Epic OST is epic.
Intro to track 3 always reminded me of being in Tristram in Diablo 1. Track 19 is my favourite though.
Holo edit: You can also stream this from my new (experimental) music site.
FLAC: [Doki] Death Note Original Soundtrack (FLAC) [E8AED97C].zip
MP3 (320 kbps): [Doki] Death Note Original Soundtrack (MP3) [6C8F2B58].zip
Never really liked deathnote.. when i watched it 1st got bored half way and junked it. p_p
I always tell people to watch to the end of ep 2.
Because that’s when it gets interesting. Even my mum likes Death Note!
Epic mum, man! My mum likes playing Assassin’s Creed though lol
My mum plays a lot of games, she has like 4 consoles 😀
Mom plays games and watches anime…that must be a 2D world you live in. Because 3D moms don’t do that 😛
Unreal! Man, that sounds so awesome Ixlone! Your mom must be the coolest mom ever! 😀
Lol, the most my mother plays is Tetris, she’s boring.
That said, she just says she doesn’t know how to play other games, and doesn’t even bother trying. She works all day though.
You are one rare dude, mate…not liking Death Note.
Honestly, I haven’t found anyone who dropped it after watching 2 episodes. Even I met people who do not like anime but still watched at least one of these four: Bleach, Naruto, One Piece…and guess what, Death Note.
^This. Death Note is a rarity in that it is probably the only anime where I have not yet (until now) come across anyone who has not liked it, and it is also an anime I have managed to get people who don’t usually watch and/or enjoy anime, to watch, and enjoy.
What isn’t there to like about Death Note? I watched these as they were shown in America(Downloaded lol), and enjoyed enough to stop downloading and buy on DVD.
Great series, pity it ended the way it did but couldnt see it ending any other way. Justice was done.
Nice to see people like the OST releases… Thought I was going a bit overboard 😀
Overboard? Lol, you can never have too much of anything 🙂
I say keep ’em coming! 😀
Yup yup, the more the merrier lol
Thanks for the awesome OST, and FLAC fuking awesome
Unfortunately, masterpieces like this didn’t came in a Blu Ray release 🙁
It would be a crap upscale if it did 🙁
I still think it’s an atrocity that this epic masterpiece of a show does not have a Bluray release, while lots of older ones do…
It probably will get one sooner or later, it’s just a question of how shit will it look.
Well, maybe, if you say so…It’s been so long I’ve kind of given up hope…
If you can wait for Shuffle (soon™), you can wait for DN.
I gave up waiting for Dys to make the batch (I grabbed the individual volume releases), if that’s what you mean, so not really. ; ) Then again, I’m still waiting for Zdm to give me my Haruhi-chan batch.
About Death Note though: Imho, there are no good fansubs of the show out there at all. They either have poor subs, or poor video quality. I have yet to find a group who has done the show with both good video quality and subs. So I bought the official DVD’s as a last resort to see if they were better, but alas, while the video quality is good, and the subs ok, as I suspected, they have those God-awful yellow subs that go too far up on the screen, which I really can’t stand! >_< And the fansubs I have are still better than the official subs. At least I think so.
lol@downloading the vols… that amuses me.
Could be mistaken but not many Shounen Jump shows get main series releases on Blu Ray? As in non movie ones.
Naruto, Fairy Tail, Bleach? Haven’t had Blu Ray releases besides movies.
I think maybe those shows don’t get Blurays because they are super-long running series, and the older episodes are quite old too. But it might also be that SJ shows in general don’t get BD’s, as you say, I don’t know.
Yeah I think to have a Blu Ray release, you need to be a show thats 26 episodes or smaller in size(Well in the standard format Japan uses), so if you have more than 1 season you’re done by a season by season basis.
If that makes sense.
music site is great
‘Low of Solipsism’ FTW!!!!!
If I didn’t already have this one, I’d download it.
Epic soundtrack!
Out of curiosity, how many OST you guys are planning to release?
I was hoping that you guys will release the 10-bit version of Air and Clannad ~AS~ soon enough…but this is nice too 🙂
More OSTs to come 😀
Air and AS are still @holo.
Well, this is a great OST, but I already have it in great quality. Thanks anyway though! : )
An epic Series with epic OST, thanks for the epic upload.
Thanks for the epic comment about the epic series with the epic OST! 😀
I think it’s epic that you made an epic comment about the epic comment about the epic upload of the epic series with the epic OST! :p Should we make this a chain lol?
Well thankyou for this!
Death Note anime has 3 CDs, are you going to release all of them ? Thanks for the OST 🙂
I loved the manga of this series, couldn’t get into the anime because it just felt like it was moving so slow. I did watch the ending of it though, and I really dislike how they changed it from the manga.
Also, track 3 reminds me way more of Silent Hill than Diablo.
Great soundtrack, I’ll give it that much.
Thanks for doing this it’s great!
The only problem I have is that the japanese characters aren’t showing properly :/
Use applocale to set system to Japanese while you extract.
Is it just me or the “\” in file location shows “¥” after changing the system locale to Japanese?! :/
Yeah, but it still works the same, and only shows like that for you, still sends a \ on cbox, irc and such.
Is there any fix on this issue?? Even though it does the job, but still very annoying..
Nah, I’ve had my pc like this for so long I’ve got used to it.
Just get used with that. My comps are all like that 😀
Thanks! 😀
Thank you
Sure, this OST is EPIC… track 19 is great indeed.
Still waiting for the other CDs.