
Doki’s Visual Novel Department! Recruiting TLs for Tomoyo After

Tomoyo After

One of my ambitions is to expand from fansubbing Anime, and make a move into the world of Visual Novels. And after recent developments, this is no longer a dream, but a possibility.

The first project we will be working on is Tomoyo After. Doki has many translators, but all are involved in translating anime.

I am seeking one (or more) translator(s) dedicated specifically to translating Tomoyo After. You will be provided with the Japanese text to translate from. You can email me if you are interested, or go on our IRC channel and find me or Cruxis (Supreme Receptionist of the Doki VN Department).

Cruxis edit: I am also looking for a person who completed this Visual Novel and can provide me some necessary resources. Find me in #doki.

Later I will be recruiting a number of “testers” to play the patched game, for debugging purposes.

There will be no “public” release until the entire project is complete.

Edit: A small update about how we will deal with the release, which shouldn’t be too far away. The only thing we will release officially, ie, via this blog, is the patch itself. We will NOT be releasing the actual game (iso or otherwise), for obvious reasons. You will have to find a copy of the game yourself. If you idle on #doki, I am sure someone will be able to help you.

2,159 comments to Doki’s Visual Novel Department! Recruiting TLs for Tomoyo After

  • Junky

    It seems that some people don’t understand how Gravatars work.

    There hasn’t been any Doki staff responding for a while. Ixlone was active earlier. However, I’d rather they spend their extra time translating than browsing our inane comments. I do admit it would be nice to know how it is going.

    • Tatsuya

      I don’t even get why you guys ask it here, this is a TL recruit page not a HOW IS THE VN GOING? page.

      If you do want to know just hit us up on IRC wich we are all active on

      • Kinetic

        Oh yeah, the IRC where you get ignored when asking the question. I waited for almost 24 hours for a reply without getting anything… So screw the IRC is what I say.

        • Tatsuya

          I see, but in the end, you should just be patient, we never mentioned once that you are going to get an update on how it’s going.

          There will be no “public” release until the entire project is complete.

  • koutaro

    at least the positive site is that you won’t need to wait for an update once the project release (they said they won’t release the patch before it’s completed right ?)

  • Raizu

    after this project finished, In no time Doki will be well-known for translating this Tomoyo After 🙂

  • SJCrew

    Baka Tsuki failed me, so now my faith is in you guys. I waited for both Aeon Genesis and Romhacking Aerie and they both delivered. Once again, I will bookmark the project page, go on about my life and offer as much verbal support as I can until this is finished, which I’m sure it will be.

    Work hard, have fun and don’t forget about the fans (myself included)!

  • Ayumu

    Although it’d be nice to see how they’re doing, their reputation is good as it is. I have the uttmost confidence in them and I’m sure they wouldn’t want to mess up their first VN translation.

  • Mr4eyeguy

    To Tatsuya and all who are in this TL project.

    It seems like some of the SEENs have their original Japanese lines altered. I’ve already found SEEN1714 and SEEN1715 have their original Japanese lines altered and those may not be the only ones.

    The original Japanese lines can still be found at Baka-Tsuki. Please check again to see if the SEEN you’re assigned with have same original Japanese lines.

    P.S. If you don’t mind. I will be fixing the SEEN1714 and Re-TL it, as it seems like the original TL is no longer the part of the project. Sorry I had to post here but I couldn’t connect to IRC

  • VanENTerrier

    Hi, everyone. I’m a huge fan of clannad and I’ve been trying to find a good translation of Tomoyo after and founded that Doki/TL are going to continue Baka Tsuki translation..

    At first, I thought this project died out since the game was actually before 2010 but seeing how the post was actually from august 2011, my heart leaped!!

    I played tomoyo after because of the storyline not because of H-scene..

    I’ve searched alot of VN but these from KEY was the best there is..

    Wish u all the best and hope it will finish before 2012

  • would definitely love to help on anything but if the VN consist of H=scene, then I won’t…

    unless its like Clannad original without H-scene, then I’d like to help. I have no experience but I do know english very well which I can try to convey a dialogue..

  • Ruu

    Yes this VN has a lot of h-scenes iirc (havnt played it for awhile) but i dont think ppl plays it for the h-scenes anyways, but ya keep it up doki im rooting for u!

    • Tatsuya

      Really, I don’t get where you get this idea, but H Parts only cover the beginning, after that it’s full story, only bad endings have H after that.

  • max_payne

    h-scenes or not, tomoyo is an interesting character and really enjoyed playing her rout in clannad, as well as in the anime, and honestly, although “undoubtedly” the best rout and story will always be nagisa’s (to me at least) i liked tomoyo’s rout very much, and was overjoyed when i learned about the “tomoyo after” VN, and now that it is being translated by doki is something to celebrate.

    one thing i hope doki would consider, the original clannad VN is translation project was completed a while ago, but it really needs refurbishing and lots of editing here and there, not to mention that some conversations that make no sense … i really hope you do it sometime.
    and thanks a lot.

  • Again, to those that have a problem with the H-scenes, the Memorial Edition of Tomoyo After is ALL-AGES meaning that the H-scenes were removed and other stuff was put in place of them.

    Also, would someone from Doki like to clarify if this patch will be for the LE or ME or have support for both? There’s a big enough difference between the two (content-wise and code-wise) where a translation for one wouldn’t work for the other and when I say that I mean the ME has much more text to translate not to mention different RealLive versions.

  • jewboy

    So, uh, how is this coming along?

  • VanENTerrier

    I think VN companies (mostly) are a band of Horny bastards.haha, jk

    otherwise, they wont be trying so hard to put H-scene in every route of each female character..

    I’ve played one VN and the female character is like 13 or 14 yrs old and they have H-scenes..

    so wrong…

    Prefer kiss on the head between lovers than licking each other’s tongue..

    more innocent and much more at conveying their loves than by having intercourse..

  • VanENTerrier

    True enough…my question is = does VNs eventually (or already) be categorized as adult game?

    if you disagree, over 90% of all VNs are against u cuz they all have erotic scene…

    nevertheless, I play Tomoya after cuz I love clannad and I want to see a story of a character that I know

  • VanENTerrier

    nvm, forget i say anything…

  • Anon

    There is nothing wrong with having sex in a romance story. While it may be true that anime often (though not always) shies away from sex scenes, most visual novels that have romance have some sort of scene. One can argue that these are more explicit than they need to be (though some explicitness is needed to make sure that these have the proper impact), and they can feel out of place (usually a fault of the writer trying to cram it in without good buildup usually, such as One, or creating BS reasons for them, such as Fate/Stay Night’s threesome), but there are no problems with showing the characters having sex in a romance story.

    • VanENTerrier

      but does sex represent the quality of love in a romance?

      the essence of romance actually doesnt lie on having sex (I’ve played other VN and the character mentioned that for him to love the girl more, he requested to have intercourse with her)

      its a pathetic excuse, to be honest, for someone to love her, he wants to be loved (sex)

      where I live, having sex is a huge responsibility, one must ready to take responsible as in marriage n support in terms of expenditure…

      I cant change what is a trend in the west and japan, I’m just stating my opinion

      no need to hassle anymore

      • Some guy

        Sex isn’t needed for love, but those who love tend to have sex.

        For generic romantic VNs, it’s used as “the big step” in a relationship, for better or worse.

        This more so though, it doesn’t seem weird for this couple to have sex. Following contains Clannad spoilers, so in rot13 (just google a decoder), but no Tomoyo After spoilers (I don’t know any spoilers to spoil) Va gur bevtvany tnzr ba Gbzblb’f ebhgr, Gbzbln npghnyyl raqf hc fhfcraqrq sbe znxvat bhg jvgu Gbzblb va gur pynffebbz, chggvat uvf unaq haqre ure fuveg (bayl punenpgre jvgu nalguvat yvxr guvf va gur tnzr, nf vg vf vaqrrq nyy ntrf). Guvf vf va pbagenfg gb Antvfn, jurer Gbzbln naq Antvfn bayl unir na vzcyvrq frk fprar jryy vagb Nsgre Fgbel, jryy nsgre gurl ner zneevrq.

  • VanENTerrier

    any progress, lately Holo n Ixlone?

    could u guys give us hints how much would it takes up ur time to do this..?

    we would appreciate any news from ya!

  • Changoi

    Sweet, i thought the project died. It’s good to know its alive and running, now if they made this into an anime not an the OVA (which was awesome). Looking forward for the full release

  • AssasinZAssasin

    Great, take your time, don’t sacrifice quality by rushing =). We all have a life too, so enjoy life while you’re young~ I’m real excited for the release though =)

  • AnimefanDK

    Glad to hear its coming forward. I really wish to read/play (What do you say you do? Am I reading a visual novel or playing one??) this one with Tomoyo cause I felt she fits way better with Tomoya after the “another world” episode

  • Deiki

    You have acquired the faith of VN readers! (those who cant read japanese though. :P)
    great project and also great choice to make real fresh TL patch. I know it’ll hard and take a lot of time + commitment to start all over again but take your time. we, the readers (who have language barrier), will wait.

    glad if I able to help testing the patch later. Ganbatta, Doki!!

  • tony

    is there going to be a realease date for this patch ?
    i know they have been working for some years now..

  • If you need any help in promoting I can help there and I have beaten this game multiple times and seen nearly every ending including the main one for the game. I can post the save file online via media fire if that helps as well.

  • VanENTerrier

    AHHHH, i cant seemed to wait for this to finish…

    i felt like half of me isnt complete without seeing this true to the end…

    please with a cherry on top, is there any progress on this?

  • Raizu

    hmm… any progress for this project?

    haven’t got any news since months ago >,<

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