
Doki’s Visual Novel Department! Recruiting TLs for Tomoyo After

Tomoyo After

One of my ambitions is to expand from fansubbing Anime, and make a move into the world of Visual Novels. And after recent developments, this is no longer a dream, but a possibility.

The first project we will be working on is Tomoyo After. Doki has many translators, but all are involved in translating anime.

I am seeking one (or more) translator(s) dedicated specifically to translating Tomoyo After. You will be provided with the Japanese text to translate from. You can email me if you are interested, or go on our IRC channel and find me or Cruxis (Supreme Receptionist of the Doki VN Department).

Cruxis edit: I am also looking for a person who completed this Visual Novel and can provide me some necessary resources. Find me in #doki.

Later I will be recruiting a number of “testers” to play the patched game, for debugging purposes.

There will be no “public” release until the entire project is complete.

Edit: A small update about how we will deal with the release, which shouldn’t be too far away. The only thing we will release officially, ie, via this blog, is the patch itself. We will NOT be releasing the actual game (iso or otherwise), for obvious reasons. You will have to find a copy of the game yourself. If you idle on #doki, I am sure someone will be able to help you.

2,159 comments to Doki’s Visual Novel Department! Recruiting TLs for Tomoyo After

  • Ruuko kirei na sora

    killemall52, thanks a lot mate :D, for doki keep going on patch we always waiting for it 😉

  • Ruuko kirei na sora

    somehow since i played clannad, tomoyo-chan often appear in my dream 😀 LOL, can`t wait until i play her in tomoyo after that really focus on her live 🙂

  • Agreh

    Really looking forward to this, I give my support to the team. That said- hurry up so I can get my VN fix!

  • n00b

    Oh look, you’ve only got 3 days to finish this. Aug 31st is the last day of summer! 😀

  • Khorne11

    both of the guys before me shut up there are PLENTY of translated visual novels out there to play, I’m playing like 12 right now, so play something else and be patient they have lives (I think, I know I don’t) and are doing their best. I wouldn’t mind waiting another few months for it to be quite honest.
    Doki: you guys are doing an epic job, keep it up!

  • Skye

    Oui oui! I have other VNs I am reading while I wait for Tomoyo After. It’s really building up the anticipation! The fact I’m waiting is what’s going to make it all worth while… It’s like waiting for your high school prom, or your 16th birthday, or some kind of stereotypical big day in a person’s life. Keep it up Doki! I’m actually trying to keep the anticipation down about if there will be another VN you guys translate or not lol

  • Aaron

    Oh man I can’t wait for this to be finished. So it’s going to be finished on the 31st? If not do you have a definite date?

  • Jon

    1 more day of summer~ Lets put the pressure on~! Well even if you don’t finish by tomorrow that’s ok, i can wait for (almost) ever for this patch!

    • Aaron

      “Only seven more days till my summer vacation ends” XD lol sorry but when you mentioned how many days of summer I had to throw in Roxas’ words 😀

    • I said by Summer 2012, not by Summer Vacation!

      • Rokudaime

        Those are one and the same where I live though CM. ; ) Summer only lasts 3 months here, and Fall starts in September. Summer has been really bad this year as well, so the temperatures are nothing like summer temperatures right now. To me personally it doesn’t matter though, I’ve waited for this patch to be properly realized for years, so I don’t mind waiting until it’s done, whenever that is, whether in a week, a month, or next year, whatever. I don’t really have time anyway right now. ┐( ̄ー ̄)┌

  • Mr.Me

    I just re watched clannad and after story for the 5th time and how i wish they make Tomoyo after into a series. Just can’t wait until they have this patch ready.

  • JbstormburstADV

    I really have to wonder how some people like to assume there’s only one day left of summer when the autumnal equinox isn’t until September 21st. Then again, I can sympathize because nothing is being done about a certain other property that I will not name.


    All in all, I await the day of release, and as such, hope to witness what may be a new beginning in the age of VN’s.

    • n00b

      I’m talking abou the last day of the summer months. You know, seasons. Winter,Spring,Summer,Fall, with June, July and August being summer season. Fall starts with September.

      Ah well, September ain’t that bad. My b-day is coming up! 😀
      It’ll be nice to turn 20! 🙂

    • Once again, JbstormburstADV, your comments do not disappoint. 😉

    • Silly Helen

      It’s winter down here, and we’re just gonna start spring in September… what season was Clannad about again? :’D

      I only hope it’s not relesed on the period from saturday 15 to sunday 23, since I’ll probably be too drunk to notice. National holidays and stuff. \o/

      • Rokudaime

        Haha, no offense though Helen, but what you call a “winter” down there in Chile would easily pass as spring to many of us living up here in the northern hemisphere. :p Don’t know if I can heartfully say I envy you though, I have mixed feelings about it…Not having to deal with winter half of the year is probably nice, but I also think it’s probably too hot for me down there…I was on vacation in Rome in the south of Italy in July, and the heat was killing me. (‘^_^) 25 degrees celsius is a comfortable temperature for me. 30 I can deal with, that’s fine as long as I’m outside. But 35-40 to me is uncomfortable. If I went to India in high-summer, where it can reach 50…I think I would quite literally die…Heatstroke or something. I don’t think I could breathe…

        As for Clannad, it takes in all 4 seasons I believe. Well, I’m not sure about Fall, but I know it takes place during Spring, Summer, and Winter at least.

        • Silly Helen

          No offense, Rokudaime, but your what you call a “winter” up there in the northern hemisphere could easily pass as “WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING INSIDE THE FREEZER, YOU DUMMY” to many of us living down here in the northern hemisphere. :’P (?)

          But yeah, we do have nice temperatures… at least in Santiago it only gets as cold as -7º celsius in winter and as hot as 35º in summer. Still, down in the chilean Patagonia, that is really close to the south pole… I’d say there is a little harsher.

          And as far as I know, the spring themes mark a lot of the big, happy events in Clannad. From when they meet in the first few minutes, to [spoiler], [spoiler] and [spoiler]! Besides, if Air is summer and Kanon is winter… Clannad should be spring, don’t you think?

          • Silly Helen

            but what*

          • Rokudaime

            Agreed. ^^ I don’t really like the climate where I live, but then I live in the northern part of Norway. The South is much better. Also, like many other northern countries, the temperature difference and fluctuation between summer and winter is large, so we have warm summers and really cold winters.

            Also agreed: Clannad is a Spring show, Air is Summer, and Kanon Winter. It’s fitting though that some of the saddest stuff in After Story takes place during winter.

          • Silly Helen

            Mhmm. My brother’s brother lives in northern Canada, and had a rough time with his first winter there. I can’t imagine how it would be in northern Norway. D:

            And about Clannad… I haven’t hated snow that much since Kana: Little Sister. And I can tell Kanon (just finished chapter 20) is heading that way too ;_;

          • FYI, Clannad is multi-seasonal

          • Rokudaime

            We know Clannad man. ; ) The last part of my post a little further up above: “As for Clannad, it takes place in all 4 seasons I believe. Well, I’m not sure about Fall, but I know it takes place during Spring, Summer, and Winter at least.”.

          • Silly Helen


            It’s just that, from a Key works perspective, it would fit pretty well as a spring counterpart to winter Kanon and summer Air. :’P

          • Rokudaime

            Yup. Man, the opening sequence of episode 1 when Tomoya first meets Nagisa, among all the cherry blossoms, with the beautiful music accompanying it…Hah…Perfect scene right there…

  • Ruuko kirei na sora

    yare yare, it seems patch could be long, maybe it will be done at 14-Oct at tomoyo-chan birthday 😀 and that’s will be best of her present for her birthday 🙂 sugoi ne.

  • Ruuko kirei na sora

    ne.. guys which do you think is tomoyo the best appearance, is it at tomoyo after, or at clannad, or at manga ;)?

  • Kyousuke

    Hey, dunno where i can ask about this so i’ll ask here if thats alright. will you guys be subbing Little Busters anime?
    also thank you for working on translating tomoyo after, we all appreciate your hard work

    • Next seasons shows will be announced once we decide on them.

    • Thanks for your support Kyouske! I hope you will enjoy the patch as much as I have.

      Also, though I have not and will not participate with subbing activities for the Anime Division, knowing the number of Key fans around here and Holo’s tendencies, I’d say that there is an extremely high likelihood Doki will sub it.

      I don’t know anything about their thoughts on it, but that is my suspicion.

  • Link

    Can’t wait for Doki’s patch!! Keep up the good work! xP

    • JbstormburstADV

      “Sir, while distribution of a title as well-known and adored as Tomoyo After ~It’s a Wonderful Life~ is something that should be admired, we ask that you please take down your link, as it disavows Doki Fansubs’ already-established policy of no posting links to illegal visual nove downloads.”

      This is what someone from the staff would officially say. Unfortunately for you, I agree with them.

      Staff, time for the daily feeding! XD

  • Lino

    Me thinks delaying for over a month qualifies this as a bonafide troll project no? KEY projects are cursed after all…

      • JbstormburstADV

        Don’t listen to Ixlone, as in my experience, he is a bona fide anti-KEY troll. Take that as you will. =P

      • Lino

        can’t really drop what you never did in the first place

        • Rokudaime

          “Me thinks delaying for over a month qualifies this as a bonafide troll project no?”
          No. I don’t. not even remotely. You need to learn some patience. If you become that impatient after just a month, then you’ve been to spoiled and lucky with the projects you have been waiting for in the past. 1 month is nothing. And we’ve waited for years for this patch to finish, having shifted hands countless times. A little longer should mean nothing at this point. They’re perfecting the patch so there are no errors and stuff that doesn’t work like it should, which I am very grateful for, so I think you should just DEAL WITH IT. ;-/

        • Troll Project? Funny.

          Speak to any of the Beta-Testers when they post or chat on C-Box, and they will vouch for what they have seen. If that is not enough evidence for you, then I would suggest you check back at summer’s end and reassess your position.

    • Silly Helen

      Had they actually dropped the project, then it’d be a hell of a troll project. A small (yes, in the VN translation world this is considered small) delay like this doesn’t really qualify IMO.

      Besides, when you’re used to waiting years for your favourite releases, a month or two ain’t really that much anyway. :’3

      • Every effort was made to get the game out by July 20th. I’ve said it and I’ll say it again; the patch could have been released on that date but there would have been some bugs/errors which would have irritated the heck out of everyone. Doki isn’t made of programmers and coders, so the team needed additional time to make the changes they felt were necessary.

        Scheduling can be tricky, BTW.

  • randomkeyfan

    I don’t comments containing anything related to the delay mixed with disappointment over not being released during summer break is going motivate or help the team.

  • n00b

    Will this ever get realeased? I’m starting to have my doubts! 🙁
    Don’t be trolling on us!

    • n00b

      I mean, at least giv us some sort of update! It’s almost been completly dead since the news about the delay, which i thought weren’t gonna be a major delay…. 🙁
      C’mon guys! Tell us how the project is going!

      • CheshireNeko

        Hush, patience is a virtue.
        If you have been waiting for this long now, this delay won’t mean much. Now go sit in a chair and wait for the operating room lights to turn off. You are not the only one waiting for the release and seeing the same comments over and over again will not bode well with the people working on it.

      • Silly Helen

        Mister n00b, I really encourage you to actually read a little up in the comments. There IS some info on progress there, if you care to scroll up and see. :V

        • n00b

          I have and it dosen’t really anything! I’m either blind, stupid or both.
          And this dealy is kind of long. When the delay was anonced, the project was allready 100% translated, with a few coding errors to be fixed. Plus, indirectly, CM told me that the VN team had been slacking off on the patch. Now all that remains is to motivate the VN team to finish this.
          And besides, Summer 2012 is over! At least change the release date on the project page! 😛

          • n00b

            Or give us an update or anything! Not silence!

          • Chocolatemilkgod

            Calm down, the team is working as hard as they can with their busy lives, to hopefully have a september release. If I recall correctly, it was a bug in the mini-games in the visual novel that caused the initial delay. I’m pretty sure now they’re in the final stages of just going through the important bits and making sure there are no typo’s or bugs. Also, my birthdays on the 19th, so if it’s released this month, it’ll make for a great birthday present. Thanks doki, the legion loves you 🙂

          • Summer 2012 is not over, my n00by friend. Furthermore, the team has been working steadily to get the patch done. All indications are that the patch will be ready before Summer 2012 is through.

        • I have given out as many updates as I can without seeming extremely repetitive. I said to accommodate the time the coders needed there would be one additional run-through of the translation for consistency purposes. Nothing has changed. Changes have been made on both fronts, but if I said the same thing each day, it would seem rather shallow a response, no?

          Vote Tomoyo Summer 2012

  • Tythen

    As much as I feel I want to fully play Tomoyo After, the space of time actually waiting for it has allowed me a great many things. One being going back and playing some other routes other than Tomoyo’s in Clannad xD.
    And I can look forward to the accumulated satisfaction from the wait when it finally is released, no?
    So I say, for Tomoyo, I can be patient.

  • SilentOmen

    people need to learn that summers not over just because the kiddies are going back to school, that’s called summer break.

    The astronomical summer (Northern Hemisphere) began Wednesday, June 20, 2012, and ends Friday, September 21, 2012.

    • Your dates are perfectly accurate, SilentOmen. The Doki Legion would be wise to remember those times when posting… or for their personal thoughts regarding progress.

      Also, props for using the term ‘kiddies’. I almost never see it used anymore. Few words are as condescending yet cool at the same time! Hahaha~

  • Tenchi

    Any indication as to how long after Tomoyo’s out that Clannad will be done?

  • Kovanca

    Not sure if you are trolling or not,but if you are…

    • People are free to believe whatever they want. The tradeoff for not following along is getting the patch later than everyone else. If n00b or others want to make that choice, they are free to do so. I’ve done my part to keep everyone updated on a frequent basis without compromising the progress of the VN Team.

    • Réboy

      Not trolling just stating my opinion and honestly, going with seasons, summer IS over. But if you talk about Autumn Equinox then yes, summer is not over. But i’m sure most people would agree that September is a autumn month!

  • :X i never know when Spiring, summer, autumn, Winter cause im from indonesia and it only dry and wet season @_@.

  • SurferDude

    Can I has patch b4 Mayan Apocalypse (TM) ?

    • JbstormburstADV

      I doubt the Mayan Apocalypse will happen, so don’t worry, you’ll be able to play it before the end of the world. Whem, though, I don’t know, since I am NOT part of the VN Team.

      Clannad Man, any updates from them BTW? TBH, I’m kinda worried now that we’ve got a mass of hikkikomori working on this.

    • Thankfully, the scheduled Mayan Apocalypse is scheduled for December, whereas the patch will be released before then.

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