
Doki’s Visual Novel Department! Recruiting TLs for Tomoyo After

Tomoyo After

One of my ambitions is to expand from fansubbing Anime, and make a move into the world of Visual Novels. And after recent developments, this is no longer a dream, but a possibility.

The first project we will be working on is Tomoyo After. Doki has many translators, but all are involved in translating anime.

I am seeking one (or more) translator(s) dedicated specifically to translating Tomoyo After. You will be provided with the Japanese text to translate from. You can email me if you are interested, or go on our IRC channel and find me or Cruxis (Supreme Receptionist of the Doki VN Department).

Cruxis edit: I am also looking for a person who completed this Visual Novel and can provide me some necessary resources. Find me in #doki.

Later I will be recruiting a number of “testers” to play the patched game, for debugging purposes.

There will be no “public” release until the entire project is complete.

Edit: A small update about how we will deal with the release, which shouldn’t be too far away. The only thing we will release officially, ie, via this blog, is the patch itself. We will NOT be releasing the actual game (iso or otherwise), for obvious reasons. You will have to find a copy of the game yourself. If you idle on #doki, I am sure someone will be able to help you.

2,159 comments to Doki’s Visual Novel Department! Recruiting TLs for Tomoyo After

  • GuyFreakz


  • OneManArmy

    Would be nice if you guys could give us at least a little update. I mean I visit your site nearly every day but there isn’t anything besides the “I’ll jazz up this page later.” message. I don’t want another stupid partial patch either but it’s always nice to read something about the translation progress.

    Anyway, thumbs up for translating tomoyo after and take your time.

    Merry Christmas. =)

    • Tatsuya

      Well, what do you suggest to be updated on? All we can really say is, yay another image has been translated/photoshopped or Seen has been translated/edited, it’s really hard to judge, also I don’t want to push anyones hopes up, my inactivity isn’t really helping here! >:X

      But yes, if topics about recruiting this or that doesn’t keep you updated, what does?

  • Ruu

    an update in “Im still alive” is good enuff?

  • OneManArmy

    Like I said it would be damn awesome if someone would finally ‘jazz up this page’ and write some uptades. I mean just look at other translations teams. An uptade from time to time is enough to keep people informed and happy. Even if it’s just a : Hey guys what’s up? The translation goes on like planned.” is enough.

    And I would be fine with “[…]or Seen has been translated/edited”.

    Well anyway, at least I know that you guys are still alive. And what’s up with not being active? Fuck that! =D

  • Ruu

    I just come online to check any updates or respond to other ppl lmao

  • Rashi

    I gotta agree not to bother about updates all the time. When I looked how many people keeps asking about for a patch or an update about the game, and people keeps constantly asking its quite annoying. I remember a scanlator/group quit doing Negima because people either complain about their releases or complained that they are behind. Tatsuya even said to post on the forums or go to the IRC for anything new IIRC, but I’d just wait patiently until they release it. It’s not like your doing it for everyone and if u are or considering it, cool! gl on everything :), but plz don’t constantly bother about a patch wait it out you all are adults and can wait

  • OneManArmy

    Rashi, you obviously didn’t get my point. I have no problems with waiting either. I mean I’m still waiting for the real steins gate patch instead of playing the not proof readed one. Anyway, I’m just a little bit disappointed to see a visual novel section on this website but since 8months nothing besides the “jazz up this page later” message. Do I want too much? Is it impossible to write some text in 8months? Sorry but I can’t understand that. I’m also pretty sure that all of those uptade requests will stop after you done something about the visual novels page. On the other hand I didn’t know about the news in the forum or IIRC so thumbs up for that.

    Meh whatever, I will now stop writing stuff because I already told you my opinion. Please don’t misunderstood me. I’m not here to write bad things about this whole project because it isn’t bad. But a small uptade page would probably reduce the problems with users like me. 😉

    • Tatsuya

      Cruxis was supposed to do that, and as you know, he is gone.
      After that there was never a project leader everyone was indepent, only since november have I deceided to look over it myself, and I will “jazz” it up, I’m thinking of it just being the same as the projects page, only then with a link to the forum and this page. I’ll see later. Got more important things to do then jazz up a page atm >:D

  • Ruu

    Would you like a hug Tatsuya? Cuz I would

  • Ruu

    Ill give you one anyways :3 /hugs sorry im totally bored cuz life is boring!!!!!!!

  • twdarkeh

    Tatsuya, you’re my hero.

  • OneManArmy

    A serious thumbs up. =)
    (And also thanks to the guy who actually did it)

  • I like Tomoyo.

    Her silver hair flows as a stream to the sea, convictions tempered by an unwavering belief in what is right and just. A trained eye sees the plight of others, guiding the body to action. Skillful strikes are matched in magnitude only by the inner confidence she secretly lacks, a curse known only to the one she loves.

    Should responsibility be a chain which binds us, or the love that liberates one’s innermost fears? Oh destiny, tester of fortitude, provide due strength. May light shine upon the seaside town, colors shining radiantly upon the sakura.

    An imaginary world ends; a future awaits.


  • Clannad_92

    gonna wait for this…
    and this will be a big HIT!! maybe other fansubber will follow~

  • Will looking forward for this!

  • The Protagonist

    I’m so happy this project is still alive! I thought it died for good years ago. Thank you so much. Is there an ETA that I didn’t see? A ballpark estimate is fine… Thanks again!

  • Nura

    I am looking forward for this project too!

  • Widi

    whoa i can’t wait i want play this game so badly

  • sakurazakii

    oh god , i just .. notice this ..
    Hope u find a TL soon

  • XheCo

    thank you gracias arigato for the project.
    pd: no means of offense, but how many years will take until the project it’s finished?

  • james

    will the patch work with memorial edition?

    • The patch we are currently working on is for the Original Edition. There are some differences between the different versions of the game, but nothing too major.

      • james

        but it should work right? cause i was going to buy the memorial edition if it does…

        • The initial patch to be released will work only on the initial release of the game. In total three main PC versions of the game were released: the Original, CE, and Memorial versions. As the routes & structure of the CE and Memorial versions differ from that of the Original, a straight up overlap patch is not possible. However, if interest is great enough for a translation patch of the other versions of the game, it will be looked into.

  • addicted2rpg

    This is such a tease! I’m dying to see it!

  • Khorne11

    I just want SOME sign that they are actually working on this, just saying: we are still working on it would make me unbelievably happy, but because there has been no update in like a year. But I guess I should beat clannad: full voice before even thinking this game, I haven’t even gotten to full voice yet.

    • You should complete Clannad first! That is only right.

      As you insist on an update, and seem to be interested in our progress, here’s an update for you:

      We are still working on Tomoyo After, and actively at that.

      Be happy!

  • Khorne11

    Oops I haven’t even got to afterstory yet is what I meant to say

  • Khorne11

    I am verrrry happy thanks for the update, you guys pwn, btw is there any possibility you will also make a patch for air in the future? that would be awesome 😛

  • VanENTerrier

    Clannad Man, did I read right? You guys are working actively now?

    • More specifically, we are ‘still working on Tomoyo After’ and have never actually stopped working on it. However, our concentration on the project has increased significantly over the past few weeks.

      We will not release a timetable for the project, as the effort required to complete Tomoyo After with exceptional quality is significant and time consuming. I don’t think there’s much debate that this is the most ambitious & time intensive project Doki has yet worked on. Rest assured, everyone’s patience will be rewarded when our complete patch is released.

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