Clannad After Story is complete to the best of my knowledge. I will do Angel Beats sometime to complete the Key collection.
- Episode 14 (1080p): Re-encoded to fix video glitch. Not patchable.
- Episode 15 (1080p): Re-encoded to fix video glitch. Not patchable.
- Episode 16 (1080p, 720p): The default edition is the one with the ED. Patchable.
- Kyou Chapter (1080p, 720p): An error in the subs was fixed. Patchable.
1080p: Clannad After Story (2008) [Doki][1920×1080 h264 BD FLAC]
720p: Clannad After Story (2008) [Doki][1280×720 h264 BD AAC]
480p: Clannad After Story (2008) [Doki][848×480 h264 BD AAC]
thanks for 480p Batch
>I will do Angel Beats sometime to complete the Key collection.
i thought that u only joking back then….. XD
What fansub group will you use for Angel Beats?
Before, I was planning on merging Mazui and SS for Angel Beats. Both have their pros and cons so I thought why not merge them.
What about UTW? I think they did a great job on their subs.
SS has great typesetting, and fairly good translation. Mazui’s typesetting is worse than that of SS, but they have superior translation. UTW’s translation is about as good as Mazui’s, they have good typesetting, and ofcourse, their Bluray releases of the show has far superior video quality to that of SS and Mazui. AtsA (AtsuiAnime) uses UTW’s work, and is exactly the same in almost every aspect, except their release is smaller in filesize since they’re good at cropping things (and they always crop stuff). Therefore, I went with AtsA for this one. I don’t really see a point in Doki doing this show at this point, when there are already some many good choices available.
*SO many good choices* not “some”. ^^’
I thought AtsA used SS subs. See here:
Yes yes yes! Do Angel Beats! GET THEM UP NOW! XD
Thanks for 480p batch
keep on the good work
Crap…you’re right, Kel…Damn, I guess I’l have re-download from UTW instead now. SS’s subs are my least favourite subs out of the ones I’ve tried for this show. X/ Might get Doki’s release after, depending on which subs they use.
So, after reading every comment for every group, over at AniDB, and looking closely over this one several times: http://www.ji-hi.net/angelbeats/index.html
I’ve come to the conclusion that SS, Mazui, and UTW all have good translations, so it doesn’t really matter. The one thing that is definite though, is that SS clearly has superior typesetting. So, I’l be keeping AtsA’s release unless Doki’s turns out to be better. Good translation, best typesetting, best video quality, and best filesize to video quality ratio is win to me.
I watched AtsA’s version of Angel beats and I liked it very much. It does have the best video quality. Most importantly, it doesn’t use ordered chapters and doesn’t cut out any of the endings. Between SS and Mazui and UTW, I don’t have enough experience to judge but I tend to dislike excessive localization.
For instance, I noticed that in Doki’s release of After Story, the original SS-Eclipse sub for “Itadakimasu” (which they left untranslated) was translated in 4 episodes to “Let’s tuck in” or “Let’s eat”. It happened in Episodes 3, 8, 17 and 20. I prefer the SS-Eclipse original so I re-muxed them back.
(for those wondering, I did a comparison of the subtitle files and did not compare by watching).
Anyway, I’ll definitely get Doki’s version of Angel Beats also, for archiving purposes.
So… are these subs true to SS-Eclipse unchanged? Or have they been adjusted for British English so you have to make me change them? 😛
See my comment above. I compared every episode using a text comparison program and the only difference (aside from signs) is the change of “Itadakimasu” in 4 episodes to “Let’s tuck in” or “Let’s eat”.
Also, to be fair, they also fixed some errors from SS-Eclipse. The preview at the end of Episode 7 had an incorrect line that was fixed by comparing it to Episode 8, and they also fixed 2 misspellings.
Hey, what is the best method in getting rid of the subtitles? (These WERE softsubbed, right?)
Reason for the question: I make AMV’s and had a fantastic idea for a Clannad AMV but don’t want to look for some actual HD raws. If you now think I’m lazy… well… I am. So deal with it. :p
err…. can anyone tell me what is “Terebi total included-hen” and “Terebi Kyou Fujibayashi-hen” ?
Oh Yeah, Clannad After Story is completed and all.
Thanks for the good work and well done Holo + Doki!
sorry, but the 720p Patches is down >.<
where can i download it ?
Thanks for the release but can someone please seed 480p version.
UTW already did Angel Beats BD, and the complete BD set is coming out next month in the U.S. which will render all of these releases useless.
If youre just now downloading the batches, do you still need the patch?
I don’t know if doki subs realizes this, sorry if I am stating something already known.
But just to clarify, the 1080p torrent link is down because when I click on it I am brought to some weird site with lots of text and weird gibberish.
I’m just wondering am I doing something wrong or is there something going on?
Torrent link is working fine.
Try right click, save as.
Thank you for the BD release!
I’m downloading the 480p version and it’s 89.5% complete but it has no more seeds… Can you seed it again, please? Thank you.
Episode 16 (1080p), on MPC with DXVA has some weird glitch where it speeds up for a moment right before the opening:
When I turn DXVA off the glitch is shorter/less noticeable, but stil there. Any thoughts?
All episoes were encoded with the same settings, so I have no idea why you would find ep 16 to be irregular…
So… you mean there’s no glitch on your side? Also, just found another one at around 14:40, so i’d be grateful if someone could check and tell me if it’s just on my side?
Can somebody please seed the 480p please?? Thank you!
please seed the 480p and thanks~
Can someone seed the 1080p please? Thanks in advance.
Well, no need anymore. Already downloaded ’em all. Till the next time…
Looking forward for Angel Beats
This torrents is so poor seeded, im getting 10 kB/s. Do all here have dial up or what?
cant seem to DL the torrent for 720p 😐 dunno why, can somebody pls enlighten me? tnx.