s eye height) and bring the sub text (the sentence that you have up there) underneath the Doki Fansubs and have it indented a bit.
Damn, time to step my game up in PS again lol
Oh yeah, Okashi chan. I think this works.
Ugh… for some reason it has some weird dithering…
reupped… looks normal now.
Yay, time once again to bemoan my own artistic skills and appreciate the works of others.
Typography and main subject too far apart.
I made a quick one tonight for the facebook page, and will try to make it more appropriate for the homepage banner some other time
Why did this have to start the week before finals? ;_;
I wasn’t sure if the logo was too obvious, since I edited the original KM logo and didn’t want to change it
It’s gonna last for a while so no rush.
here , have some lolis
Here is my attempt its very colourful
Little Busters <3
Personally, there could have been more added to this. Such as putting in some shapes or C4Ds to add in some more depth to the overall composition. At the moment, there’s only a foreground and a background; there is no mid-ground.
Typography needs work and should not be separated like that.
100% approve! <3
This is nice. ( ¬‿¬)
It’s good, simple but effective.
( ¬‿¬)
Really doubt i’m ganna win
Some really nice one’s out there
Edit: Fixed your link.
Yours is really nice as well!
GC x GTA because why the fuck not.
Lol, nice idea!
So, another penis banner submission okay this year? :>
No! It is not.
I could always re-submit the one from last year. I still have it! :>
Back for another attempt, Shuffle this time.
Yey, SHUFFLE! I’m pretty sure you need to have “Doki Fansubs”, and not just “Doki” for the logo though.
As per request, now with added fansubs.
That actually looks kind of bad… best way to describe it… “Eye-cancer”. Perhaps adding a stroke around the “Fansubs” part?
Body-lettering seems to be popular this year. Not that I mind. >_>
Just realized you’re the one guy that submitted a lot of the banners that FFF is using now.
To be honest, your first one wasn’t working too well. It’s too difficult to really be able to tell what it’s supposed to say (unless perhaps it’s on a dark background). The second one would need a bit more work as far as typography goes. It’s a bit illegible.
I have done some banners for Doki before, but under a different name.
Alt’s alt:
Great effort, it looks good.
This is my submission (same as last year, slightly modified :P). Will try to think of something more.
I like the idea, but this could use just a bit more work. I would increase the saturation a bit, change the colour balance, and get rid of that odd border that seems to surround the banner.
If you want to get a bit more advanced, I would try to get rid of the noise on the composition. If you have it, the easiest solution would be to use Topaz Denoiser. It does wonders. Another would be to manipulate the lighting. Manual ways of doing it is getting a large brush and using different colours and setting the layers on different blending modes (such as screen, color dodge, etc).
Hope that helps. Don’t have to change anything. Just my two cents.
I suck at making things fancy, so I tend to stick to minimalistic as possible
Thanks for the advice, saturated a little bit, used Topaz Denoiser and added some lightning.
Final version:
Why are we leaving Doki Scans behind? Poor ix
I should probably topaz that a tad bit.
Simple but effective, not bad.
Oh nice, you know about Topaz.
I think you could have done so much more to this. It’s really just extract+typography (and I do like the typography). You could start with some C4Ds or some simple shapes with gradients.
I would also bring the extract and typography closer together. I feel like the shape of the typography can hug the extract pretty well. I would love to see more from this.
So Balance, will we be seeing any submissions from you this year?
Thanks! I’ll see if I can make a background that I seem to like, though I like really minimalist things, which is why I skipped making one. Not to mention I’m lazy.
Gives a warm feeling just by viewing, maybe its the fire LOL