♫ …and on Dokimas Santa-san gave to me… Kiki’s Delivery Service ♫
And that concludes Dokimas!
- OCR: Jigsy
- Timer/Kara/TLC: odinigh
- Encoder/TS: TheThing
- Edit/QC: loomy
1080p: [Doki] Kiki’s Delivery Service (1920×1038 Hi10P BD FLAC) [7734FA22].mkv
720p: [Doki] Kiki’s Delivery Service (1280×692 Hi10P BD FLAC) [9C400D39].mkv
720p: [Doki] Kiki’s Delivery Service (1280×692 h264 BD FLAC) [0897084C].mkv
480p: [Doki] Kiki’s Delivery Service (848×458 h264 BD AAC) [2B9D7A79].mkv
So Kokoro Connect missed out on Dokimas, eh?
Sword Art Online
Persona 4 Animation
AND Guilty Crown all in 2012?
Doki Fansubs confirmed for fansub group of the year.
Dokimas was awesome while it lasted… Merry X-mas everyone!
480p only?
Uploading the rest still.
I’m curious. Is this dual or multi-audio, or is it Japanese with English subtitles?
I noticed that the subbing group AnimeNOW has it released in dual audio.
If it is in dual audio, which English audio version is it, and does it also have German audio, and French audio?
Looking at it on Amazon.com confused me because it shows English, German, and French audio with Japanese and English subs, coming from Japan as an A/1 formatted BR-DVD which wont play in Europe or the French territories. Seems really strange.
My understanding is that the “silhouette” re-releases each contain every language version (at the time of the re-release) of each movie, thus, the Kiki release of December 2012 has the Japanese, Chinese, French, German, and English versions of the film. (source Wikipedia)
It has Japanese audio + English subs by default. English audio is included for those who want ear rape though.
The Disney dub isn’t THAT bad
I’ve seen a lot of Disney dubs personally, and think the actual Disney created movies are much superior in terms of voice talent, I thought the dub for this was just okay, nothing special, just watchable.
Have you also heard lots of dubs?
That acid really does a number on some people -_^
I missed this. Anyway I thought I was clear there, I was basically saying I had seen a lot of dubbed anime. Which is a correct term to use.
Thanks for the quick response.
I am assuming it is the “re-edited” 2010 English version that Wikipedia mentions. I’ve never heard that version, so it will be something new.
Excerpt from Wikipedia
In fact, the English version on this 2012 re-release is dramatically altered from the “traditional” (ie, the Disney, 1997) English version of the film.
Firstly, the two new (English) songs for the beginning and end of the film (“Soaring” and “I’m Gonna Fly”) are gone, and the original (Japanese) songs are used.
Secondly. A number of minor incidental lines were added to the English version – for example, when characters are facing away or off-camera. (For example, when they are hitch-hiking, Ursula comments in passing “Hey, I know this guy.” Also, see other examples above.) All of these extra lines, are entirely removed from the 2012 English version.
Notably, Phil Hartman’s last line as JiJi has been removed from the 2012 English version. In the original Japanese version, the implication is that the matured Kiki can in fact no longer talk to animals. In contrast, in the “traditional” English version, she does indeed regain her ability to talk with JiJi in the final scene. (This was the most significant change in the English version.) The 2012 English version – with Hartman’s final line removed – again follows exactly the original Japanese version: the matured KiKi can no longer talk to animals.
Thirdly. The “traditional” English version contains very many new sound effects and musical parts. In the 2012 “silhouette” re-release, these have been entirely removed. The minimalist sound effect approach of the Japanese film has been re-adopted.
For example, there is now no piano part as KiKi tip-toes up and down stairs the first morning at Osana’s – it is simply silent, as in the original. The entire action conclusion of the film with KiKi racing to rescue Tombo, now follows in audio the original Japanese version, being very minimalist with almost no sound effects. In contrast, in the “traditional” English version the action conclusion is heavily foley and music driven throughout. (One of many examples is that the crowd chants “don’t let go” to Tombo in the “traditional” English version, which does not happen at all in the Japanese original. This is entirely removed in the 2012 “silhouette” re-release – thus following the original Japanese sound design.)
I never could get used to hearing a female voiced cat flirting with another female cat. I actually enjoyed Phil Hartman’s (may he rest in peace) version of Gigi better.
I will admit though that I usually enjoy the original Japanese audio much more than the English dubs. Kiki is one of the few exceptions.
OH! and MERRY CHRISTMAS to all of you at Doki Fansubs.
This is the best Christmas present I got this year.
Arigato gozaimasu.
So the last two volumes of Toradora and Clannad: After Story Hi10P missed out on Dokimas? /sadface
This will do nicely to replace the random crappy version I currently have, thanks ^^
SWEEEET!! THANK YOU!! AWESOME!! Best christmas present from you guys ever!! ^^ ~(^▾^~) ~( ^▾^ )~ (~^▾^)~
Nice last Santa-san ~o~
Its been a long time since I last saw this one. The time when there’s only the 2-disc VCD available here in this part of the world. Now its on BD… Thanks for this Dokimas gift to us!
Happy Dokimas all. Even with all the great releases I have to say I’m still kinda sad there was no Sankarea. But still, happy.. whatever holiday you wish!
Hmm I had downloaded this from AnimeNOW just yesterday. Can’t say I regret it, though. How much space do the audio streams take up?
I don’t want to sound weird or impolite, but, would you mind sharing which parameters you use for AAC encoding (HE-AAC/LE, quality Q)?
I’ve been studying anime encoding in my free time and people’s opinion diverge a lot regarding these parameters. Since Doki is a fansub that I really respect, I would appreciate your help.
Thanks in advance
We simply use eac3to on the source, for example:
c3\c3.exe “…\ttncop.track_4352.wav” “…\ttncopflac.aac” -quality=0.7
Though it’s not so simple with cases for audio streams such as DTSHDMA
Regarding the AAC profile, do you use HE or LC?
Nevermind. It seems to be using LC at q0.7.
Hooray! Without a doubt one of my fave Ghibli films.
Many thanks!
Ah the nostalgia! Seeing this added makes me feel like watching it again. ^^
Hi. Do u intend to do subtitle for Only Yesterday BD, a Ghibli’s movie?
Thankyou from me!
I love Ghibli, Thanks!
Dokimas is over… so can we get all santa pics in one archive to download?
There is frame corruption in [Doki] Kiki’s Delivery Service (1280×692 Hi10P BD FLAC) [9C400D39].mkv at 00:59:34.
Corruption confirmed at the same time in 1080p version.
I didn’t notice anything. ┐( ̄_ ̄)┌
I noticed it, and I have the 8-bit 720p one (wich looks awsome, by the way, great work!). It’s not too bad, though, as it’s very brief. Thank you so much for releasing this great classic.
Problem with the source, nothing I can do about it.
I see it as well. It’s quick and gone though.
Image: http://www.anony.ws/i/2013/04/04/fsh5W.png
Is there any perhaps work with other Ghibli films like Nausicaa? I got the others from Doki such as Karigurashi no Arrietty.
please seed Kiki’s Delivery Service (1280×692 Hi10P BD FLAC)..
Thanks a lot guys

I guess Porco Rosso will be next right?
One question, is the blurays are originnaly 2.0?
And one more thing, I couldn’t find the others studio ghibli’s releases on xdcc (neither this one)
But anyway thanks
Sorry for being such a pest, but is there any chance for a little bit of seed on the 1080p version? Thank You in advance!