The OP will be left for a later date (ep 2 or official lyrics), as it’s hard to make out what they’re singing, and we’re not gonna guess. The ED has been done, but English only this week. It’ll get the full treatment (Romaji + Kanji) next week.
Other than that, enjoy your imouto!
- Translator/TLC: Ero_Yatsu, Holo
- Timer: DeathHere
- Encoder: kokus
- Typesetter: himie
- QC: Holo, Finny (Ep2+)
- Project Leader: Holo
720p: [Doki] Kono Naka ni Hitori, Imouto ga Iru! - 01 (1280x720 Hi10P AAC) [2F56958F].mkv
480p: [Doki] Kono Naka ni Hitori, Imouto ga Iru! - 01 (848x480 h264 AAC) [106A3F28].mkv
(☞゚∀゚)☞ NO U
Yes me
The early release is nice, but it’d also be nice if there was a 8-bit 720P version as well.
Thanks anyway.
I don’t see the point
Ignore him already
I agree Index, shame people have to bite to his comments, his comments on this subject should be ignored or deleted imo.
At this point, I’m starting to wonder if he’s no longer just sulking, but maybe trolling as well. -_-
Just forget about that faggot. He always did that in every site he visited.
He probably his nothing better to do than to repeat the subject no one supports him on over and over again. You’d think he’d get the message when virtually all the Doki staff and virtually all the regulars here have put him in his place.
So much hate 🙁
We love everyone here, except trolls 🙂
update your shit
An 8bit HD version would be nice. It’s a much more compatible format. Especially for those of us with media streamers.
Media streamers?
Boxee, Popcorn Hour, Dune, WDTV, etc. I store all my videos on a NAS. Then use a Boxee to play it on my TV. It organizes the videos with artwork and metadata. Handles all video/audio codecs and subtitles perfectly. Overall, it’s pretty awesome.
Unfortunately, it won’t play 10bit encodes. None of these players do 10bit.
Sorry Dave. This was the result from our discussion about 10bit files. And from the statistic, people prefer Hi10P than 8bit. Maybe because most of us still using computer to watch video, including me.
Well, you can never please everyone. At least there’s still 8bit SD file up there
Really hope you get some RSS feed working on this tracker. Thanks for the fast up.
Use Minglong for the time being:
cool!, is there anyway to set it to a specific anime, like a filter ?
Not on that site, but you can set up RSS filters in your torrent client.
Zdm, hath spoken!
UTW has this. Finish Korean Zombie Desk Car first. Yours are the only subs I approve of.
UTW has a better release pic. I don’t know if it means they did a better job.
That made me rage, though ┐(´д`)┌
If UTW’s release pic made you rage, I’m guessing that was due to the retarded censoring? ; )
but I thought that retarded censoring was always fun and loving.
Yahoo! Thanks for the release! 🙂
im going to have to watch this episode twice to choose
from doki or UTW
god please help me!!
UTW subtitles aren’t greatly styled (meaning no style at all) but they did the OP and ED (with karaoke). For the subtitles themselves, I can’t say for errors but it depends on which TLC’s style you prefer. And UTW have a larger filesize due to the crf (16 and Doki is 18) but as far as I’ve seen no better video quality. There’s banding, of course there’s banding because it’s from TV and it’s probably the same source and it’s the same censorship on panties.
I think I’ll go with Doki if it’s not delayed but since you did it fast this time I hope it will stay the same.
gonna be hard to find a reason to choose doki over utw.
instead it would be nice if Arcana Famiglia is released since no decent groups are working on it
Thanks! 😀
so i guess you guys will work on Boku wa tomodachi ga sukanai
or is it going to be stalled forever?
A lot of people either can’t use or don’t want to use 10 bit encodes. I am the latter. I burn all my anime to dvd’s in HD format. Until somebody comes up with a way for anything other than a computer to use a 10 bit file, they are useless to me and a lot of other people who use many different hardware devices to watch on their TV sets. I actually don’t watch any series till they are complete. It drives me nuts to only watch 20 minutes and have to wait a week to see another
20 minutes. Once the series is over I can sit back on a comfortable couch and watch the whole thing on a big screen with with a great sound system from 15 feet away and not be crammed up against a computer screen all the time.
Just download an encoder and reencode the episodes. it takes less than 20min if you encode in restricted high profile with a decent computer (one that can play 1080p 10-bit without trouble) if you don’t care too much about the quality or the filesize (and don’t use x264 in slow or slower). Just do a batch of encode when it’s over and you just have to wait a few hours and it’s done.
Or you could just do like I do, and connect your computer to the TV using an HDMI cable, so you can watch the 10 bit files on your TV just fine, through your computer. ; ) Much easier than burning heaps of DVD’s or re-encoding everything anyway lol. This is of course assuming you have a PC and a TV that are good enough for this to work well.
If you don’t have a laptop and your computer isn’t near your TV you can’t use it to play the files. And you can’t use a remote control on a computer (unless you have Bluetooth and you spend some time to setup everything) so if it isn’t near you it’s annoying. But even for 8-bit files, there’s not much players that decode properly the subtitles (if they do play the .mkv) and I don’t think there’s one which can decode the needing more than 3Ghz without xy-vsfilter ones. So I don’t think the 10-bit is the only problem for that, unless you have a very good player which can decode every subtitle better than an i7 with default filters.
Just try the Koi to Senkyo to Chocolate PV, takes 2% CPU to decode the video and all of it for the subtitles without xy-vsfilter. If your player can play this correctly I’d be very surprised (if it lags or subtitles don’t change color or flash it’s not good)
Regarding the subtitles, some media streamers have problems. But there a few that play them correctly. I use a Boxee, and it handles the ASS subs beautifully. It plays everything well, except for 10bit encodes.
Well obviously the TV and PC need to be close to each other for my option to work.
NOOOOOOOOOO whats with the crappy censoring :'(
but great show anyways hope the BD is uncensored 😉
Why megane. why?! *cries in corner*.
Thank you for this delicious release
Is it just me or is part of the op stolen from princess lover?
Its just you.
Thanks! 😀
So who was sister?
iirc all the girls are his sister
Plot of this anime is to figure out who his sister is.
I have my hopes.
I am so gonna spoil it for myself.
(Getting the raws for the manga, it wasn’t in the first 3 TLed chapters. 🙁 )
thanks for the release I’ve been waiting XD, also i was wondering, why dont you guys post your torrents on Nyaa.eu you would get way more fans and more downloads if that means anything… but yea i was just wondering?
Ahahaha. Muri desu 😛
Why not…?
Doki and the guy running Nyaa don’t get along.
Which is odd because Holo is a nice guy and has been nice to pretty much everyone except trolls on here, doesn’t deserve hate from people.
I don’t remember seeing Doki torrents on Nyaa when I first started commenting here back in 2010, so this ban has been in effect for a while I believe.
But Holo and and his group have done a good job to create a popular, self suffient website that can survive without Nyaa.
Indeed. I don’t know what Nyaa’s problem with Doki is…
Me neither, not that it really matters anymore. lol.
Old shit happens…..
Alright, i guess that makes sense, but it would have been a good idea but shit happens XD, thanks and sorry for the stupid question, i guess lol
If nyaa removes the ban on doki torrents, I’ll post on nyaa. However I’m not gonna beg to remove the ban, because nyaa is not a necessity.
That’s true, but it was just that i know a lot of people that use Nyaa and use Doki…
The hell? Doki torrents are banned on Nyaa? When did THAT happen? I was gone from the fansubbing scene for less then 2 months…
I’m pretty sure it was longer ago than 2 months ago.
Where have you been bro? It’s been like this for over 1.5 years, lol. Try uploading a torrent with Doki in the filename, and you’ll get Nyaa’s ban message.
We used to use AniRena a long time ago, with Nyaa as a secondary tracker. Then we got our own tracker, and anirena went down. Then Nyaa decided to ban us, and we used minglong instead (As a secondary)
Well, shows how attentive to details I am.
Someone there must really hate you. Weird, I’ve met Nyaa, and he seemed like a decent guy. Well, it’s the internet, so he could be an actual ogre for all I know.
He always kick me whenever I join #nyaa
┐( ̄ー ̄)┌
I wonder what his problem with Doki is. :-/
Probably hates how popular Doki is, and how Doki doesn’t need a torrent dumping site like Nyaa to attract hits to the website, although it’d be a nice extra.
LOL. Wouldn’t worry about it, lots of other nicer IRC channels out there I’m sure. Not that I’ve ever used IRC but going by how nice the staff are here.
@Rawr….. Nah, i was just curious. At least I still can download more shits at #news, that’s more than enough.
This show is fucking terrible…
There are a lot worse out there.
as long as girls are cute, who gives a fuck about the rest?
No, I don’t fuckin care ┐( ̄ー ̄)┌
Wow…censored pantsu….this late 90’s early 2000’s? With the content animes come out with now, I haven’t seen censored pantsu since…Princess Lover.
Decent show though, I have a good hunch of who the “onii-sama” calling sister is but don’t want to spoil. I’ll watch a few more episodes before deciding to watch or not to watch. Thanks for the subs Doki!
┐( ̄ー ̄)┌
what Genre is this?
Harem Love Comedy?
Just ur ordinary haremic story 😛
now nobody but SubDesu will do Hagure Yuusha… and instead Doki chose oversubbing several of the most subbed shows for the summer season. Guys 🙁 subbing a show that has UTW doing it and subbing a show that has SubDesu doing it are two completely different matters… but, well, I haven’t downloaded your release ever since Seikon no Qwaser (hint hint: the last show where your only alternative was SubDesu), so I shouldn’t speak.
We don’t see it as “choosing a show UTW is doing”, we see it as “UTW are doing a show we are also doing.”
I don’t choose shows on the basis of what other groups are doing (may they be good or bad), but rather, what our translators want to work on, lol.
I know, Holo, I know… leave me whine that nobody is translating Hagure Yuusha tho. You guys were my hope ;_;
Something’s wrong with this show. It looks like a generic moe harem incest show. But I watched it with my friends today and we all had the same reaction at the end. Something’s really wrong here. There was this feeling of creepiness lingering around. The girls aren’t acting normally, reacting to things they shouldn’t be aware of.