
Shuffle! (BD) – Vol 1

How do you look? Sorry, I was too busy drowning in my own nosebleed to answer.

Yup. That’s right. Shuffle! is, in fact, in motion. I QC’d and TS’d your volume one today. I know there are one or two of you out there who have been silently wondering where the hell this had got to. I’m no super subber, so it’ll probably be a few weeks, but it’s moving, and it will be completed in the foreseeable future.

Original subs by Froth-Bite.


720p: [Doki] Shuffle! – Vol 1 (1280×720 h264 BD FLAC)

  • [Doki] Shuffle! – 01 (1280×720 h264 BD FLAC) [AE5ADD5E].mkv
  • [Doki] Shuffle! – 02 (1280×720 h264 BD FLAC) [F4DDEA2C].mkv
  • [Doki] Shuffle! – 03 (1280×720 h264 BD FLAC) [2C101BF9].mkv
  • [Doki] Shuffle! – 04 (1280×720 h264 BD FLAC) [947CE00D].mkv
  • [Doki] Shuffle! – 05 (1280×720 h264 BD FLAC) [AF7C5ADB].mkv
  • [Doki] Shuffle! – 06 (1280×720 h264 BD FLAC) [3950A577].mkv


480p: [Doki] Shuffle! – Vol 1 (848×480 h264 BD AAC)

  • [Doki] Shuffle! – 01 (848×480 h264 BD AAC) [A26F31DE].mkv
  • [Doki] Shuffle! – 02 (848×480 h264 BD AAC) [03A9DC11].mkv
  • [Doki] Shuffle! – 03 (848×480 h264 BD AAC) [259150E7].mkv
  • [Doki] Shuffle! – 04 (848×480 h264 BD AAC) [0F627124].mkv
  • [Doki] Shuffle! – 05 (848×480 h264 BD AAC) [B2CCF347].mkv
  • [Doki] Shuffle! – 06 (848×480 h264 BD AAC) [F997FDC0].mkv


67 comments to Shuffle! (BD) – Vol 1

  • blackice85

    Thanks, thought this had gotten lost in the backlog.

  • PolynAzn

    And just when I was about to dl from BitchSubs…. xD I guess it’s time to wait a little longer…

  • Sync

    Holy crap! I knew it!!! I knew Doki wouldn’t fail me with Shuffle BD release, I almost can’t believe!

    Thank you so very much! :3

    Also, thanks a lot for my Haruhi 1080p BD rips, so pretty…! :~

  • Leon-Gun

    In the inmortal words of Kasuga “Osaka” Ayumu: OH-MY-GAWD!

  • there we go….. been waiting for this to resume ^_^…

  • Beckett

    Not really sure I WANT to watch this again lol, it was depressing enough the first time :P.

  • ZeroYuki

    Have been waiting for this for quite a while.

  • namednoob

    really nice serie 😉

  • Takumi

    Will you be doing Shuffle! Memories as well? Please say you are. **sliding grovel**

    And if you are, are you going to release them in order, or you going to do them in arcs?

    • Shuffle! Memories is just a recap of Shuffle!

      So, no.

      • The OVA will be subbed though.

      • Takumi

        Yes it’s a kind of recap, but goes a bit in depth on the characters. Example, Ep 2. Fuyō Kaede Hen Zenpen,
        Kaede’s story is explained from when she and Rin were kids to when they are in high school. And Ep 7. Fuyō Kaede Hen Kōhen, The rest of Kaede’s story is explained from the point where Rin started seeing more of Asa to after Rin decided to move out of Kaede’s house.

        And IMHO, no collection of Shuffle! is complete without including Shuffle! Memories.

        • Leon-Gun

          Kaede and Rin’s story is rather bad to be honest. Kaede basically goes from psycho evil to psycho slave. Not exactly my favorite character. Then again, all of Rin’s harem had some form of issue and the 3 marquee girls (Kaede, Nerine and Sia) were especially screwed up. That said, I’m not a fan of Navel and it’s constant new editions and spin-offs of the Shuffle VN series.

    • Akashic

      Allow someone, who actually knows what they’re talking about, to respond. Shuffle! Memories is a: Not a recap and b: I do plan to do it, but not any time soon, since Doki has a shitton to get through before we go starting more projects.

      • Rokudaime

        Um, yes it is. It is a recap, except for the last episode. I should know, I’ve watched the whole thing. It even says so right here too:
        See where it says: “A recap of the 24-episode Shuffle! TV series, set ten years in the future. Apparently only episode 12 contains new material!” :-/
        But anyway, THANKS for this! ^^ I’m one of the people who “have been silently wondering where the hell this had got to”. ^^

        • Akashic

          Yes, because recaps are often set in the future aren’t they?

          • Rokudaime

            Dude, quit being obstinate. It’s a recap, and everybody knows it, including all the big anime sites. Denying it won’t change that fact, it will just make you look bad. -_-

      • Even MAL and ANN say it’s a recap.

        • Akashic

          Hrm. I genuinely thought it had SOME new material, but it seems you’re right.

          I don’t know what the chances are of doing Prologue on its own, but I’ll look into it.

      • Takumi

        Akashic, thanks for the info. I’ll be looking forward to when you do get to doing Shuffle! Memories. Unlike some trolls, I actually want to see it.

        • Akashic

          Sorry Takumi, it seems I was “being obstinate” and was incorrect about what Shuffle! Memories actually is.

          I don’t see the need to do a series that’s just a shorter version of the series I’m already doing.

          • Takumi

            Well that realy sucks that you gave into the trolls and won’t release Shuffle! Memories. That make this another group that dropped it, because of whiny bastards that scream it’s a recap. When ep.1 is a recap, 2 through 11 are visually recaps, and goes in depth on each of the girls. And ep. 12 is an original piece, that the trolls refer to as the OVA. When the OVA, Shuffle! ep. 00 titled Prologue is a total recap of the show.

            Well good luck, and sorry I have no interest now in downloading Shuffle! from here since you won’t be doing Memories.

          • Holo

            oh noes, what will we do now

          • Takumi

            Hey Holo, you’re the one who stated in the original announcement, that you would do it if it was included in the BD’s. And Romeyo informed you they were, so are you or aren’t you good for your word. heheh.

          • Rokudaime

            Takumi, I don’t appreciate you calling me a troll when I was being completely serious, and not trying to troll at all. I wasn’t even being mean, I was just trying to correct Akashic’s misunderstanding. And yes, the 12th episode is an original, and not a recap, but I mentioned this in the very first post I made aboutthis, as, again, I was not attempting to troll. ;-/

          • Rokudaime

            *about this

          • Index

            >Well good luck, and sorry I have no interest now in downloading Shuffle! from here since you won’t be doing Memories.

            Takumi, now u have become a faggot.
            u get anime for free, and u still bitching about it?

          • Me


            I don’t see anywhere in the original announcement where it says Doki will be doing Shuffle Memories, questioning someones word is like asking them if they’re going to just lie and not do something.

            Personally I’ve been coming on here most days for well over a year and in this time I’ve never seen Holo lie about doing a show.

            Not sticking up for anyone, just saying. You’re being a bit of an ass there.

          • Takumi

            @Index, I’ve already got Shuffle! anyway from Kira, but was hoping Holo & company would keep to their word and do Memories. Since they aren’t no need to download it, since I like to keep continuity with subs, by having the same group do them all for the show. So who’s being a faggot? I would have hoped that they would do them, because I don’t have both shows done by the same group.

            Reading ability is tough for you, huh. See where Romeo007 (from Kira) asks if Doki will be doing Memories. Holo responds, if they are included in the BD’s.

          • Index

            no. u’re a faggot. u didn’t have to say, “Hey guys. i won’t download from u because blah blah blah….” here….

            u can always go away…

            no one wants to read shit like that here

          • Me


            *If they are on the BD* is a vague answer.

            To be fair, that isn’t a 100 percent concrete answer to be considered a commitment to doing something.

            To me that suggests he will explore the option of doing them, and may do so if he wants too.

            Also no need to be rude. You said I can’t read but called roemyo007, Romeo007. That in England is called Pot calling the kettle black.

            Anyways not sure what you’re hoping to gain by hassling Doki for a recap series..

          • Dys

            For the record, you can’t say we dropped a project we never started.

        • >Hey Holo, you’re the one who stated in the original announcement, that you would do it if it was included in the BD’s.

          You’re aware someone (me) has to transcribe them, right? And I seriously have no intention of transcripting a recap.

          I fucking detest recap episodes; let alone an entire fucking series.

          • Me

            Recaps are a pointless waste of time, I agree.

            I usually try to skip recap bits in episodes in general, which made some shows like Bleach shorter, but gawd, they’re so lame :3

          • Rokudaime

            Agreed on this. Though I’m glad you’re doing the OVA/Memories Episode 12. 🙂

    • EienYuuko

      Hey Takumi, I see you loved Shuffle! Memories very much.

      How about you try to slice your eye with a cutter just like “THAT” scene?

      I think it’s suits you!

  • Invisiblemoose

    Good to hear. Thanks for your work!

  • Me

    Good job Akashic, you gotta play some Catherine though!

    I’m curious what ending you’l get..

  • Elvin21

    Its now resumed! Thanks for the release!

  • andros414

    I didn’t see a tag for it, but will these be released in hi10p or the standard 8-bit?

  • Leon-Gun

    It seems Haruka no Himitsu is their current test project for hi10p. This is an old BD project so I assume they just want to stick with what they had already decided. Their current 1080p hi10p decision will most likely be for new BD projects.

  • Supermexican

    great show i wish it didnt end when i watched it.
    any ways whats the difference between this and old version besides the higher quality video and audio

    • Akashic

      If you’re talking about Doki’s old version, there IS no old version.

      Doki did a single episode, which is included in this batch but will be v2’d for the final batch to fix the various consistency issues and also because the 480p needs to be re-encoded.

      If you mean between this and any old releases of it, nothing, it’s just a BD release of whatever DVD rip you might have had previously.

  • shani

    Thanks for this!

    All I am waiting for now is Shana Season 1!

  • Arigatou ne!
    I though you guys had forgot about this show D:

  • Yay! Shuffle! This has been on my to watch list for a while. Shall be looking forward to more 😀

  • *0*

    well we can surely say alot of things on you but one thing is certain, you sure love animes and subbing = )

    keep the good work and just don’t end up killing yourself ok? ^_^

  • ggxtreme

    Will you be releasing an English audio patch?

    • Akashic

      No way. No how.

    • If you want English audio on this (which was imo better than the Japanese version or at least less annoying, so it’s unfortunate that it’s not being made available here), there’s various 480p DVD versions or Kira-Fansubs’ 720p.

    • Akashic

      In my experience, the best way to get English AUDIO is to look outside of a fanSUBTITLE group.

      • Me

        Not to mention, if people want English audio, they can either just buy the DVDs, or just download someone elses encodes.

        I think some people dont understand the Doki banner Akashic, you know the fansubs part 😛

      • Point taken. Although in the case of this series, encoding BDMVs and adding pre-existing subs is not exactly fansubbing; it’s more of a rip/re-release.

        What I think people are looking for is not simply English audio, but multiple audio options with some care and work put into the subtitles. Getting the typical dual-audio R1 rips by E-D/Arigatou/RaX/etc. means putting up with things like imagesubs, OCR errors, poor/nonexistent typesetting, and timing glitches like flash/flicker/scenebleeds when watching in Japanese. And as someone who appreciates anime in English and Japanese, I like having the whole package in one release, rather than DLing one single-audio release with better subs and another for English audio.

        But hey, it’s your release, do what you want with it. I respect the decision, even if I don’t agree with it.

  • Ochi

    Thanks guys, much appreciated!

  • EienYuuko

    What a drama here -_-

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