Finally, Seto no Hanayome is complete. Thanks to gg and m.3.3.w. for their scripts. Batch contains OVAs.
- Episode 1: ED kara fixed (te no hira).
- Episode 2: ED kara fixed (te no hira).
- Episode 7: ED kara fixed (synced).
Patch for HD: Download
Patch only necessary if you want to go from v1 -> v2. Not necessary if you are downloading the batch.
HD (h264): Seto no Hanayome (2007) [Doki][1280×720 h264 BD FLAC]
SD (XviD): Seto no Hanayome (2007) [Doki][848×480 XviD BD MP3]
thank you very much for this, i watched this show 5 times allredy before i iven heard of bd’s now i’m gonna watch it over and over ur the best
quesion: do i need to download the patches also if this is the first time i’m downloading the batch?
Thanks for Seto BD.
Can I ask you something? How’s progress with After Story and Lucky Star (downloading?)?
After Story: I will release more today and tomorrow
Lucky Star: Downloading
Ok, thanks for the info. It calmed me down. Now I can patiently wait for both. And once again thanks for Seto. Doki Fansubs FTW
And SHUFFLE! and Haruhi? How’s that coming along? :-/ Been no activity that I could see on those two for a long time now.
oh thx ur a god il get my goat some canddles and il worship you xD
Thank you! I never finished watching this fantastic series back in the day because only the godawful YOURMOM subs were available for the last few episodes. Time to fix that.
@Erilex – I’m exactly the same. Something tells me that after four years, I’d better start at ep. 1 again.
Big thanks to doki for their epic struggle to not only get the complete series to us, but to do so in the best quality possible, and a thank you to gg and m.3.3.w. for their efforts in the past.
Today is a good day.
Fileserve for the Xvid is broken
oops forgot the ”Files are still being uploaded to DDL.” thing on the posts. Sorry about that XD
You beautiful beautiful people.
Thank you.
Thanks! I haven’t watched this one, i better get started
Any news about Motto To LOVE-Ru (BD) – Vol 6?
Thank you ever so much!
*Finally* a proper version of Seto no Hanayome.
Can I ask you something too? What about the progress of the other 9001 BD projects: To LOVE-Ru, Seikon no Qwaser, Dragon Crisis!, Asobi ni Iku yo!, Kore wa Zombie Desu ka?
MTLR: waiting for kokus for encodes of vol 6
Qwaser: me to release 16
DC: ixlone is working on the next vol
Asobi: Jecht will release Vol 6 soon hopefully
Zombie: Vol 2 @ release and Vol 3 @ download BDMV
Mind if ask about Haruhi? Been waiting patiently for your 1080p release as I know it will be the best quality.
PS: I remember reading about having a problem with the English audio patch for the 1080p releases, did you guys come right with that?
I wanna know about this too…
thanks a lot for this guys! we finally have Seto complete, and its all thanks to you! thanks again =D
lol oops.
Ty for patches!
Do you know how/if your OVAs are better than Seto Otaku’s? I don’t want to waste everyones bandwidth if it isn’t worth replacing them.
My OVAs have OP/ED translated, I believe Seto’s ones do not.
“About time”? lol
Glad this finally got done :p
thanks guys
thanks guys i download the torrent from tokyotosho but it dont download now i download from the web and download very good
no fix for the audio issue in episode 16? ah well , ill try to redownload the whole episode and see if its any difference
nope , the audio/video desync problem still persists in episode 16
It’s the heavy typesetting. Turn off the subtitles, and see if that helps
loaded the episode in vlc instead of mpc and turned off the subs , worked like a charm
silly really , cause when watching the episode in mpc afterwards it still stutters a bit but not nearly as much as it did before
thanks for the tip Holo
typos on the release changelog. “Episdoe 2” and “Episdoe 7” ^^
well anyway, the issue was resolved on mah precious Cbox =3
Finally something worth downloading. Thank you for finishing this!
I just finished watching episode 26, and I must say, what a great and beautiful ending for an awesome show.
Last but not least, I must thank you guys for this awesome job bringing us this show with the quality it has always deserved.
woooooooooooohhhh!!!! finally, seto no hanayome has been completed by a SINGLE fansubber!!!!!!!
HAHA. I loved this anime when it first aired, and it’s still one of my favorites. Was quite disappointed to see the subs all scattered and the OVA torrents gone when I wanted to archive it though, so I can’t thank you enough!
Can you give a bit more explanation on exactly which episodes use which of the two groups’ scripts? And whether they’ve been edited?
Are you using the original scripts by gg back when they did eps like 1 to 21 or whatever before they became major faggots? Do eps 21+ or whatever use their new, dumb and bad scripts?
Episodes 1-17 were from the era of gg before they got their lobotomies, yes. 18+ were m33w.
i just let out this like enormously huge sigh of relief and i’m all like flustered now and like stuff
thx for the response
Thanks heaps. I DL this ages ago, but held back watching due to the quality of the available subs.
Thanks a lot.
But what about the picture drama and the 6 new mini specials that were made for the Blu-Ray release?
You didn’t do them.
First of all, thanks for this, finally a good version of Seto to archive/rewatch.
I downloaded all of the episodes from FS, but I’m getting crc errors on these two files.
[Doki] Seto no Hanayome – 03 (1280×720 h264 BD FLAC) [7C070300]
[Doki] Seto no Hanayome – 26 (1280×720 h264 BD FLAC) [8E3545C0]
Can anyone confirm for me please if I’m the only one? Are these the correct CRCs? I’m going to re-download and see if my download manager timed out or something, the file sizes seem to match… 498MB/592MB