
Doki’s Visual Novel Department! Recruiting TLs for Tomoyo After

Tomoyo After

One of my ambitions is to expand from fansubbing Anime, and make a move into the world of Visual Novels. And after recent developments, this is no longer a dream, but a possibility.

The first project we will be working on is Tomoyo After. Doki has many translators, but all are involved in translating anime.

I am seeking one (or more) translator(s) dedicated specifically to translating Tomoyo After. You will be provided with the Japanese text to translate from. You can email me if you are interested, or go on our IRC channel and find me or Cruxis (Supreme Receptionist of the Doki VN Department).

Cruxis edit: I am also looking for a person who completed this Visual Novel and can provide me some necessary resources. Find me in #doki.

Later I will be recruiting a number of “testers” to play the patched game, for debugging purposes.

There will be no “public” release until the entire project is complete.

Edit: A small update about how we will deal with the release, which shouldn’t be too far away. The only thing we will release officially, ie, via this blog, is the patch itself. We will NOT be releasing the actual game (iso or otherwise), for obvious reasons. You will have to find a copy of the game yourself. If you idle on #doki, I am sure someone will be able to help you.

2,159 comments to Doki’s Visual Novel Department! Recruiting TLs for Tomoyo After

  • Bo

    howdy doki. Sorry for jumping in at the last second without an introduction, but after lurking for 6 months and then presented with a challenge I had to participate. First, thanks for being just about the only people taking this project. Second, exposing me to what anime has to offer. I have used Doki’s projects as a guide of what to watch and some of these shows have tought me lessons and opened my mind. If it wasn’t for this Tomoyo after project I never would of found Doki and wouldn’t of had a chance to change. In fact I wouldn’t even be watching anime because I only had exposure to mainstream shows and those were on tv very early in the morning.

    Thank you.

    • danyo

      Hehe, I sorta know how you feel, I ended up on doki aswell through tomoyo after when I was looking for information on the english patch. Though I already watched quite a bit of anime, I ended up watching quite a few other ones through doki.

    • Howdy! There’s no need to lurk any longer, Bo. You’ve joined the legion. Listen! You can hear them chant…

      *One of us!* *One of us!*

      I always have advocated supporting the game and anime industries so that they’re able to produce more quality stories for everyone involved. Lots of people around the world have no idea how good some Japanese shows and games can be. I’m glad that you have found the shows you have watched to be meaningful.

  • […] The first person to crack the code and determine the correct date was JbstormburstADV. Though he did not post a numeral number as a date, it corresponds to July 20th. Kudos for hiding the date from everyone else. (This answer was listed under the regular Tomoyo After page.) […]

  • 313

    Relocating this question here since I guess it fits better here.

    Will the patch include an option to remove / disable H-scenes? I know quite a few people who would steer clear of it if that weren’t an available feature.

    • Unfortunately, no. I am not a fan of the H-scenes either, but they are in the game nonetheless. They play little (if any) role in the main story, so you can skip over them quickly if you like. That’s all I can suggest for now. Sorry.

  • Tyrel

    Idk if you’ll answer this, will I only need the Clannad VN Iso, cdi only? because some downloads have Voice patch and such etc. I’m guessing yes, since the english will be released here.

    Question is. Do I need to download voice patch for the game or not?

    • Hi Tyrel! As I have mentioned before, Doki will NOT be releasing the visual novel in any form due to legality concerns. Doki will only be releasing the patch for the game. While I very much believe in supporting Key by purchasing the game, how you go about acquiring it is not something I can control, therefore I shall not try.

      There are no separate voice patches you will need to download for Tomoyo After to have vocal audio. Voice was included natively in Tomoyo After, and I’m not aware of anyone having dubbed the game either!

  • JbstormburstADV

    Hey, someone on another forum brought this up, so I have to be curious; will the release be uncensored, or did you only translate the text in the CGI screens?

  • […] few months the response from Clannad Fans have been incredible. Not only did the Tomoyo After page break 1k comment mark yesterday (by none other than JbstormburstADV), over the past 24 hours Doki’s record for single day unique […]

  • yes, i saw that article too.
    I hope it will release on 20th July for sure xD

    My body is ready!

    • Hello there Raizu! More ready! MOAR!!

      I wonder who started the post on /a/. Hmm… w/e, still got immediate lulz.

      • Hi there clannadman~

        well for that post on /a/, the OP is a faggot.
        Did he realized there is so many Doki-hater on /a/?
        /a/nons there will only taken down Doki hardwork on this project.

        at least he should make a post on /vg/ that more neutral than on /a/

        sorry for my random rambling.

  • PrettyCoolGuy

    Hey guys. Been quite a while. Happy to hear that the day we have been waiting so long for is finally in sight. I have not forgotten this page, i have read every comment since i found this page, checking daily. I am not crazy. Clannad man, you’re awesome. Dont mind these sentences just thrown in without transitions. More than just my body is ready. After seeing CM’s link to his old “lets play a game” forum post, i am jealous. Oh, and japanese Halo… Yes. Two of my favorite things in the world are the Halo series, and Clannad. You dont want to see all the halo stuff i have, since i got into halo before i got into clannad. Halo + Clannad = I cannot possibly be crazy. I love you guys. I am not crazy. I will continue monitoring this thread. Not crazy. The translation is coming out exactly a month after my new phone. Crazy

    • You are not crazy. Me, awesome? You are crazy! A Clannad Fan AND a Halo hAx0r? Well that’s just… cool, guy. Really cool!

      Unless you really are a matchmakig hAx0r. They annoy the living piss outta’ me.

      *ahem* Such language! My apologies.

      I am still trying to complete my Key audio collection with physical copies of all official releases (see here), but am behind on some radio CDs and promotional albums. Still, not too bad, eh? ^_^

  • Redeyes260

    >_< I had the idea that Fuko and her smell stuff was related to something! But oh well, we know a release date, I'm pretty damn happy and hence forth shall find a way to get Tomoyo After so all I have to do is install the patch..

    I know others have asked, but Clannad Man, is the patch it's own program or is it files you drag into the game's directory?

  • Prettycoolguy

    I will pretend i never read the release date for the translation. I need a reason to keep coming back in the time between now and release. I have trouble focusing on something on this if the only reason is to see what you guys say… no offense. A.D.D. to the M.A.X.

  • Winwaker

    The release date has been posted! Oh man I missed the riddle because too much gastronomical study, but the happiness I feel now is overwhelming. Thank you so much to the Doki translation team and to Clannad Man of course, looking forward for July 20th I have plenty of time to finish Clannad after Story. 🙂

    • Clannad ~After Story~ is nothing short of a classic. I’m sorry you missed the riddle, but I’m happy you’ll be able to experience what many to believe is the best few episodes in all of anime!

  • Hey Clannad Man, So since I’m with you on acquiring the game through legal means and since jlist and others only have the memorial edition, know any place that still sells the original since you’re not releasing a ME patch?

    • Most of the places I know of are second hand merchants. eBay and Yahoo! Auctions Japan are two companies I often recommend. I would also suggest utilizing a quality proxy service based in Japan; they will be able to help you find & purchase items on your behalf, and then send them to you from around the world. This is usually an inexpensive method to get Japanese merchandise. A smaller proxy I know of, Taigaya, provides excellent service. You can contact them here:

      If you’re looking for new copies through traditional merchants, I can’t provide any suggestions since the game was first released in 2005, and there hasn’t been an re-release of the original, limited edition. If you are so inclined, you may wish to buy the game second hand and buy the Memorial or CE Editions new as a way of still supporting Key directly.

  • Prettycoolguy

    We shall find a way to pass the time for the next few weeks. I desire to know everything about everyone here. I love you( , and i want to know you. First question: What country you guys from? State/region?

  • Prettycoolguy

    OHOHOHOHOHO, HELL NO. We ain’t slowing down here, are we? Come on, guys, talk to me. One comment so far today? Nowhere near enough. We shall type our fingers off talking to each other, right?

    • I am from the planet known as Earth. Also, it would behoove people to stick around for the other announcements that are in store. As I mentioned earlier, “We’re not done just yet!”

      • Danyo

        I’m coming here regurarly anyway, even though I started coming to doki for tomoyo after, the place kinda started growing on me ^^ I have this feeling you’re ( CM ) are a big part of the reason for at least me sticking around here and looking up the rest of the site, you kinda make people feel welcome and not ignored ^^

        Now, this is probably a stupid question, and sorta off topic but… how do you add an avatar here? I’m registered etc, but can’t find out where to actually do it 🙁

      • Prettycoolguy

        Ah, good answer CM. I respect the privacy of anyone who doesnt wanna answer questions like that. (As long as they say something witty.) BTW, i hope im not encroaching on your territory trying to stir up some interest in here.

        • My ‘territory’? Nah man, I don’t have any territory. As long as you don’t start postin’ crazy spam-like stuff you can say whatever you like. (Preferably about Tomoyo After, lol)

  • Bo

    Southeastern Connecticut, USA here.

    Also, is there a proper way to register here I just put my name and email in the leave a reply box at the bottom. Forums maybe?

  • Jon

    Noes~, IRL stuff kept me away from posting and look at all i missed >.>.

    • Well, its not like you could really miss it! I saw posts about it on Facebook, Twitter, VN News sites, blog sites, /a/, reddit, imgur, etc., etc.

      I’d suggest you stick around, because other important announcements are coming up pretty darn soon…

  • Jon

    I can’t wait, i need good news after all this real life work :o.

  • Mr.Me

    Sweet, after 4 long years of waiting, sheesh i should have learned japanese by now, lol. If only kyoto animation would make this into an anime

    • Danyo

      Well, I don’t think that’s gonna happen, last I heard they aren’t even doing little busters anymore. JC staff are the ones doing it now iirc.

      • Ilmari

        That is correct. And a disappointment, but we can still hope for the best.

        I too doubt Tomoyo After would become an anime – but it doesn’t need to, really. I’m ok with just the VN.

    • Yeah, it’s been far too long. These projects are hard to get done, but when everything is finished, it sure is sweet. I highly doubt Tomoyo After will be turned into an anime… Personally I think After Story is as good as a storyline could end. Of course Tomoyo After is really well done, but in my opinion Clannad’s After Story is legendary.

  • Exclusiveness

    Okay. I am here. How much did I miss. Is the release drawing near?! Or did it happen. Man I should really read these paragraphs :/

  • I’ve been reading through some of the blogs and articles that have been posted over the past 72 hours about the project. Though most of this information will be obvious to those of you that have been sticking around for awhile, I think it is important to reiterate this information to some people who just got wind of the project. The following statements address the most common concerns I have seen on blogs, forums, and articles.

    1) The patch will be released fully translated.

    2) Machine Translations? You must be joking. Not a chance.

    3) While I can understand skepticism regarding VN Translation release dates, that will not be a problem here. As previously mentioned, the patch was originally scheduled for release on the 28th of June, and while Doki could actually make that date, I decided that it would be best to provide the VN Team with some more time to search for errors and make final corrections. There is no question the patch will be ready on July 20th of this year.

    4) I would encourage non-regulars to post here if they have any questions regarding the visual novel. Hiding on other sites rather than checking out the news for yourself here doesn’t help answer questions. I personally believe myself to have shown an extreme willingness to answer questions from anyone who bothered to ask. Really, I DON’T BITE. Not usually, anyways.

    5) You want to see the game for yourself before the official release? Then stick around for when we look for beta testers from the game’s fanbase!

  • Erizo

    Ok, here I am again)
    All Clannad scripts are fully translated, some 100 pages of corrections to go…
    I was a long path, took us a year or so to get where we are now…
    So, Clannad Man, I suppose we’ll be the first to release a full patch (for Clannad that is), he-he, unfrotunately it can’t be as thorough and close to the original as your team’s Tomoyo After patch. We’re lacking japanese translators terribly but nevertheless guys did a perect job bringing potential readers a good and literary (well at least natural) language))
    Running a bit ahead, Clannad Man, does your team mind sharing the translation with other translation groups? I read the original manga and I loved it so much as to be eager to transalte the game as well. By the 20th of July we’ll have finished our current Clannad project and I’m sure my translation groupmates will share my interest in working on this new project)))

    • Oh Erizo… You must believe me when I say I know the status of the Clannad project quite well. (The English one, that is.) I am the Clannad Man after all. It is my duty to know.

      What language are you translating Clannad into? I don’t recognize you as part of the English translation team, and I believe you mentioned that you weren’t working directly with Polarem. Are you part of a French, Vietnamese, Spanish, Russian, Korean, or Chinese translation team? The non-English projects I’ve heard of have made limited progress recently.

      As for Doki’s Tomoyo After translation notes, I believe those are going to stay in-house for now. However, with the English translation released, there would be nothing to prevent you or anyone else to use our translated in-game text to create a translation for another language. Looks like you’ll need to wait until the 20th of July! 😉

      • Erizo

        Chinese? I believe they finished their translation years ago, and they’re the only nation that can rival the english in speed))
        You take a guess what language we are translating it into (one of the mentioned was right)
        I just asked if you were pro or against about its retranslation into another language and I’m very glad to hear that your team have nothing against it)
        I’m in no hurry and it’ll just be a pleasure for us to translate it from clear and pleasant to read english))

        • The only version I have seen listed as completed is a Chinese translation for Playstation Portable, created by a small amateur group literally known as the CG ‘Chinese Group’ in what I assume was a collaboration with KeyFC. It seems like it was rushed (Completed in under four months? For a game of its size? Really?), so who knows what the quality is or how much background work was done. Admittedly I haven’t played it, so I wouldn’t be qualified to judge.

          Also, you’re part of the Russian translation team, now that I think about it. Am I right or am I right? ^_^

  • Redeyes260

    Lol. My body is ready and tense. I might die before it comes out, but at least it’ll be released before 12-21-2012…

    I would like to read it before the end of days, assuming it happens, so woot woot. (Don’t start debating whether it’ll happen, I don’t believe it myself, it was a joke.)

  • Jon

    Everybody is all dressed up and bringing presents in anticipation.

  • Danyo

    Oh that reminds me of something I’ve been wondering, since I haven’t really looked up anything from tomoyo after to avoid spoilers, I was curious if other clannad characters also make an appearance(besides the obvious ones )? No need to in specifics, and if it’s a no then it doesn’t really spoil anything either 🙂

  • Jon

    Clannadman thanks for the bigger picture~. Can’t wait for this game!!!! I just hope it wont come out when i am out of town for 2 weeks….

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