As some of you may or may not be aware, Doki is celebrating it’s second anniversary today. Two years ago, on the 11th of October, Holo made the very first post on the Doki blog. To commemorate this, we’ve put together something extra special.
As you know, many of us here at Doki are massive keyfags. Myself and Holo included. So we’ve decided to release Angel Beats, the one remaining Key anime we had not yet released, in grand style. With 480p, 720p and 1080p in 8-bit and 720p and 1080p in 10-bit.
But wait, there’s more!
One of us also happens to own the Girls Dead Monster discography, so included in this big release are FLAC and MP3 torrents for both of those. One of our translators, Thaerin, has taken the time to translate every single song for you, so each file comes with a lyrics sheet containing kanji, romaji and English. We also decided to fansub and karaoke the bonus DVD that came with Ichiban no Takaramono, so you’ll find the PV’s at the bottom, along with XDCC links for the OP/ED single.
Lastly, we’d like to thank all our downloaders for sticking with us through the last 2 years, as well as everyone we’ve picked up along the way. We hope to continue bringing you the best quality anime we know how for as long as possible.
PL: Dys
Original subs: Static-Subs
Song Translation: Thaerin
Timers: ixlone, TloskPD, masat
QC: Dys, Holo
TS: Zdm321
Karaoke: Dys
Encoder: TloskPD
Angel Beats!
1080p Hi10P: Angel Beats! (2010) [Doki][1920×1080 Hi10P BD FLAC]
1080p: Angel Beats! (2010) [Doki][1920×1080 h264 BD FLAC]
720p Hi10P: Angel Beats! (2010) [Doki][1280×720 Hi10P BD AAC]
720p: Angel Beats! (2010) [Doki][1280×720 h264 BD AAC]
480p: Angel Beats! (2010) [Doki][848×480 h264 BD AAC]
Girls Dead Monster
FLAC: Girls Dead Monster [Doki][FLAC]
MP3: Girls Dead Monster [Doki][MP3]
PV’s: Girls Dead Monster (2010) [Doki][720×480 h264 DVD AAC]
Hmmn, one last selfish request: know anyone who’s translated the mini-manga at the end of the Last Song booklet?
I don’t know of anyone. Sorry.
Got the 720p Hi10p
It looks WAY worse than AtsA.
Probably because of this:psy_rd=1.00:0.00
Troll release?
Check this:
It’s even missing a WHOLE LINE in Yurippe’s hair.
Yeah, what a nice encode Doki…
how does it compare with UTW’s BD release?
I don’t have it, so I can’t make post a screen shot comparison, however I remember that UTW’s encode was on par with AtsA’s. So yeah…stick with UTW’s release, or get AtsA if you want BD encodes with the Static-Subs translation.
They are both good though, it’s a matter of personal preference.
mfw, a line missing from her hair that nobody but you can see!
Oh, wait, I see it now, it’s in the darkest damn spot, that nobody is going to look for unless they are either retarded, a troll, or a reject that merely enjoy wasting their time!
Get a life. You’re seriously going to squint your eyes over a 720p encode?
and on-top of that? what is with the “1279×720”? wtf?
It’s a high quality encode, and if you’re going to be comparing, try getting the 1080 next time.
@13-20kb’s downwind on 720? Nah, It’s much more worth it to get the good subs.
Thanks for your input though.
my bad, you took Atsa’a 1080 and downsized it to 720.
Freaking dumbass, that’s not how you run a comparison!
Such a shame that what was meant to be a positive post celebrating Dokis 2nd Aniversary and the release is Angel Beats is being ruined by people with an axe to grind.
Humouring you, I know nothing about videos but can not for the life of me spot what you’re talking about. There is nothing wrong with Dokis release, and I’ve never seen a bad Doki video either.
Stop being a hater and hopefully Kanade will show you her Hand Sonic for being so negative.
I’m a fan of both AtsA and Doki, and leaving all the raging here aside (odinigh, you’re getting a bit too worked up over some random dude complaining lol.. ; ) ), I can not spot what you’re talking about at all, and further more, Doki’s version actually looks sharper to me, so I have no clue what you’re talking about. :-/ And anyway, as odinigh said, downsizing AtsA’s 1080p down to 720p and comparing it to Doki’s 720p is just…plain dumb…and fail.
Silly people will be silly.
Lol yup. I just think its a shame people had to be so negative, Dys you and everyone else who worked on this did so well, it sucks some people can’t just say thanks and move on, and instead have to invent things to complain about >.>
They’re more ungreatful than silly.
Honestly, I don’t see what you’re talking about. From that comparison I can see that a line is missing in AtsA’s at top and bottom because of size, but that’s probably just the screenshot. Maybe I just have the advantage of poor eyesight.
Call me blind, but I also can’t see what the hell he’s going on about.
I do believe our friend here is the one trolling, I also believe he’s a moron. Case closed, moving on.
You are all blind.
Major aliasing on Yurippe hair on the lower left part of the screenshot I posted.
To those complaining I downscaled the 1080p to 720p of AtsA to compare: That actually favors Doki.
But whatever, not even trolling, but haters gonna hate right?
Enjoy your Angel Beats!.
Downscaling a still image from the 1080p encode does not favor Doki.
If the source is of higher quality, so will the resulting downsize.
If you took a Doki 1080p still image and downsized it the same, you’d get a better result than a Doki 720p still image.
I have 20/20 vision and a very good screen.
Using a downscaled image doesn’t favour Doki unless you’re using an absolutely awful program to scale your images.
There is no visible aliasing unless you’ve done something foolish like turning up screen sharpness too far, which, while sharpening blurry images, will completely ruin images that were sharp to begin with.
In summation: lolwut
just stop making urself looks idiot
If we were in the Angel beats afterlife, like right now, TomoyaX would of blasted off into the ceiling almost endlessly lol
Is the epilogue included in the batch? You know the other one
I just want to know before I start DL’ing
Hi do you mean Episode 13.5? Yes its there. Check the fileserve link for a folder containing all the episodes in the post Dys made above.
Yes. 13.5, as Me said, is “Another Epilogue”.
Different groups called it different things, I stuck with numbers to keep it uniform.
Speaking of Another Epilogue, I don’t like it much, although it leaves the series open for Season 2, it removes the prospect for a certain pairing between 2 characters which was hinted at the end of Episode 13.
Not at all. The afterlife isn’t time based.
Otherwise… shit, that’s a spoiler. Well, the afterlife isn’t time based.
LOL Good point.
Still, I had that love that transcends time and space vibe when thinking of that scene, I can’t see a certain character staying behind after a certain character left that characters arms in an emotional scene like that.
I’m so vague lol
Ok thank you. So is 14 the one with the high tension stuff?
Perfect, just perfect.
I was just preparing to go on my balcony and have a few beers watching specially beautiful sunset and listening to some music, and decided first to check on my anime sites. And then this. Don’t know what to say but thank you.
I’m a big fan. I believe you are best thing that happened to anime funsubs since beginnings of Eclipse… Keep up the good work and greeting from Croatia. You should know that your efforts are well appreciated.
I’m especially grateful for GirlsDemo FLAC…
Firstly let me thank you for a awesome release, Ive been following Doki for about a year and a half now =D
This may be a dumb question, but is there a way i can disable the karaoke? im watching the 720 hi10p release and the karaoke/video cant keep up to the audio and i keep getting breaks or buffering, its rather frusterating, If it was only for the intro’s it would be fine but part of the first episode was un watchable for me.
Im running the beta version of cccp, and i dont have any issues with any other 10bit anime.
Try updating your VSFilter, not using VSFilter at all and instead using MPC-HC’s internal sub renederer.
If you’re not using MPC-HC, try doing that as well.
If that fails, try updating MPC-HC itself.
Also, if you’re in MPC-HC, trying turning off subpicture buffering on the “subtitles” section in your options.
I say all this because you can’t disable kara.
Thanks for the help, Ive gone as far as I can, it got a little bit better, but the video still cant keep up with the audio, I think its time to replace my hd 4850 with something newer. CPU and Ram usage are only at about 40% so i think its time for a new video card!
Im gunna try out the 8bit and see if it makes a difference, regardless thanks for the quick reply and the awesome anime!
I’ll paste this here as well.
If you have “DirectVobSub” in external filters, set it to “block” and turn on MPC-HC’s own subtitles by right clicking, going to subtitles, and clicking enable.
Sub pictures to buffer will only have an effect if you’re using MPC-HC’s internal renderer and not DirectVobSub, since that has its own settings which are a pain to get to.
Before doing crazy things like splashing on a new card, make sure to try this (if you haven’t already) and see if it works out for you. From what I know, CCCP installs a special pre- configured version of MPC-HC that has DirectVobSub enabled instead of MPC-HC internal filters.
Also, I believe the stable version of CCCP supports 10-bit now, if you’re using the older beta rather than the latest beta.
i went from the stable release this morning to the newest beta hoping it might fix the issue.
when i block dvs the sub are gone after reloading the file, however subtites is greyed out and i am unable to use the internal filter. which filter is it specifically that i need to add to the list?
looks like the guy below me is having the exact same issue, You can just reply to his comment and i will follow that ‘thread’ im going back to the stable version of cccp, i just need to figure out which filter is the proper one.
making progress, installed mpc-hc from soundforge, works fine but i have the typical dropped blocks and bad colors that come without the 10bit support. Ill figure it out sooner or later.
but i still wouldnt mind a new video card 😉
Thanks for the release! I’m having problems when the OP is playing on the 1080 10 bit version. The sound goes in and out and the picture lags. I doubt hardware is a problem, and I’m running the latest CCCP and MPC-HC. Never had a problem with 10 bit until now. Sub resolution is 800×600 and taking off “Allow animation when buffering didn’t work. “Sub pictures to buffer” is at 4. Thanks in advance.
Try updating your VSFilter, not using VSFilter at all and instead using MPC-HC’s internal sub renederer.
If you’re not using MPC-HC, try doing that as well.
If that fails, try updating MPC-HC itself.
Also, if you’re in MPC-HC, trying turning off subpicture buffering on the “subtitles” section in your options.
You can’t disable the karaoke, there’s only one sub track, so these are your best options. The karaoke plays fine on mine for all res except 1080p 10-bit (because my PC can’t play 1080p 10-bit as it’s old and crusty).
Alright so I’m an idiot when it comes to messing with this stuff. Is the VSFilter something like “DirectVobSub” found in External filters of MPC-HC? How would I update or disable VSFilter?
I’ve set the “Sub pictures to buffer” to 0 and that didn’t change anything. Thanks for the quick reply.
If you have “DirectVobSub” in external filters, set it to “block” and turn on MPC-HC’s own subtitles by right clicking, going to subtitles, and clicking enable.
Sub pictures to buffer will only have an effect if you’re using MPC-HC’s internal renderer and not DirectVobSub, since that has its own settings which are a pain to get to.
Alright so I disabled the DirectVobSub and now the audio and video doesn’t lag. Progress! Unfortunately I don’t have subs showing now. So where do I right click? I’m not quite sure where to click enable because right clicking in options doesn’t take me anywhere and I don’t see a subtitles option right clicking on the on the video screen. Thanks so much for going step by step with me on this.
Zephyr, it looks like we where having the same issue.
After you blocked the CVS filter you need to go to the playback menu (right click, options, playback tab) and click the bottom box -auto load subtitles-
this fixed it for me, no more problems 🙂
When the video is playing back you right click and you should see a subtitles section in the context menu give. From there you should be able to click enable, and possibly choose which track you wish to play.
I’m not sure about the specifics of the CCCP version of MPC-HC, but it may have the internal sub renderer deactivated in some way.
I would recommend downloading the latest MPC-HC from here: http://mpc-hc.sourceforge.net/
Installer is probably best. Now, after doing this you will have 10-bit playback issues. If you go, first, to your output settings in the options menu, you should see a renderer called “EVR Custom Pres.” click over to that one. After this, click “internal filters” on the left and uncheck both h264 boxes. Since you have the latest CCCP installed, MPC-HC should automatically switch over to the ffdshow h264 decoder so you shouldn’t have to do anything else, however, if it still won’t play back, try adding “ffdShow Video Decoder” from the list of “external filters” using the add button, switch it to “prefer” and try again.
After that, I run out of ideas…
And in the time it took me to write my wall, c0nspire found the answer, lol.
Hell yes. Thanks so much for the help and having patience with my problems Dys. Sorry c0nspire beat you to it lol.
Thanks for your help as well c0nspire!
well my method only works assuming you’ve installed cccp first, If you where running k-lite or something else you would have to have a different approach. Glad it worked for you (and me)
Just simply checking the CCCP setting “VSFilter Subpicture Pre-Buffering” did the trick for me… perhaps someone wants to see if they can reproduce that fix. Either way, mine’s working now, thanks in part to this thread. (never would have found that setting if i wasnt checking the stuff mentioned in the thread.)
There’s no need to drop the standard CCCP setup if you’re getting any lag or dropped frames because of the Karaoke. But there is a tweak you need to do.
When CCCP installed, it should’ve created a folder in your start menu. Go there, and there’ll be a subfolder called “Filters.” In there, you’ll find the VSFilter configuration. Load that up, and under the “Misc” configuration, set the “sub-pictures to buffer” to something higher than zero. I have mine set to 20. Make sure “Allow animation when buffering” is checked as well. That’s it. Hit “apply” and reload the video and it’ll play flawlessly.
This will eat up some of your CPU, but it will allow you to buffer the animation of the karaoke while you’re watching so that it’ll play just fine. This won’t work if your CPU sucks, though.
Sigh. This is exactly the opposite of what everyone else said. Anyway, this is the solution. THANKS man, I really appreciate it.
No, we suggest dropping VSFilter because it’s made for compatibility and not speed. It’s images are lower quality but still cause more lag than the internal MPC-HC setup does.
Well, I suggest it for that reason.
VSFilter/DVS does have better compatibility though, it just wouldn’t be my first choice.
Nobody suggested that! Suggest it sooner! Suggest it first!
The external VSfilter has been the CCCP default for a long time. How could I know it wasn’t the preferred method?
Because of the wall post conversation I was having with the 2 guys up above?
If you asked for help on an earlier page, chances are I just missed it.
I also said it wasn’t my preferred method. The preferred method is just whatever works for you, I guess.
Sorry I was unclear. I mean your preferred method for this release.
I can’t keep the external VSfilter disabled permanently because many shows have signs that don’t display properly using the built-in MPC sub renderer.
Most fansub groups recommend CCCP. Your release doesn’t play properly with the default CCCP config. Now the solution comes out. Everything is OK. Swapping between sub renderers for one show isn’t a problem.
However, perhaps you should look into what caused this problem? Consider trying to make CCCP, DVS-friendly karaoke for your next encode? Friendly suggestion.
Anyway, thanks. The flaw is non-critical and in all other respects this release is excellent, and your encode is beautiful. I’ve downloaded all of them and this is the best. Now I can free up 100GB of disk space.
I use default CCCP settings and it plays fine for me.
I literally installed CCCP with just clicking all the OK and changing nothing. Then the only things I have changed after I installed are to turn OSD on, remember file location and window size.
DirectVobSub is enabled as the external filter? And it plays the 1080P version karaoke smoothly? With “sub pictures to buffer” in DVS set to 0? That’s not fair… Doesn’t work on any of my machines…
Oh well. I give up. At least it works, even if it takes a little bit of fiddling.
Quick question, what is the difference between 720 and 720 Hi10P?
Is there a noticeable change in quality?
Small increase in visual quality, small decrease in file size.
If you have capability to play back 10-bit, then it would be the better choice.
So hey, Dys, I tried firing up the first episode of Kanon in 10-bit that I got from you guys (it’s my first time trying out 10-bit on my computer), just to check if I am able to play 10-bit without problems. Sorry to bother you just after you finished helping those other 2 guys, but I’m gonna have to…I’l try not to be too dumb. I did also read all the posts first, so I have an idea, I just want to check with you first.
I have the latest version of CCCP (the one from 30.07.2011), and no other codecs installed, I use Media Player Classic that comes with it, and my computer is a modern and powerful computer, with and Intel quad-core i7 3,2 Ghz processor, a Geforce GTX 470 graphics card, and 6GB DDR3 RAM. I have never changed any settings in MPC since I started using it, I’ve always used the default settings. So:
When I try to play it it works, but it has blocks/artifacts and bad colors (possibly lagging?) just like c0nspire had. So, should I use the “disable VSOB and auto-load subtitles method” you mentioned, or should I do what Kel said, or should I ditch CCCP altogether and just get K-Lite? What would be better? : ) I also tried playing it in VLC, but it just showed a green screen (though the sound was there. It also showed the subtitles if I paused, and only when I paused lol. :p ).
Try following this guide Rokudaime.
The MPC-HC + madVR setup is what I suggest you go for, I found this works great and my specs are way below yours. I have only 2GB of DDR2 running at 800MHz DDR. My CPU is a E5300, it is overclocked to from it’s measly 2.6 upto 3.5GHz though with 334FSB, but it’s still only a dual core. I’m also only using a GTX260 running at stock. So I believe you’d have more than enough processing power to handle that setup. That setup allows me to run 10bit 1080p encodes with no problems. There are no artifact issues whatsoever and playback is smooth.
Thank you so much for this http://haruhichan.com/wpblog/?p=205 Everything is so much better now
CCCP is fine, but you can try the madVR setup that Ad suggested before me.
Personally, what I think is your problem, is that you’re using one of the video renderers that doesn’t support 10-bit display.
Go to your options: Output and switch over to the EVR Custom Pres. renderer, then try playing back again.
With the latest CCCP installed, the ffdshow video decoder can decode 10-bit perfectly, you just need to make sure that your renderer can as well. I also personally don’t recommend madVR, comparing to ffdshow video decoder + EVR Custom Pres on my 8 year old heap of crap, madVR is incredibly slow and jumpy with 10-bit playback.
If just switching over to EVR doesn’t fix your problem, try going to external filters and making sure “ffdshow video decoder” is in the list and set to “prefer” when you click on it. If it’s not, click the “add” button and find it in the list, then set it to prefer and try again.
Well, just checked both of the things you mentioned. Output was already on the EVR Custom Pres. renderer. Went to the external filters and added the “ffdshow video decoder” to the list, and sat it to “prefer”. The one that was there before that was called “DirectVobSob (autoloading version)”. I sat that one to “block”. When that didn’t help/work, I tried removing DirectVobSob from the list, but that didn’t help either. I’ve also set the subpicture buffering to 0 in the “subtitles” section, and confirmed that the “Allow animation when buffering” option is checked. Didn’t work either.
I’m at a complete loss as to what can be wrong here. :-/ Maybe I’m gonna have to try madVR….Will do that tomorrow though….way too tired now.
I don’t think the problem you were having was subtitle playback related (which is what directvobsub is, and it completely unrelated to 10-bit decoding). The blocking you’re talking about sounds to me like artifacts caused by inability to display the last 2 bits in a 10-bit video. One last suggestion, though I’m pretty sure it made no difference in my setup, try, during playback, right clicking anywhere on the video, going to the “Presentation” menu near the bottom and turning on “10-bit output”.
Tried it. Didn’t work. I think I know what my problem might be though. CCCP, and the version of MPC that comes with it, is made for 32-bit systems (x86), and I’m running a 64-bit (x64) system. I looked around on the internet, and there IS no version of CCCP made for 64-bit systems except a really old version that won’t work at all with alot of things. I tried downloading and installing the latest version of MPC for 64-bit systems, but that didn’t help at all, since that player doesn’t use all the filters and settings from CCCP, and I can’t figure out a way to import them. It doesn’t override the version that came with CCCP either, it just excists seperately from it on my compter. :-/
Most likely this means I will have to wait for the CCCP guys to make a new version of the codec pack that works with 64-bit systems, whether that means I will need to use the new version of MPC, or the old one. I think I overheard someone talking about a new version coming out on the 11.11.2011. Will have to see then. :-/ Thanks for all your help though. 🙂 I still haven’t tried the madVR tactic.., but I’m a little unsure about whether or not I should bother, or if I should wait for a new version of CCCP….
UPDATE: God…turns out I’ve been derping all along…I checked out this link here right: http://www.cccp-project.net/wiki/index.php?title=Main_Page
And reading that it works on 64-bit systems as well, I was like “what the hell!? Then why is it not working when there’s nothing to suggest it shouldn’t work!?”. So I clicked on the link to the pack from there, and downloaded it again, just to check, and guess what I found out when I looked at the previous installer I already had?…………….”Combined-Community-Codec-Pack-2011-06-26″……….I’ve had the previous version of CCCP installed all along, and had you people run a wild goose chase for a problem that obviously shouldn’t even be there! >__<' I'm such an idiot! If I could buy you something as an apology for wasting your time I would. I was so sure I had the 30.07 version….I don't understand how I could make a mistake like this….I'm pretty full of self-loathing right now, considering all the hours I spent trying to fix this stuff. -_-
Final post. Just tried it after installing, and it works flawlessly without any lag, block, weird colors or whatever. Sigh…. : )
I actually prefer Tormaid’s release, mainly because of the typesetting : different colors depending on the character that is speaking, and the position is better in the case of 2 characters speaking in the same time.
That’s just my opinion though.
And thank you for sharing it with us.
lol Ix XD
Being a keyfag too… thanks for this release and all the additional stuff. And of course: Happy Birthday Doki 🙂
@Everyone bitching about BD encode jobs:
You could just do what I did and BUY THE BLURAY. This isn’t like Kanon, Clannad, or Clannad ~After Story~, where the chances of us getting to ever purchase it in HD without importing are slim to nil because of the high JDM retail and no U.S. licensee for the HD version.
It’s a single volume box-set and reasonably priced. I got it at Amazon during an anime sale they had a couple months back for less than $40.
Clannad Blu-Ray (1st season, at least) got announced for North American release back in July:
Thanks holo for this batch it was amazing….
I was having problems with the karaoke despite having a Sandy Bridge Core i5, but the madVR setup that Ad suggested is working flawless for me although it eats up a lot of CPU time. I guess that’s what I pay for better quality.
Anyway, thanks for the release! I think I’ll need a while to decide if I like this or UTW’s release better.
madVR as a whole eats a lot of CPU, that’s why I don’t generally recommend it for a lower end setup.
Haali’s renderer offers almost as good video quality and I found it to be much less system taxing.
So finally, you almost release all Key anime
now i’m looking forward to AIR Movie and Clannad Movie, especially in 10-bit 😉
That is all.
I highly doubt either one of those will ever be released here.
( ゚∀゚)アハハ八八ノヽノヽノヽノ \ / \/ \
The Clannad Movie is just a dissapointment anyway, especially when you’ve watched the series. Only Key-related anime/anime movie I haven’t kept for archiving after watching it.
success troll is success
( ゚∀゚)アハハ八八ノヽノヽノヽノ \ / \/ \
10/10 Doki, magnificent job 😀
Did anyone else notice in the Day Game Music video, the girl was wearing a cub scout shirt?
> the one remaining Key anime we had not yet released
Kanon 2002 fucking where?
Sure, it’s been outshined by its remake, but you wouldn’t have any of your beloved Key animu without it. Or not in that form.
Plus, it could use some better fansub releases. Teach ’em kids some history.
Kanon 2002 is lame and shall never be touched.
at least they use Nayuki’s route 😛
but don’t worry, u don’t need to release such eyes-bleeding video
dam doki.. i dd your anime, plan to watch it , and just now saw that problems = \
why we need to do special “adjustment” to our codecs? why can’t u just re release it instead…
i loved u doki = ( now i go to other sites to dd Normal Hi10P animes… -.-
Just wanted to say Thank You for this series as well as all the others Doki have released. I have only watched the series in SD so far, but look forward to watching it in HD a some point very soon.
I don’t like changing how I do things or installing codec packs, so I am unable to take advantage of the 10-Bit versions.
On thing I feel I do need to mention : I watch the 480p SD rips on an Android tablet. The only media player which has played your rips properly is Moboplayer. Mobo does a crap job of rendering subs, and will often render the song subs (in english, transliterated, and Kanji), but not the dialogue subtitles.
Would it be possible for releases to have a “Dialogue only” subtitle file as well as a “full subs” setting? Or is this thekind of thing that I’m best off trying to make myself after-the-fact?
Should mention that this also happens with the “location identifier” subs.
Please excuse my crap typing, this rubber keyboard is crap, but at least it’s spillproof.
How does this compare to Elysium’s release? They claim:
But bear in mind it was released before this. Does this apply with Doki? I’ve noticed that the file size of episode 9 here is actually considerably smaller compared to the other episodes. Could be because this is hi10p, but I just want to be sure.
Ah crap I messed up the html code. What I was trying to quote is:
“Encode – Our encode has full grain effect and everything that should be in motion is in motion. Looks just like the way it should look. An attribute that other groups have left out (Especially Episode 9).”
eps 9 was more static compare to other eps
Fileserv is back up. I know that hi-def episodes probably take priority over the low-def ones, but a re-upload of the 720p would be nice since no one seems to want to seed it anymore. 10 kb/s is killing me.
Or if anyone has it, a few more seeds would also be nice.
Re-seed FLAC plz
Angel Beats! VN is in the works! Yey! ^^