One of my ambitions is to expand from fansubbing Anime, and make a move into the world of Visual Novels. And after recent developments, this is no longer a dream, but a possibility.
The first project we will be working on is Tomoyo After. Doki has many translators, but all are involved in translating anime.
I am seeking one (or more) translator(s) dedicated specifically to translating Tomoyo After. You will be provided with the Japanese text to translate from. You can email me if you are interested, or go on our IRC channel and find me or Cruxis (Supreme Receptionist of the Doki VN Department).
Cruxis edit: I am also looking for a person who completed this Visual Novel and can provide me some necessary resources. Find me in #doki.
Later I will be recruiting a number of “testers” to play the patched game, for debugging purposes.
There will be no “public” release until the entire project is complete.
Edit: A small update about how we will deal with the release, which shouldn’t be too far away. The only thing we will release officially, ie, via this blog, is the patch itself. We will NOT be releasing the actual game (iso or otherwise), for obvious reasons. You will have to find a copy of the game yourself. If you idle on #doki, I am sure someone will be able to help you.
Clannad Man-sama, are they really working on AngelBeats VN? Your speech was so noble that I couldn’t understand a word.
Incidently, here’s to a new TV production from Key! Kampaii!
Yes, Key is working on an Angel Beats! VN. Look forward to it!
Oooh, awesome news! ^^
Clannad Man, can you recommend me any fully translated VN that has a very good story plot and (preferably a good artwork)?
It would mean so much to me and it might lessen the pain if Tomoyo After isnt ready at the end of the month since i’d be away for 4 years without proper internet connection
Anything similar to the following:
G-Senjou no Maou
Kara No Shoujo
I dont really like music theme like Deardrop or Kira-Kira, but if the storyplot and the characters are interesting, then i dont mind
and I dont like loli girl, prefer mature characters
*If replying this is against the regulation of the doki fansub forum, then please ignore this*
katawa shoujo
While KS got me into visual novels (i can admit, im a /b/tard) it is far from one i would suggest. It’s too short, and any single story (except Rin’s and Lily’s) isn’t great.
LOL NO. KS takes +30 hours to finish all the paths and ALL the paths are great.
excuse me? try ~5 hours a path(varies), 5 main paths. 25 hours of play time tops. That mute girl’s path sucked, Emi’s was so-so, Hanako was pretty good but pretty short, Lilly’s was cliche, but i liked it, and Rin was just weird (the good kind)
each path is around 5 hours to get ONE ending. if you want all the endings then each path is +6 hours which means that you are looking at +30 hours which is good and not short at all. “short” VNs are stuff like Saya No Uta not KS.i agree that Shinzue’s path was the weakest but it didnt suck. it was acceptable. Emi’s was a VERY good path. Lilly’s was cliche but cliche dosent always=bad. it was cliche in a great way. hanako’s was awesome and Rin’s was intriguing.
You could try Saya no Uta? It had the same bitter feel that Kara no Shoujo had, also the protagonist engages in cannibalism and murder so you KNOW it has to be good, though the heroine is a loli which you said you didn’t like so sorry about that but that’s only in your mind, to other people she looks… interesting. Give it a try XD
Since you played Utawarerumono, Kamidori, and Koihime Musuo, might as well suggest playing Tears to Tiara and Eien no Aselia-kono daichi no hate de-.
G-Senjou No Maou? Then its gotta be Sharin no Kuni, Himawari no Shoujo and Sharin no Kuni, Yuukyuu no Shounenshoujo.
Also, “when they cry” series.(Umineko no naku koro ni + chiru [with ps3 patches by umitweak] and Higurashi no naku koro ni + kai [with ps2 patches] )
Oh and I forgot to include Sengoku Rance, hahaha.
i like older women romance, since they tend to have sexy voice and no some irritating teenage loli voice
if u played Edelweiss, then the one i want is similar to Ms. Mei, the teacher
“irritating teenage loli voice”
If so, then whatever you do, don’t ever read “hoshizora no memoria”. Honestly, I already got annoyed 5 minutes into the game. Sheesh.
Older women romance eh? I think Ever17 would be a perfect fit, though it’s Non-H, it does have a good, no wait scratch that, an amazing story.
thnx guys, keep em coming!
i noticed that sengoku rance isnt voiced.. =__=
is Tears to Tiara voiced? as in the character dialogue got someone voice acting for them?
Yep! Tears to tiara is fully voiced.
Fate/stay night, and Ever 17. Go play them. Now! ; )
I’m not Clannadman, but I’ll recommend some anyways.
I STRONGLY recomment the Muv-Luv series. Lame name? Hell yes!!! Fantastic story? HELL YES!!! It’s made up in order of: Muv Luv Extra, Muv Luv Unlimited, and Muv Luv Alternative. Alternative is the main selling point of the series. The other two are above average at best, but you must read them to fully understand the awesomeness that is Muv-Luv Alternative. After reading all three, I think they’re even better than G-Senjou.
Other good ones:
Sharin no Kuni and its fandisc(made by the same producers as G-Senjou)
A Profile (made by the same producers as G-Senjou)
Fate/Stay Night
thnx dude, i will sure to check out more of that
i really liked alternative, although its a bit too long and you do get a pattern out of it soon(make big plan- plan fails- ppl die), its the one best dark VN i have read.
27 great vn’s that i have read and i recommend you to read –
1)fate stay night
2)fate hollow
5)G senjou
7)sharin no kuni
9)katawa shoujo
10)cross channel
11)true remembrance
12)red shift
14)saya no ulta
16)kagetsu tohya
17)wind-a breath of heart
18)3 vn – muv luv extras+unlimited+alternative.
19)chaos head
20)swan song
22)Bible black
23)Kana little sister
26)sharin fandisc
27)Black Bible – The infection
add steins gate to that list ^^
How can you have Clannad and Kanon without having Little Busters???????
Side Note I really want the Rewrite translation to be done to find out what happened next. At least it stopped in a decent place.
i am still reading new vn’s, so if you have any suggestion i’ll gladly take them.
All are voiced except Tsukihime,kagetsu tohya, Fate hollow and Katwa shoujo. Fate hollow is still not completely translated
@Fortune : your right, there isn’t really a pattern or anything, it was dumb of me to suggest so. The fact that you just finished extra’s and ultimate only makes it easier for them plot twists to shock you
especially what happened after the small beta attack on training grounds, it hit me like a brick
are those above voiced? prefer voiced than non voiced, since it would add emotion to the vn
Pramit’s list is a great list. You should listen to that one. ; )
I don’t know about that. I never got that make plan – plan fail – people die pattern, or any sort of pattern out of alternative. It never stopped keep me interested, and every arc seemed to come with something new. And don’t confuse people dying with plan failure. But gotta agree with everything else. It really is the best dark VN.
And there’s a drug that makes you dream. Yume Miru Kusuri.
Wow Wonderful day to read the comments… Soo good Galges, so many time… *-* I’m starting with Ever17 xD
ClannadMan, Any updates to report while I play some of these VN’s?
Final TLC review complete. Final revision text edits and retests have progressed to August 17th (in game). D&T stable, though some minor image corrections now need to me made. D&T text is being examined closely because of several ‘punny’ moments that the team hopes to get across.
Punny moments….?
(Laugh) Well good luck Team!
No rush, but, I have a week before my School starts. When Summer ends I won’t be able to play the game >w<; I hope it comes out soon!
School is starting on Sept. 5th for me, so i hope it gets released in 15 days!
why not skip school when it comes late? That’s what I’ll do
Asian parents. You expect us to be able to skip School? Plus, I’d be kicked from school if I did that. : P
LOLz, like people that follow anime are Asian. Riiiiiight.
What? Asian people can’t follow anime? Are you forgetting that Japanese themselves are Asians? What kind of comment was that? oO
I think he was joking dude…
I cannot facepalm enough, so I’ll have these three do it for me. Forever.
Lol, that is so awesome. XD I hope you’re facepalming at him and not me though….erm….are you? ^^’
If I was being facepalmed at, sorry for being so serious. I get all hot and bothered reading these things.
U should at least read the joke carefully

btw, I’m Asian
How long guys? The release says Summer 2012 so technically you’ve only got till Aug 31st (last day of the summer months) haha xD
Also, when you guts spoke of that the delay wouldn’t be long i wasn’t expecting it to be longer than a month.
Seriously guys, much more time do you need?
How long? Best to ask Holo or Delwack and see what they say. The need for a delay seems to have really demoralized the team, and some of the checkers have been moving slower than they are capable of. (Don’t get me wrong, others have never ceased working at full strength while others has commitments come up, as always seems to happen when dealing with a deadline.)
Recently Holo stepped in in an attempt to re-motivate everyone and deal with patch distribution, while I’ve had to take a step back with my involvement in recent weeks to deal with a personal matter. From my point of view, if everyone works hard at the same time, it could be ready very quickly. If not, it could be drawn out. If you want to make a difference, send Holo an email (at to encourage him to offer additional, temporary support from the Anime Division to get the project finished ASAP.
Clicked the link. Page doesn’t exist….
Or rather “page not found”
Sorry about that. Fixed.
hey guys made an account just to say thanks in advance for this! here is 7 hours of work
Yea like hell you made that, you think you are the only one who knows how to convert sprites to blocks in MC LOL what a dumb kid. Oh and learn to lie better, in 7h you woudn’t even get 1 quarter done retard
yea I converted it into a png and then used that as a guide is there a problem with that? in 7 hours its not hard to place blocks in lines. -___-
Thank you atingf! Regardless of how or how long it took you to create the image, everyone at Doki appreciates your support. I can’t help but picture Tomoyo looking absolutely enormous there, lol!
Since no one else is asking, I will.
ClannadMan, any or no updates over August 19th?
Nothing outside of trying to work around people’s schedules, unfortunately.
You can do it, guys! Don’t get discouraged, it doesn’t matter that much the release date (…to me. I guess waiting for Hollow Ataraxia has made me really patient, hahaha.), what matters most is doing a job you’re proud of!
I will play it, and I will love it (and you) as much if I play it in a month or if I play it tomorrow, if I know it’s made with love and sweat… kind of like a child. Uh. That sounded kind of disturbing, didn’t it.
Well, nevermind that. Keep up the good work! Saludos desde Santiago de Chile, ¡FUERZA CONCHETUMADRE! <3
im waiting for hollow too..will it ever get done
well, there’s always tons of vn’s to play before the patch is ready so i have no problems waiting.
Me too. Really want to play that. Clannad is high on my list to of course. But i have no trouble waiting. I have a busy schedule and a large backlog anyway. ; )
They released the 52% patch some months ago, so there has been good progress. c:
Ye, it’s looking promising. ^^
This guy knows what’s up! You guys are doing work that will be remembered in our community for years to come. I’m just thankful there are people out there even willing to struggle this much for their fellow otaku, so keep up the great work !
My heart’s totally doki doki for Doki, and I’m proud of it [=
From Chile, eh? Very nice! The Doki Legion grows…
Eeyup. We here in the far south appreciate these things too, specially since winter is kind of an ideal season to be inside with a mug of a hot beberage reading stuff like Clannad. \o/
Really guys, good luck with everything. If there’s anything I can do… I don’t know, telling stupid jokes in spanish or something, just tell me.
So, some random chat while I’m waiting here: CM, I just realized I’ve never asked you, have you played Fate/stay night?
Actually, no, I haven’t ever played the Fate/stay night VN, but I’ve heard many good things about it. Perhaps someday when I’ve managed to find myself with a little extra time on my hands I’ll give it a look!
You should! Best VN ever (though I know you’ll say Clannad is better :p )! ; )
I used to think it was the best VN ever, but there are just so many and so different styles that… :sigh:
It was really epic though, I’d recommend it to anyone who is into really epic stuff and hilarious sex scenes.
Eh…I don’t know if I’d go so far as to recommend the game for it’s sex scenes…Nasu’s dialogue choices in those are kind of…unique…FSN is one of those VN’s I play for the excellent story, not for fap.
I don’t fap (dunno if that’s the correct term for a woman D:) to VN sex scenes, just go “awww” if they’re good and laugh my ass of when they’re bad. It was one of the things that drew me to FSN, though… I heard of mollusk and thought it’d be amusing.
Of course, that’s why I got there, but not why I kept reading. UBW remains one of my favourite storylines ever, and HF… :shudder:
If you liked FSN, you should try Tsukihime. It’s a little bit old, but it’s really good storywise.
if you liked FSN, you should also read the fate/zero light novel
Wow, a girl playing a male-oriented VN. Amazing! :p Sorry, I’m not being sarcastic, you girls don’t exactly grow on trees, so I’m amazed every time I encounter one. Why can’t I meet someone like you were I live, you’re bound to be an interesting woman.
Also, about Tsukihime, I already played it. It was the second VN I played, after FSN. ^^ Story is very good indeed. Did you try Kagetsu Tohya? It’s sort of a sequal to Tsukihime…Kind of…Though that one can really mess with your head. :p
Yup, I did play KT. At some point I got really really lost though and had to use a walkthrough and delete savedata to avoid getting lost again. It’s worth the effort though.
Also from the Nasuverse, is Melty Blood, a fighting game (that I put on easy because that’s the one genre I truly suck at) with an interesting story behind it. And mecha Hisui.
And… I dunno, there ARE many women like me. We’re just hiding. (☞゚ヮ゚)☞
Haha, ye, maybe there are. ^^ I usually only encounter types like you at anime-conventions though, and on the internet (occasionally). Most girls I meet are the boring regular kind that either hate games and/or anime and manga, or they haven’t even heard of anime and manga, in which case usually when I try to explain to them what it is, they give me a weid look, and I can tell I’ve dropped significantly in marks in their book….(¬_¬) I’m not ditching my main hobbies and interests just so they’ll like me more though, so I guess I’ll stay lonely.
Anyway, I have Melty Blood Act Cadenza lying around on my computer, but I only tried it briefly, I haven’t really played it that much. I’d say I’m somewhere in the middle in my fighting game skills. ┐( ̄ー ̄)┌
You know… I have problems to find MEN with these tastes. “What, a game that’s only reading? Chinese cartoons? That’s for stoopid geeks lololololo” is the most common answer I get for this stuff. ;_;
Play Melty Blood, tis awesome. AND IT HAS MECHA HISUI.
Are you two sensing what I’m sensing?
♪┏(・o・)┛♪┗ ( ・o・) ┓♪┏ (・o・) ┛♪┗ (・o・ ) ┓♪┏(・o・)┛♪
Wait, what?
Lol, CM, even leaving aside the fact that we have never actually met, she lives in Chile, and I live in Norway. ┐( ̄ー ̄)┌ I don’t see that happening.
Silly Helen, this might be of interest to you:
Thousands and thousands of kilometers of love-infested air!
I’m not one for long distance relationship though, much drama for too little cuddling. Still, that Tohsaka avatar is really inviting… but I must resist. щ(゚Д゚щ)
Oh, I’ll keep that in my watchlist. I try not to play half translated games, but I know MM always delivers, so I’ll wait for it. ò_ó
Just thought of asking this but, does TomoyoAfter have any of the orginal Clannad OST?
I do not think so.
No it does not.
Nope. However, you might hear some themes that remind you of the Clannad Original Soundtrack. This may be one of the reasons why the album ‘Clannad-Tomoyo After Piano Arrange Album ~Piano no Mori~‘ [KSLA-0021] was released by Key. I’d highly recommend it, if you manage to find a copy for sale.
tomoyo route in clannad is so nice *_*
[I hate it when a couple’s closeness isn’t shown often in an anime/manga/etc. …but in the VN they kiss and hug, I like it :)]
Ye, I’m the same way, which reminds me…do Nagisa and Tomoya show a bit more actual love in the VN than in the Anime? Call me romantic, but it annoyed the hell out of me that they never kissed even once, even in After Story…
It annoyed the hell out of me too but they do kiss in the VN.
maji desu ka? ô.O
definitely gotta play nagisa route asap
Without a doubt they do. Check it out!
Interesting how the guys at Kyoto Animation decided who would get intimate scenes and who wouldn’t, even in ‘another-world’ versions… XD
Despite Kyou being my favourite, The fact that she (once at least…) and Tomoyo got to kiss Tomoya in their respective extra single-episode arcs but Nagisa didn’t, even through the entirety of Clannad and Clannad After Story, was just like pouring fuel on the fire with me….It made mequite annoyed…I mean really KyoAni, wtf? No love for the main girl and her (main) story? :-/ It has me quite perplexed really. I don’t know what beguiled them into making such a choice.
Anyway, now I’m looking forward to playing the VN even more! ^^
*me quite
Hey Clannad Man, I know its unlikely that there have been any new developments from your last update, but all the same, is there any new information you can disclose from the VN team?
I’ve been out-n-about for a little while to take care of some things and in the interim Holo has been looking over the VN Team. I’ll need to check up on them and see whats going on.
Do any of you know where i can download a copy of the game?
Google is your friend. \o/
Google tells me to download it from erogegames and im not quite sure if I can trust that download or not is that one it?
I got some games from there, seemed fine.
Me too. Site is safe enough, and works fine.
got the game from there though the words arent even diologe there random combinations of English letters so im really hoping for the patch XD
If the text in the game isn’t showing up as Japanese text, but as random combinations of English letters like you say, you need to change your locale settings. Or alternatively use Applocale to run the game in Japanese locale. I assume you’re using XP or something? Windows 7 doesn’t really have that problem.
Just set system to japanese
Erogegames is good.,however,is THE site to go to for ANY english translated VN. it is like a treasure mine for English VNs. it is 100% free. it has like 99% of english translated VNs and +99% of the links are working . the admin and the community are one of the best i have ever seen. any VN gets there 4 days MAX after it is released in english. he ALWAYS updates his links with patches and stuff and fixes broken ones :). i have been using it for sometime and never had ANY problem with it try it
Ah, ops, I actually read erogegames as erogedownload. I ment erogedownload, I don’t know about the other one. ^^’ That said, what FFTHEWINNER says is true, erogedownload is a very good site. For some reason they’re missing Kagetsu Tohya though, which has perplexed me for quite some time. ┐( ̄_ ̄)┌ I mean they have Fate/stay night, Tsukihime, and the Tsukihime Plus Disc, but not Kagetsu Tohya.
Go to the website used by those who sail the seas, type Clannad Tomoyo After and grab the booty. The treasure map should show you how to download and install it.
I explained why i didnt download it off google before to the first poster but if this sea reference is one giant obvious hint im not getting i apoligise XD
I guess I’ll just play Tomoyo Fighter until the patch is out. Still got 427 endings to go
Wait what!? What what what!? What is this that I never heard of!? o_o Spill! ( °٢° )
The game doesn’t seem to have Tomoya in it though. :C
it HAS 3 Tomoyos in return
After Tomoyo is pure win. \o/
Plus it has some additional anime and Japanese pop culture icons!
OMG! I’ve finished the 7 orbs of light on Clannad (and unlocked After Story), and the Kappei’s route was so wonderful and funny… Still i have a question to anyone who have completed the game…
If i do a route (except Nagisa’s) i can select it,to use that save on after story?….
Well there are actually 13 orbs of light that you must get in order to unlock the true ending, as for your question if you’re asking if you could continue a route in after story, like for example tomoyo’s, the answer is you can’t. There are only 4 routes in after story, with Nagisa’s as the only romantic route so yea. Well i hope this helps, good luck with the other 6 orbs and have fun
Unless you play Tomoyo After. You know, someone should really get around to releasing a patch for that game…
I know, right… I do think there’s a group trying to translate it, but I’m not sure. Desu Fansubs or somethin’ (?). ┐(‘~`;)┌
i wonder where i could download tomoyo fighter
im very big fan of her
^This! Seconded! Someone tell me! <3
Tomoyo FIghter ~It’s an exciting life (Perfect Edition) is a doujin game you can easily find when googling. I doN’t know if I’m allowed to post the direct link here though.
hey i fin may of them too but i don’t know where secure one, but meido seems fine
I’m not sure if I’m allowed to give links to other websites, *but* I will say google it, to be honest I just downloaded it this morning. It took a little digging because some links on sites that are a few years old no longer work, but I found it easily ^.^ good luck, have fun!
Clannad makes me so happy :3
Cant wait for this, wanna play it so bad..but the Partial translation patch is terrible so its def worth waiting for Doki version before starting
Exactly my thoughts. Now all that is left is to wait for ClannadMan to give us some good news.
Thanks for your support SilentOmen! I’m sad to say that I’m not able to offer much insight into the team’s workings while I’m dealing with personal matters, but I have faith that they are continuing their efforts in earnest.
As for some good news… well, this just so happens to be my 1,000th comment on Doki. That counts for something, doesn’t it? =P
Lol, thinking of how long it took for Holo, Ixlone, Index and me to get as many comments as we have, it’s amazing how quickly you sped up the ranks. :p You’ll go past the whole lot of us in no time.
Just walking by to say hello.It seems like forever hopefully we can have the good news soon
Trust me, I’m wondering why the holdup is taking so long myself…
hey i already download tomoyo-chan fighter, but still i dont know how to instal it the data still in winrar
Make a new folder on your desktop, then open the winrar file, right click, “Extract to specific folder”, find the folder you just made and select it. Once its extracted it should be pretty simple to install from there
To Clannad Man and all other Doki staff involved, i see that you guys are in need of some morale. Fear not, for i, THE fatblackninja, will do something about it. Since i can’t draw, don’t expect a drawing. BUT, i have the gift of instruments on my side. So, with the skills i have attained through years of practice, i shall WRITE YOU A SONG! Hopefully this boosts your guys’ morale. Because i have relied on you guys so much for anime, feel free to rely on me for some musical enjoyment. (even if i’m not done when the patch is released, think of it as a thank you present. you guys are awesome! Who knows, this may become the Doki legion theme song…hehe)
Wow, that’s awesome! When will the song be released? I certainly hope you plan on playing it/singing it as well as providing the lyrics (if it has any). Who knows, I might even be able to convince Holo to post it on the main page as the Doki Legion theme song!
I’m looking forward to witnessing your musical aptitude! ^_^
Singing might be a litte…uhh…let’s just say i don’t have the voice of angels. But i’ll make up for it, don’t worry! I will blend beautiful notes and tones with upbeat drums and guitar. Hopefully, you’ll be completely satisfied. Any certain sound you are looking for or may i have fun with this?
Have a blast. That way, your full creative ability will be on display!
Hehehe…your wish is my command…MWAHAHA!
Considering how epic i want to make it, it may be a while since school JUST started. I’ll try and do it as fast as possible. Hopefully what i have in mind works. Anyway, i guess all i can say is look forward to it! And i’m looking forward to the patch!
Found the game and downloaded it now im anticipating the patch!