From today on, I’m selling mousemats raise money to cover some costs of fansubbing not covered by the donations. (Mainly kotomi server and domain hosting fees)
Unfortunately, I was not able to get all the custom mousemats printed, because they wouldn’t let me print single ones, and only in bulk.
So here’s what’s available for sale:
The majority of the mousemats for sale can be found here. I have 5 copies of each of these, so I expect this batch to last a while (hopefully!). I will remove the image from the set once it is sold out, so if you see an image in the set, assume that it is in stock. If they become sold out and I don’t have time to update Flickr, then first come first serve applies! I will be around very often though, so this scenario is unlikely. Update: at this time, 13 have been completely sold out. 47 remain in various quantities.
I also have some larger mousemats here. Because I wasn’t sure how popular these would be, I didn’t stock many, since they were more expensive to get. There is only 1 copy of each mousemat here. As soon as someone orders them, I will remove the image from the set. Update: at this time, only 1 out of 40 remain.
The final batch of 22cm mousemats can be found here. I only have one of each! Update: All sold out.
24cm Mousemat
Buy 1 = 7.00 GBP each
Buy 2-3 = 6.50 GBP each
Buy 4-5 = 6.00 GBP each
Buy 6+ = 5.50 GBP each (The postage might be a bit hefty for outside UK, if the weight exceeds 1kg, which it might!)
22cm Mousemat
Since they’re a bit smaller, starting price is 6.50 GBP (not 7).
30cm Mousemat
10 GBP each
Payment Methods:
A direct bank transfer would be preferred if you’re in the UK or EU.
If that’s not convenient for you, I also accept Paypal. Be aware that Paypal may deduct a fee (like always), so you may have to send a little more.
I would prefer payment in GBP (UK Pounds). If your Paypal is unable to convert your local currency into GBP before sending to me, I will accept USD or Euros (Google exchange rate applies). Do let me know in your email if you are unable to pay in GBP.
Generally speaking, postage is cheapest for UK, a little bit more for Europe, and a bit more for rest of the world.
Bear in mind that each 24cm mousemat is ~100-150g and the 30cm mousemats are double that.
My estimate on postage is:
UK: 1.50 GBP for 1 mousemat (24cm)
Europe: 2.50 GBP for 1 mousemat (24cm)
Rest of the world: 3 GBP for 1 mousemat (24cm)
Obviously if you get more than 1 mousemat, the postage per mat will drop considerably, especially if sending outside the UK.
Free Momo Sticker:
Orders over 50 GBP will get a free one!
1. Post a comment below, in this post, saying which ones you would like to buy. This is so that other people browsing can get an idea of what’s been sold or not. Post the file name of the image, for example: CLANNAD-M01 or IMG_0606. There’s no need to post a link to the file! Your comment may get flagged as spam if you post links. Please include a valid email address (it will only be seen by me, and isn’t public)
2. Send an email to me at, with “mousemat” in the title of your message, from the email address you wrote in the comment earlier. In your message, tell me the file name of the image of the mousemats that you want to buy. You may include a link to the image if you want. Also include an address that you want the items posted to! Make sure you include your country! Also let me know how you would like to pay.
You MUST send me an email after posting a comment. If I don’t get an email off a commenter 24 hours after the comment is posted, the mousemats will be free for others to buy.
3. If you have any questions about anything, you may either comment below or email me.
4. Once I receive your email in my inbox, I will respond to you and assign you with an order number. I will also edit your comment on the blog and add in the order number. I will reply to you by email telling you what the total amount to pay will be.
5. Once I receive your payment, I will email you again telling you that payment has been received and when I plan to post the items.
6. After I have sent them in the post, I will send you a final email.
Finally, I’d like to thank everyone who will be purchasing these mousemats. Your support is greatly appreciated!
UPDATE: I am posting 10 orders a day (ones that I have received money for). If you have not been emailed with an order number yet, it’s because I’ve not gone that far yet. But rest assured, if you have eamiled me with an order, it will be reserved for you unless I email you otherwise.
where can you see the images of the mousemats?
Read the main post, specifically the blue text. Also the 2 paragraphs above.
Would like to purchase TLR-M01
30cm IMG_0569
If they’re available.
I would like to buy both Zero no Tsukaima mouse pads please and thank you.
Would like to purchase:
I’m sorry but i will be cancel the order AB-M02
My order will be the remaining item (TLR-M02) Thanks!
If you haven’t done so already, you need to email Holo to confirm your request. As per the notice above.
I did and it’s already been taken care of. Thanks!
That’s great.
Hi, I would like to buy the FSN-M93 and K-ON-M02 mousepads!
please and thank you!
Can I buy the OREIMO-M04 mousmat as well?
thank you!
IMG_0578 and ZNT-M01 please.
I would like to purchase FSN-M01. Thanks!
I would like to purchase CLANNAD-M03
Indecisiveness kicks rofl
Change my order completely and have chosen SAO-M01 and HARUHI-M03 sorry about that!
K-ON-M02 please
NAKAIMO-M01 & FSN-M02 for me please
2. MSLN-M03
3. SHANA-M01
aww all sold out : [
Plenty of 24cm left.
It might be worth you setting up a streamlined post at some point, to reignite interest and to make it clear how many of which are left. It might help.
the one with lala and haruka (30cm)
nevermind scratch that i changed my mind don’t want it anymore
terribly sorry.
at this time are there any left?
@Pathfinder, it isn’t that complicated if een a 16 year old like me could order them within minutes.
Wow that’s a pretty complicated set of instructions to buy something.
Well if there is anything left in a couple months maybe I’ll be able to buy something. I don’t have any spare money anymore.
Good luck holo! I’ll be out here keeping tabs on doki every so often. love ya!
They’re not really complicated if you read what he wrote in the main post. It basically says.
1. State what you want on here.
2. Email Holo
3. Wait for response.
4. Pay
5. Wait for the stuff to arrive
Not too complicated to be done certainly, but I need an reason to not buy one.
Regardless I came back with the intention of making an impulse buy, really re-thinking it now that I’ve had time to think about it…
I really want one, but dang I need to invest every penny in my business. Who knows where that missing little amount will end up biting me… argh!
I know for sure there will be none left in a month or three when I’m rolling in enough profits to be able to spend money though they’re selling pretty fast, which is good for doki, but it was like 3 years since the last time mats were being sold.
Timing of fate is almost never right for me.
(and I don’t mean that literally, as I was hoping to buy kanon m-02, haruhi-m03 and higurashi m-01)
On a more serious note though I’ll bet if holo made a regular shop for business like this it could make some note worthy money.
kanon m-02, haruhi-m03 and higurashi m-01 are currently in stock right now. You could always reserve them now and pay me later (as long as you give me a definitive date of doing so, lol)
Yay I got them! I’m in NZ, so it was from England to NZ. 5 days across a couple of continents, not bad.
Well made, about as good as the standard black ones I find in office stores, if not better. They’re exactly the same as the photos. Definitely better than buying a blank mousemat in an office supplies retailer. I have some custom mousemats I bought online and they weren’t as good. That brand new rubber smell annoys though.
As a side note, if you’re selling them again I suggest giving more preference to images that are very bright and with lots of lightning because in my case they were the mousemats that looked better.
I liked the Momo sticker too, the mousemat packing got torn off on the way here and the sticker was inside an unglued envelop so I was afraid it slipped out. I think you should’ve taped it, or put it inside of one of the mousemats bags, since they can be sealed.
They are definitely good for rubbing against your face. I’m not the only one that did, right..?
lol I haven’t tried that but the smell would bother me, so I’d refrain from doing so. The material is good; it feels resistant. I’ve been using one for a few hours and they’re definitely comfy. I bought many so I’m considering using some of them as a desk-mat.
It’s good that they arrived for you fine though. Personally I think polythene mailing bags would of been easier to send them in, as they’re water resistant and hard wearing. But as they arrived safe for you anyway, its a moot point lol
Well, the mousemats themselves were individually wrapped in resealable transparent plastic bags. It was just the main paper packing holding everything that got torn off, which had me worried something could’ve slipped out. Anyway I think Holo should charge extra for shipping if it was needed for better peace of mind in case there are three or more mousemats. The courier was probably rough on it too, since it’s basically their standard procedure.
Ah I understand, speaking of couriers, there was a report on TV about one here in England where staff threw around/kicked peoples parcels. Dreadful stuff lol
The paper envelope was already the “tough” kind, so I thought it was sufficient. Didn’t expect the courier to be that tough with it, lol. Incidentally, I spent about £40 buying all the envelopes, lol.
£40? Wow. Maybe get a single tough plastic bag for all of them? I don’t know if that would make a difference, I have no idea of packing prices in the UK.
It depends on what you want to go for in all honesty. Shops like poundland sell a few padded envelopes for a pound but the quality isn’t great. Other stores like Co Op sell polythene mailing bags for over a pound for 4-5.
Where as if you go to a proper stationary store you’re looking at 60p-£1.20 per envelope. I pretty much always pay the extra for proper stuff.
Then again I have no idea of the prices in London, I live like 120 miles ish northward lol
Paid £5 for a pack of 10 hard backed envelopes. Bought like 6-7 packs of varying sizes, and for people ordering 10+, I bought special big envelopes separately.
Rats, been away and missed out. Given that that venture was so popular, any chance it might happen again soonish?
People really ought to read this referring to the 24cm mousemats:
“Update: at this time, 13 have been completely sold out. 47 remain in various quantities”.
Unless of course given the benefit of the doubt, you wanted a one of a kind 22cm or 30cm mousemats with the latter still having a single mousemat available.
You didn’t miss out, you can still order some if you follow the instructions.
‘It was just the main paper packing holding everything that got torn off, which had me worried something could’ve slipped out.’
This happened to me too. I wonder what the mailman was thinking.
Sometimes they don’t think, I put it down more to them being overworked if anything. Here in England the Royal Mail seem to like sacking staff to cut costs and then expect existing staff to do more work for the same money, almost feel sorry for them lol
I’ve had my fair share of issues, such as parcels being left on the doorstep, or wet post(Can’t be helped if it rains lol), bad when I have a Neo mag delivered lol
I would like to buy FSN-M03 please.
I’m going to assume when you say “remove the image from the set” once sold out you mean that I can still see the image if I browse all photos you uploaded, and therefore I can’t get other ones I wanted (SAO ;_;). Thank you~
You will need to send Holo an email if you haven’t done already and wait for his response.
Where in my original comment might I have hinted I can’t follow directions?
Yeah that’s right. You can see everything that I’ve uploaded but they won’t be in the “set”.
id like to buy: