To celebrate hitting 3000 likes Doki had a cover photo competition for the Facebook page!
The deadline for grand winner submissions was Sunday 27th May.
The submissions have been reviewed and a winner decided.
The winner is AdventKai!
A big thanks to everybody who took part! Holo will sort out your prize.
Is usage of lolicon characters an advantage? >_<
Hope you like it !
Incorrect resolution.
Yours is 873px x 315px and we need 851px x 315px.
I hope you saved the psd ;D
This one is nice. Simple and easy. Just wished that he wasn’t cut out due to the profile picture. C’est la vie. Typography though is nicely done.
Even more banners huh?… ; ) Not that long since the previous banner comp, though that one was for the site. Anyways, looking forward to some great banners! ^^
Now we just have to wait for Jigsy’s Not Safe At All banner to make this a real competition.
That picture… Its over Moe-Million!!!
Here is my entry:
Hope this meets some of the criteria.
Incorrect resolution.
Yours in 800px x 296px and we need 851px x 315px.
Otherwise it meets all the criteria, I hope you saved the project file!
Here’s mine:
Great Teacher Onizuka! The composition is alright. Not much to say. Simple. Good job.
I would like to bring up the fact that I
…that I have no idea how comments work.
And that
one personeverybody in Doki really really likes pink.That explains the color of Doki’s icon
I don’t think they can be any colour but pink with this style.
It also represents when the “thread-starter” makes a post
Sorry, I didn’t know how to use the website, that one got resized v_v this one should be the original size:
Things like this are cool but there’s a few problems with it. The text “haruka” is blocked out due to the profile picture being in the way thus losing consistency. Not only that, the fansub title (as creative as it is) just doesn’t look good. I really do like the concept though. Kudos.
My turn >.<
Yours is 800px × 296px and we need 851px x 315px.
Maybe resized your pic <~ blame it.
ok let me try again:
I’m going to be quite blunt…
First one doesn’t really look that great. The profile picture on facebook covers the lower portion of her face and half her body. The typography on the bottom doesn’t work at all.
The second one just looks like it’s a low quality image. I don’t like the typography either.
The image seems oversaturated and the background doesn’t complement with the characters. Got a nice idea going with the typography but it’s just not working out.
Sorry !
My first attempt ever on making banners, so be nice.
Well, here’s mine contribution:
Trying to be nice by being blunt:
The image is over-saturated, proportionally resized incorrectly and the typography doesn’t work well with the compositions.
MY eyes… goddamit I’m blind
No banners from me this time. I don’t need a sub-domain either. I’ll help others improve on their compositions by giving a bit of my feedback though. Good luck participants.
Ahh… I looked at the criteria and thought of something good, than realized after I finished making it that it said preferably female…. so whether this is accepted or not, I wanted to give it a go!
I didn’t double check the criteria OTL… some men in this one…whether it’s accepted or not, I thought I’d give it a go!
In my personal opinion, I think this needs a lot more work. There are some images that look oversaturated, some that looks too noisy, and some with bad extracts. The typography doesn’t complement well with the composition either. You may have to redo this.
This is why I love you. Good job on being a constructive asshole and bluntly telling the truth.
I mean this in a completely positive way.
Uh thanks?
Here’s my crack – had a bit of fun making this up ^_^
You know that’s the wrong resolution right? It should be 851×315. Yours is 800×296. Not bad nevertheless. Though even if you do resize it, some of the small text that you have there will be hidden behind the profile picture.
I understand that it’s official, but Engrish makes me D:
I really like the DFS, if the D could just be a little less G-like that would be stupendous.
Pink hair <3
>_< how bizarre, i can show you the PSD file its 851×315, its re-sized it self. But oh feedback lovely, ill make the adjustments.
-and ready, please by all means give me some feedback, the more i get the more i can improve ^_^
btw i think its photobucket re-sizing the image. i have the full res version so dont worry about that end of it, not sure why photobucket is doing that though. o_O
oh i hate reposting, sorry only just noticed rarely’s first part of his comment, i hope the trans came out right, i know doki doki should translate in throb in english, so i essentially cut the word in half to get doki >_>
err.. and, sorry i have a bad habbit at readjusting works
It seems like Photobucket is constantly resizing the images. I would use something like imgur or imageshack when you actually submit them.
I think you should just stick to the English version. Having both the English and Japanese versions there just make it seem unnecessarily clustered.
Just a heads up, you’ve still not submitted a version at 851×315. If you wanna be eligible for the prize please do that before Sunday!
Alternatively, you can use Dropbox to post your picture.
There you go, my attempt.
I like the concept, but I think you could do more. Add more text in the background like you did with the large Doki Fansubs text there. The copies of the extract that you have could also have a bit more flow. An easy remedy is to move them a bit diagonally. That or you could use a stroke and move the fill down to 0%. Just a few suggestions.
nice, i quite like that, nice and simple and how can you hate Matsumae Ohana (well i suppose some people do).