
Doki’s Visual Novel Department! Recruiting TLs for Tomoyo After

Tomoyo After

One of my ambitions is to expand from fansubbing Anime, and make a move into the world of Visual Novels. And after recent developments, this is no longer a dream, but a possibility.

The first project we will be working on is Tomoyo After. Doki has many translators, but all are involved in translating anime.

I am seeking one (or more) translator(s) dedicated specifically to translating Tomoyo After. You will be provided with the Japanese text to translate from. You can email me if you are interested, or go on our IRC channel and find me or Cruxis (Supreme Receptionist of the Doki VN Department).

Cruxis edit: I am also looking for a person who completed this Visual Novel and can provide me some necessary resources. Find me in #doki.

Later I will be recruiting a number of “testers” to play the patched game, for debugging purposes.

There will be no “public” release until the entire project is complete.

Edit: A small update about how we will deal with the release, which shouldn’t be too far away. The only thing we will release officially, ie, via this blog, is the patch itself. We will NOT be releasing the actual game (iso or otherwise), for obvious reasons. You will have to find a copy of the game yourself. If you idle on #doki, I am sure someone will be able to help you.

2,159 comments to Doki’s Visual Novel Department! Recruiting TLs for Tomoyo After


    Is there anywat we can get progress reports, it just seems like the project is dead without updates.

  • Ixlone

    TL’s are still TLing it.

    About 60% of the TL is complete, obviously the vast majority of it still needs editing and QCing.

    But yes, work is progressing.

  • Lupine-31

    Geez, it’s been so long since release and yet no 100% translation yet :'(

    Well, count me in as a tester, I can’t wait for this to be finished :’|


    I really appreciate such a speedy response lol. Thanks for the update. You guys should really edit this page every now and again lol. I looked at and the baka-tsuki patch only does 35 percent and you’re all the way to 60, at leasted tl’ed, amazing. Final question, is there a eta we can expect? Thanks again.

  • NeoDragon

    You translated 60% (~41000 lines) within 2 month (and a few days) ? That’s 500 lines a day … what a speed! Incredible! Great work!

    @CURIOUS & Lupine-31:

    Look at all the other VN translation projects. Many of them take years to complete or get cancelled (but don’t get me wrong, I’m VERY happy there are people who try to take on some projects and even if it’s not completed some work IS done and I’m grateful for that).

    • Ixlone

      Might want to get your facts right.

      The project was already well underway in another group, who kindly gave us access to their existing work.

      Thus we had a pretty big head start.

  • NeoDragon

    Okay, I see … thanks for the update … I didn’t know that. But nevertheless you’re working at a pretty high speed.

    I think I’ve got your point … I didn’t want to put pressure on you (so that people woukld expect a release soon) … I just wanted to point out that you did a great job so far.

  • Raizu

    thanks for the update progress ^^
    I’m happy you guys still continue to TL this series,,
    as a Clannad fans, I’ll looking forward for this VN…

    Hang in there, okay πŸ˜‰

  • Junky

    Which version of Tomoyo After is this translation for?

    • GLD

      I’m pretty sure it could be used for both versions of it.

      • Crion629

        Actually, that is not the case since the LE and ME versions of Tomoyo After use different RealLive versions, a separate patch would have to be issued for each one. Of course, there are ways to hack a patch into working on another version but they don’t always work 100%. Also, the ME version does not have any of the H scenes in it so there would be a difference in the translation in SEEN.txt as well.

        • Junky

          Thanks for the info but that doesn’t answer my question either. I know that Baka-Tsuki were doing the Limited Edition and Doki are continuing from their work but it is better to ask than to assume.

  • Just a quick question, do you guys ever think that you’ll translate IOS visual novels as well, There’s a few translated like Higurashi and KiraKira, just asking. Also great work so far

  • Kud

    Thanks for your amazing work
    When baka-tsuki dropped this project I thought that I would never have the possibility to play this VN.

    Thank you guys for all your hard work! (-w-)

  • BTA

    Will this be based on the original release or the (bigger and much easier to find these days) Memorial Edition? I think it’s awesome that you guys are picking this up at all, but since I own the Memorial Edition… 😑

  • darkeh

    I’m personally hoping for the patch to be for the LE. However, once the translations are complete, assuming much of the text is the same, someone could probably just remake a patch for whatever version they aren’t doing. Ofc, it’d be a lot of work, but at least you’d have the translations out of the way.

    • BTA

      Unfortunately, it’s not quite that simple. Memorial Edition (which is based on the PS2 and PSP versions) is about 1.5x as long as the original 18+ release. I know the project started with the 18+ release, but the ME is what’s easy to actually buy these days (though I got my copy in the Memorial Box set), so… 😑

      • darkeh

        I did say assuming the text was the same. πŸ˜›

        Even if the ME is longer, you’d still have a lot of the game done, in theory. Still a lot of work, but at least it’s something to start with.

        I can’t buy either version, so will have to find an ISO on the internet of which ever it is for. πŸ™

  • Dao

    I’d love to be one of those testers !
    Anyways, looking foward to it & good luck with the translating related stuff πŸ™‚

  • Hikeriki

    Saw that u guys already done 60%!Awsome!! Was just wondering if there is any realesed patch of that 60% or are you going to wait until its finished?

  • Sellos

    Hey you guys are really awesome for translating this!!! i luv u all!!

  • rm2kmidi

    Keep up the good work! We non-Japanese speaking people wouldn’t be able to enjoy these visual novels without people willing to translate them.

  • addicted2rpg

    I greatly appreciate all the translation done on this!
    Such a wonderful VN to open to so many people!

  • rroyuki

    Will there be a patch or something for the PSP version?

  • 60%? In two month’s that is indeed amazing, especially with how many lines there are. As a QC for my group, I can sympathize clearly.

    Anyways, good luck on finishing the translation soon, and I hope that you would consider contacting me for QC work, as I am especially driven to see this through.

  • tenshi

    You guys are awesome for continuing this translation, and I am glad Doki is starting to translate VNs. When this project is complete I am totally donating!!!

  • cdi2697

    I am so happy that Doki picked up this translation and is getting into VNs. Once the Tomoyo project is completed I will totally donate.

  • ChristianI

    I’m so happy that Doki picked up this translation(NOT ALL IS LOST!!! πŸ™‚ ). I will totally donate once this project is finished

  • ichris8

    I am so glad that Doki picked up Tomoyo After. I am totally donating once it is complete.

  • I’m with all these people, I’m totally going to donate once this is done.

  • somebody

    its been about a month since last update says they now at 60%. any progress? even so, i still patiently wait for this. you guys can take your time…..

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