The releasing of Clannad After Story continues.
Episode 16 has 2 editions: Edition 1: Skips ED, Edition 2: Does not skip ED (Default). This was how it was last time after a big discussion and I’m not going to change it. Refer to the previous release post if you want to see how the discussion went.
Episode 2 1080p v2 available on XDCC.
Episode 12 720p v2 also available on XDCC.
They will be included in the final batch, no individual releases on torrents for v2.
Expect Volume 5 on Monday, and batch a few days after. There will be no releases of After Story on the weekend.
1080p (FLAC 5.1): [Doki] Clannad After Story – Vol 4 (1920×1080 Hi10P BD FLAC)
- [Doki] Clannad After Story – 16 (1920×1080 Hi10P BD FLAC) [5EA74032].mkv
- [Doki] Clannad After Story – 17 (1920×1080 Hi10P BD FLAC) [3C326FA9].mkv
- [Doki] Clannad After Story – 18 (1920×1080 Hi10P BD FLAC) [E79B5E57].mkv
- [Doki] Clannad After Story – 19 (1920×1080 Hi10P BD FLAC) [F10A608D].mkv
- [Doki] Clannad After Story – 20 (1920×1080 Hi10P BD FLAC) [BF61AC00].mkv
720p (AAC 5.1): [Doki] Clannad After Story – Vol 4 (1280×720 Hi10P BD AAC)
- [Doki] Clannad After Story – 16 (1280×720 Hi10P BD AAC) [ABD14B97].mkv
- [Doki] Clannad After Story – 17 (1280×720 Hi10P BD AAC) [C2DDDAE7].mkv
- [Doki] Clannad After Story – 18 (1280×720 Hi10P BD AAC) [E46C844D].mkv
- [Doki] Clannad After Story – 19 (1280×720 Hi10P BD AAC) [CD92052B].mkv
- [Doki] Clannad After Story – 20 (1280×720 Hi10P BD AAC) [D94B8DD5].mkv
Thanks!!! ^^
Also as I’m only now using Doki’s version, the thing with the episode 16 seems like a really good decision, another thanks for that.
Thank you so much ^-^. Downloading the better versions for my Laptops archive, even though I got the Blu-rays already.
The 720p’s don’t contain the Hi10p in their filename again. I suggest searching by their hashtag to get them.
Also, the v2 for episode 12 is also missing it. Hope this helps!
Same goes for the 1080p’s
Also fixed
So I guess I won’t have to wait too long for the batch right??
Great idea dude! I currently wathcing the old BD batch right now but now I should drop it and wait until this one has the batch. 😀
Thanks for the release! And also thanks for maintaining Ep. 16 on the previous setting. 🙂
Here comes manly tears! T_T
Get those tissues out!
Thanks a bunch for the fixes 😀
Thanks Holo, you’re awesome! ^^
why does it say your done with the BD on your project list?
Cos it was done already. It’s being redone.
dat Ushio face.
@Doki: whats with the persona 4 bds ? there hasnt been a new release since mid-december or so. will it be continued soon?
Thanks guys!
I know most of you are keyfags, so do you intend to release Little Busters BDs?
They probably won’t, considering they didn’t do the TV releases.
We also didn’t do TV for Air, Kannon, Clannad, After Story and Angel Beats.
I guess we just have to hope you, or Holo, or another PL feels inspired enough to do Little Busters.
Personally I would like to see some TV stuff in the future. Perhaps when the TLs eventually escape from the Fairies lol
Not a keyfag. So don’t look at me.
I probably will. Probably, after clearing my backlogs.
Probably before Lucky Star.
Ixlone, from which anime is your avatar?
Sakura Anna from Mebae.
Came to see if I should replace my current clannad archive and leave with a new VN I want to play and the motivation to start learning Japanese again.
N00b question: how exactly do the editions for ep 16 work? Like, are there two different files or can I change it somehow?
Sorry, I have no idea how you got to that menu. I use MPC-HC, how do I get to it?
Right-click on the screen. Then go to Filters\ffdshow Video Decoder, and then select your Edition. Alternatively, from the navigation buttons at the top of the player, select Play\Filters\ffdshow Video Decoder, and then select your edition. This is all assuming you’re using the version of MPC that supports external filters (which would be all versions included with CCCP except the latest version, which imo sucks). I don’t know how it is for the internal filters only version, but I imagine it would be similar.
(hopefully this isn’t off topic if it relates to the edition issue)
Rokudaime, what’s wrong with the latest CCCP? I haven’t upgraded to it yet, so should I hold off? I basically use its stock settings, and was looking forward to using the xy-VSFilter for the first time (I never bothered with doing it manually).
The latest version of CCCP has MASSIVE changes compared to the ones before it, not all of which are good imo. I was looking forward to it as well, and downloaded and installed it, but to put it this way: Doki’s Angel Beats! releases don’t even play anymore when you use it with default settings. So I was quick to uninstall it again, and re-install the previous release, which I have been able to play anything with (imo, don’t change something that works). Thankfully I was able to find it with the help of people in the cbox (phew!). Maybe the new filters and codecs provide better quality, I don’t know, but they aren’t as good when it comes to being versatile and allowing you to play any anime release you throw at it, which is what I’m looking for in CCCP. Even the version of MPC that comes with the release is different, as it is the internal-filters only version, which doesn’t support external filters. The “sub pictures to buffer” option has been removed as well, so I could no longer play certain shows without them showing lag (or even freezing for some frames) when there was a lot of text on the screen. I’ll be keeping my 11-11-11 release, thank you.
An option in the Haali splitter.
I use the following:
Haali Media Splitter (disabled, but needed for LAV)
LAV Filters (x64)
MPC-HC (x64) with EVR Custom Presenter for Hi10P
xy-VSfilter (x64)
ffdshow (x64)-Only use the audio for this one. Everything else is disabled. Audio processor is used in MPC-HC and FLAC is decoded by it in WMC.
Windows Media Center (by default is x64 on x64 OS) for 8bit mkv.
Your releases work perfectly on my system. The newest release of CCCP is the same as my config without ffdshow and WMC.
Thanks! 😀