One of my ambitions is to expand from fansubbing Anime, and make a move into the world of Visual Novels. And after recent developments, this is no longer a dream, but a possibility.
The first project we will be working on is Tomoyo After. Doki has many translators, but all are involved in translating anime.
I am seeking one (or more) translator(s) dedicated specifically to translating Tomoyo After. You will be provided with the Japanese text to translate from. You can email me if you are interested, or go on our IRC channel and find me or Cruxis (Supreme Receptionist of the Doki VN Department).
Cruxis edit: I am also looking for a person who completed this Visual Novel and can provide me some necessary resources. Find me in #doki.
Later I will be recruiting a number of “testers” to play the patched game, for debugging purposes.
There will be no “public” release until the entire project is complete.
Edit: A small update about how we will deal with the release, which shouldn’t be too far away. The only thing we will release officially, ie, via this blog, is the patch itself. We will NOT be releasing the actual game (iso or otherwise), for obvious reasons. You will have to find a copy of the game yourself. If you idle on #doki, I am sure someone will be able to help you.
Today’s the day, my body is ready!
Tonight’s the night,
Let’s live it up
I got my money,
Let’s spend it up
Go out and smash it
Like oh my God
Jump off that sofa,
Let’s get, get off
Since you’ve already called the people at Doki sexy, what are you implying? XD
here guys my new problem after several try to instal tomoyo ME :(, should i buy the original game instead of download it?
I say buy it if you can, but if you cannot, don’t panic.
When the ME patch comes out, surely more people will have these problems and there’ll be technical asistance. :º
Did you actually read the long reply I made to you? Please tell me I didn’t just waste my time…Also, that error message clearly shows what you are trying to install is Air, not Tomoyo After…How can you not see that? -_-
Oh come now, the ‘Air’ error happens to EVERYONE.
( ¬‿¬)
No it doesn’t. ; ) But he posted the wrong link, as you can see from his post below. ; )
sorry about that URL, it bit mistake X( the real one is here but not much different
It says to insert the game disc.
Shove it in, shove it in~
Ah, in that case ignore the second part of my reply above…
10 bucks says they will release at 11:59 just got the lol’s
Just because you said that,now they won’t…..
For the lulz? Nah, Holo released it then because the team was trying to get the installers to work right before Summer ended.
Oh lord now they’re teasing us with new banners
And i love em!
This is just too cruel
Says Lucif3r ( ¬‿¬)
It’s not coming today guys. Ixlone says it’s not ready, and so does Shiro, who’s a playtester for it. ┐( ̄_ ̄)┌ The bugs are apparently not satisfactorily fixed yet.
So not even tomorrow,then?
You can’t be serious right? If this is a joke its very cruel teasing us with the Tomoyo-themed banners
Which makes me think there’s at least some trolling involved. Not much but a little.
Reminding your fans with the banners and then tell em it’s not quite ready yet? Genius trolling!
Why did only one see Ix for the troll he is?!?
I called it. I CALLED IT.
I mean, to delay the release and still have the banners? It smelled of trolling a mile away. :V
Trolling god
I think they got it by now, and that was days ago anyway. You’re virtually spamming now.
Unfortunately given how we had no response from the translators and how those bugs are apparently a REALLY big deal we may not see the patch for a long while.
It is quite likely that the next notice we will get will be a postponing of the patch to Autumn. Too bad.
I see this is where you posted you doubt. Doubt no longer!!
Inb4 rage faces about the doki trolling.
This whole thing is a troll project! >:O
jk jk
Take your time, but at least change the release date to Fall 2012 now…
Its no trolling. Just facts.
Bugs=No patch
After how much trouble every translation group ended up having with this game everyone’s expectations should be a bit more moderate.
jk jk
Didn’t you see?
No worries^^
See? You posted again. That makes YOU the troll.
.. Mah heart dropped when I saw the banners xD… It would be an amazing birthday present if it’s released by the 25th lol. But regardless, I back Doki and hope that on release it’ll be bug free and up to their own standards~! :3
I already wished it once, but here it is again: Happy Birthday, bro!
We are almost to a new millennia of comments at least. ;3
Until clannadman speaks i disregard these facts as rumors! ;.;
That’s the spirit!
Jon may have been trolling, but he’s a smart one!
See with the last delay from July they gave some prior notice with this they just arent saying anything which i find a bit weird
Indeed, that would be weird.
Lol watch them wait until we hit 2000 comments, close comments then wait till 11:59 in the latest time zone to release it.
This game had been particularly hard to be translated, the guys at Doki may have tried to chew more than they can swallow. The fact that those bugs take so long to handle speaks fro itself.
Though if they were not trolling with the summer realease then they should have changed it to “fall” when they realized that summer release is pretty much impossible. Oh well…
If I recall correctly, Clannad Man said the necessary coding was done and the team was only making styling changes a page or two back. You’re being too pessimistic and jumping to negative conclusions too quickly. On a side note, if rumours are in fact true, the background image and banners are a massive tease and my hopes will be shattered beyond repair.
Those banners are truly bordering on trolling.
It is one thing to be unable to do something. It is something else to be unable to do something and tease everyone with its completion.
If they get angry with so many people annoying them with,”when will the patch be released??” questions then they only have themselves to blame for trying to build hype when they are still far from getting results. *shrug*
Oh come on, it’s obvious. It’s done. They’re teasing. Today’s parade day and Santa’s always at the end. You’ll probably get your Tomoyo at the last possible second that qualifies as today.
That’s what I’ve been thinking (hoping) as well for the majority of the day as it passed by.
My, my, Saskey. Lighten up! XD
Tak, is it Thanksgiving?
Kudryavka… you’re awesome. I love your album, its my favorite!
Impossibru my ass!
I’ve been reading these comments every day for the past three months……PLEASE DOKI RELEASE TODAY!! I LOVE YOU!!!
I love you too, Dennis Rodman.
Obligatory flashback post for those who have been following this post:
Oh gawd…The awful commercials companies make…
Guys, you should know by now to never listen to Ixlone when it comes to anything KEY, as he practically lives to be a troll. Then again, I wonder whose wonderful idea it was to put up all of these posters. Madness, I say!
Anyways, I’m one to always wait on Clannad Man’s word, and I’ve got a good feeling today. Let’s just hope Doki’s bandwith is paid for, otherwise the site’ll be down for DAYS!
Q(^.^Q) ~~
Here’s to hope!
The word is given: This is SPARTA!!
>_< You love weird youtube videos, don't you Clannad_Man? ; )
Summer is now over pretty much everywhere.
It looks like their plans for a summer release were just wishful thinking.
Now everyone can await when they change the approximate date for the release to either Fall or early 2013.
Still sayingthat it’s time to hunker down and wait. Doki isn’t this much of a troll simply to get off the LOLS.
But its good to never have too high expectations. No expectations=no disappointments.
Though I admire your positive attitude and hope that you don’t lose it in case they do not release anything.
They certainly want to gain everyone’s attention with all those posters though. Madness indeed…
8 hours left until summer is officially over where I am, and there’s a timezone where it’s 11 hours until summer is over as well.
According to Doki’s own time stamps on these comments it’s allready Sep. 22nd! O_o
I don’t even think Doki operates on their own timestamps. Besides, I think Doki’s server is synchronised to GMT.
You are correct, sir.
Wishful thinking? Nonono.
Hehe :D, you guys might wanna check out this link
Huzzah! And it begun…
iie, i did read it, rokudaime and follow what you are instrust but still not working and then i try several way, instal in another computer, download it form another place, and playing with my sistem little bit XD but, it still not working though, MAYBE i should burn to disc thats what im not try yet
Or you could just buy the disk…
hey guys did you relise yet, the pics in above is all about tomoyo-chan :D, i was dream about her this night, and it become reality
I could see how someone could dream of Tomoyo-chan. And yes, I realized the pic posted up top is of Tomoyo! XD
This is KEY we’re talking about.. Damn cursed Visual Novels.
And many considered Tomoyo After to be the most cursed one of all! Yet, the VN Team persevered. Not bad, eh?
That is is!
Doki thanks you for following them, Clannad.
Thank you doki for releasing this patch. much appreciated and thank you for doing it in time for the holidays
Well in time for the Holidays. Now those of you with backlogs may still be able to play it in English before the year is through.
its out…. Its out…. ITS OUT. O_O THANK YOU DOKI. THANK YOU SO MUCH. Been waiting for so long… But now…. I ….I’m losing sleep over this. Thanks much Doki for the effort and all the hard work. Thank you thank you thanks. I’m grinning like an idiot over here. Aside from my mental breakdown just now, I would like to thank the Doki team wholeheartedly with all my soul. Thank you.
The VN Team is always happy to get some praise! Keep that grin on your face and enjoy the game!!