Raise your hand if you saw this coming o/
Doki’s “winter show” of this year.
Cure Credits:
- PL/Encoder: Cure TheThing
- TL: Cure jakeman95
- TLC: Cure mit
- Timer: Cure himie
- K-Timer and kfx: Cure jakeman95, Cure himie and Cure TheThing
- Edit/QC: Cure Lucidity
[18 01:15] <&Lucidity> dat precure OST
[18 01:15] <&Lucidity> so damn good
[18 01:15] <&Lucidity> I was deceived by cute little girls on cover ┓(゚ペ;)┏
Update: v2 are out.
720p: [Doki] DokiDoki! Precure - 01v2 (1280x720 Hi10P AAC) [7DF258F9].mkv
480p: [Doki] DokiDoki! Precure - 01v2 (848x480 h264 AAC) [A02F631C].mkv
Needs more Doki.
Doki x 3
Everyone is on the precure bandwagon this year. I don’t know which group to follow!
I watch doremi’s doki doki precure.
>Doki’s “winter show” of this year.
um… you DO realise that Precure last throughout the year for at least 48 episodes, right? It’s not just a winter show.
That is why we waited a few weeks to decide if we were really up to the challenge of a 48 episode series.
Aaand we started it in winter… So “winter show” ┐( ̄ー ̄)┌
It’ll also be “spring”, “summer” and “fall”! DokiDoki all over the year \o/
Yes we are fully aware of this, we are all big precure fans.
I’d just like to put it on record that regardless of what anybody else says. I am not.
i meant the precure team not you teg
I just don’t understand the love for Precure among grown-up men…Even if I was a complete lolicon, I still wouldn’t be able to watch this…I mean it’s not just a girly show, it’s not just a kiddy show, IT’S A GIRLY KIDDY SHOW! ಠДಠ The OST’s are cool though…
OST’s are EPIC!!! If you listen to them without knowing from which show they are, you’d never be able to guess it lol
Seriously, my favorite will have to be Heartcatch. Exceedingly brilliant series that, in my opinion, is a gem amongst all the Precure series. Great characters, action scenes, humor and just all round phenomenal. Don’t let your prejudices get the better of you and try one episode out for yourself.
BTW, the official demographic for Precure, according to Toei, is:
Boys: 16~18, 19~22, 23~30, 31~35
Girls: 4~6, 7~9, 10~12
I’m not joking.
what is this show? any other previous seasons to it, I notice doki likes to pick things up on seasons after the first.
You don’t have to watch any of the previous Precure series to enjoy this one.
Or to don’t enjoy/hate this one
There are 9 other seasons… though, only the first 2 are really related to each other. The rest are independent and stand on their own.
so like power rangers with alot of different seasons nothing to do with eachother, only there if you want to see them? Everything is explained in this season, not leaving me with questions as to terminology and whatnot that is explianed in other seasons?
Exactly! And even more similar to the power rangers that each season has an “All Star” movie where all previous precure show up. But you don’t need to watch anything old for the show everything is explained there.
So magical Girl power rangers…… sounds interesting enough to give it a try
Minor correction: it’s not only series 1&2 that are linked, but 4&5 too
Protip: Precure is (mostly) 30fps, not 24. Please don’t decimate it to 24.
I know, I just realized this after I finished 01 – 02 -_- I will be doing a v2
later this weektomorrow to fix that.Really sorry about it :<
I’m not sure I understand. You’re already 2 weeks late. I’m pretty sure it can wait.
We did each episode in it’s own week but we didn’t release until now to wait and see if we could keep up the weekly schedule. Encodes were done long ago and got the tip that it’s 30fps after everything was done and ready for release.
That’s what I get for encoding on auto-mode and not actually “checking the contents” xD
And, what, no one watched them?
You do possess eyes, don’t you? It’s kind of obvious.
But whatever, if your leechers enjoy downloading 500mb episodes twice because you couldn’t wait until the encodes were done properly before you released, that’s your call.
Aww, Xythar, always with the positive comments ^^ how I’ve missed you.
Herkz, when I was doing the encoding, I only really checked one scene that was constantly on the move, the ED. I really don’t have to explain how dumb that move was (ED being done in a completely different framerate than the rest of the show and etc).
Anyways, it’s encoding now and I should have rest of the stuff out tomorrow.
these comments are pretty funny, considering no one at commie cared enough to check the first 10 seconds of Boku no Imouto wa Osaka Okan 01, because otherwise you would have found out you decimated a 30p show.
Everyone can make mistakes, it’s part of life ^_^
Why do you guys keep starting projects when you’re many months behind on the ones you’ve already picked up?
So glad you asked.
Kokoro Connect 13 is at QC and 14 – 17 are temporarily on hold until we find a raw that’s acceptable.
KoiChoco is nearing its end with only few episodes left and most of the scripts nearing completion.
Chibi is on time.
And most of the BD projects are stalled on other people.
Well, out of the ones I have been waiting for forever, I know the status of Lucky Star and Clannad AS BD’s, and I have some idea about the Toradora and SYD BD’s, but…For the love of god, can somebody tell me why that 1 FRIGGIN OVA of Valkyria 3 has been delayed for such an insane amount of time? ಠ_ಠ Find out who’s responsible and give him a kick behind and tell him to get to work on it, and if he refuses, get somebody else to do it. It’s 1 OVA, finishing it should be EASY! Even though Lucky Star has been so long in the making, I’m not annoyed about that one, since I know Holo is busy, and there is a good reason for the delays. With Valkyria though, it just seems like pure laziness and endless stalling for no good reason… -_-
This won’t make me finish those faster
I mean SYD and Valkyria
Damn you…There should be a limit to how much one person should be allowed to stall something for no other reason than just being lazy… -_-
The day TheThing releases something without needing a v2 will be a day that… well.. actually.. It’ll probably never exist…
It is not this day!
Meanwhile, Smile Precure at Chihiro…
And you didn’t even finish Smile… xD Well, enjoy subbing Dokidoki 😉 You’ve already survived subbing the “Hime Chen! Otogi Chikku Idol Lilpri”-series~
I think you’re confusing us with chihiro-subs. <_<
I blame myself.
Oh right >..> Sorry xD Sometimes I confuse myself 😛
now i get to compare 4 fansubers on this show alone.
doremi seems to release faster btw, for those who care.
Now I understand the reason for the Precure music releases! So many choices to chose, Doremi or Doki hmm.
It’s called “DokiDoki! Precure”,
not “DokiDoki Precure”.
(屮゜Д゜)屮 Y U NO add exclamation mark?
To troll you.
Oooh, new avatar? 😀 Who’s the girl, Ero_Yatsu? 😀
Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t it that second girl from Mebae?
This one?
Is indeed Hazuki Riko. Ero’s obsession.
Aha, thanks. ^^
This is the friggin best ever!, never in a million years would i have expected precure on doki. This is so awesome!!!! AWESOME !!!! AWESOME!!!
What kind of “Magical Girl” show is the precisely.
Or rather … on which side of the fan service scale is this?
It’s on the “will never have fanservice” side of the scale. It’s a Sunday morning (8:30AM) kids show.
You guys picked up this show just so you could have a release that said [Doki] DokiDoki, didn’t you?
I… We… Er… Uh… Well…
Partly… And partly cause cute girls + cure animation…
And my current season’s Waifu is in it… Cure Sword! xD