
Doki’s Visual Novel Department! Recruiting TLs for Tomoyo After

Tomoyo After

One of my ambitions is to expand from fansubbing Anime, and make a move into the world of Visual Novels. And after recent developments, this is no longer a dream, but a possibility.

The first project we will be working on is Tomoyo After. Doki has many translators, but all are involved in translating anime.

I am seeking one (or more) translator(s) dedicated specifically to translating Tomoyo After. You will be provided with the Japanese text to translate from. You can email me if you are interested, or go on our IRC channel and find me or Cruxis (Supreme Receptionist of the Doki VN Department).

Cruxis edit: I am also looking for a person who completed this Visual Novel and can provide me some necessary resources. Find me in #doki.

Later I will be recruiting a number of “testers” to play the patched game, for debugging purposes.

There will be no “public” release until the entire project is complete.

Edit: A small update about how we will deal with the release, which shouldn’t be too far away. The only thing we will release officially, ie, via this blog, is the patch itself. We will NOT be releasing the actual game (iso or otherwise), for obvious reasons. You will have to find a copy of the game yourself. If you idle on #doki, I am sure someone will be able to help you.

2,159 comments to Doki’s Visual Novel Department! Recruiting TLs for Tomoyo After

  • VanENTerrier


    if whatsoever possible, could the Doki Elite translate Love Death, if you dont know what it is, it’s a VN but in 3D!!!

    just giving suggestion if u guys are out of VN to do :/

    Yours truly,

    Doki Legion

    • I imagine the Clannad and TA patches will be consuming the resources of the VN team for quite a while.

      There are plenty of good VNs out there that I personally would like to see TL’d (all be it mine are full on hentai, loli, rape, incest, imouto vn’s of win). But as with the anime side it all boils down to what the staff want to actually do, assuming they want to do more after the first two.

      • Some Guy

        I figure if they look at anything, they’ll keep up their theme of Key titles; only thing not yet announced by any translation group is Kud Wafter (alt. after story of sorts for Little Busters, like Tomoyo After), And I cant recall who, but pretty sure Air is being poked at.

        I doubt itll happen, since TLwiki dropped it at some point in the past – but Id love to see Yosuga no Sora VN translated – theres “kinda” a patch out there, but its only the common route + one girl.

  • Just a question it’s said that the release date is July 20 2012 could i ask where is the link?

  • akoaysmurf999

    It has been delayed because of the mini game bug fixes. Check this link out.

  • JbstormburstADV

    So, Clannad Man, I wish to ask if you have any updates on the progress of the coding team. Also, is there a finalized plan for distribution, and have you finalized the format the patch will be taking?

    • Coding is coming along nicely. The team seems to have found a fix for one of the major coding problems which deals with how images are displayed & synchronized. Current estimates have its completion by Saturday evening. Other coding work on Dungeons and Takafumis is still being worked on, however.

      Patch format? .exe


  • Yap RH

    so i hav a question..

    will this Doki english patch patch the game alone or everything including installation because i cant read a gawd-damn word… @_@

  • Toshikatsu-san

    So, it´s still unfinished. Man this sucks can´t you guys please give us another date for the completition of the patch, this would be ReallY GREAT v^-^v.

    • Chocolatemilkgod

      Clannadman said earlier that the release date may be saturday evening (keep in mind this is an estimate). Also, thanks guys for doing this! I’m really excited to be able to play through this game finally without having to whip out my Japanese dictionary, which takes ages to go through ;_; . I think you already mentioned it, but which VN are you going to do next, since the clannad VN was already translated. Or am I getting confused between versions?

      • I know everyone is excited, but I did not say the patch would be ready by Saturday. I said the biggest problem we were having with the coding would likely be finished and tested on Saturday, but that there was still some other coding issues to take care of. Just hang tight, the VN guys want it released just as much as you do.

        The Clannad VN is our next project, as it has never been completely translated or edited. Both the Original and Full Voice versions are being worked on by the VN Team.

        • Chocolatemilkgod

          Whops, my bad. Working late and reading accurately do not go well together.

        • Random Passerby

          It better be ready by this month,I kept losing sleep our this

          • JbstormburstADV

            Have some patience. After all, imagine this in the minds of those people who awaited patches since at least 2007. To see completion this close is a milestone, and so our patience is sated.

          • Jon

            I agree with ADV, i have waited 3 years, an extra 30-40 days is nothing, NOTHING! lol

          • CheshireNeko

            Nyeh nyeh nyeh, impatient padawan. Wait for a page update then you can be certain the patch is released :p

            Waiting for this trans long enough has allowed me to attain Nirvana! And you can do it too! and as mentioned before waiting abit longer is nothing compared to hmmmmm….4 years wait *insert silly face*

  • Madoka

    People shouldnt be so worked up over this any way, i like many look forward to the release but i tell myself its all thanks to the translation team i can play it (considering my kanji knowledge is to low at the moment), so i just sit back and wait.
    Dont stay up all night for it, just log onto Doki one day and BAM it will be awaiting you, simple as 🙂 I find it more fun this way, why race to be the first to play it, first to play it means first to beat it… in simple terms meaning first to become bored 😉 just check back on doki once every so many days, when its here you can enjoy it to your hearts content 😀
    And dont forget to thank the kind team letting you play this 😛

    • Some Guy

      Speaking of which – are most VNs in Kana, or Kanji (or a mix of both)? I plan on learning the written aspect myself.

    • This is a good strategy for those who don’t mind if they’re a day or two ‘behind the times’. (The internet is a funny thing, ain’t it?) And if it’s not up, just meander by this comments section to see whats up.

      The testing of the new code I talked about previously is now underway, BTW.

      Some Guy – Traditional Japanese text, so a mix of both.

  • n00b

    I know it’s a huge request but please think about it for a sec.

    Could you here at Doki, when you’re done with Tomoyo After and when you’re done with Clannad, could you see any possibility translating the Princess Lover! visual novel?
    You’ve done the OVA’s so why not the novel?

  • AnonBob

    Hi Im excited that this english patch is coming along nicely but I need to ask a questions. Has any company like JAST or Mangagamer approached you guys for the translation? Assuming of course Key changed its stance toward overseas expansion, this translation might be poached by either of those companies and held for years without release. Actually I just read up about what happened with the Steins;Gate translation and the lack of progress since so when I see an almost finished translation held up I get a little nervous haha =). Sorry if I came off like an entitled prick; I just wanna know this group’s views and plans should something like that happen.

    • I don’t think that they want to waste their time to come here to ask something like that. Moreover, Key never let other company to license their VN. All of translations were made by fans and for fans.

      The reality out there isn’t as nice as u expected.

    • Hi there AnonBob. No one has contacted me, as I am a simple representative of the actions of the VN Department. Holo is the one who will release the patch. Any decisions regarding its release will be made by him. This has always been the case, so you should contact him specifically and see what he says.

      Also, you didn’t come off as prick-like at all, so don’t worry about it. XD

  • VanENTerrier

    been wanting to ask, is coding the text of VNs has anything to do with computer engineering course?

    I mean, if a person is majoring in computer engineering, does he/she be able to do what you guys been doing?

    • To answer your question, computer engineers would likely have greater success coping with the problems which the VN Team is experiencing as opposed to an untrained individual. Fortunately, the Team was able to find people with knowledge of the game’s build to appropriately troubleshoot the problems being experienced. Though the process is still underway, the Team has all the programmers / computer engineers needed to solve this problem in a reasonable amount of time.

  • Khorne11

    Hey clannad man, just wondering if the patch will be creating a new shortcut for the game, because my copy won’t even make a shortcut, and its kind of annoying to have to make a shortcut of the game directory and launch threw REALLIVE. Sorry if I’m not making sense, and if I’m not say so and I’ll try to explain it better.

    • Yap RH

      shortcut? @_@ just go to the game directory, find the exe, right-click it, and “Send to Desktop(Create Shortcut)”? no? @_@?

      • Khorne11

        rofl thank you, I just make a shortcut of Reallive (as I said it didn’t come with a normal exe, idk why, my computer is just stupid)I just made a shortcut and it worked, even after renaming it. Thanks again :)I don’t know why i didn’t think of that, just normally games give me shortcuts during the install process so I’m just used to that.

  • Kaunis

    Hey, I know this sounds like a repetitive question, but do you have any idea will you be releasing this in a few couple days? I need to plan my schedule for upcoming week and depending on your answer I’ll either leave the house or stay. Just give me rough answer, I won’t be mad if it’s incorrect but I would gladly know will it atleast take more than couple of days still to be released?

    Thanks for all your hardwork and peace.

    • coding and bugging aren’t as easy as u think 😐

      • Endy

        Please elaborate what coding you talking about? Once the tools for content extraction/insertion (unpacking/packing) is ready, there shouldn’t be much stuff to do except actually translating text, fixing typos and editing the art. Its not a rocket science as it may seem to be.

        • Do you think it’s just simple as that?
          No offense, but maybe u need to look carefully to this post

          • Endy

            Basically yes. Wtiting packing/unpacking tools is not simple, but when its done everything is just as simple as I said. I’m involved in translating vn’s too. Though I never worked with this particular engine and was interested what kind of other “coding” may be required. The post you linked is tl;dr sorry.

          • Look carefully about this one

            >This problem is due to the minigame not following the same code structure as the main game’s scenes. Furthermore, an error was discovered during the Beta-Test period which causes the game to crash at specific points during gameplay

            this will be a simple task if they only translate the text, but it didn’t.


            >This includes a play through of the game with Doki’s most recent internal patch to make sure that the changes to the patch’s text and code were successful.

            making sure that the patch will be works 100% is the crucial point.

          • Endy

            For some reason I can’t reply to your latest post…
            Anyway, I wasn’t aware of any minigames in this VN. Waiting for this patch to read it 1st time.
            This does sounds like it may require additional coding. I hope the result will be as perfect as it makes me think about it because by this time it is possible not only fix stuff but rewrite most of the minigame from scratch. (if it is not more complex than in utawarerumono lets say)

          • The minigame is called ‘Dungeons and Takafumis’. It is an RPG with various split images and redirects running off of an engine that reads from code from different locations which needs to be manually synchronized and co-ordinated, lest crashes or major visual impairments occur.

            Please understand that while the VN Team is dedicated to getting the game patch released as soon as possible, everyone is at the mercy of the contributors who are able to decipher, rewrite, and sync the game’s code. Tests must be done manually to verify that each piece of code was assembled correctly. Game crashes have corrupted data which has forced the coders to reinstall the game several times.

            I’d refer you to other posts/replies I have made, but I certainly wouldn’t want to bore you with text that’s too long to bother reading. Instead, I ask that those reading trust that progress is being made on fixing all the problems listed in the 7-17 update post. No one at Doki claims to be a master programmer/ coder/ what have you with tons of free time. Everyone involved contributes what they can according to their respective skillset; this is what the team expects of themselves, and all that should be asked of those donating their time without compensation.

    • Kaunis – Most of the visual problems have been fixed, though the team is still working on the crashing issue. We will need several more days to fix it and properly check it.

  • Redeyes260

    Boy, I hope this comes out soon. Mah birthday is the 10th, but knowing my luck, you guys still have plenty of mini-game-fixy-uppy stuff to do so I won’t get an awesomely amazing birthday present. 😛 Although, I’d think thee release date is bound to be sometime this month?

  • VanENTerrier

    I will be off oversea by the end of this month for 4 years. 🙁 to where I’m going, a stable internet connection is not included

    • Well then, it seems as though you’ll need a certain patch ready by that time, no? The team continues its work to make that dream a reality.

      • VanENTerrier

        You read my mind, Clannad Man, but that certain patch need to be carefully tendered so it wont be spoiled by technical errors.

        • WiseKouichi

          oh god 4 years ô.O
          if the patch is not ready till then…I would do the following if I were you xD:
          give a friend a small USB-flash-drive, make sure he knows how to download the patch and let him send the stick by mail to your location ;D

  • Endy

    I believe I saw somewhere info about Memorial and whatever versions but don’t remember where. What version this patch will be compatible you say?
    Also there is PS3 version with 1280×720 CG. Anyone knows if that is real HD and not some horrible upscale? Is is cropped or they redraw extra parts of the backgrounds? (hardly believe in such possibility)

    • The first patch to be released will be compatible with the original version of the game. A patch for the Memorial version will be released at a later time.

      Also, the PS3 edition, unlike the Xbox 360 edition, is a special release only sold for a very limited time. The quality of graphics found on the PS3 version appear to be comparable with those on the Xbox 360 version. Personally, I found the Xbox 360 release to be of a very high quality; then again, some people are pickier about certain aspects than others.

  • The_zet-saber

    maby they heve already been done, and im not looking in the right spots, but do u know if “H2O ~Footprints in the Sand~”, and “Maji de Watashi ni Koi Shinasai!!” have translation patches?

    • akoaysmurf999

      Majikoi is currently being translated by yandere translations(same group who tl’ed Sengoku Rance, Wanko to kurasou, Swan song, and currently tl’ing Aiyoku No Eustia). I’d want to give you their link but since their website has been down for quite some time already, it’s a no go.

      For H20, haven’t heard of anyone taking the time to translate it.

      • Some Guy

        Wouldent worry “too” much about Majikoi – Weiru translations is handling the sequel/fandisc and theres a link in a hongfire thread to Yandere translations webchat, headlining theyre looking for a new host. Id post the link here but dont want to derail the TOmoyo after thread, a quick google will find the post though.

    • The_zet-saber

      Thanx for the info

  • warrof

    Okay Clannad Man, I have two questions.

    1. What is the current eta for the release date.
    2. Do I have enough time to replay Tomoyo’s route in Clannad before then?

    I thought I would ask since I haven’t seen an update on how the extra coding is going.

    • Some Guy

      Based on his replies thus far, I wouldent expect anything in the near future; you could probably play through her route depending on your time easily. I played through hers without auto-skipping anything in about two evenings after work.

      My personal guess is late August, but thats just me reading between the lines of what he has said so far – could be longer, could be shorter.

    • 1) Soon.™ But not that usual indefinate Doki soon. I see absolutely no reason why it the patch shouldn’t be completely fixed & out sometime over the next 3 weeks, but I will not peg an official day to the release. Getting people’s scheduled co-ordinated before school is a problem being dealt with. D&T is only proving to be a major pain in the behind. I’m really quite tired of the problems it’s causing.

      2) Yes, you do warrof.

  • fatblackninja

    Ahh, i sure love the sweet smell of an almost-complete VN in the morning! I’m just writing in to show my support. There’s nothing i can really ask since everyone has asked every question at least 40 times. So, with that said, keep up the good work! Hope to be playing this game instead of doing homework soon!

    • That means it is time to start comment on random things. For instance, I made a real mean soba dish earlier this week. Loved it! I also cooked some cajun steak for dinner yesterday. Just enough spice to give it some kick! XD

      • sil3ncer

        nooo *drooooling* cajun steak i want!!!

      • fatblackninja

        I am in need of some really good soba, its been so long since i’ve had any. Well, i haven’t had ANY good japanese/chinese/any Asian cultured food. So it’s safe to say i’m pretty jealous you can make it, since i’m not the cooking type. I vote we have a victory dinner when the patch is released!

  • Ruuko kirei na sora

    eto.. I got feeling that this new patch will be realesed at 14 OCT (Tomoyo-chan birthday) :X i hope i am wrong

    • stan

      If that’s the case, there is a chance that the translation for rewrite would finish first at the speed it is going. Started in March and currently it is more then 1/2 done

    • It could be sometime next week, it could be 50 years from now. However, as fitting as it would be to be on Tomoyo-chan’s birthday, there’s no reason to expect it should take that long to fix the remaining errors. If that’s the case, something very serious will have needed to have popped up. Even so, I think a release with an error message is more likely than delaying the game that long. (That shouldn’t be the case either.)

  • Erizo

    Hi Tomoyo localization team) you’re still at technical issues? Woof, that scares me as a potential localizator… Say, ClannadMan, will other locs be able to apply the experience of your team and overcome this hurdle without any particular troubles, or will they have rewrite the code too? I definitely wouldnt want that…
    Well, anyway, wish you guys that everything goes smoothly)
    I’m also starting to grow anxious of waiting:D

    • No need to get anxious about waiting. The team is at their 7th internal full build at this point, if I’ve counted correctly. Each one brings the patch closer to completion.

      As for what specific help you’re looking for, you’ll need to be more specific. Feel free to check IRC to find either Holo or myself to clarify what you would need.

  • Udbhav Kamboj

    I’ve only played the original Clannad visual novel and I’m wondering, do you have to play those mini-games in order to reach the end? Are they an important part of the visual novel or is it just an extra?

  • Junky

    Can I ask what are the differences between original version and Memorial Edition other than H-scenes? Is the Memorial Edition the PS2 port? Does it have “extra” scenes/dialogue/endings that the original does not?

  • Soulslayerabad

    There is nothing I can say or ask that others have not already done, except to say that I am grateful to you guys for providing this patch for all of us. I am waiting eagerly for the release, and Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

    That aside, any updates to report, Clannad Man?

    • Updates, updates, lets see… Well, I do have one piece of good news. Delwack uncovered some .g00 files from ancient times* which corrected two of the errors the team encountered, so that provided the team with a progress jump. Some of the text on the in-game menu displayed incorrectly (not an image placement error, a coding error), but now it’s all better. also, I hear Kuzu has decided on a way to accept submissions to the Key 15th Anniversary Project, so if you see him around, ask about it!

      *not really from ancient times

  • Sosuke

    I wanted to thank Clannad Man for his recommendation of Taigaya. Just got a hold of a Key 10th Memorial Box cheap, quick, and easy. Can’t wait for the patch, keep up the good work!

    • You’re quite welcome, Sosuke! As of right now, not a lot of people know about them, but Taigaya really does do a nice job purchasing, packing, and transporting merchandise from Japan to locations around the world. I wish them all the best for going above and beyond for their customers.

      As for the patch, everyone’s working hard with their final reviews.

  • Chocolatemilkgod

    Hey clannadman! Again, thanks for all the hard work you guys are doing. I’m very excited for the release which is (hopefully) soon! I had two questions though. Firstly, the memorial edition of tomoyo removed H scenes, but were chunks of the story removed as well with the scenes? Or were they added in another ways with some of the extra dialogue?

    Secondly (and a bit off topic) do you know what the guys over at key are working on? I heard a rumor about angel beats VN, but I don’t know for sure. Anyway, thanks again!

    • Greetings, O Deity of Chocoholic Lactose!

      Fear not! The H-Scenes removed in thou Memorial were replaced with scenes of greater dialogue centric value. Furthermore, additional dialogue was laced throughout scenes to give the overall story a more ‘fleshed out’ feel.

      In regard to your question regarding the Key sect, they are in fact working on a visual novel describing the lives of angels whose Earthly lives were cut too short. I would imagine, though I have no proof, that much of the written dialogue for this VN has already been written, and that Key’s main storywriters are probably already drawing up the framework for their next, wholly original VN or television production. We’ll see…

      PS – Your interactions with Batman are legendary…


      PPS – Congratulations on having this post’s 1,500th reply!

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