One of my ambitions is to expand from fansubbing Anime, and make a move into the world of Visual Novels. And after recent developments, this is no longer a dream, but a possibility.
The first project we will be working on is Tomoyo After. Doki has many translators, but all are involved in translating anime.
I am seeking one (or more) translator(s) dedicated specifically to translating Tomoyo After. You will be provided with the Japanese text to translate from. You can email me if you are interested, or go on our IRC channel and find me or Cruxis (Supreme Receptionist of the Doki VN Department).
Cruxis edit: I am also looking for a person who completed this Visual Novel and can provide me some necessary resources. Find me in #doki.
Later I will be recruiting a number of “testers” to play the patched game, for debugging purposes.
There will be no “public” release until the entire project is complete.
Edit: A small update about how we will deal with the release, which shouldn’t be too far away. The only thing we will release officially, ie, via this blog, is the patch itself. We will NOT be releasing the actual game (iso or otherwise), for obvious reasons. You will have to find a copy of the game yourself. If you idle on #doki, I am sure someone will be able to help you.
Its friday the 13th 6 more days before patch release!
Remember, a day spreads over many time zones, so please be patient with the VN Team as the 20th comes around.
ugg, why must time pass slower as we near a date of high anticipation!!!… ah well, at least this will hold me off for 10 days while waiting for KH:3D
Using Tomoyo After as a mere stopgap before Kingdom Hearts 3D? Blasphemy!
I would probably be more kind hearted to Tomoyo After if Clanad would start working and let me get the last bloody orb of light.
Where can i download Clannad and Tomoyo After? First i thought you guys make the whole translated game as a torrent file. Now i heard you will only bring out the patch. Thats to bad, because i dont have the game. It would be nice to hear, where i can download both VN.
Why not support the makers of VNs and purchase both?!
I’d say try google for the games if you really don’t want to buy them though.
Because i dont know WHERE to buy it.
Youre a funny guy right? I already searched on google and all shops that listing that game dont have that game. And some dont ship to Austria.
Guess you’re going without then.
J-list ship worldwide, they aint to bad for pricing, ok they are not cheap either but there not expensive, i just brought Little Busters and Rewrite from them, they shipped it today so should get here within a week as its coming first class insured.
You could always use Ebay to go and buy some overpriced Visual Novels. Trust me you can find anything with google. You could use a middle man service as well to buy them off yahoo auction japan or buy them anywhere.
I like Yahoo! Auctions Japan. You can get a lot of good deals if you look hard enough.
5 moar days!1
Any chance we could get word on the time of day the patch will be released? I’m wondering if it would be worthwhile to stay up through midnight for the release or if I should actually sleep early and just watch the website throughout the day.
Thanks in advance, especially to everyone who has done work on the patch.
But isn’t that part of the fun & buildup? XD
That is true, but I have to admit that I would be a little saddened if I was up all night waiting for a patch and there wasn’t one until later in the day.
As of right now Doki does not have a set release time, only a set release date. I’m sure Holo will upload it as soon as he feels the patch is A-OK with the team’s approval.
alright then, I will play it safe and plan on sleeping.
thanks for the fast replies
No problemo!
I’ve been waiting a very long time for this release. Thank you to Doki and to everyone who worked on this project, you have made what seemed impossible not too long ago a reality. I can’t wait until Friday.
You’re quite welcome. Now everyone just needs a few weekdays to pass and they’re golden!
I also wish to thank Doki and Clannad man both alike. Doki truthfully are my favorite anime sub group, i love there releases and effort they put in, i expect this releases will be just as good as All the animes have been! (i played it when the last team had it and it semt ok so i hope this complete release will be good. Also Thanks for clannad man for keeping us all informed for so long. I dropped by here time to time but never said much, but i do appreciate all of everyone’s work. Thank you very much Doki!!!
Thank you for your compliments to me and Doki. I will continue to answer questions and keep everyone involved in the VN Department’s progress while work is being done on Tomoyo After and Clannad.
Stick around! We’re friendly here! =D
I checked vndb and it says you’re translating the 18+ and the all ages versions.Is that true?
That is correct. Though the original version’s release will be briefly delayed, the all ages Memorial edition will also be patched shortly after the original version’s patch is released.
Can’t wait for the release!
Thankyou guys for all your hard work!!!!
Ganbare Final Push!!! ^^
You’re quite welcome, CheshireCat! Keep your endurance high, and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible! ^^
Thanks for the hard work guys, you can’t believe how happy I was when I figured you were translating this. Can’t wait!
The VN Team is happy to help, Kaunis. It’s strange, it almost seems as if more people know of the TA Translation project now that it’s been temporarily delayed! Very strange. I’m glad you’re looking forward to it, though!
Thanks for the great work you guys are doing. just a question which version of this is has been translated? i.e. all age or 18+?
The version closest to completion is the original, 18+ version. The All Ages version is also underway.
Tomorrow is 20th july.So can I haz patch by then?
I know you know this, because you already posted about it!
thanks to all the hard workers for this project! You guys are amazing!!!!
Why thank you zet-saber! Everyone on the VN Team does their best. Then again, I’m sure you’ll see that for yourself soon enough. ^_^
Holy, the demo for Rewrite is 1.65 gb, how big is the actual game? All I know is that some computers cant run it.
The whole game is 7 gigs I think. The common route is longer than a lot of vns and is around a month and a half (October 3rd to November 13th) though you don’t play through every single day. Most of the routes start at this point though I know that Lucia’s route has an earlier starting point.
Yes. Key FTW!
Their visual novels sure are huge…
7gigs? I have a 2gigs one…now I have to turn the internet upside down again -.-“
oh I missunderstood it! thought u were talking about tomoyo xD
sry for doublepost!
Also, in my case, when I said their games are huge, I wasn’t talking about filesize, but play time. As in they are huge because it takes a lot of time to read through them from beginning to end.
I’m not addicted to this VN , i’m just checking two links for tomoyo in doki for like…. every 2 hours (even in work), already got my hands on the VN and waiting for this patch release, even a brazillian can be a fan of tomoyo >.<
I'm a fan of you Clannad Man just saying.
He’s adorable, don’t you think? xD
For some reason, I think I would appreciate your comment a lot more if your name was Brazillian Girl.
Yep, that would be much better, no offense.
Also, ‘adorable’?!? o_0
“For some reason, I think I would appreciate your comment a lot more if your name was Brazillian Girl.”
Sorry, that can’t be done >.<'
"Also, ‘adorable’?!?" I'm used to say things like that -.-"
You know when you’re addicted? When your arm is twisted into working on a project dubbed ‘The Unfinishable Project’, and you oversee it’s progress to be sure it gets finished. And you collect all of the parent company’s games and audio releases. And you interact with fans of said company on a daily basis.
Anything else is just par for the course. =P
its been a while since i have touched tomoyo after. all this while i have been playing some amazing vn’s like steins gate, chaos head, wind:a breath of heart, Muv luv: alternative, etc . Guess the time to finish this one is coming
Will you be releasing a walkthrough along with the patch?
We have a basic route chart which has been used by our editors, but no true walk-through has been made. The VN Team was not planning on releasing one, but it is a possibility.
Also, isn’t half the fun experiencing the game’s many choices without being led to the ‘right’ answer? Come on, Pramit, be adventurous! Haha~
Also, being adventurous is 80% of the fun… I’ve been playing Clannad about a month , and it’s a lot better than use a walkthrough and finish such a God-Game-like-Clannad in 2 weeks.
Absolutely! Plus, unless the guide one uses is very detailed, a person is more likely to find hidden Easter Eggs by finding them by chance, perhaps through a mistake. Clannad should be savored like a fine wine, not chugged like Natural Lite. (NOTE: Natural Lite is a horrible beer, BTW.)
well.. i agree that for certainly visual novels, using a guide ruins the fun, but i remember one of the reasons i stopped playing clannad after story(apart from untranslated/poorly translated stuff) is a bad ending which i couldn’t solve no matter what. Of course i’ll give it one more try after you guys release the patch, but its always been the story for me, and usually guides allow you to leach maximum content from vn’s in short time and always be on the right path for that certain character.
sorry, at the part where i wrote clannad after story, i meant tomoyo after. No edit function here
Kyou Route in Clannad is Uber hard if you don’t know where you screwed up! XD
Is this the version in which he *spoiler alert*? Cause I heard one of the ports had him *spoiler alert*…
Also: darnit, didn’t read post on other page before posting, sorry.
Watch the spoilers there, Chad. Otherwise, no problem.
Patches will be made for both versions of the game.
Yeah sorry about that, clicked the HTML tutorial a the bottom and couldn’t find a spoiler tag. Also, glad to hear it! The original ending was emotional but… ouch my poor feelings.
CM, you should edit his post here as well: I was unfortunate enough to read the spoiler. (;_;)
Rokudaime, don’t worry. No one said the Manga ending is the same as the VN’s! ^^
I couldn’t hold my curiosity anymore so I read the manga… to the end…
I hate myself now… For the ones who hesitates to read it : DON’T !!!
So at least please tell me that the end of the manga and the VN’s isn’t the same (or that the VN as multiple ending) please…
Thanks in advance…
(sorry for my very poor English…)
Don’t worry. the manga wasn’t that bad. I mean, i still cried back then when reading it
I know that feel *hugs*. I’ve been trying to repress that memory out of my mind! xD
You know, Kyou has been hugging Kotomi in my prof pic for quite a long while now… must feel good! =D
Can’t get tired with those delicious tits (´∀`)ノ
nice job, Kyou! U successfully exploit them.
I feel the need to again express Kyou’s objection on her behalf. I’m pretty sure she rightly gets indignant at the very notion of her being attracted to women.
Not that I’m homophobic by any stretch of the imagination, but bi is un-sexy and Kyou should be the ultimate fanservice.
Blaphemy! xD kidding, but i like that kind of sexyness, but you’s right Kyou is the ultimate fanservice! ^.-
Lol, what are you talking about? Bi Girls are HOT and AWESOME (to us guys anyway)! <3 They're anything BUT un-sexy! XD I would kill to have a Bi girlfriend! Easy to convince them to have threesomes. ^^ And also, there's no better fanservice than yuri, so you're point about ultimate fanservice is entirely moot. :p Girl on girl FTW! And yes, I'm a massive perv, and proud of it! ^^
better than Bi Boys ┐( ̄ー ̄)┌ , at least…..
Kyou is just preparing Kotomi for me, that’s all. ^_^
Whenever I look at your profile pic I remember this:
Good boy!!! If you know what i mean…. (^¬^)d
PFFTT…. HAHAHAHA!!! That was hilarious! Very good job, Kyou.
Hahahahaha, that was really good!!!
I know I posted that a month or two ago. Its a classic!
played through Tomoyo’s route in Clannad again just to prep myself …but….I finished it too soon.
(starts chewing on a pillow)
Its ok, I’m man enough I can still be patient! really!
(gives a twitching smile, with half a pillow in his hands)
lol, I kid, mostly
Im also keeping an eye for Yandere translation to reappear, and some day fate hollow atraxia to ever see the light of completion. compared to those, you guys are easily in the lead. 
I’ve conversed with several interesting people while Tomoyo After has been worked on, lol…
Some Guy, you’re as yandere as we all need right now! XD
Lol! As long as i’m fed well, and given a beer, im as docile as Fuuko dreaming of starfish
lol, I can picture that! XD
Okay,i am addicted! I’m visiting this post at every twenty minutes, not waiting for the patch, just to read the comments xD
I’m glad to see someone reads them all. Answering everyone every day takes a lot of time, so it feels good knowing someone appreciates the effort.
Yeah me too, I´m always checking this site just for the need of read the comments, so don´t worry Clannad Man your efforts are much appreciated!
i read them all too :).
I’m honored. =)
I keep looking at this page every hour! I gotta appreciate what the team is doing. I could never have the patience or leadership skills to even keep this kind of thing up and running.
Save yourself the trouble, it is going to be a few more weeks.
Thanks Facepalm. Keeping a group as large as the VN Division focused is not an easy task. It is most effective to talk to everyone on an individual basis to make sure everyone is on the same wavelength regarding progress and what needs to be done.
Also, Ix is being conservative in his assessment. That’s not a bad thing, I’m just saying that you shuldn’t be angry if you check back in a month and see the patch has been released for 2 weeks already.
Also you shouldn’t be angry if you check back in a month and the patch isn’t released for another 2 weeks after that.
Also true.
It’s me again with another question!
Tomoyo After ME or standard version? Which one should I play first? I want the one with the better story experience. I don’t care about possible h-scenes.
I would recommend ME version, but, i haven’t played the standart yet… someone could help here?
Hello oh WiseKouichi. A question you have? An answer you seek. Hmhehehehe….
The original version, which contains H-Scenes, is not one I personally would have preferred to have a translation for. However, when I started covering the project, it was already well underway, and Doki’s capabilities were not to the point where the non-hentai game could be translated and patched. As of very recently, Doki gained the capability to patch the Memorial edition of Tomoyo After. If you’re looking for one with the better story, both editions are naturally quite similar, but my vote goes for the Memorial edition. The Memorial edition patch will be released after the original version patch, however, as the in-game dialogue for ME is in the process of being translated.
Key do crappy H scenes, they shouldn’t even add them imo. The Kanon ones aren’t voiced, and are craptastic. Much as I love Kanon and want to see Ayu get violated as much as possible, poor H scenes just make it not worth it.
hmm okay I see, thanks for the answer. I hope my/our patience can hold out for the ME edition :D:D
Anyway, ganbatte doki-team!!
That hmhehehehe is hilarious XD
Yep! Everyone knows laughing yoda is good for the heart & mind! =D