
Doki’s Visual Novel Department! Recruiting TLs for Tomoyo After

Tomoyo After

One of my ambitions is to expand from fansubbing Anime, and make a move into the world of Visual Novels. And after recent developments, this is no longer a dream, but a possibility.

The first project we will be working on is Tomoyo After. Doki has many translators, but all are involved in translating anime.

I am seeking one (or more) translator(s) dedicated specifically to translating Tomoyo After. You will be provided with the Japanese text to translate from. You can email me if you are interested, or go on our IRC channel and find me or Cruxis (Supreme Receptionist of the Doki VN Department).

Cruxis edit: I am also looking for a person who completed this Visual Novel and can provide me some necessary resources. Find me in #doki.

Later I will be recruiting a number of “testers” to play the patched game, for debugging purposes.

There will be no “public” release until the entire project is complete.

Edit: A small update about how we will deal with the release, which shouldn’t be too far away. The only thing we will release officially, ie, via this blog, is the patch itself. We will NOT be releasing the actual game (iso or otherwise), for obvious reasons. You will have to find a copy of the game yourself. If you idle on #doki, I am sure someone will be able to help you.

2,159 comments to Doki’s Visual Novel Department! Recruiting TLs for Tomoyo After

  • Jon

    The long posts are basically paragraphs of awesomeness =D

  • Redeyes260

    Yes, I have seen your long posts and read most of them since page 11 or so…

    And I meant punny. As in funny, but with a p, because you make puns. And puns are Funny, therefore they are punny! Anyone? No? :Okay:…

    Damn you Jon! I wanted le 19th page… Oh well. I’ve pretty much spammed like 3 or 4 forums telling people about the release date and giving them details such as how everything will be translating and you guys want feedback to correct any errors that way I can minimize people’s questions. Even posted it on a private S&W forum for the LNs. But shhh. No YP allowed.

    • Ilmari

      ClannadMan uses puns? I must have missed them. I was generally under the impression that puns are the lowest form of wit, though.

      “Even posted it on a private S&W forum for the LNs. But shhh. No YP allowed.” <- Whatever does this mean? :S

  • Ilmari

    In a totally unrelated topic from Clannad, anyone out there watching the transit of Venus? It would be just my luck, that a once-in-117-years event would happen, and *I* am stuck in a snowstorm. 🙁

  • Random passerby

    20th june….Is that western time or eastern time?

      • In Ix’s spirit of raising hopes just to have them dashed shortly thereafter, I’ve attached a picture of Tomoyo.

        Well, it is! Technically.

        The truth is I’m not sure yet. The date is set, but the time is not.

        • Ilmari

          … Tomoyo? Where? Who are these little girls and what are they doing with Clannad characters?

          … Is what I would say, but I think I can recognise them as the other-universe clones of Tsubasa characters, who are themselves related to xxxHoLic characters, which is a series I *do* like. I’m guessing “Tomoyo” must be the purple haired one.

          • The Purple/Black haired girl’s name is Tomoyo. The other girl’s name is Sakura. You may remember them from the 90s and early 2000s as having their own manga & television series.

            The name of the show in Japan was Cardcaptor Sakura.

            For those of you who weren’t so inclined to watch shows with Japanese subtitles back then, you might recognize the English dub of the show as Cardcaptors.

          • JbstormburstADV

            Oh ye Gods…. Please do not mention Cardcaptors (the dub) because it was horrible. My God, I actually can’t believe I’m saying this, but Magic School Bus was better than it was.

            …And now that I got the ranting out of my system, that picture is CUTE! I wanna take them home!

    • Ilmari

      It’s the 20th July, isn’t it?

      … also, ‘eastern time’? At any rate, JST is about the same as ours, so if that’s the case it makes it easy for me…

  • Redeyes260

    @Ilmari – It is exactly as I mean. I can’t reveal details publicly but obviously people who don’t want to wait for Yen Press’s 4 year wait can get it faster because of a select few people. You’d have to message me, and speaking of that…

    I finally made an account, Clannad Man. Now to get an avatar… And get my computer back…

    Also: Clannad Man has made many puns and jokes. All of which i get and snicker at. This is why he’s my punny man whom I enjoy reading posts from.

  • To followers of this page (Doki Legion Special!):

    A message is pending. Stay tuned for more details.

  • Error. Object failed to load.

    Attempting recovery of embedded text.

    … Recovery successful. Text may contain errors. Proceed?


    —–> “Poetic OPeration”
    ||Remembering all the heartwarming memories,
    ||I really, really love it!
    ||[My place], [this town],
    ||An eternity so tender.
    ||Yet, nothing can stay unchanged.
    ||You were the one. You [are] the one[!]
    ||I will always remember no matter the changes.
    ||I will show it to you, this one thing covered in glory.
    ||Forever and ever, [it] shall be held dear.

    End Text

    • Danyo

      mmmmh, I’m probably wrong but, isn’t this the lyrics from clannad after story’s opening? at least parts of it are.

      • Jon

        Just checked doki’s release, nope not after story, or season 1 op for that matter.

        • Danyo

          Mmmmh, some lines definitly are found in there. But not all of them, well, I’m gonna go sleep now, it’s 5 am lol, I hope someone can find a use for whatever I said, I guess i’ll find out what it was all about tomorrow then 😛

          Ganbattene, doki legion!

          • Jon

            Well danyo after reading the post again it said the text contains errors… so i think it is the after story OP, not to mention its OPeration, emphasis on the OP.

    • shiro

      id say this is something tomoyo after related… i read the manga…..but im just guessing :<

  • Jon

    Clannadman, sometimes when you post stuff you make me feel stupid, this is one of those posts.

  • Exclusiveness

    I’m so glad the wait is coming to an end. I cannot wait for the full release. and I will have my new computer setup as well before this release date even better! 😀

  • Danyo

    I’d imagine we’d have to figure out what the words between brackets are supposed to be, and then make a sentence out of it, but I can’t figure out most of the words 🙁 Especially not [My place], [this town]

    I guess not knowing what we’re trying to figure out makes this one a lot harder then the previous challenge, if we’re even trying to figure out something… <<

    • You bring up an excellent point, Danyo. What is the purpose of this message? Is it meant to be decoded, interpreted, or simply viewed? What it it referring to? What purpose do the bracketed words serve?

      In my humble opinion, I think it signifies something important. As for what it signifies, who knows? ^^

  • Jon

    I have a mother trucking 12 hour delay on my plane, im figuring this sh!t out!

    • Danyo

      Good luck, I’ve been racking my brain over it most of the day, but don’t really know anything more, I have an idea of some of what the words in brackets could be if they mean anything else, here’s what I speculated so far, 2 brains are better then one at least.

      It= I
      are = were
      this town = family

      • Llian

        It would be interesting to know how Danyo came to those answers. The Main clue I can see trying to understand it is Clannad Man saying “I think it signifies something important”.

        My first guess was that it signified a stage in the translation that is complete such as its been translated and now the team is going through it looking for errors before starting beta testing (although that conflicts with the time-scale of the July release in my opinion)

        I’m not too sure about the whole next VN Doki will do idea. 1. There’s probably some people involved who have a soft spot for Key/Clannad/Tomoyo and thus worked on translating the VN for that reason.
        2. The posts content, if not being taken from the script of a VN as a hint for the next VN, is looking back not forward… You could kind of substitute the idea that the thing covered in glory, held dear and being shown to is is Tomoyo after and the people remembering it all are the translators. I really am hopeless at working these kind of things out myself though.

        • Danyo

          Like sammoth sais bellow, the way I came to those words was pretty much just deducing it from the lines in the song, the lines are slightly altered, and this town is also referenced as the city being like family on several occasions. That’s all I got though, and it’s probably completely wrong, since I also suck at these kind of things.

          Doesn’t mean I’ll give up though 😉

  • Redeyes260

    My first instinct is to say this is Tomoyo After related… But it isn’t, though it looks like it..

    I think it’s an indication or subtle hint as to what the next Visual Novel Doki I’d going to translate.

  • Sammoth

    I get a songy feeling from the poem and somehow it makes me think of Clannad.

  • Sammoth

    Okay the lines 1 6 7 8 9 are from the opening song of clannad after story 4th one is from the opening of Clannad. The comma in the 3rd one would suggest that it has something to do with the 4th line, which has been taken from the middle of a sentence. 2nd and 5th could be nagisa talking about the school.

  • Sammoth

    And, the 2nd and 5th lines ARE in the “OPening” of VN Clannad.

  • You do not need to think of this any longer! Check the front page of Doki!

    ^_^ Enjoy!

    • Danyo

      Mmmm’m, that’s pretty nice, I’ve played it before, and there were quite some bugs etc in the translation, so it’d be nice to see a proper translation. Isn’t it going to be less work then tomoyo after, or are you guys starting from scratch?

      Anyway, I guess there really wasn’t a riddle or anything to figure out in the end… You’re mean clannad man 🙁 If there was, I still don’t get it! xD ( besides it being a reference to clannad obviously )

  • Llian

    And so I was completely and utterly wrong. Although I’m sure you can forgive me for not thinking about Doki translating a visual novel I’ve already read in English. If I remember rightly, one of the problems I noticed in the patch I used was when skipping text (hopefully that’s not too blasphemous) the names changed back to kanji which was too big for the name boxes. I don’t know what improvements would have been made since the patch I used but it would be nice to see a great translation for such and epic VN.

    talking about translations I tried to read this earlier

    • Though many skipped over them, several script lines were still left untranslated in the latest versions of the patch. Furthermore, there are still many backgrounds and other images which require translation. Editing is another problem, with the later scenes of significantly less quality than earlier ones. We also plan to fix all spacing problems which were found in earlier patches.

  • Sammoth

    Yeah, only minutes after my last post Clannad man posted the “solution”, but I wanna know was I on the right track with the Nagisa quote?

  • Ilmari

    It’s good to know that the Clannad project is in reliable hands. I’ve completed Clannad completely, of course, but it will be nice to do it without “no valid string, make a ticket about it” etc.


  • Stan

    If Key was to release another game continuing another girl’s path, who would you want it to be(highly unlikely). I personally would choose Kotomi because her epilogue was like 15 lines long and another whole story would fit pretty well.

    • Ilmari

      Hm, I’m not sure I’d want them to make another ‘alternate universe’ sequel. But if they did, Kotomi would make for an interesting story, yes. Kyou is my favourite girl (I’m a sucker for tsundere*), but her route was a bland love-triangle thing and her immediate future post-Clannad, as we know from After Story, is very ordinary.
      Kotomi, on the other hand, pretty much drops out of the plot (and she didn’t have that much of a role to begin with), so more exploration of her character would be good.
      It may sound strange to some, but I think Fuuko could also make for an interesting sequel, since she has so much of her life to catch up on post-Clannad.
      Ultimately though, I’m happy with After Story (though Clannad Man is probably the best at explaining why it is great), and I’ll settle for one “another world” story. Also, I’m afraid of them breaking my happy endings.


      (* note, that is the traditional tsundere only, not this neo-tsundere kugyuu crap that Shana started).

    • My personal preference for new ‘Another World’ stories would be in order as follows: Kyou, Kotomi, and Yukine.

      For a character like Kyou, who just so happens to have a twin sister with each having aspirations of their own, a compelling story could easily be created with proper guidance; there are many routes this story could take at the digression of the author. (We don’t know how their lives will change with Tomoya constantly in the fold.) Self-sacrifice is the theme with the Fujibayashi sisters’ storyline, so building off of this framework would seem to be the most sensible approach. (I feel such a central theme could be quite compelling while building off of Clannad’s theme of ‘kazoku’ [family].) Plus, of all the characters in Clannad, I feel that in most of the routes Kyou ends up on the short end of the stick, outcomes she could have prevented if she wasn’t concerned about her sister’s feelings. I feel that Nagisa’s ‘true’ route would likely remain the most compelling, but that Kyou’s has the potential to just about as good if extended and properly conceived.

      Kotomi’s background could certainly be expanded upon along with a more in depth description of her interests. The story would probably center around her continued transition from introversion to extroversion. Going to America would provide an intriguing backstop for VNs as few venture to explore regions outside of Japan. The only drawback here is that we know she intends to pursue her parents’ work, and as interesting as such work would be from a scientific perspective, it wouldn’t be particularly interesting for the average fan.

      Yukine Miyazawa is a character that many people overlook when talking about Clannad, but her background is perfectly suited for a VN sequel. Serving as the lynchpin of peace between the town’s two gangs, how will she be able to maintain their tentative alliance? Surely some background stories exist regarding her older brother, whose notoriety could potentially have spread to nearby towns or even as far as Tokyo. Are there debts that still need to be repaid, or underhanded dealings that are taking place in Clannad’s underworld? Add in that Tomoya is already considered a delinquent, one could explore his mindset as he phases in and out of becoming ‘one of the gang’ or pursuing the betterment of himself and those around him. While likely a darker story than the others, it promises to offer plenty of action & excitement with an array of intimidating, shady characters to work with.

      • Danyo

        I always felt sorry for kyou in the VN, no matter what route you’d go for, it was always obvious she had feelings for you, and probably had for quite some time. To bad our lovely protagonist never realises this 🙁 Even in after story when you talked to her when picking up ushio she gave off a very wistful feeling, wich made me pretty sad.

        I’m not sure if I’m the only one that feels this way, but no matter how great nagisa is, I think Kyou might have been the one that loved Tomoya the most.

        I just reread what you wrote lol, and it seems you agree with me clannad man at least on the first part, seeing how she always seems to draw the short stick ( Though, she does it out of her free will, to see everyone around her happy, wich is very nobel of her )

        Considering the other 2, I loved the story lines and they were great characters, but after tomoyo, nagisa and Kyuo they didn’t really grab me as much as the previous ones.

        • Ilmari

          Not sure if you could say that Kyou ‘loves Tomoya the most’. I’d change that to “she *could* love him the most”, and not necessarily agree with the statement. Love is something that grows between characters, and outside of Kyou’s own route, there is not enough interaction between her and Tomoya for her to love him more than whichever girl he is paired with in said route.

          • Danyo

            I’d say love is something that grows over time, even if the other person doesn’t notice it, it can become really strong regardless, and I think that’s exactly what happens with kyou, how I interpreted it, she’s loved him for several years already, he’s just ignorant about it. But yeah, I guess loving the most might not be the right choise of words since you can’t really measure it, and timewise I guess technically kotomi would be that person 😛

      • Ilmari

        I second your statement on Yukine, I was thinking of her the moment I read Stan’s question, though sadly she is not one of the major Clannad girls (in the final product) and so her route has short and ultimately didn’t give much idea of where it would be going. I’d like to see more, certainly, but I doubt such a story would even be considered.

        As for Kyou, she certainly ends up with the short end of the stick a lot of the time, though its largely by her own will. Interetingly, I always thought that Ryou was the character – even more than Kyou – who got a ‘short straw’, since her own route (Kappei’s) is one of the most overlooked in Clannad (it didn’t make the anime), and she gets a terrible time in Kyou’s route and is presumably shafted in all the others just like Kyou is. I’m not sure if any story building on the Kyou/Ryou twin situation could be anything other than cliche, though.
        What do you mean by ‘Tomoyo being in the fold’ wrt Kyou? To my recollection, there was actually very little interaction between Kyou and Tomoyo, except for a single well-known occasion (in Tomoyo’s route, I believe). There really is not much basis for a dynamic between them.
        Maybe I’m just biased against a ‘Kyou After’ because I’m weirdly possessive and protective of her, though. It could be I’m concerned that a sequel might damage the character I became besotted with. 😛

        With regards Kotomi, I think it should be remembered that she doesn’t do ‘real’ science, she is pursuing science on Clannad Magic. Which maybe would be a problem actually, since magic can be ruined a plot element if it is over explained.

        • Stan

          I would agree with the Kyou’s after story if they didn’t include Kappei’s arc in Clannad. That kind of eliminated Ryou the conflict of self sacrifice since they both have people they love. It pretty much sets half of the story already and I don’t feel a whole game is needed.

          As for Yukine, I thought the 2 gangs were only in the anime as in the VN, there was no mention of them fighting each other. Just how Yukine starts depending on Tomoya and the visit to the Graveyard

          • Ilmari

            Indeed, Yukine’s story in the anime is only loosely drawn from the VN route – and, actually, the riverbank fight scene is clearly drawn from Tomoyo After! (Almost certainly intentional, considering that a TA character also got a cameo elsewhere in the series).

            But, the anime’s story would be good for an addition to the Yukine plot in a hypothetical sequel.

        • Tomoya, not Tomoyo. I mean to say that the sisters’s futures could change with Tomoya in the fold.

          As for whether or not Kotomi does ‘real’ science is irrelevant in regards to a future VN because the creator could come up with any Star Trek logic he wishes. It still won’t hold the attention of many fans in this genre of VN. If you wanted to stretch the idea of Kotomi’s alternate realities being true science, an offshoot concept of string theory suggests upwards of 7 separate ‘dimensions’ could potentially exist and occasionally collide with each other to create a ‘big bang’ style effect. It’s been awhile since I read a synopsis of this idea, so if anyone can find it, feel free to link to the report here.

          • Ilmari

            The similar names strike again… :S

            WRT Kotomi: Fair point, I guess it wouldn’t hold too much interest, but then again, I fear that for a large section of the Clannad fanbase none of the deeper elements of the plot hold fans’ interest – they’re just there for the pretty girls. :(. I’m not actually very interested in science in general, (being the son of a physicist has that effect on me, ironically), but I am a big fan of exploring Key Magic, so long as it keeps its mystique.

  • Stan

    Hey Clannad Man, do you know where I can pick up a copy of the Standard Edition of the game as this is a patch for that version? I can only find the ME edition being sold as it is a discontinued product now.

  • Antharyx

    Is there an english translation of the “Tomoyo Dearest” manga anywhere on the internet?

  • Exclusiveness

    I’m glad about this coming out soon. But it still feels so very very far.

  • n00b


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