Sankarea BDs continue…
HD: [Doki] Sankarea – Vol 5 (1920×1080 Hi10P BD FLAC)
- [Doki] Sankarea – 09 (1920×1080 Hi10P BD FLAC) [143381B2].mkv
- [Doki] Sankarea – 10 (1920×1080 Hi10P BD FLAC) [69BC4880].mkv
HD: [Doki] Sankarea – Vol 5 (1280×720 Hi10P BD AAC)
- [Doki] Sankarea – 09 (1280×720 Hi10P BD AAC) [786C4C0F].mkv
- [Doki] Sankarea – 10 (1280×720 Hi10P BD AAC) [BC5DD6CC].mkv
SD: [Doki] Sankarea – Vol 5 (848×480 h264 BD AAC)
- [Doki] Sankarea – 09 (848×480 h264 BD AAC) [70B7498E].mkv
- [Doki] Sankarea – 10 (848×480 h264 BD AAC) [D5F3A62C].mkv
Thanks for the release! Just two more after this?
4 more.
Episodes? Or releases?
Thanks for the episodes!
YESYESYES Thanks! Hopefully the rest is coming soon *cross fingers*
oh look sankarea… how about hanasaku iroha, anything besides soon™?
With how often you use that as a (worthless) reply, it should be Doki’s new slogan lol. -_-
what about zombie? stopped @ that corrupt episode? soon™?
It’s about damn time! How long are we gonna have to wait for the final volume?
You took the words right outta my mouth xP Hopefully we can see a release of the rest of the BD’s sooner than soon™
Few episodes to go… Thanks!
I saw a complete (til ep. 12) release from [Kuroi-Nozomi](who is this group anyway >.>) on some random forum, but I still want to wait for your release of the final episodes. I know it’s dumb to ask for ETAs, but could you give a rough estimation whether vol 6 is released in the near future or soon™?
Waiting for a sub group to release stuff always reminds me of the police trying to catch a mothafking criminal: could be tomorrow, could as well be in 2 years.
Seems like there is a missing line in episode 9 at around the 2:59 mark. I’ve tried viewing the episode on both MPC-HC and VLC and both of them confirm for me that something is missing. Could you look into it?
Already spotted it, and a TS mistake.
Fixed both already… will supply patch when I batch it.
keep going….
Remember in the Clannad releases when you said Lucky Star was coming soon™? That was a good one
srslytho, thanks for these.
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3
comment section tl;dr: soon™
Lol. Indeed. 4 times in the same post.
So soon™