Fear-chan be so hot.
Decided to swap to .rar since so many people having issues with extracting filenames 🙁
Scans included.
Holo edit: You can also stream this from my new (experimental) music site.
FLAC: [Doki] C3 Original Soundtrack (FLAC) [D36066AA].rar
MP3 (320 kbps): [Doki] C3 Original Soundtrack (MP3) [E14C05F3].rar
Too bad many people forget this show already 🙁
I didn’t even know it existed LOL
Wull Doki be doing the OVA of c3…? 😀
Probably not 🙁
Thanks! 😀
Thankyou for yet another soundtrack!
pls add the option to have favourite songs on yor site/playlist (great idea the music site 😀 it was too hard finding soundtracks for animes, didn’t know how to search)
That is a future option, I have to code it 😛
ugg. Doki, you really need to tame your childish qelinquint minds and at the very least, THE VERY LEAST, make a note on when something is NSFW. I had my computer hooked up to my TV to watch a show, and while waiting for my sisters to get to the room, I clicked the link…. I just thank God I could press “X” before they got in the room.
The entire website is classed as NSFW.
Alt+F4 or its Mac equivalent is faster than clicking “x”. ;D
Hotter images:
I’ll see yours and raise you a…
Some more nice ones here as well!
go to final8 subs for ova
“Error: You entered in the wrong CAPTCHA phrase. Press your browser’s back button and try again.”
Fuck that. My comment was removed after that.
Register an account and never have to fill them in.
Hmm…For this one I’ll rather wait until I’ve watched the show.
I actually just finished this one the other day. Fear was really adorable, and the series wasnt that bad at all. Albiet a bit short feeling. XD
Surprised no one posted the absolute hottest pic of Fear. XP