So, 1 year and 8 months after the initial release of the censored episode 1, we complete Seikon no Qwaser. This is definitely a big milestone for us. Thanks for waiting!
- DmonHiro – Translator/TLC/Editor
- masat – Timer
- kokus – Encoder
- Holo – QC
- And to all the other people who helped in some way or other with Qwaser.
Hello guys! DmonHiro here. Some might know me, some might not. About a year ago I complained to Doki about the quality of the translation of the Qwaser release. Thinking back to it, I might have been a tad bitchy about it.
One thing let to another and I ended up asking to TLC the Qwaser BD release. I actually had quite some fun with this show. It was so silly thet it was quite fun to watch what else they were going to do. I got quite attached to the characters. What I really wanted to say is that I had fun working on this show, and I hope you guys had fun watching it, and liked the way I translated and edited the show. I will return in a little while with season 2. See you guys soon.
- 01v2 – Typo. (Patchable – HD)
- 24v2 – Missing fonts. (Patchable – HD)
See how to apply a patch here.
HD (h264): Seikon no Qwaser (2010) [Doki][1280×720 h264 BD FLAC]
SD (XviD): Seikon no Qwaser (2010) [Doki][848×480 XviD BD MP3]
Lots of tits.
waited it out till the batch now its marathon time : P thanks for the release!!
wow! thank you!
THANKS!! ^_^
Sorry for the off topic question but have you ever released a batch for “Asobi ni Iku yo! BD’s” ?
Also thanks for “SnQ BD” batch. You guys not using FLAC with Ordered Chapters is a blessing. That combo always equals lagging on my PC. Thanks again bye.
I will look into Asobi, and get that moving.
Season 2 lets GO!!!
Thank you very much 4 this release.I’ve been wih you since winter 2009. your releases are the best. are you gonna do the S2 as well?
Probably not.
Thx..looking forward 2 it.
keep up the great work!!!
On ep 13 @ 6:19, it should be “Sasha-kun’s wounds” rather than “Sasha-kun wounds”.
1. Bitchy? lol…. That’s how you get stuff done around here…

2. You need QCer
3. Erm, please refrain yourself from writing essays.
4. Thanks for the release
5. Flame comes below
WAI WAI! I will finally finish Seikon no Qwaser today!
…looking forward to the second season
ah, and, no problem, I am certain the waiting paid off.
U sure you edited your commentary post?
“traslated” xD
anyway, good job on completing this ^^
I’m writting from a tablet PC. Typing is not so easy.
Thanks for completing this!
haaaaaaaaaaaaleluyaaaaaah!!! it is finished!!! hehe.. GJ Doki,, question,, what is this patch thing? how does it work? and does the batch release need any patching or just your individual release?
Don’t worry about patch if you download the batch torrent
TY Holo! ^_^
Hi guys, thank you very much for your hardwork. Don’t know if you noticed, but the XviD fileserve batch isn’t complete. Episode 24 and Picture Drama 12 is missing.
Finally one of my dreams came true!!

Thank you minna for the hard work, specially DmonHiro with your hard times ,your job and whatever stuff in your life, you really did a great work.
Today is a big day for me.
I was with you since the first BD release and today my long patient has come to a happy end.
Once again Doki proves they are the best
I’ll be with you when SnQ II see the light as i always do.
I have to say this guys – CONGRATULATIONS!
I’ve been waiting a LONG time for this, I will finally get to watch the remaining episodes
Dare to do second season?
Dare to read the post…?
I realised that after it was too late, lol. [btw, nice one]
Also Holo, which avatar do you use?
Misaka Mikoto. Index/Railgun.
Thank you for the hard work. I wait for season 2.
Is Iroha delayed?
arrrty#@!@@! now u just need to finish Saki and other shows : DD what about Saki Bds btw? i really want to watch this
Thanks DmonHiro and Doki for this long awaited release
Looking forward to season 2.
where is the zombie?
Thanks for the batch release!
Just inquiring, if SYD will be released on one batch or by volume?