As some of you may or may not be aware, Doki is celebrating it’s second anniversary today. Two years ago, on the 11th of October, Holo made the very first post on the Doki blog. To commemorate this, we’ve put together something extra special.
As you know, many of us here at Doki are massive keyfags. Myself and Holo included. So we’ve decided to release Angel Beats, the one remaining Key anime we had not yet released, in grand style. With 480p, 720p and 1080p in 8-bit and 720p and 1080p in 10-bit.
But wait, there’s more!
One of us also happens to own the Girls Dead Monster discography, so included in this big release are FLAC and MP3 torrents for both of those. One of our translators, Thaerin, has taken the time to translate every single song for you, so each file comes with a lyrics sheet containing kanji, romaji and English. We also decided to fansub and karaoke the bonus DVD that came with Ichiban no Takaramono, so you’ll find the PV’s at the bottom, along with XDCC links for the OP/ED single.
Lastly, we’d like to thank all our downloaders for sticking with us through the last 2 years, as well as everyone we’ve picked up along the way. We hope to continue bringing you the best quality anime we know how for as long as possible.
PL: Dys
Original subs: Static-Subs
Song Translation: Thaerin
Timers: ixlone, TloskPD, masat
QC: Dys, Holo
TS: Zdm321
Karaoke: Dys
Encoder: TloskPD
Angel Beats!
1080p Hi10P: Angel Beats! (2010) [Doki][1920×1080 Hi10P BD FLAC]
1080p: Angel Beats! (2010) [Doki][1920×1080 h264 BD FLAC]
720p Hi10P: Angel Beats! (2010) [Doki][1280×720 Hi10P BD AAC]
720p: Angel Beats! (2010) [Doki][1280×720 h264 BD AAC]
480p: Angel Beats! (2010) [Doki][848×480 h264 BD AAC]
Girls Dead Monster
FLAC: Girls Dead Monster [Doki][FLAC]
MP3: Girls Dead Monster [Doki][MP3]
PV’s: Girls Dead Monster (2010) [Doki][720×480 h264 DVD AAC]
Sweeeeet! Thanks! ^^ Time for me to switch out my AtsA release! And happy second anniversary! You guys are my all-time favourite fansub group, because you’re churning out so many of my favourite shows in awesome Bluray batches! ^^ Oh, and I’m kind of curious, and a busy student myself, so I want to ask, if it’s alright; What are you studying Holo? What will your Master be in, once you’ve gotten through it? : ) Good luck on it anyway! ^^
MSc in Biochemical Engineering
Good luck with that Holo, I hope you pass and are successful :3
But OMG that sounds like something too intelligent for me lol
Indeed…that sounds like it’l have alot of math, and I HATE math! : p I suck so badly at it. ^^’
Happy Birthday Doki! ive been a follower of this site for a year now and i plan on sticking around for as long as you guys exist:) i recently finished watching Angel Beats! from coalgirls so i wont be getting it off Doki but great job on the release! its a great anime and everyone should watch it
Happy birthday Doki!
Thanks a lot for the 1080p 10-bit release 😉
What a treat!
Happy Birthday Doki, I luv all your guts with everything you’ve done for us these past two years. You have our support with all you give. And we’ll be here to love what you guys love so keep ’em coming Doki.
Happy Birthday Doki!!!
thanks for Angel Beats! 🙂
happy anniversary, Doki!
as my signature says, i will collect all of Doki’s releases~
and thanks for Angel Beats…
and thanks for all 1080p(preferred) and 720p releases…
Happy anniversary,Doki!
Thank’s alawys brings the awesome release
Thank u guys so much!! Especially for the translated lyrics!
20gigs smaller then CGs release…Yea…think I know which one im gonna keep…Thanks for this doki you’ve made my terrible week, not so terrible anymore.
Happy 2 years Anniversary Doki!
And thanks for the Angel Beats! surprise!
Did you by some small chance include the dub audio as well?
No. Not now. Not ever.
I lol’d.
Not even a patch like with Haruhi? I’d love to have the 1080p Hi-10p, but I need to watch the dub still. I finished the subbed forever ago…in 480p -_-
No. Not even. That’s what “Not ever.” means.
no enough people asking for it.
I wouldn’t anyway. You’d have to ask Holo, and he’d just ask me, and I’d say no.
Thank you Doki for existing =) I don’t know what I’d do if you were not around! First I would not have met some people in your cbox with which I talk everybody about a common passion ^^
Happy 2 years anniversary! Keep on the good work! And thank you for Angel Beats =)!
<3 rabu rabu rabu rabu rabu rabu dokiii .. o-me-de-tou =)
Thanx! Please Rip “FREEZING” BDRip 1080p Hi10P 😉
Not gonna happen.
Happy Anniversary Doki!!
You guys have made my day numerous times in the past, but nothing was ever as good as this! Thank you, and happy anniversary Doki!
Best of luck to the whole team in the future!
we love u doki =D!!!
though u may not love us lol
If they didn’t love you, you wouldn’t have Angel Beats right now!
Woo hoo! This is awesome!
AniDB reports that there were 2 OPs and 2 EDs. But actually, I think they’re wrong and and every episode had its own custom OP (using scenes from that episode) and there were several EDs with different characters used in various episodes also. Does your encode have the OPs/EDs used in each episode? And for the Clean OPs/EDs, is that all of them or are there any more?
I ask because Coalgirls’ release has 7 clean EDs and 1 clean OP.
We told the encoder to rip everything. I would have thought if there’d been more clean ED’s, thy would have been ripped, but it’s possible that they weren’t.
At the same time, Coalgirls does a lot of things…
Yousei-raws ripped 10 Clean EDs, 1 clean OP, and 14 previews.
So get them from yousei-raws.
That’s what I’ll do. It’s odd that you guys didn’t do them all though.
Well, they may have been in small unnoteworthy .m2ts files on the disc. If that’s so, the encoder may have missed them. He tells me he was fairly sure he’d got everything, but even if he didn’t, I won’t rebatch 5 batches just to add some clean ED’s.
If people are coming to us for clean ED’s then they’re coming for the wrong reason.
No dub? Oh well, it’s not like I really wanted it. Anyway, I’m just saving up to buy this set so I ain’t downloading.
Really truly cannot thank you enough for the awesome effort on the GiDeMo collection. I hadn’t seen those PVs before, and of course having the translations is awesome. You have made the Internet a slightly better place than it was before.
Thanks to you! Love so much this group, thanks.
Bonne fête les nerds!