Special thanks to mit for helping with the translation of the nightmare whiteboard.
HD: [Doki-AFFTW] Kore wa Zombie Desu ka of the Dead – 07 (1280×720 h264 AAC) [DC80F77A].mkv
SD: [Doki-AFFTW] Kore wa Zombie Desu ka of the Dead – 07 (848×480 h264 AAC) [6D267D1F].mkv
Thanks for the release – been looking forward to a new episode!
thanks for the release have been waiting for ages XD
Thanks for the release! Just 4-5 eps. to go to be on track… Patience really is a virtue…
Thank for TV and Waiting for BD ver. > <
I think there is something wrong here with the font or something : http://i.imgur.com/0t1hY.jpg
OP font looks fine here
=/ I wonder what went wrong for me on this episode. I think I have a problem with most of the fonts but only on this episode.
Oh well, I extracted the fonts from the mkv and installed them and it now works
Yeah, I was talking with some staff members and it seems that the new mkvmerge doesn’t play well with CCCP or K-Lite or something (I’m using mplayer2 and libass, so everything looks fine on my end). Up to Holo if he’ll v2 it.
I get the same but it’s also the dialogue font missing and many signs too http://i.imgur.com/x88Cy.jpg
Just because of the signs this requires a v2 don’t wanna waste TheThing’s effort on it
Also 3-liner because no font http://imgur.com/BsLXH
It’s impossible that fonts are missing. I use aegisub’s font collector to grab every font, and attach every one…
@Holo: I think the new MKVMerge derped it :/
Time to answer few things.
Latest mmg from Ubuntu distribution (or linux version of mmg/MKVMerge) detects font files different than what most common demuxer.
Most demuxers expect font files in mkv to be muxed with mime-type “application/x-truetype-font”, however mkvtoolnix in latest stable debian repositories detect normal .ttf as “application/x-font-ttf” and .otf as “application/vnd.ms-opentype”.
This problem first became visible in the 5.0.1 (for .otf files) and 5.1.0 (for all font files) with the windows version when the author compiled it with updated libraries (the one that detects mimetype). He later fixed it for .ttf files in 5.2.0 but .otf were still broken (have yet to check latest version)
Anyways, It’s just a simple bug and heyman below was good enough to create a patch that fixed this
However unfortunately for now, the mimetype for each added font file in MKVMerge has to be double checked to make sure they are “application/x-truetype-font” for all fonts (including .otf).
Long live 4.0.0
i suppose that you use K-Lite or CCCP, since mine in VLC works like usual
I try messing around with the preferred splitter, and then find in MPC with Haali splitter turn out to be just like your screenies, on the other hand if you changed to LAV Splitter, the problem is fixed
you may try it since it works on me
Yeah I use CCCP for a reason, but like I said a bit above, I extracted the font from the .mkv and installed them and it worked.
I just demuxed and remuxed everything up again with mkvmerge (v4.9) and it’s all fine now.
Thanks for the episode!
Oh yeah, good thinking! =)
Thanks for the release!
mkvtoolnix is getting worse and worse.
And it’s author is a total dick.
Last usable version which I use is mkvmerge v3.1.0.
mkvtoolnix new versions are actually more correct. Most groups use v4.0 -> 5.0.1
Just blame Haali media splitter for its imperfection. Other splitters like LAV, VLC, mplayer’s one work fine.
It’s lame that Haali is the default splitter for mkv file.
4.0 is the best
Thanks guys! I’ll try this version too.
Unofficial patch for 720p http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?zpt10hexi8r6bb6
Because I can xD
It’s not working for me =(
What should I do?
Put it in the same location as the patch.
CRC check the file to make sure it’s not corrupt.
Index wasn’t kidding…You post the same damn “Thanks!” post everywhere, all the time…Please cut it out… -_-
Saying just thanks is fine.
Yes of course, but he makes the exact same post in every topic, every time…It gets kind of tiring to look at in the long run…
A question, are you guys going to do Fate/Zero? as you have already done the Fate/Stay Night and the Movie.
Both UTW and Coalgirsl files size per episode is about 2GB for 1080p.
Their filesizes for that show are so big becaus Fate/Zero has godly animation quality. It can’t be helped. You don’t want to downgrade the animation just to decrease filesize. Get a bigger harddrive or something. Also, IMHO, as much as I like Doki, UTW is the best choice for anything Fate related anyway. I liked their version o the UBW movie better than Doki’s (I watched through both versions from the beginning until the end). Mostly because I liked their subs better. UTW was formed in order to sub the UBW movie to begin with, so you can’t go wrong with Fate related anime from them. They’re really dedicated when it comes to these series.
I see that we can now see the number of posts the people on the Top Posters list have as well…Damn, Ixlone is closer behind me than I thought. : p
if u combine my post + martinez, i’m sure that i’ll become 2nd top poster.
┐( ̄ー ̄)┌
If you did that you’d only have a few posts left to surpass Holo. ; ) But why would you combine yours and martinez’s posts? Are both accounts actually yours?
I just started using this nick maybe one year ago
it’s more convenient this way since most of the time, i online with my laptop.
I only have 303? Looks like I need to spam a whole lot more!
With this post I am now 15th~~~~
I really went up 5 ranks in that little time =|
damn only 255
/me calls the police
There’s quite a significant jump in posts once you get to the top 4-5 though. Top 5 posters have over a 1000 more posts combined than the next 15 posters have combined. ^^’
Thanks for the episode.
Though, how is the second OVA going for season 1?
Just curious as to whether or not Doki is doing it.
There is no second OVA for Season 1. There is an OVA for Season 2 though, Episode 00.
Oh, you’re right.
Wonder if Doki is working on it…
Don’t really want to watch Hadena’s, and I don’t really care about how long it takes.
we want v2! we want v2!
P.S DOKI’s staff for god sake start using CCCP or quit xD
Thanks for the episode! It is much appreciated.
I did notice a few “mistakes” in the script. Specifically, in the fantasy sequences (roughly at 05:44 and 06:38), both of them say “Aikawa Daiz”, which is quite obviously not correct.
Finally, I think someone already reported this on one of the earlier episodes, but the OP has some overlapping text (at 02:28 in this episode). This seems to happen both with VLC and with MPlayer, and has been the case in all of the episodes released thus far.
like i said…. Doki check your work with MP and cccp…
these codecs and players been used for years by otakus and they don’t going to throw them away for you~
i don’t see the point making such hard work in no one can watch it normally at the end
I can watch it.
i don’t see the point in making such hard work if no one can watch it normally at the end
Works fine for me.
Could you please seed this? SD version.
Um, it stopped seeding at 58.6% >.<