Finally, I present you TLRD. It was ready a few days ago, so apologies on the delay.
Note that the TV airing is censored quite heavily. Wait for BDs for uncensored version.
Translator: Ero_Yatsu
Timer: Psi_Kiya_Trist
Editor: Jakeman95
Typesetter: Fyurie
Encoder: anonymlol
K-Timer: DeathHere
QC: Fyurie, Holo
Project Leader: Holo
This series will be dedicated to Kanade, who is no longer with us. To LOVE-Ru was his favourite series, and he would have been on the team. Unfortunately, he passed away over a month ago. May the lolis be with you, Kanade.
720p: [Doki] To LOVE-Ru Darkness - 01 (1280x720 Hi10P AAC) [D136F638].mkv
480p: [Doki] To LOVE-Ru Darkness - 01 (848x480 h264 AAC) [B9F60387].mkv
Thanks Holo,
Sorry to hear about Kanade, may he find his Deviluke harem.
Is there any reason for Doki to sub Darkness until the BDs come out? Or I guess the question is, will there be a big enough translation difference from Horrible, et. all?
If nothing else, subbing the TV series lightens the workload for BDs.
Though it’s questionable as to whether it’s watchable before BDs from anywhere. ;_;
You’ll just have to use your imaginations, lol.
By “Horrible”, do you mean “HorribleSubs”? They might not be releasing anything past 01, due to what happened with TAN. (HS rips from TAN. TAN posted 01 before it aired in Japan. TBS got mad and took away TAN’s streaming rights for now.)
Horrible Subs sucks so bad for To Love-Ru Darkness!! They are usually good but they are crap this time -.-
Thanks Tim.
If Horrible is again living up to its name, I might have to just skip Darkness till the Doki BDs come out. The white smears are rather annoying.
>Horrible Subs
>Usually good
So bad, yet so good.
Ages back I tried Horriblesubs for something, then saw the fonts and looked elsewhere.
I just didn’t like the colour if anything. Not to mention they were just dire.
Either way, as theanimenetwork, who they rip from block people outside America viewing their videos, they’re helping people too lazy to download elsewhere/are only downloading for the above reason as they’re the only place doing that show.
I tried them for Naruto ages back…Dear God…They’re Horrible alright…
Btw, Roku, no comment about my new ava?
I commented on it here: http://doki.co/2012/10/12/tari-tari-13-end/#comments
I DID comment on it, 2 days ago. I even said quit a lot about (my enthusiasm for) it. You just haven’t noticed.
quit…lol…bad typo…
Will episode 2 be faster?, and thanks, been waiting for this…
Should be, barring any unavoidable delays. Translation and editing are already completed.
You being the TL for this show is so incredibly fitting (in a good way) Ero_Yatsu! (^_^)
I’m glad I am. I love the series (read all the manga thus far and watched both previous anime series), and I guarantee no dirty jokes get past me without me realizing it. ;D
Exactly! XD
I’m going to wait for the BD version. Watching it censored is just too painful. I just continue to read the mangas to tide me over until then.
With the extreme level of censorship is kind of just seems pointless to watch now.
Funny fact that the only anime that free from censorship are Hidamari Sketch Honeycomb
┐( ̄ー ̄)┌
Since it’s a slice-of-life type show bath scenes are shown with the girls covered up or (as with Hidamari) with no nipples, so no need for censorship.
But it looks like XEBEC did the wrong move by censoring almost everything, unlike Motto TLR
To be fair, they only put stuff on TV to advertise their DVD/Blu Ray releases. They expect fans to drop the cash on the physical releases and thus don’t care about censorship in the tv edition.
Indeed, may the lolis be with Kanade.
Yeah, this is going to be pretty tough to watch in its heavily censored state. But suppose one can focus on the ‘plot’ as is lol.
Still, can say I’m looking forward to the BDs.
Good thing for me I always watch BD’s only (where possible) for all shows anyway.
dammit will have to wait for BD’s then , tyvm for informing.
Thanks for the release!
I’m right there with Kanade about this show. I love it and have always wanted to work on it, and now I am. R.I.P., Kanade.
Thanks !!
What!? He died!? o_o What happened!?
Kanade had leukaemia, which he had chemo + marrow transplant to treat. However, graft vs host disease hit when the marrow got rejected…
May the light be with him.
Ahh.. how sad.. R.I.P Kanade.
Damn…That’s depressing…May the lolis be with you Kanade. :-/
I know right. Just sad we didn’t get a chance to pay our respects sooner.
Still, death in general is a depressing subject so I won’t comment on this further.
To Love Ru will always be my favorite series nothing will replace it
I totally agree with you! Thank you Doki, and RIP Kanade
Well time to see how bad this is.
Lala is the best girl in To Love-Ru.
I regret to inform you Lala is not a main character in Darkness. Opposite the booing from Lala fans is the fanfare of Yami fans (including myself).
No. It’s Kotegawa. Indeed. Or Mikan, at least. ( ≖‿≖)
We seel to have simular tastes lol
*seem fml
I totally agree. Kotegawa and Mikan!
I love you man!
Never thought that I have so many comrades.
I like most of the girls in TLR. The artist does excellent work. It’s so borderline I keep changing my mind on who’s my favorite, but I think it’s Mikan. Damn you Shana for turning me into a lolicon. I seriously never liked lolis before her, and now I seem to be liking more and more of them.
Welcome to the dark side. MWAHAHAHA. But on a serious note, loli=love. True story.
Beware of commiting crimes, bro!
Welcome to our dark league!
I can usually get some enjoyment out of a show, even if it is highly censored so I’m hoping this one isn’t the exception. I’ll definitely be grabbing the BD copies when they become available, but until then this will hopefully tide me over.
Thanks for the release!
Finally almost gave up on waiting for you guy’s but eh the good stuff comes to those who wait so thank you Doki.
I blame Holo. ( ¬‿¬)
Too much Mikuru beam. Wait for december.
Didn’t know one of your staff passed away…
RIP Kanade.
Sorry to hear this… May Kanade’s soul rest in peace. ;.;
I’ll wait for BD’s, can’t stand this censor(To Love-Ru is my favorite anime after all).
It is really sad that you are not with us anymore. May your soul Rest in Peace Kanade. It is really sad
I hope they’ll keep this as close to the manga as possible. And I don’t really care for the censoring right now (already preordered all BD volumes at AmiAmi :D)
First two episodes seem to have stuck to the manga pretty well. It has my approval so far.
I noticed that in the ED, in the English translation, you put “rondevous” but shouldn’t it be “rendezvous” or more precisely “rendez-vous” if you follow French rules (from which the word come from).
I don’t speak french, so I can’t spell french words very well, lol. Thanks for pointing out the error so we can fix it.
While we’re on that line, “with in” should be “within”, it’s one word.
I remember that word too well from some WW II games
┐( ̄ー ̄)┌
Well just last season there was an anime called “Natsuyuki Rendezvous” too xD
Die frenchie!
You Brits and French really need to stop hating each other…The numerous wars you’ve had in the past are OVER! Like, ages ago! -_-
He’s not French.
Then don’t call him a frenchie, lol.
I can get away with it with just that fact ( ¬‿¬)
Holy Christ that’s fucking sad. Bad QC! BAD!
No uncensored At-X releases?
LOL. Same shit, bro.
AT-X had the same level of light beams and steam as free TV, plus with the added bonus of being two days later, which ticked off a lot of AT-X customer since it’s a paid station. So we’ll have to wait for the BDs for it to be uncensored.
So, I’m new to the To LOVE-Ru series. I’ve never watched any of the seasons. I’m thinking of watching all the seasons, but can anyone tell me what the series is about?
Please & Thanks!
This is about aliens, ecchi, some more ecchi and just a little more ecchi :D. This anime has an interesting plot, it is very funny. Go and watch it, I am sure that you will like it.
The king of harem anime
Damn MX, AT-X and all broadcasters broadcasting TLRD X-(.
Waiting for BD. I can’t watch TLR with heavily censored.
saw the word censored and heavily
=_= rage sigh
why first series so uncensored then this e.e
The definition of what is acceptable in certain timeslots seems to be a matter of opinion over the years so I’m guessing what was acceptable years ago may not be acceptable now.
Though I’m not following this series, I would only take a guess and say its censored more than usual to get people to drop money on the DVD/Blu Rays.
“The definition of what is acceptable in certain timeslots seems to be a matter of opinion over the years so I’m guessing what was acceptable years ago may not be acceptable now.”
Nope, this is not the case Rawr. If it was, then several other series that have aired the last few seasons, who are even more revealing, should have been censored to death, but they weren’t.
“Though I’m not following this series, I would only take a guess and say its censored more than usual to get people to drop money on the DVD/Blu Rays.”
This is probably it.