In August, I will once again be selling mousemats, as I did a couple of years ago, to help with some of the costs of servers (and other fansubbing related costs, domains, etc) not covered by donations. I recall that there was a huge demand for it last time. I only had about 20 up for sale, and they were all snapped up within 12 hours of me posting.
This time, I will be more prepared, hence this advanced notice. I will have a lot more for sale, and should be able to cater to far more people than last time.
The way I’m going to sell them will be the same as last time, except that I may have more of a variety this time. I haven’t decided the final prices, but normal mousemats will probably go for £6 this time, and padded mousemats (boobs etc) will sell a for a bit more. People may even be able to request their own character designs on the mousemats.
I would prefer some sort of online bank transfer to avoid Paypal fees, but that might only be available for UK and EU people. Failing that, Paypal is always an option.
As with last time, I will post anywhere in the world that Royal Mail lets me. Postage will be come in 3 tiers. UK postage will be cheapest, followed by EU, followed by rest of the world.
Obviously there will be discounts in postage if people buy more than 1 mousemat.
I will have multiple copies of mousemats from many series, as well as custom designs (requested by you). Custom designs are only available for normal mousemats (I don’t think I can get custom padded ones).
I may be able to sell other stuff as well (not just mousemats), but we’ll have to see what I can get my hands on!
Comment below to register your interest!
When you get them take some pics of all the various designs!! I could always use a nice mousepad
Two important questions;
1) what material are they printed on, light foam, or a decent heavy rubber? I dislike light foam mats.
2) what size are they?
They are some kind of foam. I wouldn’t say they were “light” foam, because once you’re using it, you can’t really push it around with your mouse unless you were pushing the mat itself.
Size: 230 x 190 x 5 (mm)
I am very interested in something, probably Haruhi or Clannad, but I’m sure you will have plenty of those.
I’d like to purchase a few of them if the mousemats including the padded ones is my liking.
I’d do a bank transfer but are you able to mail it to Malaysia (what’s the cost like?) as I am not in UK during August.
If its cheap enough then its ok if not I’d probably have you mail them to my neighbour.
If that happen since I am gonna to purchase padded ones how’s the packaging look like so that my neighbour don’t actually know about my “padded” purchase -_-;
Postage to Malaysia would cost more than to UK.
They’ll come in a generic brown envelope, so your neighbour can’t see what’s inside.
I’m interested in a mouse pad. What do you guys got right now and how much to US shipped? I really do need one since my old one is crap now.
I think it’l probably cost Holo a few pounds to send to you should you buy. This of course includes the packaging and him posting it to you, which sounds fair.
That’s not bad, so I’m in.
They are not for sale until August. US shipping would be around £4 for 1 mousemat, and postage would be reduced if you bought more than 1.
Sounds interesting. I’ll check it out when you get your standard designs up for looks.
Here you have a insta-buyer
You’ll ship to spain too I hope.
I was wondering what the designs are?
I haven’t got them yet. You’ll find out in mid-July!
I would be extremely interested in this. =)
I wouldn’t be able to pay using Paypal, sadly, because due to some changes they made, the prepaid cards I use are no longer usable with them… It’d be my first time doing a bank transfer, so not exactly sure how that would work out, but definitely interested. XD
Sure I might be interested.
Yes, yes, yes!Very interested. Too bad we can’t get custom padded though ):
I’m definitely interested in this.
Definitely interested, assuming I manage to get some money by August (I don’t have a job at the moment). Completely broke now after all those Saber figures I bought lol. But oh man…I have so many different custom designs I would like to have, I don’t know which ones to choose…
Ouch, guess the dealers at the con you went too really did a number on your funds lol
They did indeed. I bought like 4 Saber figures (Fate/stay night|Fate/Zero) lol.
And a Gilgamesh figure (same series. Was missing a part, so it’s useless…), a sword (which was destroyed during transport…), and a bunch of manga. I was rather unfortunate with some of my goods…
Sounds like a good time to invest in a new one. Mine is starting to fall apart and getting black stuff everywhere…
I know what you mean. I’m looking for a job at the moment too and blew the rest of what I could have used on the new issues of NyanType and Megami.
but hopefully I’ll find some spare change for at least one. It just that some things need to be gotten. 
very interested in a mouse pad! looking for super sonico or passion star stream twinkle crusaders!
Holo, plz to get me Shana and Aria mousemat. ( ¬‿¬)
Custom designs mousemats it’s sound good =), how much to Indonesia shipped? XD
I’m super interested in these!! Would love a Saya or Rea one!!
I’m interested. ^_^ Looking forward to seeing what the series are too.
I’m so in on this. My mousepad is so worn out.
There’s way too many characters I like so I’m sure if you make any popular ones I’ll find something I like.
Nanofate or Key(Any characters from Air, Kanon, Clannad, Little Busters) requested though.
My funds should have recovered from father’s day by August quite easily.
I’m gonna come up with a list of all the series/characters/designs that I’m going to stock soon.
Surely interested! Would be nice if something from AngelBeats, with it’s logo, with Kanade and Otonashi!
would love to see a Koneko design :3
also, how much would shipping cost to Philippines?
ill be sure to buy a few custom ones and if you get some nice oppai ones from recent shows ill be sure to buy some too ^^
ill be using paypal ofcourse so hope that isn’t too much of an issue.
Definitely interested.
Would be keen on something from Clannad, SAO or To Love-Ru.
New Zealand buyer here.