
Advance Notice: Raising Money in August

In August, I will once again be selling mousemats, as I did a couple of years ago, to help with some of the costs of servers (and other fansubbing related costs, domains, etc) not covered by donations. I recall that there was a huge demand for it last time. I only had about 20 up for sale, and they were all snapped up within 12 hours of me posting.

This time, I will be more prepared, hence this advanced notice. I will have a lot more for sale, and should be able to cater to far more people than last time.

The way I’m going to sell them will be the same as last time, except that I may have more of a variety this time. I haven’t decided the final prices, but normal mousemats will probably go for £6 this time, and padded mousemats (boobs etc) will sell a for a bit more. People may even be able to request their own character designs on the mousemats.

I would prefer some sort of online bank transfer to avoid Paypal fees, but that might only be available for UK and EU people. Failing that, Paypal is always an option.

As with last time, I will post anywhere in the world that Royal Mail lets me. Postage will be come in 3 tiers. UK postage will be cheapest, followed by EU, followed by rest of the world.
Obviously there will be discounts in postage if people buy more than 1 mousemat.

I will have multiple copies of mousemats from many series, as well as custom designs (requested by you). Custom designs are only available for normal mousemats (I don’t think I can get custom padded ones).
I may be able to sell other stuff as well (not just mousemats), but we’ll have to see what I can get my hands on!

Comment below to register your interest!

155 comments to Advance Notice: Raising Money in August

  • SirMelonpan

    Sign me up for a padded Asuka in a Q plugsuit. You’re bloody cheap, by the way. Something like £20 would have still been fine for a custom made mouse pad.

  • deadman80

    Got a bunch of questions for you ^^;;
    Not sure if the timing will work out, but if I can get them in time to sell at a local anime con, then I might be interested in placing a bulk order.

    Will there be any discount or restrictions for large orders?
    If you can accept a bulk order, do they all have to be the same design?

    Do you have any sources for resalable artwork? (Particularly for the “padded” pads.) Official/licensed artwork has a good chance of getting me banned for 5 years if I get caught selling it, so I would prefer fanart of some sort. Any chance you can post/email the current image choices?

    Sorry for all the question marks, but I was already looking into getting some custom pads made to sell at the con. If I can make money AND support one of my favorite fansubber groups, even better ^_^

    • Discount/restrictions on large orders: Define “large”? I may not have hundreds to sell, lol. But no, I don’t plan on placing any restrictions and if you were to buy 10+, I will do a small discount.

      Bulk orders won’t necessarily have to be the same design. I haven’t really thought about “licensed artwork”, as such. The mousemats posted in the screenshot above are examples of what they would look like. Would you say they were official? I wouldn’t really know the distinction.

  • Beskidy

    Will you have a mousepad with Momo? If yes, I’ll definitely take her!

  • MoodForADay

    If you’re already accepting requests I want:

    Padded Konohana Lucia;
    Padded Saber: NERO CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVGVSTVS GERMANICVS, because Ecclesiastic Latin is for fags…
    …and for the clergy as the name implies;
    Padded Tokisaki Kurumi;
    Nagato Yuki.

    For padded, would you be offering “normal” padded mats instead of boobie mats? I’d like a mousemat that leaves people thinking of me as childish rather than as a pervert. =P

    If you’re not able to accept requests I’ll be quite happy to get some other mousemats.

    It makes me feel guilty, since I never donated to Doki even though it’s my favourite fansub and I could use some of this money to donate to you directly. It seems by some calculations you’re always paying extra out of your own pockets but I don’t quite understand the monthly donation statements.

    • Requests are only for normal (flat) mousemats.
      I don’t think I’ll be able to get custom padded (boobie) mats. But we’ll see.

      The donations basically cover 1 server only, and here I am raising money for other fansubbing related costs, like other smaller servers/domain names/etc. Running a fansub groups gets quite expensive, especially if you’ve been doing it for years, lol.

      • MoodForADay

        Hmm… Still I want Lucia and Yuki custom mousemats. Anyway I’ll wait for the actual ordering topic. It’s very likely the mousemats designs which will be chosen by you end up better than the images I got.

        Yeah, well then I hope the sales of the mats cover these costs. Personally I wouldn’t have expected to be so much before looking into them.

  • unnamed02023

    where can i choose the mousemats? i only saw 1 picture in here.

  • pstevo123

    I am keen for more then one once designs are announced or finalized details are listed.
    Living In Australia may cause a bit more of a postage fee so might as well go for more then one.
    Doki has helped me watch so much so its a great idea to both give to the fans of the site and to help out the site.

  • Stefl1504

    Staffer demands mousemat now ;P

    Anyway, depending on what you have to offer, I claim general interest 😀

  • Mistborn

    I am interested. That said, what are the chances of a Tsukiko mat? (I know you don’t sub that show, but I had to ask :P)

  • OtakuMage

    Asuna in her Knights of Blood armor, flat style mousepad, is what I’d like to see. If that’s not an option, I’ll have to wait and see what the list says when you pick them.

    Also, shipping to the US is going to be expensive, but good stuff from good people is worth it.

  • Lynwalk

    If you are going for personal requests then I’d want a normal mat with Horo from Spice & Wolf.

  • konflakes

    Definitely interested in a normal Railgun mouse mat. Sign me up 🙂

  • Geth

    If you are taking requests, then i would enjoy a Spice and Wolf, Clannad, and/or Ah! my Goddess related ones for the normal ones ^^

  • Trinity

    Sounds great and my mat is old as hell. Time for a change. Sign me up 🙂

  • Bryan

    I hereby express my interest ^^

  • Ferr-y

    I’d probably kill someone for some K-ON! ones.

  • rawr

    I wouldn’t mind a haruhi themed one. Maybe a good kyon facepalm at her ridiculous?

  • DeadPidgey

    I’d be interested on a To Love Ru normal mouse mat 🙂

  • ComingWestertree

    Can you estimate how much EU postage would be?
    I would like one of Misaka Mikoto doing a railgun shot =D
    I can pay by bank transfer if that’s ok.

  • unnamed02023

    OK. i looking forward to see it.
    will check regularly .

  • Spike_2416

    I would love to get some from Angel Beats!

  • Dentou

    I would be interested in 1 or 2.
    Chihayafuru, Lucky Star, A Channel or Haganai would be cool.

  • Cydders

    I have no doubt whatsoever that there’ll be Clannad mousemats, but the question is… will there be a Botan mousemat?!
    If not, consider this a request ^^ now to find a good image…

    …also puhi!

  • mazuko

    Wow hard to think it was almost 3 years ago you sold mouse mats. Honestly felt like last year lol.

  • Irie Naoki

    I’d love for either Misaka Shiori from Kanon 2006 or Chitanda Eru from Hyouka.

  • Alb A9A9

    would you be willing to do playmats for children’s card games?
    also are you makeing them or are you getting them cheap from someplace/someone?

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