Tsun mode, engage.
After some lumps and bumps along the road, we finally kicked this one out the door. Don’t look at me. I just work here.
HD: [Doki] Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai – 01 (1280×720 h264 AAC) [0B2720E0].mkv
SD: [Doki] Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai – 01 (848×480 h264 AAC) [D354A625].mkv
Suburu-sama where?
PLEASE Do Gundam Age
Looks lik this will be the funniest show of this season.
Are you guys doing any 10 bit for some of the autumn release?
Read the sidebar. What does it say?
“Proposed plans:
TV will remain as is, HD and SD h264.”
should read sidebars
If it’s any consolation they’ve begun using Hi10P for their newest BD releases.
should watch with eyes
any word on Mashiro-Iro Symphony will be released?
Some time before the next one airs, I hope. It’s what we call “normal sub”, which means it was never actually planned to be done in 24 hours.
Dat tsun face
Nice one… Thanks for the release!
I’m sad this won’t be 10-bit.
Is ‘realfag’ the correct sub, or is it a joke phrase? It certainly is funny either way.
Apparently it’s very close to the literal meaning. I questioned it myself.
Maybe it doesn’t mean something like Anti-2D-Otaku, but instead has to do something with Real Estate?
Just an idea though, I can’t speak (or even understand) Japanese, so thank you for subbing this!
リア充 リアじゅう (n,sl) satisfaction with one’s real (offline) life
There’s actually a wiki article for リア充 but it’s naturally in Japanese.
Thank you for the explanation. Seems I was wrong, then.
Personally I feel it can take on a neutral tone.
I’ve seen some people translate it as “normalfag” which is also a good choice.
Looks very promising so far, am I the only one thinking that this remind you of Suzumiya Haruhi all over again?
Thanks for the episode! This anime looks good.
Thanks for the release!
Oh now it’s here. Time for some Yozora tsun.
Oh good, more tsun, SHAFT-style. Should be fun.
Thanks for the release!
It’s not shaft.
Loving Yozora, can’t wait till the lolis appear ^.^
Also, does anyone know how to backup 2.5TB worth of anime?
My Ext. HDD are full and there not so young anymore.
Can someone tell me how they archive such a huge amount of anime?!!!
Simple. Buy more harddrives. As long as you’re going to archive anime, and not delete it after you’ve watched it, you don’t really have a choice. Even if it means you’l eventually be storing harddrives away or something, because you run out of space (I’m talking about physical space. As in your computer cabinet doesn’t have room for any more harddrives) in your computer. You can buy the biggest harddrives around, and a cabinet that holds 10 harddrives, but watch enough anime for a long time, and you’l still eventually run out of space. There’s no way around it. You could always burn it on heaps of Bluray discs, but it’s the same thing. Personally I have a computer cabinet that has room for 9 harddrives, and I buy and insert new ones as I go. With the amount I watch though, it will still be a long time until I run out of space.
I actually have both a RAID5 for my anime and I back up new stuff every 2 seasons or so. The backup drives I just keep stored in typical boxes in anti-static bags and have it organized by date (easier to then just store the new stuff instead of trying to do it by title or something…) Hard drives are your best bet to go though… my RAID5 is 5 2TB drives and right now I’ve got it backed up to the drives that comprised my old RAID5, 5 1TB drives…
i plan to buy WDC 2 TB Desktop WD Elements Ext. 3.5 Inch to backup my anime
is that a good choice?
I use the 1TB version for backing up anime, had no issues with it so far.
The drive’s a good choice.
But they have the same drive in 3 TB <.<
yeah…but it’ll will cost almost 190 USD here
( ´Д`)ノ
With all the great series I decided to go for an xbmc setup to database all the series I have and then invested in a RAID6 to ensure that I can almost never lose all my data. Now I got 6 2tb drives with capacity for 8 more before I would need to buy another raid card where I should be able to still expand the raid across multiple cards. More likely I will in the future buy a higher performance full enterprise level raid card (I currently use an entry level enterprise card)and then 6 4tb drives and then move this array to a file server for compressed backups of the new array.
She really look like “Maekawa-san” o.o
Here come Best Anime of the Season.
Unrelated news: New Hanasaku Iroha Work in 2012 Confirmed.
More info here: http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2011-10-09/new-hanasaku-iroha-work-in-2012-confirmed
For the one who are interested.
What made you pick wa over ha?
Because writing “ha” when it is pronounced “wa” seems to confuse the shit out of Westerners for some reason.
So, wait… are you going to continue working on this? It seems to be missing from the progress bar on the left, which is why I’m asking.
It’s still on there.
It’s known as Haganai for short.
We use abbreviations for anime with long names.
Possible mistranslation of Ep.1 title…
「 僕たちは友達ができない (´・ω・`) 」
Is translated as:
“I don’t have many friends” (ie. 僕は友達が少ない, the title of the series).
“We can’t make friends.”
Be a more appropriate translation?
Regardless, thanks for picking up this series. Really looking forward to it!
That would indeed be a mistranslation/wrong line, and yes, that would be the proper translation for it.
Any word on Episode 2 when?
Pretty sure I recall reading that this series will be released following their standard timeline, which is:
“It’s not late as long as it’s out before the next episode airs.”
Which seems more than fair.
From what I can see on the staff page though, there’s only one person serving as both TL and TLC. Is this normal? (I would assume if they needed more hands there’d have been a post by now, but who knows…)
Ya, not trying to rush anyone on this series – was just curious, as the next eps. airs in Japan in two and a half days. Sometimes it’s hard to wait…and I’m just jonesin’ for the next serving of delicious Meat :0