One of my ambitions is to expand from fansubbing Anime, and make a move into the world of Visual Novels. And after recent developments, this is no longer a dream, but a possibility.
The first project we will be working on is Tomoyo After. Doki has many translators, but all are involved in translating anime.
I am seeking one (or more) translator(s) dedicated specifically to translating Tomoyo After. You will be provided with the Japanese text to translate from. You can email me if you are interested, or go on our IRC channel and find me or Cruxis (Supreme Receptionist of the Doki VN Department).
Cruxis edit: I am also looking for a person who completed this Visual Novel and can provide me some necessary resources. Find me in #doki.
Later I will be recruiting a number of “testers” to play the patched game, for debugging purposes.
There will be no “public” release until the entire project is complete.
Edit: A small update about how we will deal with the release, which shouldn’t be too far away. The only thing we will release officially, ie, via this blog, is the patch itself. We will NOT be releasing the actual game (iso or otherwise), for obvious reasons. You will have to find a copy of the game yourself. If you idle on #doki, I am sure someone will be able to help you.
summer 2012….what season we on
Winter, soon to be spring.
is it winter on north or south side?
there are summer and winter season on 1 time south and north also there are spring and fall
Here in the southern part of the south of the southern hemisphere (yes, I am THAT down south :V), it’s about to turn spring in around a week or so.
Yes, that means that christmas is in summer. Santa comes in a skimpy swimsuit every year. D:
Approaching Fall up here. Well, weatherwise it’s been Fall for a while, but calender-wise I suppose it’s still supposed to be Summer for a few days or so? ┐( ̄ー ̄)┌
1) Is someone here an Aussie?
2) Ready for some Christmas Cheer?
3) I look up ‘Santa Skimpy Swimsuit’ online, and the second result that pops up is this:
Must be a thing for anime fans to search for skimpy swimsuit-ed Santas, lol~
That… made my day. And possibly my week.
I meant something like this ( though. The guys that dress up as a fully clothed Santa end up in a puddle of sweat.
And that’s sad. And hilarious, in a way.
Winter is coming… wait a sec, it’s still Summer!
私わ大好きドキレギオン。ありがと!!!Finally i feel my knowledge of this years Japanese classes paying of ^_^
jon, please help me translate this
I could help, do you have steam? If so, message me at
It says, and I quote, “Air – Memorial Edition. Shove the fucking disk in the drive, bitch. Or use a motherfucking crack.”
And Jon’s grammar is terrible.
I didn’t want to be rude, but yeah… that’s pretty bad. If it took you that long to get to that level, something is wrong.
Nah its just a pass time of mine i do in my own time. I don’t have a teacher (yet) so its not good lol. I have kanji memorized but putting it into sentences is something i just started.
Don’t worry about it. It’s the sentiment that counts!
“If it took you that long to get to that level, something is wrong”
Agrehtan, what are you talking about? Jon never said anything about how long he’s been at it. -_- Your whole “took you that long” part makes absolutely no sense in that regard.
eeh seriously?! that what it said @_@, so much rude and cruel for that word heh? now i see thats why clannad man doesnt want to translate it
check this one, its cool guys
Oh jeez sorry, I totally misread the sentence as ‘My years of Japanese have finally paid off’ I was sleepy when I read that. Also, ruuko- not sure if you’re serious but it doesn’t ACTUALLY say that, that’s just a vulgar version of what it means.
I too love the Doki Legion! Thanks for your continued support Jon!
I don’t know, i think it’s somewhat fitting with lyrics like “father” and “happy home” and such, being that Tomoyo After is somewhat about raising a family…
Don’t You Worry Child! <3
#DYWC – Feelin’ the Beat!
That vocal is so good! It’s John Martin,guy who sang on Save The World!
Proud to be a Swede at times like this! Avicii and Swedish House Mafia are all Gods in my eyes! ^^
Hey, you’re Swedish!? Cool! I’m Norwegian! Nice to meet you!
Hmm, Irie is Icelandic, so now all we need is a Dane, and someone from Finland (what’s that called…A Finn? :-/ ).
20 year old House music producer form Sweden who happen to be on a Anime/Visual Novel site? What is the world coming to!?!?!?!!?!?! O_o
No but seriously, if you ain’t got a Swede on your team, i would be happy to help out! ^^
Ah, no, I’m not part of the Doki team, if that’s what you mean. :p Only position I could fill if they were to have me would be QC, so I’m pretty useless. ┐( ̄ー ̄)┌
btw is there a solution for that Problem? i want play ME edition :(.
SurferDude already told you that the error message tells you to insert the disc. So, first things first, are you using a Virtual Mount program like DAEMON Tools to try and run a downloaded virtual copy, or are you using an ISO from a downloaded copy burnt to disc, or are you using an actual, real, legal copy of the game?
If you’re using the first method, then first make sure that the virtual disc is mounted before you you try running the game (obviously), but if that’s not working, try burning the ISO onto a DVD as an IMAGE file (important!) using whatever burning program of your choice that supports that, and then insert the disc and try firing up the game. This would be the same as the second method of course. If this doesn’t work either, then it may be that the copy you have downloaded is a bad copy, or something went wrong during installation, or something went wrong during the download, so the installation files don’t work as they should (the latter is unlikely though, seeing as you managed to install the game). So, in other words, in this case you will need to try to re-install the game, and if that doesn’t work, download the game again, and if that doesn’t work…Look for a different copy/version.
Also, if you’re using XP, make sure to set your Windows locale to Japanese in your Control Panel (I’m not gonna explain how to do that. Google it…), or alternatively use AppLocale, which works great. If you’re using Windows 7, neither should be necessary. If you’re using Vista…This might actually be your problem, and as far as I know you’re shit out of luck…
If you’re using an actual legal copy of the game, it should work fine without problems in Windows 7 as long as you have the disc in the drive…In XP make sure to change the locale or use AppLocale. If you’re using Vista…you’re fucked, sorry. ┐( ̄_ ̄)┌
I have the regular edition of TA, so will this coming patch work for it? If not, then I guess I’ll have to buy the ME T.T
The first patch is for the regular version, the ME version is coming out later on
that is IF the “first patch” ever comes within this mellinium >_>.
Oh you… ಠ‿ಠ
Surely,after September 22nd (Autumn equinox) you can’t claim that it will still be relased Summer 2012,unless of course,you’re refering to the Southern hemisphere in which Spring is soon to start!
Please don’t drag this out longer than necessary! >.<
Actually, I’m calling that the release will be just before if not the same day of the equinox.
What’s with the smelly people who keep saying the patch is going to be coming later than it already is? Where did the optimism go? Use moar positive thinking people plox, because talking negative crap and saying things like it may never come out is a bunch of bullshit, just have patience for godsakes. :3
There are those, but I for one am pretty excited, because the limit for the summer there is on the equinox, that is pretty close… and I also heard that they were just on the style changes. So, any day now! \o/
Yep, i’m excited as well. I wonder what actual changes were made other than the obvious D&T fixes considering how long it took, unless I missed an explanation like an idiot… Guess we will find out on release regardless.
Do want. ._.
Its already been delayed many times, so i wouldn’t be surprised if there’s one more delay
Not by Doki, and it wasn’t due to poor scheduling either. There’s a reason TA has been referred to as ‘cursed’ over the years.
If anything Air is more cursed at the rate it is going. However, it might finally be finished now with Sheeta translating it
The only reason Air wasn’t translated was because the last group to do it received a C&D letter. I’ve discussed this before in this post’s comments, but in short, it is believed that the prior group TLing Air made a point of linking to a pirated copy of the game. Naturally, Visual Art’s/Key felt that was taking things too far, so they put a stop to it.
TA on the other had has had internal issues from as far back as 2007 with its time at Baka-Tsuki. Getting a polished patch ready has been surprisingly difficult.
Let’s just hope the patch gets out before borderlands 2 does. Since many people won’t be able to think of anything else afterwards…
-_- You serious? Borderlands? Pfft, bleh!
Ey, Borderlands is a great game, in my opinion anyways, as for Borderlands 2? Hell no, its an Nvidia sellout and AMD users wont be able to have the more advanced physX accelerated effects which is retarded. But of course, regarding it being put ahead of a VN, if someone were to tell me they liked Visual Novels, but then ditched Tomoyo After for Borderlands, they would be called insane.
When does BDL2 come out? I’d check, but I’m working on other stuff ATM.
September 18 in the US
So today? lol.. That’s not a lot of notice!
will doki be realeasing translation for other key games like kanon and air?
Kanon has already been translated, and Air is in progress by Edgar & Sheeta. I don’t see any reason why Doki’s Staff would wish to supersede their work.
which kanon version has been translated, is it Non-H or H one or both of it :D?
The H one (Standard Edition). It was done by Non-Directional Translations (NDT). Their site is actually still up, so you can get the translation patch here:
Just remembered, there also excists a voice patch that adds the voices from the PS2 version into the PC version, which is worth getting. I’d link to it, but it seems this site won’t let me link to anything at NyaaTorrents…So go to that site and search around on your own. It’s easy to find.
sorry for Side track for bit :
and also jakarta will become 1(one) of Beautyful city of the world.
BTW 20 Sept will become historycal Momen of indonesia in jakarta, because MR joko is anti corrupt will be choosen by people to become Mayor of Jakarta for clean all corruptor ;), if he won indonesia will become free corrupt country like China
That’s tomorrow, eh?
yup it is now, and he won of quick count
good to him, but i think the election not end yet/ not officially yet until 2 Oct, that’s could be problem of manipulation vote
Three days to release it on time :/
The staff could always use my Reading Steiner to go back and fix the patch before the deadline…
Sorry but im very new to Doki so i dont get it XD
He referenced “Steins;Gate”, ‘Reading Steiner’ is just one of those things from the VN/Anime/(manga?-depends…) that you will have to read/play for yourself ^_^ It is a very good visual novel that is worth playing a time or 2. …Hm, I wonder if there’s that leaked buggy English patch still floating around on the internet from before JAST took over the translation project… And by took over, I mean took it from the translators and then didn’t release what seemed like finished work D: As far as my knowledge goes anyways
I didn’t get it either. : p I have Steins;Gate patched to English lying around on my computer though, I just haven’t gotten around to playing it yet(story of my life…). The torrent I got has the game completely translated save for a few CG’s. ┐( ̄ー ̄)┌
Yeah, i put my hopes up guys) i’ll be free frim my part time job, so i’d like to enjoy so i’d like to enjoy my time with Tomoyo))) don’t disillusion me folks i believe in you:)
Dang, Erizo! What do I have to do to convince you this was just a troll project?!
( ¬‿¬)
JK, JK, lolololol~
Doki wewt wewt. Icecream for summer (release!)
That Tomoyo. What a tease! XD
Only a few days left for Tomoyo to arrive. Combining that with Guild Wars 2 that’s already out and Torchlight 2 that’ll hit the shelves tomorrow…. goodbye productivity!
yay finally this moment i really waiting for
I think I’m gonna wait for ME version…darn it I can’t wait xD
You have a little while to wait yet, lol
The clock is ticking…
When the hell is this gonna be patched in english. It’s fall over here.
It will be done when they’re done with it.. You need to understand that the group of people translating this are doing it for FREE. This is their passion, and are only able to do it to the best of their abilities. C’mon, cut them some slack.
On another note: Let’s go! Let’s go go! Doki~
Nice pictures….Awful song. : p
but it’s still dry over here D:
Now it is. =P
inb4patch, last post before patch. Don’t let me down doki :O
Nope, you posted again before the patch was released!
26 pages of comment. the longest Doki discussion ever
Really? It is? Now that’s kind of cool! :p
By far! The page claimed the first 3 daily view marks in Doki history… until the patch came out.
OK, I think my body is ready. Doki Legion, lay upon us the masses the release that we have all been waiting for!
It has been layeth downith uponith.
perhaps we get the release by hitting the 2000 comments mark?
It was brought up by someone on the team that it should be released at comment number 2012, but it turns out Holo released it before then.
Last time I’ll be able to post till after release (probably TT__TT) So let me say this: Big thanks to everyone in the translation department! Even though I’ll be busy the rest of the month I’ll start playing as soon as I return
You’re more than welcome. The VN Team was happy to work on it!
last post before the release (hopefully). come on Doki everyone is waiting for the fruits of your labour.
Enjoy the fruits, my angel~
I could honestly wait another year for this to come out! It would be good if it were to come out tomorrow but waiting longer for it just makes you want it even more and when it does come out then it’ll be even better as you’ve been looking forward to it for much longer.
Me too, but for a different reason. I’m pretty busy until the middle of December, and I also have enough backlog stuff to keep me going for years, so yeah… : p
How come you’re busy till December?:O Same, there is honestly so many things in my backlog as well xD
“How come you’re busy till December?”: School. ; ) I’m a University student, and I’m in my final semester.
Shhhhhh;) Best of luck to you!:D
Work harder! Muahahaha~
Lol, your compassion is overwhelming Clannad Man.
Congrats, it came out ‘today’ XD
Tick (doki), tock (dokidoki), tick (dokidokidoki), tock (dokidokidokidoki)…
Honestly, I have no idea what to say. I’ll thank properly when the release is out, along with my necessary “I CAME” comment.
I’m still waiting for you to post that on the release post page! =P
I di…! Did I not? Oh, then it’s time for a completely out of place and week late “I CAME” comment!
Because of school, i won’t have time to play this game until winter break, so now i don’t mind the delay :P, but i recommend you put out a blog post since it seems as if the project is dead (telling from the lack of news in the anime world).
… the project is DEAD? Oh hellz no…
is the patch released yet?
Why… Yes it is!
Less than 22 hours until Summer is over everywhere in the world…
Its cold and dark and rainy now…
^This. Truth. =(