One of my ambitions is to expand from fansubbing Anime, and make a move into the world of Visual Novels. And after recent developments, this is no longer a dream, but a possibility.
The first project we will be working on is Tomoyo After. Doki has many translators, but all are involved in translating anime.
I am seeking one (or more) translator(s) dedicated specifically to translating Tomoyo After. You will be provided with the Japanese text to translate from. You can email me if you are interested, or go on our IRC channel and find me or Cruxis (Supreme Receptionist of the Doki VN Department).
Cruxis edit: I am also looking for a person who completed this Visual Novel and can provide me some necessary resources. Find me in #doki.
Later I will be recruiting a number of “testers” to play the patched game, for debugging purposes.
There will be no “public” release until the entire project is complete.
Edit: A small update about how we will deal with the release, which shouldn’t be too far away. The only thing we will release officially, ie, via this blog, is the patch itself. We will NOT be releasing the actual game (iso or otherwise), for obvious reasons. You will have to find a copy of the game yourself. If you idle on #doki, I am sure someone will be able to help you.
No, i meant the banner for this project.
UPDATE: Tomoyo After Beta-Tester Information Now Posted!
Is there a way to get it with the Clannad logo as well?
You’ll need to do that yourself, sir. It wouldn’t take too long, but I’m a bit swamped right now. Perhaps another user would be willing to do it for you.
I think its sad how Clannad is getting it’s second translation, Little Busters is finished, Tomoyo After is almost done, while lonely Air is barely finished. In fact, I think Rewrite is further translated than Air.
Air sucks.
… Ignoring certain commentary, the problem with translating Air is that there *was* a translation project going at one point, but they got sent a Cease and Desist order from VisualArt’s. I’m not sure why this only happened with Air, but it did.
BTW. Little Busters! is not finished; only the original game is. They still need to translate the additional material from the EX/ME releases, of which there is a lot. *Sigh* Saya… I must wait longer still…
I know about little busters EX/ME but it is still technically done. As for that Cease and Desist might be something to do with the rant about piracy.
Though I cannot verify, I am under the understanding that the group that was working on Air wanted to distribute the game along with the patch. The translation patch wasn’t the issue, but releasing the game was.
Contrary to many people’s beliefs, those corporate guys aren’t dumb. They have people who make their living searching out copyright violations. Though nothing is wrong with the patch translation, if they have an issue with Holo distributing it afterwards, I’m sure they would contact him about it. (It’s not as if he’s hiding.) Even so, I’m confident that independent translations in and of themselves can be distributed at the discretion of their respective translator, so translation patches shouldn’t cause a problem for them.
Anyway, Thanks Clannad Man!!!!
You’re quite welcome, NeWbY.
I mean noobie.
Err, n00b.
That just sounds mean…
The definition for a ‘NeWbY’ and a ‘n00b’ are quite different…
sorry can i ask question after you release patch for limited edition whether you will release a patch for tomoyo ME?
sorry my english is bad
That is still up for debate. If the VN Team decides to do it, you’ll know about it.
Thanks for the answer Clannad Man!!!!
What’s the major difference between the 2 versions besides All Ages?
To make up for lack of sexytimes with Tomoyo, there is a few more bits of dialogue and there’s dressup thingy.
Additional dialogue, no H-Scenes, & more operating system compatibility.
I can’t make part of that beta testing oh wells
There are two spots left, so you might as well try!
I don’t know how to speak English :(. I will savor the wait until July 20th.
just moved 400 miles away from family and friends,need to find a sleeping pill that lasts a month! tomoyo, you are my last hope to keep me from dieing of bordom. *cheer* looking forward to the release =D
400 miles is a long way! I hope our favorite silver haired girl can ease your transition to your new locale.
Uhh. Can’t decide should I read it when its out or wait till Clannad is out too… Don’t really want to start from last part of the Tomoyo route when I somewhat forgot what was in 1st part…
You could read Clannad first though, it already has an English patch, albeit a little bit problematic. But if memory serves me right, there was no problem with Tomoyo route with the patch. Alternatively you could watch the anime(Alternate world:Tomoyo[ep24 season1]) since there was little change from the VN and the anime I think.
The only path I had trouble with was Fukko’s which had names dropped out
I think playing through Clannad first would be best, though it will take up a lot of time. You might consider taking the smurf’s suggestion above and then playing Tomoyo After. If you haven’t gone through the entire game and played ~After Story~ in Clannad, wait for the final patch. YOu’ll be in for a treat!
My God June 20 is tomorrow. But that means :o….
Which means one month till delayed.
I have no problem dealing with trolls, though why must the only one here be a Doki Project Leader as well?
it makes it entertaining and most people that would visit here would be fans if anything
Trolling just needs to add some more spice into this world.
Fine, I’ll leave it to the two of you to reply to Ix next time. I look forward to the ‘entertainment’!
My goodness I love you guys.
Been here for over a year waiting on this project and I don’t think I’ll ever enjoy waiting for something amazing anywhere else as much as I do here.
If you’re happy to die, you’ll never be able to enjoy the Tomoyo After release in another month. Please, reconsider!
BTW, the VN teaT appreciated your support and hopes you enjoy the translation!
It’s gotten too quiet around here, tomoyo deserves more attention! Still here everyday, even though I know there probably wont be a lot of new information anymore if any ^^
It seems that way, but I’m still here too watching the doki legion from the shadows hahaha. I check this site every day even though I don’t post comments so often, but still eager to know more info about Tomoyo!
Yeah i know what you mean, checking this site has become routine at this point
I keep checking daily even though pretty much all info is already out there
There won’t be many shocking updates left to give, if any, until the release date. However, some updates may still be given through this medium.
Savor the wait!
No Prob
I’m so annoyed right now, someone vaguely spoiled the ending of tomoyo after for me :'( Was looking up something from kanon, and suddenly a random post said something about tomoyo after’s ending… Ofcourse I wont repeat what it was, but I just felt like this would be a suitable place to let out my annoyance
Gah, and I’ve been avoiding anything story related from tomoyo after for so long.
Just hang in there and avoid TA blogs for a few days!!
love u guys… i really wanted to finish this game =::) but the translation i got was far from being finish will be patient and cheer u lot guys
thanks =D
Hopefully you’ll enjoy Doki’s Translation better! =)
Really I can’t thank Clannad Man and the Doki team for translating this through. I wasn’t sure I would see the day when I would get to finish the game, at least before my Japanese reaches a high enough level to actually read the game in it’s original format.
Hopefully one day I can return the favor
As always, the VN Team appreciates all of the positive support they have received thus far!
Hello Doki ppl and staff o/
Thanks to continuing the Clannad project.
I was following him since 3 years ago,and trying to learn some japanese. ^.-\
I have a favor to ask on the staff,my group and i (a bunch of amateurs and some smart otakus) want to use your traslate pacht
to do ours on portuguese… I knows it’s ask too much, but if i can do anything about this please send me a email something.
Also, great job about your fansub,even without seeing your projects yet,i see it’s a good site to join ^^
jaa ne!
Translate* , patch*… Sorry for my bad english -.-“
Hi there Brazilian Guy! No one here can stop you and your group from working off of our Clannad or Tomoyo After patches to create other translations. Do whatever you feel like! lol
Also, thanks for the kind words.
Congratulation for almost finishing this project, that was the only reason why I fought to survive that car accident so thank you very much for all the guys and girls who worked so hard for this proyect.
Thank You.
PS: Only if had my own job and money I would donate to this fansub, but I can only pay with all of my gratitute and my english skill to express my feelings.
Now, now. There are plenty of worthwhile reasons to push on and look forward to tomorrow. Viva la vida, baby!
That being said, I’m glad that this project gave your something to look forward to while recovering. I hope you’re doing well!
~tomoyo, tomoyo tomoyo~
Tomoyo does seem to have a fair sized family, no?
Oh wait, you may not know that yet…
KYAAAA!!!!!! DONT SPOIL, Clannad Man >.<
17 more days my fellow comrades!
I have completed the game on the Beta Patch now.
I imagine they don’t want me talking too much about progress, but I’m happy with the translation work myself (though editors reading my pedantic ‘text issue’ gripes might not think so :P)
Look forward to it!
Indeed! Look forward to it!!
not much longer *cheer* i don’t know if it was asked but do you guys do walk-through s too?(thinks of something else to liven the blog) …o well back to checkers till more work comes.
We have a choice selector made up for internal use, but its not really a walk through. Perhaps if there’s time one can be created.
Now that I’ve returned from my temporary leave of absence, I’ve had some time to check out the messages sent to me in the Doki forums. (Still working on it.) One of the messages I received had the following image linked:
Now, while I would usually compliment the TA cosplay, I can’t help but be somewhat concerned by this image. What is the meaning behind it?
Could it be Tomoyo in a bear suit, as the game’s back cover foretold? Hardly! Tomoyo doesn’t need a weapon. However, that blue coat with the imitation fur doesn’t look like it belongs to a guy…
Is this a challenge from the WWWF (World Wildlife Wrestling Federation)? The getup looks about right, with the baseball bat and color faded black hoodie, but the belt needs more branding. Perhaps a spinner should be added, or at the very least an outline of Ika Musume with surrounding text that says, “Beware the Humanity Punisher!”
That makes the most likely scenario that there is a disgruntled fan out there who is demanding his(/her?) Tomoyo After patch to be delivered ASAP. To me, this image says, “Tomoyo After better be released on time, or there will be pain. Max Payne!” Or something like that. I mean, he’s posing with Bowser & Darth Vader for crying out loud! This guy is serious!
I’ll need you guys to have my back if something goes down, all right? Good. I’m feeling better already!
Out of curiosity, how has everyone been passing the time waiting for the patch release? Post a picture and tell us about it! It’ll make the time go faster and perhaps we’ll finally be able to associate some faces with users from the Doki Legion. Go ahead! Dooooo ittt!
PS – Key cosplayers get brownie points from the VN Staff!
Hi clannad man! How u doin:D? Last time i posted i said something about waiting being half of the fun, man this is going to be alot of fun if you consider how long some people (including me) have waited :D! But i already know that since ive played the partial translation patch.
Been passing the time by reading alot of books , mainly game of thrones and Wheel of time (both very awesome series, totally recommend for fantasy fans)starting to pick up on my manga now though since im done with those books.
does anybody know how big the file patch is going to be?
Patches are rarely bigger than a few MB.
Ours is bigger. We have over 1,000 edited images that will be included. I don’t have a final number right now as the team is making last minute tweaks.