
Clannad After Story (BD) - Vol 1

Clannad After Story (BD) – Vol 1

^ Best girl

Released at a rate of 1 a day, or 1 every 2 days. Torrents will be up per volume. 1 volume has 5 episodes. Due to the insane amounts of things I have to release, I don’t feel like making torrents per episode…

All releases are available to download by DDL and XDCC as they are released.

Note: I do watch the 1080p version, so that is guaranteed glitch free. I don’t watch episodes twice, so if anyone spots any glitches in 720p, do let me know.

[Doki] Clannad After Story – 01 720p v2 patch.rar – This patch should fix up episode 1. Please let me know if you find remaining issues.

This concludes Volume 1. I have decided to release the SD at the end.

1080p (h264, FLAC 5.1): [Doki] Clannad After Story – Vol 1 (1920×1080 h264 BD FLAC)

  • [Doki] Clannad After Story – 01 (1920×1080 h264 BD FLAC) [09D6AD2A].mkv (fixed)
  • [Doki] Clannad After Story – 02 (1920×1080 h264 BD FLAC) [C23F3C2B].mkv (fixed)
  • [Doki] Clannad After Story – 03 (1920×1080 h264 BD FLAC) [DF6A502A].mkv (fixed)
  • [Doki] Clannad After Story – 04 (1920×1080 h264 BD FLAC) [76FF5355].mkv
  • [Doki] Clannad After Story – 05 (1920×1080 h264 BD FLAC) [A8EA283B].mkv


720p (h264, AAC 5.1): [Doki] Clannad After Story – Vol 1 (1280×720 h264 BD AAC)

  • [Doki] Clannad After Story – 01 (1280×720 h264 BD AAC) [0EDB12E0].mkv (fixed)
  • [Doki] Clannad After Story – 02 (1280×720 h264 BD AAC) [E331224F].mkv (fixed)
  • [Doki] Clannad After Story – 03 (1280×720 h264 BD AAC) [8363C8AB].mkv (fixed)
  • [Doki] Clannad After Story – 04 (1280×720 h264 BD AAC) [DA4AFC24].mkv
  • [Doki] Clannad After Story – 05 (1280×720 h264 BD AAC) [8C16A526].mkv


480p (h264): [Doki] Clannad After Story – Vol 1 (848×480 h264 BD AAC)

  • [Doki] Clannad After Story – 01 (848×480 h264 BD AAC) [9059F336].mkv (fixed)
  • [Doki] Clannad After Story – 02 (848×480 h264 BD AAC) [4A2699F1].mkv (fixed)
  • [Doki] Clannad After Story – 03 (848×480 h264 BD AAC) [C1E2BDF0].mkv (fixed)


152 comments to Clannad After Story (BD) – Vol 1

  • kuronohikari

    they said there will be only torrent for the whole volume
    the individual episode will be released in direct download till volume complete then release a torrent for the whole volume (5 episode per volume)

  • Kanojo

    This might be an odd question, and off topic, but why vs mediafire?

    • Meep.

      Probably because FileServe gives them something like 5 cents per download, which helps fund their servers and the likes, which in turn should lower needed donations, etc.

  • I think Holo unintentionally started an argument that will never end. The best: Kotomi, then Mei, then Ryou, then forget the rest.

  • asd

    any news on Asobi ni Iku Yo! (BD) – Vol. 6?

  • ItPr

    BTW, there are inconsistencies between Clannad and After story in terms of using American english in Clannad vs British english in AF (Mom vs Mum; color vs colour etc.)
    Not a big deal, just though I’d point out. 🙂

    • Holo

      hmm, i forgot about that. I’ll go american english from ep 4 on, and will fix 1-3 later. Thanks for pointing it out to me.

      • ItPr

        No problem. Thanks for changing it. 😉
        (BTw, there are a few instances in ED as well.)

      • F1

        While you are at it, do not forget to change the font in the first episode.

        And Thanks. In wait for your releases.

      • Mr.Anderson

        Or you can man up and use British English all the way xD

        It might be my PC but there was one line of subs missing. In the part where Mei had her ‘date’. It’s 2am and I forgot where it was exactly, I’ll look it up later if you or someone else doesn’t find it sooner.

      • krfz

        Wait, what? Why touch the SS-Eclipse script? Please don’t change anything, even typos.

        • Perfect Chaos

          What are you, a ultra fanboy of theirs? It’s one thing to ask someone to not change translations, but to ask someone to not fix typos is just beyond me…

      • ItPr

        Episode 4 is OK now, but the ED still has instances of British-isms; don’t forget about those.

        It’s not that I’m complaining, just pointing out mistakes. Thanks again for being willing to correct them. 🙂

        • Perfect Chaos

          They aren’t really “mistakes”, just inconsistencies; unless you’re implying that being British is a mistake… <_<

          • ItPr

            “implying that being British is a mistake…”
            lol, of course not. Sorry if it seemed that way. 🙂
            In this case, inconsistency=mistake.(IMO)

          • Holo

            It has become a habit for me to turn all scripts into British English, so I was on auto pilot and did that to the After Story scripts, forgetting that the first season wasn’t.

          • martinez

            actually, i don’t care if it’s British or American….
            btw….i learn British English….

      • Soukyuu

        So with the first torrent out, did you already fix the inconsistencies? If not, do you plan to make an xdelta patch for it later or should I wait till the batch?

      • Paulchen

        Why don’t you just use English English? You live in England after all! It would make a nice change too to see proper English and not the Yankee slant on it which you get everywhere nowadays.

  • odi

    wow, never heard so many whiners.
    you guys complain worse than teenage girls.

  • ChaelMi

    “Torrents will be up per volume”

    so wait until they finished up to episode 5 then torrent will be up! 🙂

  • Kode-Dekka

    Probably shouldn’t complain, but the audio for both Clannad and After Story is really low on my computer. I’m using Windows 7, if that has anything to do with it; and I use MPC-HC.

  • Assasin_Cross

    Headmaster #1

  • Omega

    I think I will wait for a batch when every episode is out and begin to seed at least 1 TB as I have done with other Doki releases such as Air now at 1.56 TB uploaded.

  • Sirenian

    I noticed that the XDCC packlist does not list these episodes as they are being released, and since bots on #news tend to not carry all of your releases I was wondering if/which bots on #doki have them… just thought I would point that out

  • Good grief

    @krfz, the idiot who said,

    “Wait, what? Why touch the SS-Eclipse script? Please don’t change anything, even typos.”

    No wonder so many people think the sub-only group are never happy. People like you will always find something to bitch about.

    You act like somebody’s trying to put arms back on the Venus de Milo. This isn’t some ancient antique; it’s somebody’s own personal translation of some foreign text. You may prefer someone’s translation over another’s, but to treat it like some holy relic that must be preserved in its original condition makes you nothing more than an idiot!

  • JackBassV

    1: Just leave the english alone – it’s called English not american… and why waste time changing something so minor.
    2: What’s happened to ep4? Just tried to download and got a 404 error.

    Thanks for doing this anyway. Not my favourite series, but it’s unlikely to be released on BD in the uk.

  • JackBassV

    Forgot to mention: it’s the 1080 that’s missing.

  • Death_Con

    Right then thanks for the upload guys I really appreciate what you guys been doing.

    Just got something that’s been bothering me, just downloaded episode 24 of the first season from Fileserve.

    It plays fine except for the sound, it sounds like you would find in a cam cord rip which is rather strange since you guys would never do such a thing.

    Using old Windows Media Classic with Combined Community Codec to play this so I’m wondering is it something on my end that’s screwing it up.

    Contact me if you know what I can do to fix this.

  • aa

    ss-eclipse updated their ed at some point. i think the only change was silhouette -> sign near the end. your release doesn’t use the newer version. is this intentional?

    • Holo

      i didn’t realise, I looked at ep 1, lol. I will check their updated lyrics.

      • ItPr

        The OP had also been updated at some point too AFAIK; I don’t know what were the changes exactly but it’s worth checking while you’re updating the ED (if you’re not already on it ;)).

  • wman

    I guess torrent links will appear after patching. Or will you release patches separately?

  • Elvin21

    Waiting for the torrent link… Thanks in advance! 🙂

  • ChaelMi

    yay, 720p torrent almost there!

  • StuAlex

    Thx a lot, I’ve been searching for that anime in HD a while back.

  • kuronohikari

    release sd at the end?
    do u mean at the end of the series
    well I am little sad but i know it must be alot of work
    ok no other choice i guess I will wait then
    thanks guys anyway

  • Kyon

    Good job!Waiting weeks for these torrent,thanks Doki(^o^)

  • Mei <3 She's a good representative for lolis. Yep.

  • ItPr

    Looking at episode 5, @~18:22 there’s a typo.

    I think it should be “It’s probably the mEre fact that…”

    • Holo

      Lol, something which I didn’t add in, for once. That will have to wait til the end batch to fix.

      Would you like to help me proof read the rest of the after story scripts? It’s probably better for you to let me know of SS-Eclipse’s typos before I release, lol.

  • Obviously Mei is the best! Thats why she has the 3rd least votes!

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