Anyone still watching this?
Also Vol 1 BDs should be out in the near future. Yes, the disastrous episode 1 and 2 will be fixed. (lolstring)
HD: [Doki] Nichijou – 15 (1280×720 h264 AAC) [D1B429E8].mkv
SD: [Doki] Nichijou – 15 (848×480 h264 AAC) [9FDDBA45].mkv
That was pretty fast!
Everyone watches nichijou
Even the people that say they hate it are still closet-nichijou watchers.
Thanks for the ep
<3 doki
of course anyone is still watching it
Nichijyou is the best show of the season, what a silly question.
Thanks. I’m looking forward for the BDs.
This show is hilarious! Anyone who isn’t watching this show is missing out! ^^
Of course I’m still watching, it’s my favorite show this (and last) season to watch.
This show is some just so much awesome randoms! Tho I still have to watch ep 14 before this one >.>
if u asked this question in a room of 1000 people everybody would scream in sync that they are watching this guaranteed.
i know this is not related, but why am i banned from the cbox!!
if you are still ban you should go PM ixlone on IRC and ask him.
As everyone has said, yes we’re watching. Looking forward to the BDs as well
People can stop watching this? I don’t think it’s humanly possible. Not complaining.
1. After a few episodes I start to lose interest. It starts to feel repetitive.
2. Just before I drop it, deciding to watch one last episode, something good pops up.
3. Go back to 1
I’m only watching this for Nano and gang. Mio’s older sister as well. Been a while since I’ve seen any (I’m lagging a bit behind), but also a little for the yuri subtext between Mai and Yuuko.
As long there is moar Hakase and Nano, I’m watching.
I’m watching. You guys are so prolific with subs it’s ridiculous.
Definitely been watching. Most of the gags are just for chuckles, but there’s some comedy gold in there too. The stuff with Sakamoto is win.
Still watching? ya kidding right? xDDD the new OP/ED are just great. and to me the ep 14 is the best to date!! xDDDD
Thanks a lot for the release!
I do! Mr. Doki fansubs sir..
Yup, still watching…
Definitely still watching. In fact I look forward to it every week. Thanks Doki as usual. <3
I never write on these things, but I am now just so I can say YES STILL WATCHING
I’m also “still watching”. For some reason that sounded kinda bad…
This was just what I was craving…