In August, I will once again be selling mousemats, as I did a couple of years ago, to help with some of the costs of servers (and other fansubbing related costs, domains, etc) not covered by donations. I recall that there was a huge demand for it last time. I only had about 20 up for sale, and they were all snapped up within 12 hours of me posting.
This time, I will be more prepared, hence this advanced notice. I will have a lot more for sale, and should be able to cater to far more people than last time.
The way I’m going to sell them will be the same as last time, except that I may have more of a variety this time. I haven’t decided the final prices, but normal mousemats will probably go for £6 this time, and padded mousemats (boobs etc) will sell a for a bit more. People may even be able to request their own character designs on the mousemats.
I would prefer some sort of online bank transfer to avoid Paypal fees, but that might only be available for UK and EU people. Failing that, Paypal is always an option.
As with last time, I will post anywhere in the world that Royal Mail lets me. Postage will be come in 3 tiers. UK postage will be cheapest, followed by EU, followed by rest of the world.
Obviously there will be discounts in postage if people buy more than 1 mousemat.
I will have multiple copies of mousemats from many series, as well as custom designs (requested by you). Custom designs are only available for normal mousemats (I don’t think I can get custom padded ones).
I may be able to sell other stuff as well (not just mousemats), but we’ll have to see what I can get my hands on!
Comment below to register your interest!
So about how much will it cost to ship something to the US?
Around £4 or $6 I guess, depends on weight of course. I think the more you buy, the cheaper it is (per mousemat).
I’ll provide more details after doing some research later. But I remember from last time that the pricing wasn’t too expensive. I sent a lot of them to the US.
So it is about $6 per mat and another $6 to ship?
Actually around $9-10 per mousepad converted from the British Pound.
Okay. Thanks for the info.
Wallet, Brace Yourself. Mousemats are coming.
August you say eh. *Booking one flight to Europe in August*
Me, me!
I’ll definitely be getting a Tinkle art mousepad if you can chose your own design.
nice, I need a real mousemat anyways. up until now I used some piece of plastic flooring(doing its job good, but it´s not looking appealing)
Count me in for a Misaka Mikoto mousepad!
Count me in. I just want to see what you will have before I decide. Especially if you get any Taiga ones or Alice from Kami-sama no Memo-chou ones.
Where are you shipping from? By the very slim chance that I might be living in the same country as you.
I ship from UK.
Well then that’d be very far from me. O well nvm then. Good luck with the mousepad sales =D
Do you have just a Misaka mousepad available?
Also, can you bring back a Mio from K-On! mousepad?
Please post the cost for 1 mousepad and prices for more than 1 mousepads including postage to the USA.
What’s the estimated delivery time?
What delivery options are available?
What payment type do you accept? Paypal?
Too many questions, though the payment type is probably a good one. Paypal I would assume?
For USA, Paypal is probably the best. I am not sure how internatioanl bank transfers work. Delivery time would probably be 3-5 days by Royal Mail (Airmail).
i’m interested !
though i have to ask, are we able to make personal requests ?
i’m happy to pay extra on seeing Victorique and Kujou from GOSICK on my mousepad
You will be able to, yeah. Later on, I will be accepting images that I will get printed onto mousemats.
really cant wait will most for sure buy some> All I can say is post it and I will buy.
I’m interested, Will you be taking like a pre-order thing or are you just going make X number and if we don’t get in on time they will all sell out?
I don’t quite know how many I will get. Though I will get enough proportional to all the comments here to make sure I will have enough and not sell out within hours.
It’s hard to “pre-order” when you don’t know what ones I am going to get, lol. Though you could “pre-order” by thinking about custom mousemats, and have images ready for me.
Depending on what you have I may be interested…
Family Shot of Clannad and/or Usagi Drop be neat Ether way I would be interested and it is going to a good cause so long as i can snatch one up before the 12-24 hour window that they all will last.
Count me in, 2-4 at least. Personal requests would be awesome too.
I’d probably be interested. Misaka or Shana are the too characters I’d probably go for.
Damn it. Now I’m thinking Asuna or Horo. Too many possibilities. Expect me to get two of them. Will have to make a final decision on the content though. Hmm…
I’ll take a few i think
I’d definitely be down for something.
Participated last time and depending on the content, I would gladly participate this time.
Since it’s shipping from the UK… Count me in! August too, good timing, I’ll be able to spend my money then! Sure I already have a Razer mouse mat but, who needs that when you have… Oh god I don’t know what I want! Question though, how much would UK Shipping be and what method (First class, second class etc.)?
UK will probably be First Class large letter or packet, depending on how mny you buy, lol.
Depending on what you have and what the final price + postage to “the rest of the world” is, I could buy 1~2.
I’ll be willing to buy some. Just hope the postage to the US won’t be that bad. Personal request would be very nice I have to admit.
I would love to help contribute to the site and team. Can’t wait to see the mouse pads. I going to try and buy a few.
If there´s a design I like, I´m in.
Would you do custom images? Anime related images of course. If so (or even not), I’ll probably be buying 2-3. Maybe more if some of my friends want some. Maybe I’ll finally be able to get a Miku Oppai or even Nymph Oppai as well as other fun flat ones.
Yep, I will take custom requests. You give me a image, I’ll get it onto a mousemat. (Has to be SFW though!)
Of course it will be! Gotta keep it somewhat family safe!
>(Has to be SFW though!)