
Team Fluffy Merges into Doki VN and Recruiting VN Translators!

It’s been a while since we released the Tomoyo After patch, and after a short break, things are moving again. Today, I have a few announcements to make.

  1. Team Fluffy (Little Busters! VN Team) will merge into the Doki VN Department. This will allow coders on both teams to collaborate to improve the hacking tools for the key visual novels. In addition, the merge should mean that projects will get finished quicker than originally planned. Clannad_Man has more details below.
  2. Delwack will succeed Clannad_Man as the head of the VN Department. I am sure Del will do a great job, so please give him your support!
  3. In order to ensure that future VN projects run smoothly, it will be necessary to recruit another dedicated VN translator.

Greetings, Doki Legion!

Thought you were rid of me? Ready to read another ‘brief’ wall of text? No? Alrighty then. I’ll make this brief. I have temporarily returned with the sole purpose of providing you with an important update.

Team Fluffy has agreed to merge into the Doki Visual Novel Department effective immediately. As part of the merger, the Little Busters! VN Translation Project has also been transferred to the Doki VN Dept. Any future updates & patches involving ‘Little Busters!’ & Little Busters! Ex’ will be released through Doki.

The rationale behind the merger is as follows: both groups have capabilities and resources which could be utilized by the other to enhance the quality and efficiency of their works. Members from both teams will collaborate to work on enhancing tools for use in the Memorial/CE/Ex translation patches of Tomoyo After, Little Busters!, and potentially Clannad as well. For the most part, those working on Tomoyo After (Orig. or ME) will continue doing so, as will those who have been working on Little Busters! Ex. As each VN being worked on is at a different stage of progress, there will be some crossover between group members who otherwise wouldn’t have much to do, including image editors, translation checkers, etc. As work on TA and LB! comes to a close, work will be redirected to Clannad. In this way, those involved feel the translation patches for Tomoyo After ME and Little Busters! Ex will be checked & released quicker than otherwise possible, in turn allowing Clannad’s final translation patch to be prepared quicker than otherwise possible. What happens beyond then… well, it’s too far in the future for anyone to tell, especially me.

One more time, on behalf of Doki Fansubs and the most passionate VN team in existence, I thank you for your continued support. Look forward to all the great things yet to come from the VN team, and be sure to give the new VN Division Head, Delwack, a proper show of support.


– The Clannad Man

Translator Recruitment:
If you are interested, please send me an email at We’ll have a chat on IRC and I can give you more details and answer any questions that you may have.

230 comments to Team Fluffy Merges into Doki VN and Recruiting VN Translators!

  • Dys

    I’d like to apply for the translator posi- Owait…

    Nope… never mind.

  • Myfistus

    Words can not describe how happy this announcement makes me. I’ve been waiting for the Ex patch to come before playing little busters/watching the anime. Knowing that it will come from Doki is great re-assurance that it’s ACTUALLY COMING.

  • Madoka

    I think this is great news, with Doki being my favorite anime sub group and TL being my favorite VN group this might make for a interesting merge and hopefully serve in great interest for both parties. I always wanted to be able to offer donations for projects like Little Busters due to it being my favorite visual novel (well maybe rewrite is now, but it was back then), but was always turned down so now i can donate to doki 🙂
    Non the less i hope both teams make great use of this merge and hope they get on real well with one another, i wish you all the best 🙂
    -When i learn more kanji i might one day apply to help considering i spend spare time when im not watching anime or playing Visual novels studying Japanese so who knows one day i might apply to help-
    Also grats to Delwack on his new position and i hope he enjoys it as head of visual novel department.

  • Natsulus

    Been waiting for the complete EX patch for a while and I’m glad to see the progress on it speeding up :)! Hope to see TA and LB finished soon then I’m going to play them both from the start again!

  • yow

    Pls. sub Onii-chan Dakedo Ai first.

  • Tiberium Wolf

    Shouldn’t be “Doki adquired Team Fluffy” ?

    Now tell us the truth of how much this acquisition cost!

  • Danyo

    So, does this mean that Doki will from now on officially stay in the VN department, even after these 3 projects are done?

    • Delwack

      That’s our intent, yes! That said, we have a lot of work ahead of us right now, and it will be a while before we finish all our current projects. We’ll think about the future once we get closer to completing our last project.

      • rude

        Would be nice if Shiny Days is given a translation but I know I can’t put my hopes up.

        • Rokudaime

          I’ll wait with putting up my wishes until after they have done the 3 they are currently working on. Seems pretty pointless to ask now, seeing as someone else might potentially finish some of the ones I have in mind by the time Doki is done with their current projects. You never know what the future might hold.

  • WOOOOOOOO, this is a pretty good birthday present. i’m very happy to hear that Doki’s VN Dept has expanded, but i never expected to have the LB! team.
    indeed this will be great news for the Key Kazoku, since we have the potential of three epic VNs 100% completed (Orig, EX for LB! and ME for all).
    honestly, Doki has been a very reliable group i’ve depended on and i can’t stop smiling haha. it can only get better if you guys cound confirm translating the LB! Anime, and i’ll be over the moon !

  • Rykuu Disaga

    Sooooooo….. This other VN eigo patch group has joined forces with doki so as to have more man power, and with them they brought their own VN project (is little busters any good?).

    Now C_M has gone and flown the coop and deserted his post as VN head to Del (will need to look at staff list soon), and C_M is doing who knows what… what the heck are you doing now C_M? you might have mentioned it in you block ‘o text, but my sight got blurry from all the close together letters (you need to learn to keep it S&S (sweet and simple)).

    Anythinging I missed?

    • anonymous

      Little Busters is great. It’s another Key VN, and has the quality you’d expect from them. It’s not as good as clannad, but it is very good. It’s more lighthearted than previous Key VNs, but it does still have drama and sadness as well.

    • Masato

      “is little busters any good?”
      I’m going to kill you for wrtiting that

      • Rykuu Disaga

        well it sounds like I need to put it on my lineup for games to play.

        • Madoka

          Its very good indeed, i think its our throws clannad by far but heck we all have our own opinions (as i think Rewrite looks like it might even top Little Busters), but yeah its truly great, when i first played it on the first day or so in the game i thought it might not be so good, after finishing all routes and the refrain route *true final ending* i must say its truly something else, really i recommend it for sure.

          • Better than CLANNAD? ~LOL~ Silly Madoka!

            LB! is awesome, don’t get me wrong, but when you’re pitting it against the Greatest of All Time… well it’s hard to pull off a victory, now isn’t it? ^^

          • Rokudaime

            I still say Fate/stay night is the “Greatest of All Time” though. (¬‿¬) If there is any such thing.

    • Me? I’m conducting research! Getting the science done, as it were. Specifically, I’m looking into the inner workings of fansub groups and inter-group relations between their communities. However, this is self imposed research, so for all intents and purposes, I’m merely a Clannad Fan who had the opportunity to contribute to the story he loved.

      Also, it it simply impossible to keep things sweet and simple when passion flows through one’s veins! *strikes a pose*

      *flashes a smile*

      *gets the girl(s)*

      And that’s how you do it, my friend!

      • Rykuu Disaga

        *grabs C_M by the ear and drags him off from the girls*

        hai hai, you keep thinking that.

        but in all honesty, a little more spacing wouldn’t kill you.

        I wish you luck in your research!……

        And by the way, about Clannad VN, is there something special I gotta do other than getting all the orbs to unlock the true ending? I have all the orbs and the text option in the game that sets me to true ending isn’t there (or something like that it’s been a coupple months since I looked). think you could supply me with a completed save file or something?

  • tato1188

    Do you guys accept requests for VNs?

    I would like to see Witch on the Holy Night. I am a HUG type-moon fan.

    • Delwack

      We have a lot of work ahead of us on our current projects right now. We’ll consider other VNs when we are close to finishing the last of our current projects.

      We always appreciate suggestions, as we are on the lookout for good VNs too. Remind us when we get closer to that day!

      • Rokudaime

        I kinda knew there’s wasn’t any real point in asking at this point, considering you’re already working on 3 VN’s, but I had to show my support when tato mentioned Mahotsukai no Yoru. ^^ I’m also a huge Type-Moon fan, and Fate/stay night is my favourite VN (as one can tell from my avatar). Will ask you guys again in the distant future once you’re done with your current projects! ^^ Thanks for your hard work!

    • Rokudaime

      I second this notion! 😉

  • Congratz Doki.
    We’ll looking forward for the complete patch for Little Busters EX. 🙂

  • Khorne11

    omfg my 2 favorite fan subbing teams are merging XDDDDD yes! and to sub my favorite visual novel of all time no doubt, celebration is in order, I am off to get some mountain dew!

  • Stap-dono

    Hope that will help you to release the Saya’s route faster.

  • Rawr

    Team fluffy, nice name lol

    Shame Clannad Man isn’t the boss of that. Thought he did a great job on the PR side of things, and did an excellent job addressing everyone in the comments area/his update posts.

    Good luck with your project regardless.

    • Why thank you, Rawr. I tried my best to encourage community involvement.

      Just because I won’t be involved with Doki’s operations doesn’t mean that I won’t have my ear open for rumblings in the fansub community. I find the workings and relations of said groups to be a fascinating area of observation & study.

      So I’ll be around… watching. Muahahahaha~! *ahem*

      Anywhoo… I am confident in Delwack’s ability to move these projects along and am pleased to have had the chance to work with him.

      • We welcome u again as fellow Doki citizen 😛

      • Rawr

        That’s good that you’re sticking around Clannad Man, a lot of us were glad you got the promotion when you did, as you deserved it. Hopefully you’l be involved in more VN stuff in the future.

        But for now, welcome back to being one of us normal folk. You’re one of us now! lol

      • Rokudaime

        As long as you continue to stick around, and don’t just disappear! 🙂 You’re an important part of the community here! ^^

  • aiM

    sauce for the pic please! thanks

  • Ryptahi

    This is some really great news! Where is my “like” button? 🙂

  • Dizzy

    Oh yay, I will be looking foward to the EX/ME patch *u*b

    Will you guys consider making a patch for the PE that will be released in late November?
    It’s basically a ME version with the updates from the CE version (A-chan’s sprite and full voice if I’m correct) I would love it if you guys will make a patch for it the PE!

    • Madoka

      This was discussed some time ago on the origonal Little busters page, though i don’t think it was answered if memory serves me well, its possible they might take it but i wouldn’t get hopes up unless Doki changed there point of view, i think really if it does get done though, dont expect it anytime soon, VN’s take long enough to translate, but for one thats brand new (or not even out) it could take some waiting.

  • Kira52

    This is a great announcement, i was so pissed when i played EX and all the H-scenes were removed by the English Patch. The whole reason i DL EX was to see the H-scenes -_-. I know you guys will do a better job, and i offer my full support to the team and their future projects. Good luck Doki!

  • max_payne

    yet another great news from you guys (as always).
    unfortunately for me i didn’t get around to play TA yet, cause i can’t seem to find the time for that, that also goes for little busters too, i played maybe half through it then put on hold, but on the bright side, now i get to play them in more spectacular manner. thanks a lot guys, keep up the good work, we will always cheer for you !!!

  • max_payne

    i forgot to ask clannad man, does future plans include air or rewrite ?

    • As Air and Rewrite are being completed by Edgar/Sheeta and Amaterasu, respectively, I have no reason to believe Doki will attempt to translate those VNs.

      • stan

        I doubt you guys will pick up Rewrite Harvest Festa with this LONG line of VN’s. I’m just waiting for a group to pick it up right now.

        • I have asked about Harvest Festa with Amaterasu and they do plan to do it… one day, they think its worth taking as a project but they said it will be some time till they get to it. Not sure about Air as i never herd much of it but Amaterasu are doing a awesome job with Rewrite so for them who don’t know don’t forget to offer them support to, its nice having so many great sub groups :3

    • Rawr

      It’s a shame Key Visual Novels aren’t easier to obtain legally. Still really interested in playing Rewrite but meh cost. I don’t want to download it and would prefer the disc if anything lol

  • stentor

    Sad to see the LB project fall so low.

    Just curious, do you have anyone who can actually read Japanese?

    • Welcome, stentor. Doki welcomes all Anons, 4channers, and Cartel members to stop by and enjoy what they have to offer. Furthermore, as someone who has spent a significant amount of time alongside the VN Division Staff, I can say with certainty that they are proud to let their quality work speak for itself.

      Enjoy your stay, and best of luck in your future endeavors.

    • Assasin_Cross

      Sad to see people whining about it but still play it

    • Rokudaime

      What the hell dude? What’s that supposed to mean? Totally rude and uncalled for. -_-‘ If anything, it’s an upgrade, not what you’d call “falling low”…And Doki has ton of excellent N1 and N2 translators, and the Doki VN Department are full of wonderful, dedicated people. So stop your whining.

  • NeWbY

    Japanese? Wait, what? Nobody told me it was Japanese, google translate picked Chinese automatically, so I-
    Oh, wait, ahem.

  • Solaristics

    Glad to see you guys got this. Hopefully sometime we’ll get a 100% Translated LB Ex. Other then that, keep up the good work!

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