Vocalonation says this show is awesome, and I’m inclined to agree! And thanks to TheThing for his special guest apperance as TSer for this ep.
Yeah, this show is epic.
Haven’t been able to get a .ts or a good quality raw, so rather than stall here’s a v0
We will update to a proper encode and a 480p version as soon as we can.
Looks like we will be getting our .ts by wednesday for this, so expect a v0 raw at the weekend for all eps I guess.
- Translator: Vocalonation
- Timer: iken
- Typesetting: innocenat
- QC: Pawprint
- Encoder/Ktiming/Project Leader: ixlone
HD: [Doki] Onii-chan Dakedo Ai Sae Areba Kankeinai yo ne – 01 (1280×720 Hi10P AAC) [B66EEF09].mkv
HD: [Doki] Onii-chan Dakedo Ai Sae Areba Kankeinai yo ne – 01v0 (1280×720 h264 AAC) [5752618E].mkv
SD: [Doki] Onii-chan Dakedo Ai Sae Areba Kankeinai yo ne – 01 (848×480 h264 AAC) [1AC40C60].mkv
Akiko is a goddess!
Agreed. Akiko is the cutest imouto of the various imouto series I’ve seen. And I think I like all the imoutos I’ve seen.
So this is this season’s show about incest with a ridiculously long title? How many are we up to now?
Never enough wincest.
Agreed. My reaction is: “Oh, yet another one of THOSE kinds of series…”…It’s like they’re doing at least one every season now…
‘Course, I still like ’em though. ┐( ̄ー ̄)┌
Honestly, it’s the trend of ridiculously long titles that bothers me. I like my wincest as much as the next guy.
They can’t name an anime “Another Wincest anime”. They have to have it interesting, right now I have no clue at what the English name for this show is
Irie, I believe the title is thel ast thing Akiko says in this ep: “He may be my beother, but as long as there’s love, it doesn’t matter.” (That’s close, at least.)
Apologies for my typos. Blame the tablet….
I’m more bothered by the often retarded official translations of anime titles, such as “Papa no Iukoto o Kikinasai!” being translated as “Listen to Me, Girls. I Am Your Father!”, rather than “Listen to What Your Father Tells You!”…Not suspect at all, no…
>wincest or not
depends on BLOOD RELATED or NOT
It annoys me when I upload screencaps and I got to write the name down, qUcyy.
Still, that series will be awesome O.O
@Index: It’s BMW. B: Blood. M: Memories. W: WONII-CHAN MOE
Pretty common now when an anime series gets licensed, if the name sounds too Japanese, or not marketable that the name gets changed. Studios don’t seem to care as long as they get the money from the American studio in question that aquires the show.
Funimation/Sentai Filmworks are good ones to do that. The latter licensed the show you’re speaking about.
The thing is, that official translation of the title makes it sound like it’s an incest anime (and that is probably the impression they are deliberately trying to make…), which annoys me, because it’s really not…
From how I understand it, they’re trying to market it at unsuspecting buyers.
ADV used to make rather risque covers for shows that wern’t really adult or had fanservice at all. That only really seemed to happen to re releases.
Chance Pop Session is a good example there.
I never get tired of onii-chan or schoolgirls yuristyle stories.
Thank you for picking up this show.
I saw the title and the first thing I thought, even before I’d read everything, was “This show is so based on an eroge”
Surprise! It’s based on a light novel.
It has become an amazing place.
Damn, I should have checked Doki before watching a release from a group I’ve barely heard of that’s editing a group I’ve never heard of, I forgot you guys were doing this. Theres always next week I guess.
But yeah, this title was… refreshingly straight forwards… It feels so wrong, yet so awesome.
“refreshingly straight forwards… It feels so wrong, yet so awesome.”
It called “Guilty Pleasure.”
Nice! Thanks for the release!
is this At-x version?
Of course. No other station has aired it yet. Yes, AT-X is censored.
MX will air this show but 5 days late. (Wednesday, 01:35 [GMT+9]. 6 days late with BS11 and SUN.
All comes with censored but higher picture quality (1080i@12-15mbps [MX] always better than 1080i@5mbps [AT-X]).
We’ll most likely use MX or BS11 for the v1 (AT-X is censored anyway, so it shouldn’t matter), and just use AT-X for episode 2+.
Cute … I don’t know the fuss about the subject. But I think I’ll love the series. But I crack for Anastasia.
Savior from Hadena \o/
Don’t mention that, everyone will catch cancer =(
Thanks for the wincest~
Thanks! (^^)
I have not watched any of this, but I will assume that they will both be naked in a small room together by/before the 5th episode. However, he will not crack. He will not falter…! Like all idiots of similar wincest genre, his p***s shall not pass between her thighs! *sunglasses* He is not the one.
Liked the episde tons except when the other women showed up. Killed my excitement…
I think I have to agree with you. There wasn’t even an explanation for them being there. I’ll have to see how the next ep goes. Enjoyed the first half mre than the last half.
Oh mah gawd! Thank you so much Doki, I had no idea you guys were going to sub this show. Thank you so much, it means a lot to me and many others I’m sure. I love you guys.
Another bro-con show appears…well, it can’t be helped if it has enough moe! ┐( ̄ー ̄)┌
Nice pickup this season ppl. Keep up the good work!
Thanks god. I thought I had to watch Hadena one.
Besides translating quality, subtitle style so fking retard, it’s default style (Arial font w/o any effect).
I almost angry enough to punch my screen because of Hadena.
Anyway, thanks u guys.
I though AT-X did’nt have light beams
Sometimes they do, sometimes they don’t. This season, AT-X has censored both OniAi and TLRD, maybe BTOOOM as well (haven’t checked).
Time to get my recessives on? I’ll totally take a shot at this one!
OH GOD IT’S THIS ONE!! Saw a couple chapters a few months back. I…I don’t know how this will end up but…wow, they animated it! Nice.
Case in point…?
Ahhgg! my video converter is messing up in making it compatible for my PSP. Could someone try and make it PSP compatible and upload it somewhere?
Probably cos the video is vfr.
Hopefully will have a v1 out sometime this week.
well I am trying a different converter, if it doesn’t work I hope you get a new version out that will soon.
Demux Subtitle. Get a CFR RAW. Remux CFR RAW with Subtitle. Then convert new file.
>Haven’t been able to get a .ts or a good quality raw,
Yes. bad quality.
Jouki’s releases has color issue.
I’m getting this for the name alone, who knows, the show might be good too
Shouldn’t you retire v0 as soon as v1 becomes available?
I’m fine with leaving it.