
Advance Notice: Raising Money in August

In August, I will once again be selling mousemats, as I did a couple of years ago, to help with some of the costs of servers (and other fansubbing related costs, domains, etc) not covered by donations. I recall that there was a huge demand for it last time. I only had about 20 up for sale, and they were all snapped up within 12 hours of me posting.

This time, I will be more prepared, hence this advanced notice. I will have a lot more for sale, and should be able to cater to far more people than last time.

The way I’m going to sell them will be the same as last time, except that I may have more of a variety this time. I haven’t decided the final prices, but normal mousemats will probably go for £6 this time, and padded mousemats (boobs etc) will sell a for a bit more. People may even be able to request their own character designs on the mousemats.

I would prefer some sort of online bank transfer to avoid Paypal fees, but that might only be available for UK and EU people. Failing that, Paypal is always an option.

As with last time, I will post anywhere in the world that Royal Mail lets me. Postage will be come in 3 tiers. UK postage will be cheapest, followed by EU, followed by rest of the world.
Obviously there will be discounts in postage if people buy more than 1 mousemat.

I will have multiple copies of mousemats from many series, as well as custom designs (requested by you). Custom designs are only available for normal mousemats (I don’t think I can get custom padded ones).
I may be able to sell other stuff as well (not just mousemats), but we’ll have to see what I can get my hands on!

Comment below to register your interest!

155 comments to Advance Notice: Raising Money in August

  • Akane-chan

    Is this a bidding thing or do I just need to get lucky and be on right when you post them?

    Regardless, will buy any Misaka or Kud mousepads

    • This is just a FYI. I will be making more posts later. The next post will be me giving a list of what series/characters I will try to get, as well as the opportunity for people to set me images for custom mousemats. After that I’ll post again when I am ready to sell with further info on the selling process.

  • People asking for Clannad and Little Busters mousepads? Ya’ll got good taste!

  • Hisao Nakai

    Any Mousepad featuring Kotomi from Clannad would be absolutely perfect

  • Chris

    I am holding a special intrest in these mouse pads Love the Hidan No Aria. Hope to see some Date A Live pads

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