
Doki’s Visual Novel Department! Recruiting TLs for Tomoyo After

Tomoyo After

One of my ambitions is to expand from fansubbing Anime, and make a move into the world of Visual Novels. And after recent developments, this is no longer a dream, but a possibility.

The first project we will be working on is Tomoyo After. Doki has many translators, but all are involved in translating anime.

I am seeking one (or more) translator(s) dedicated specifically to translating Tomoyo After. You will be provided with the Japanese text to translate from. You can email me if you are interested, or go on our IRC channel and find me or Cruxis (Supreme Receptionist of the Doki VN Department).

Cruxis edit: I am also looking for a person who completed this Visual Novel and can provide me some necessary resources. Find me in #doki.

Later I will be recruiting a number of “testers” to play the patched game, for debugging purposes.

There will be no “public” release until the entire project is complete.

Edit: A small update about how we will deal with the release, which shouldn’t be too far away. The only thing we will release officially, ie, via this blog, is the patch itself. We will NOT be releasing the actual game (iso or otherwise), for obvious reasons. You will have to find a copy of the game yourself. If you idle on #doki, I am sure someone will be able to help you.

2,159 comments to Doki’s Visual Novel Department! Recruiting TLs for Tomoyo After

  • danyo

    I just noticed that baka-tsuki is still listed as the english translation for tomoyo after on vndb, shouldn’t this be doki? Or is it because the only patch currently available is from baka-tsuki even though it’s only partial?

    Or am I missing something completely? xD

    • I would assume that this is because Baka-Tsuki is the only ‘group’ to have released so much as a partial patch. Once the final patch is out, I’m sure someone will make the change to Doki.

  • JbstormburstADV

    I gotta admit, that MAD piece was hilarious. They have my respect for going with it. Now, if only they added Trope-tan…

    Also, it’s great to hear news finally. I’ll be waiting…

  • SaitoHajime101

    Checked back to the website after about a week break from checking it twice a day for news and I see that CM said something about speaking this “news” about Tomoyo After. Now my habit of refreshing this website has come back 20 times over. I’m too excited for this patch!

    On a side note, in the spirit of Clannad, I fixed up the KEY music collections over at Bakabt. Clannad now has its own personal torrent for both FLAC and MP3 for those who want good quality. AIR is completed as well, gotta finish out Kanon and then put up Little Busters when the anime is released then KEY is fully put up! Viva la’ CLANNAD!

    • Thanks for checking back with us SaitoHajime! I sincerely hope you will not be disappointed.

      Also, I made some updates to the ‘Ultimate Key Daikazoku Collection’ which you might be interested in looking at. While I personally support purchasing the soundtracks and enjoying them as such, I know that such a statement will be ignored by many; nonetheless, I feel it is important to have a continuously updated and complete record of Key audio for the benefit of my own use as well as that of anyone else who might find it useful. Enjoy reviewing the updates!

  • so did they give up on it or something its been translating for how many yearS?

  • Random passerby

    This is comment 966 34 more comments bef

  • Random passerby

    ^Oh dear i accidentally click the ‘post comment’ button.$&&$& iphone

  • Wind Fish

    I don’t care how good/bad this game is.

    I just want more ~*~Tomoyo~*~

    • Zen'ro

      It’s a Key game and it’s in the Clannad Series, odds are it’s going to be ridiculously good 😛

    • Ilmari

      Of course it’s good. Ye of little faith! This is produced by Key and written by Jun Maeda. Expect everything you’d normally get from him.

      Sure, there’s the inconvenient addition of a little porn, but I assume we’re all adult enough not to be offended by it.


      Actually, I’d assumed that everyone waiting eagerly here will already have been through the game with third-rate japanese word-recognition and a dictionary.
      Or am I just impatient and obsessed? :S

    • I wonder what would happen if instead of releasing the game Doki posted pictures of Tomoyo instead…

      Tomoyo Bed

      There. All done!

      • danyo

        Was about to go to sleep, thanks to clannad man, I managed to see some lovely pictures of tomoyo before heading to dream land! Not to mention have a good laugh from some of the posts here xD

  • Random passerby

    Human requirement to play this game:
    Like tomoya
    Prepare for sadness endings(so you wont kill yourself)
    Interested in reading(Not just here for the hcgs translate)
    An 18+ maturity(mental age)(Because you expect some eechi)

  • Llian

    I am indeed looking forward to this patch, I’m stuck waiting for 2 patches and the release of a VN adapted to English at the moment. No one is giving dates and it’s just ahhhh, check everyday.

    On a side note it seems they are releasing Clannad part 1 (ep 1-12)on DVD in the UK. =P

  • Redeyes260

    Well that’s interesting (at the MAD piece. I originally thought it was a TV show on Cartoon Network for the little kids.

    On another note: I was skimming through channels yesterday and saw an advertisement on Cartoon Network for the Annoying Orange. It was originally a YouTube series, but I guess CN wants more views. I might bother watching it because I liked the little pieces they did on YouTube.

    Still…waiting… On.. Tomoyo After… Urgh!

  • Random Passerby

    Haha Admins Today it was my first time trying to download anime of this site.Sadly I get the torrent not found error….
    What is the problem here has the torrent move elsewhere?

    • Hi there random passerby! Tomoyo After will be released on th… wait a second.

      Oh my, you didn’t ask about Tomoyo After. (I almost cracked there!) I think you meant to post in the comment section on the first page. Just go to the top of the screen, click on the giant banner, steer clear of Holo’s & Ix’s loli hord, take a wide right away from anything Jigsy posts, and repost your comment in the first new comment section you see.

      There, problem solved! ^_^

  • Jon

    O my god! 17 more comments!!!!! The suspense is KEELING ME!! I am so pumped i might have to kick a sunahara in a bear suit!

    Pic almost related to post count but not quite >.>.

  • shiro

    ahhhh…ive been waiting a long 4 years for this.(hopefully not 5.) thank you doki for translating this, and i wish you the best of luck.

  • danyo

    I haven’t seen this question before, even if it’s not really important, but I was curious anyway:

    How will you guys deliver the patch? Will it be an installer, or will it just be one where you move the files in or isn’t it decided yet?

    • JbstormburstADV

      It better be an installer, because I’d hate if something like that clouded the issue.

      • JbstormburstADV

        …Wow that came out wrong. To better paraphrase, it’s more like not having an installer would allow inherent errors to occur more often.

        • You could also say that people unable to follow instructions (if that’s the way we did it) don’t deserve to play the game! 😀

          • Jon

            Natural selection at its finest! Go doki! But seriously i agree with Ixlone.

          • I’m taking the cheater’s route ans skipping all the way to the bottom.

            Hey, look! Ix posted! Hey man, you may want to make sure a random passerby doesn’t take a loli from your horde. If he (dare I say, SHE) does, head straight for the last pic Jigsy posted. Fifty bucks says he/she will have been be scared stiff with a contorted look on their face, with the loli crouching nearby in horror.

          • Also, danyo, you’ll find out soon enough.

  • VanENTerrier

    More and more people seem to visit this page…

    Last time i was here, only 2-3 post a week…now its like everyone is joining the queue..

    I like the story of this particular VN..

    its about setting up a family…very nice theme

  • Solitary Ocean

    Are you working on the Standard Edition or the Memorial Edition? I’m asking because I can only find copies of the Memorial Edition that are available.

  • Erizo

    BTW, can somebody explain me the difference of the ME from any other edition? As for Clannad I failed to find any… I thought it had some new CGs or at least some minor differences in the story but nothing of the sort…

  • JbstormburstADV

    And how lucky… Comment #1000 is mine, and as a long-time fan of KEY, I am glad to have the opportunity to hear some news.

  • Random passerby

    Just 3hours ago there were only 994 comments how the heck it suddenly blossom to 1.03k comments.What kind of magic is this?

  • *ahem*

    Self Clap

    Well congratulations mon capitan JbstormburstADV, as well as the rest of the participating Doki Legion, for helping this post reach 1,000 comments.

    Wow. That’s just nuts. And so quickly too! I mention an update and everyone gets all crazy and starts posting. Its was a beautiful site for me to see. Really. So many people chipping in for a good cause. (I feel like I’m speaking at a charity dinner, lol.)

    So there’s no way I can deny your request for the update. I salute you all for persevering through all of the bull shit to get to this point. Really. But think about this; as tough as it was for you, think of how tough it is for ME, forcing myself to only give out little tidbits of information to a ravenous legion! I wanted to, I swear! But alas, it was not in the VN Team’s best interests. Nope. No it wasn’t. No sir.

    So here I am, considering what information to provide. In all honesty, I was thinking about playing a cruel joke and saying that the update was something you may have already pieced together, such as all 997 image edits having been completed. (Whoops.) However, after all the shit we have all (I’m including myself in this) had to go through just to be able to understand a beautifully written story, I couldn’t do that. Instead, I’ve planned something much more mischievous… and rewarding.

    I am reminded of an old forum post of mine from many moons ago. “Let’s play a game, Doki Legion.” And a game we shall play. Well, you really. I’m just the messenger.

    Those who have followed this translation project for the past few months may remember that a certain someone requested a puzzle to shed some light on the VN Team’s progress. On several occasions I mentioned that curious individuals should keep their pencils ready. Today, you (since if you’re here I’m assuming that ‘curious individual’ tag applies to you) will receive what you have been promised. You will use that pencil. And it will bring joy.

    In a few minutes, a message will be delivered to the fine viewers of Doki. This message is for you, if you are worthy enough to solve it. Don’t worry, I know you are. You don’t know how to lose.

    Good luck, Doki Legion.

  • twdarkeh

    “In all honesty, I was thinking about playing a cruel joke and saying that the update was something you may have already pieced together, such as all 997 image edits having been completed. (Whoops.) ”

    That would be too cruel. 🙁

  • Jon

    Clannadman, i hope you realize i wont be able to sleep until i solve this puzzle.

  • JbstormburstADV

    Hmm… I believe that I have my suspicions as to the actual date… I wonder, is this the day we will finally see the calming of 静かの海?

  • Redeyes260

    Clannad Man, I’m gone for TWO days, and everyone’s practically figured the thing out. I feel as if I try it’ll amount to nothing, but what the hell, I’ll try to decipher it best I can later today. I the meantime I gotta read volume 11 of Spice and Wolf.

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