
Team Fluffy Merges into Doki VN and Recruiting VN Translators!

It’s been a while since we released the Tomoyo After patch, and after a short break, things are moving again. Today, I have a few announcements to make.

  1. Team Fluffy (Little Busters! VN Team) will merge into the Doki VN Department. This will allow coders on both teams to collaborate to improve the hacking tools for the key visual novels. In addition, the merge should mean that projects will get finished quicker than originally planned. Clannad_Man has more details below.
  2. Delwack will succeed Clannad_Man as the head of the VN Department. I am sure Del will do a great job, so please give him your support!
  3. In order to ensure that future VN projects run smoothly, it will be necessary to recruit another dedicated VN translator.

Greetings, Doki Legion!

Thought you were rid of me? Ready to read another ‘brief’ wall of text? No? Alrighty then. I’ll make this brief. I have temporarily returned with the sole purpose of providing you with an important update.

Team Fluffy has agreed to merge into the Doki Visual Novel Department effective immediately. As part of the merger, the Little Busters! VN Translation Project has also been transferred to the Doki VN Dept. Any future updates & patches involving ‘Little Busters!’ & Little Busters! Ex’ will be released through Doki.

The rationale behind the merger is as follows: both groups have capabilities and resources which could be utilized by the other to enhance the quality and efficiency of their works. Members from both teams will collaborate to work on enhancing tools for use in the Memorial/CE/Ex translation patches of Tomoyo After, Little Busters!, and potentially Clannad as well. For the most part, those working on Tomoyo After (Orig. or ME) will continue doing so, as will those who have been working on Little Busters! Ex. As each VN being worked on is at a different stage of progress, there will be some crossover between group members who otherwise wouldn’t have much to do, including image editors, translation checkers, etc. As work on TA and LB! comes to a close, work will be redirected to Clannad. In this way, those involved feel the translation patches for Tomoyo After ME and Little Busters! Ex will be checked & released quicker than otherwise possible, in turn allowing Clannad’s final translation patch to be prepared quicker than otherwise possible. What happens beyond then… well, it’s too far in the future for anyone to tell, especially me.

One more time, on behalf of Doki Fansubs and the most passionate VN team in existence, I thank you for your continued support. Look forward to all the great things yet to come from the VN team, and be sure to give the new VN Division Head, Delwack, a proper show of support.


– The Clannad Man

Translator Recruitment:
If you are interested, please send me an email at We’ll have a chat on IRC and I can give you more details and answer any questions that you may have.

230 comments to Team Fluffy Merges into Doki VN and Recruiting VN Translators!

  • Duffman

    Haha, I must confess I cracked and started the game. After playing through the amazing (yet intense) Muv Luv Alternative, I needed a key game; LB fit the bill all too nicely. Guess I’ll have to play through the EX version once it’s out (in a few months?…).

    • Rokudaime

      Nice try. I’m not giving you any dates. 😛

      • Duffman

        Curses! My plan was foiled!

        In all seriousness though, thank you guys so much for translating this. TBH the EX release will just give me a good excuse to play through the game again 🙂 . My wish is that awesome visual novels like these were to become more popular since at that point official translations for these games could become possible. I wish I could help but…there’s the minor problem the whole ‘reading japanese thing’ doesn’t work for me yet.

        • Rokudaime

          You’re welcome! Hope you enjoy the game! ^^ And yes, I feel the same way. There is a small possibility of that actually happening btw, since Planetarian has already been officially translated.

  • Kairae

    What I’d like to ask is if the Online Status Sheet ( for the Little Busters EX patch is regularly updated? I’m asking because I’ve been checking it for a few weeks now and haven’t seen any change in the number of lines translated/edited/proofed and I was confused as to whether this is because it either isn’t regularly updated or because the project has hit a slump.

    • Zell_Dincht

      Well, I check it every day too. Last update was about 2 or 3 weeks ago and translation progress become ~60% from 55,54% (Was Sasami route finnaly transtated? ^_^) I hope you guys will finish it soon.
      And sorry for my mistakes, if it is, I’m not English.

      • Kairae

        Sorry if I misunderstood you but I don’t see it say anywhere on the document that the progress is at 60%. It has always stayed at a static 45.27% total EX translation. Are you sure you are talking about the document that I linked? or is there a newer version to be found somewhere?

        • Zell_Dincht

          Yes, it’s right document. I check number of translated lines on character’s routes. Early, Sasami route hadn’t translated and from last update I saw that route fully translated, edited and proofreaded (watch Sasami 1-4). I think it’s not real-time updating. Maybe they’re haven’t time to do it and make changes one-two times in month.
          I hope they’ll answer today

  • Rokudaime

    Kairae, Zell_Dincht, I’ll ask Phlebas if he can give you a reply when he has time (right now he’s asleep). 😉 The team is still actively working on the project though, don’t worry.

    • Rokudaime


      Kairae, Zell_Dincht, Phlebas tells me the Online Status Sheet is being updated regularly, and also, it was last updated today actually.

  • Maou

    Looking forward Little Busters EX…

    Thanks for your work guys, I really enjoyed Tomoyo After.:-)

  • Echelon

    Just wanted to say how much I appreciate you guys for doing this translation!

    • Well, we appreciate that you appreciate our appreciation for Key! You’re the reason why the team spends it’s time working on these translations. Everyone here hopes you enjoy the final patch when it’s ready.

      The Doki VN Division (Now extra Fluffy!)

  • Sukito

    Thank you for all the hard work your putting into this ^^ I just have a little question, I finished all routes with the current patch and I noticed that the only h scenes that appeared where in the routes that are not translated/no patch yet (ex. Sasami) there should be h scenes for the other heroines as well right? But I can’t seem to find them they don’t even appear as untranslated they don’t appear at all.

    • Rokudaime

      That’s because the H-scenes are only in the EX version of the game, and well, we haven’t released a patch for the EX content yet. 😉 We’re still working on that. I’m guessing you’ve installed our patch on an EX copy of the game. The patch called “Little Busters! 6.0 Release EX Version” just allows you to play the regular version of the game on an EX copy of the game. In other words, you won’t see the added EX content in the common routes (including the H-scenes) from the regular version when using our patch on an EX copy. If you remove the patch the content will still be there, untranslated, but since we haven’t translated any of that yet we didn’t leave it in when using our patch, because, well…It’s not translated, so there would be no point. We just figured it would be cool to at least allow people to play the regular version of the game in it’s entirety on any copy until we’ve made a proper EX and ME patch. The routes that are EX/ME only are still left in when you play on a EX/ME copy though, H-scenes and all (in the case of EX), so those will still show up, just untranslated. That’s what I’m guessing has happened in your case. 😉

  • So, you guys are doing the novel and Coalgirls is doing the blu-rays.

    Oh man, which one should I complete first? Serious issue here!

    • Rokudaime

      Indeed. Tough call. 😉 I suppose you might ultimately have the best experience if you play the VN first and then watch the anime, but personally I was never patient enough to wait for the VN translations to finish first, so in the cases of other KEY franchises like Kanon, Air, and Clannad, I ended up watching the anime series’ first. 😛 I wonder if they’ll make a Rewrite anime next.

      • Andedkn

        I think it’ll be hard to make anime of Rewrite, because in the Moon arc Kotarou recall moments from all 5 routes like them all happened as in a one route story.
        Maybe that’s why Moon isn’t in common route.
        Well, if happens to have anime adaptation I think it nedds to make branching on the story for the heroines part.

        • khorne11

          Unless it’s as long as One Peace I doubt they can make a rewrite visual novel 😛

          • khorne11

            Sorry, just woke up, I meant to say anime

          • Anderdkn

            Sorry if I don’t get your position, but my point is that all the 5 routes in common arc really happened, not only one, and to put in anime two or more things that oppose each other is difficult, unless they make the story branches at certain point like in the vn. (or various, Lucia don’t go to the same ed of the common route)

  • Chocolatemilkgod

    I loved the rewrite VN to bits, so I’d love to see an anime of it, but I agree. Trying to present the different routes would be difficult because they are all so separate and different from one other. They could do a higurashi and have, as you said, branching story arcs (essentially having the different routes) but it would be difficult to compress all of this into an anime effectively too…

  • khorne11

    The only way (that I can think of) they could make it into an anime is by actually showing each route individually (like yosuga no sora) because in Moon he looks over the memories of those routes, then there is the whole thing with terra after that, it would be pretty damn long

  • Ehodonok

    how do i install the game?

    • Chocolatemilkgod

      This is only a translation patch released by doki/team fluffy. In other words, it only works if you have a copy of the game to use already. Your options are to buy the game or to ‘acquire’ the game – for the second, Google is your friend.

    • Rokudaime

      As Chocolatemilkgod said, this is only a patch. You’ll have to acquire the actual game on your own. If you have any problems installing it once you do get a copy though, let me know, and I’ll help.

  • CXu

    Will you be making a Perfect Edition patch as well? Just wondering.

    • Rokudaime

      I’ll just copy my response to shadowfoxEX on this matter from the forums, and paste it here. 😉

      Patching the PE with ME scripts should be no problem, as they are essentially the same. As for patching earlier releases with PE additions however, that might take some time to do, but we do plan on doing it eventually, yes. It’s at the very bottom of our “to-do” list though. There’s not much new content in the PE that isn’t included in the ME anyway though. The PE is basically the consumer edition of the ME, since the ME was limited print. I believe it’s the same as the Vita version content-wise, but maybe with different aspect ratio graphics and audio quality. I think it has an extra CG that wasn’t in the ME, and an extra sprite, and maybe higher quality voices.

  • Patchy-san

    May I know what’s approximate release date of the next patch even it’s the partial one?

  • Echelon

    I half expected you guys to do a “Its done!” aprils fools joke… >_>

  • Mrairpork

    Hi, i am pretty new to VN and am interested in litter busters. However i’m pretty confused with a couple of things. As far as i know, i believe the original game is fully translated right? And whats this EX and ME thing ? I’m pretty lost.

    • Chocolatemilkgod

      Little busters is a VN with several different versions. The original version was translated, and you can read it now if you want.

      EX is the ‘ecstasy’ version and ME is the ‘Memorial Edition’ version. Both the EX and ME versions are basically deluxe versions of the normal game with new routes to play, and existing gameplay has had some detail added to it – those are what are being translated now. The difference between EX and ME is that EX is 18+ and ME is all ages – they’re essentially the same, otherwise. It’s up to you whether you want to wait to play the ‘deluxe’ version of ME/EX or if you just want to play the original now (you could, of course, do both if you want; play the original now and then play the new EX/ME content later).

  • shiku

    Hmm, Hi!

    I’m here just to say that the job with the translation of the regular version of LB! and also its “EXEX” patch is an amazing work. It let me to enjoy this great VN, even though I’m spanish and my english is a bit bad (you can see that hehe), but definitely better than my japanese!

    Good luck with the EX/ME versions, and thanks once more for your hard work!

    • Hi shiku! The guys really did a great job with LB!, didn’t they? It’s always appreciated when someone takes the time to thank them for their hard work. Look forward for what’s to come!

      Also, good luck finding a Spanish translation! I know the guys over from are working on translating some Key VNs into English. I think they are even working off of our translations… anyways, just make sure you enjoy these games to their fullest!

  • Mykorrhiza

    Hi there. I’m really glad that the EX/ME Patch is still in progress. It’s been a while since I last checked and I always fear it might be dropped. Well patience is a virtue.
    I just finished Little Busters Anime.. so I’m itching to read the VN again but I’ll wait for the patch though. Maybe I’ll continue with Rewrite as I already started some time ago.
    Anyway – thank you all a lot for your great quest to bring the pleasure of such amazing (visual)novels to us westerners unable to read japanese!
    Greetings from Germany.

  • Lolicon

    i can’t wait nooo i can’t waiiit (8)
    Seriously, i can’t and im glad and happy that you didn’t dropped this!!
    keep it guys! thanks for the workkk<3

  • Anonymous

    Oh, the news are so exciting!

    May I just know what the progress status of EX is…? It would mean much to me, thanks.

    • Rokudaime

      Well…Like Clannad Man mentioned above, I can’t really tell you when we think it’ll be done. 😉 Giving accurate percentage estimates is a little challenging, but…You can refer to this chart: which shows the progress, not only in percentages, but also in number of lines translated, edited, and proofread, and also which lines have been done for each route/segment etc. Bear in mind that this doesn’t include EX-exclusive h-scenes though, since they aren’t in the ME edition, and this is a ME chart. Everything else is the same as in the ME edition though, as far as I know. Anyway, rest assured that progress is being made at least, and that the team is still working diligently. 🙂

  • TGES

    Hi I was wondering were the % completed is visible. And keep up the great work.

  • Chocolatemilkgod

    See the comment above. That has an approximate percentage at where they’re at.

  • Journey

    Oh, this is nice, from anywhere else I noticed last announcement for status was months ago and I thought this had been dropped.

    I think though, that words cannot simply express the thankfulness of the general public since projects such as these go on for years and nobody really gets paid to do something like this, so… much appreciated.

    • Hi Journey. Thanks for your appreciation. We’re aware that the project is moving slower than we would like; one of the former Fluffy translators unexpectedly decided to resign from the project so he could peruse other endeavors. Therefore, progress will continue at this pace until we are able to find an experienced, quality translator to take his place.

      (As a side note, Doki VN recently brought on an editor from Amaterasu’s Rewrite, who asked to join on his own accord. While his commitment represents an important addition for Doki VN, his contributions will be limited by the number of translators on staff. If anyone knows of a quality TL who would be interested on working on Little Busters or Clannad, both projects would likely be able to move along much more expeditiously.)

  • Echelon

    Question.Should I wait until the ME/EX is released to play LB or play it now?Which will be the best experience?

    • Rokudaime

      Well, the ME and EX editions have a lot more added content in them compared to the regular version of the game, so if you want the best experience, you should probably wait for those. 😉

    • In case you’re referring to the patches already released, the ME/EX patches deliver the same translations as the original edition (except where content differs), though Muscle Sensation doesn’t work. That will be fixed in the final patch.

  • Echelon

    I was referring to whichever patch adds the H-scenes.

  • Pepe

    Hi doki! Just tried out applying your temporary ME patch with the Perfect Edition and the scripts work perfectly so far! Although there are a few error messages that pop up here and there, so I’m not sure how significant those are.

    If you guys need any help data-wise, for testing, I’m willing to share some 🙂

  • Mugen

    Hello, I have one quick question about EX/ME. When will we be able to access the translated Sasami and Futaki routes? I have heard that they were translated, so are you guys going to release a patch for these routes before the finalized translation for EX/ME? Or are you just going to wait until everything is done?

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