♫ On the 7th day of Dokimas, Santa-san gave to me… Grave of the Fireflies ♫
Grain of the Fireflies.
- Timer: ixlone
- Encoder: ixlone
- Edit/QC:loomy
1080p: [Doki] Grave of the Fireflies (1920×1038 Hi10P BD FLAC) [4D937D24].mkv
720p: [Doki] Grave of the Fireflies (1280×692 Hi10P BD FLAC) [4F3DACFE].mkv
720p: [Doki] Grave of the Fireflies (1280×692 h264 BD FLAC) [4C4C6C30].mkv
480p: [Doki] Grave of the Fireflies (848×458 h264 BD AAC) [B0647074].mkv
never saw it, always wanted to, now I have a good reason to watch it
Make sure you have two boxes of tissues. One for each eye. Make that four boxes, you’ll probably use up two watching it, and the other two after it is over.
If you don’t want red eyes at work tomorrow, buy your eye drops now.
Thank you so much,like with Danyo, I’ve been meaning to watch this for a LONG time but it was hard to find so I kept putting it off.
Manly tears will be shed… again. T_T
good old days
just wow
it was 1st anime that make me cry
Yahoo! Wonderful Xmas surprise.
Actually, when I think Christmas I think Tokyo Godfathers. Now THAT is a Christmas movie. Grave of the Fireflies is more of a Veteran’s Day or Memorial Day movie.
After the comment on Doki’s From Up on Poppy Hill, I was expecting Kiki’s Delivery Service next.
Tokyo Godfathers is a great movie to be sure.
One of the saddest movies I’ve ever seen. Thanks a lot for all your hard work, guys.
Thank you very much.
Well this is a surprise I did not see coming.
Not sure if I really want to watch it again though, I’ve watched it twice (once in SD by niizk, and once in BD quality by REVO), and it’s also one of my least favourite Ghibli movies…It’s just sad and depressing, which is not really what I’m usually looking for in a Ghibli movie. Also, I see no TL in those credits, so you’re using edited official subs then? In that case I hope you edited them pretty heavily, because the official subs were BAD!…I suppose I’ll have to grab it just to see how you compare with REVO’s release ( http://bakabt.me/168417-hotaru-no-haka-grave-of-the-fireflies-10bit-1080p-flac-revo.html ), so I can have the best version for my obsessive archiving…sigh…Thanks though!
Thanks for this classic movie
Good job Loomy and Ixlone.
It’s been a long time since I watched this. I don’t know if I want to cry like a little girl again…
That was fast loomy i didn’t expect this one before 3 more months.
I can’t take as long with the releases as you do with YY
How come you worked so quickly on this one, but took so long with From Up on Poppy Hill?
I admit i took some time for TSing YY but it’s not even close to Thing or A_C time.
True dat.
Heard of this before… Now, I will have it… Thanks for the release!
Sob Sob… RIP
Thank you!
I always found the movie less depressing than annoying. The worst things that happen only happen because the main character is an idiot. End up being more annoyed with him than sad about what’s happening in the movie.
I frankly find it depressing AND annoying. ┐( ̄_ ̄)┌
is it only me or the torrent links are offline?
Oh good, just what I always wanted for Christmas: bitch-tears and suicide. ;_;7
Didn’t realize this had a BD out.
Welp, time to rev up those tear ducts.
Well, I suspected this would be the case since you’re using the official dialogue, but just watching through the first 15 minutes of this release, and then comparing it with the first 15 minutes of REVO’s release, I can see that there are a lot of untranslated lines in this release that are translated in REVO’s release. Also, some lines in this release are just plain wrong. For example, at 5:10, Seita and Setsuko’s mom does not ask Setsuko: “Wasn’t that scary, Setsu-chan?”. She’s telling her to listen to what Seita tells her (even I can hear that you know…). REVO has: “Setsuko, listen to your big brother”, which, although localized, which I don’t like (that’s one thing I’ll give in your favour: you don’t localize much, so at least you kept in “Setsu-chan”), is still at least a correct translation. I appreciate your work, but I’ll be keeping REVO’s release for my archiving.
Downside of using official subs.
Also, paragraphs.
Sorry, you’re right. ( ^_^’) I should have had a new paragraph when I started talking about the lines that are wrong. From “Also” and onwards.
Where did u take the raw of this movie?
Any chance of posting a copy of the original dub track so someone could manually add it to have all three?
Thanks, Doki!