One of my ambitions is to expand from fansubbing Anime, and make a move into the world of Visual Novels. And after recent developments, this is no longer a dream, but a possibility.
The first project we will be working on is Tomoyo After. Doki has many translators, but all are involved in translating anime.
I am seeking one (or more) translator(s) dedicated specifically to translating Tomoyo After. You will be provided with the Japanese text to translate from. You can email me if you are interested, or go on our IRC channel and find me or Cruxis (Supreme Receptionist of the Doki VN Department).
Cruxis edit: I am also looking for a person who completed this Visual Novel and can provide me some necessary resources. Find me in #doki.
Later I will be recruiting a number of “testers” to play the patched game, for debugging purposes.
There will be no “public” release until the entire project is complete.
Edit: A small update about how we will deal with the release, which shouldn’t be too far away. The only thing we will release officially, ie, via this blog, is the patch itself. We will NOT be releasing the actual game (iso or otherwise), for obvious reasons. You will have to find a copy of the game yourself. If you idle on #doki, I am sure someone will be able to help you.
First of all I would like to start by saying thank you so much to Clannad Man, Pandasu, NeWby, Thaerin and anyone else I missed from the Doki team or anywhere else for doing this project and there hard work. Clannad was my first visual novel and I seem to have fell in love with the story head over heels.
while I am trying my best to wait patiently until the release I have a few questions that might help me and some fans be at ease. I tried my best to work through the 826 comments on the recruitment page to find answers to some of my questions but like I said 826 comments and I have finite of time.
I know that the project was dropped and given to Doki team april of last year, and that Holo started recruiting for the project then, I am wondering when did you and the rest of the team start actually working on it? and did Holo leave Doki and start his own Legion or is he still with Doki?
like many Fans I am fearing that the same thing at Baka might happened here in terms of the project being started, the fans wait years and in the end only have a partial patch. I have read some of your comments and I know that you love this story just some reassurance would be really nice. I also mean no offence to Baka, they did an amazing job with clannad, its just sad that tomoyo after got the short end of the stick.
I have read that the release date was classified but is the reason why the release date is classified classified as well? if not please share.
Finally if you need any help to make this release date any sooner I am your service, I have experience in java, C++ and matlab and while those skills were mostly used for engineering purposes I am sure I can be of some help.
Thank you again, I am looking forward to your response and godspeed.
Forget about the question about holo, I dont know where I got that idea from.
ah, matlab. now thats a fun one… haha, and here I thought I was the only engineer that enjoyed key works. Its nice to know that Im not alone in that fact. =)
Engineers are awesome. That is all.
‘Years’ is a bit overrated, considering doki only picked it up last year and we still have to sta- oh wait, I wasn’t allowed to say that.
Also, what is Doki without Holo? It’s like Clannad without Clannad (was that character in the game again?).
While I’m at it, don’t copy/paste my nick from CM’s post, IT’S WRONG.
I didn’t want to mess up your name since you were mad about it with Clannad Man but I see I did the same mistake he did haha sorry NeWbY.
Like I stated I know you guys had the project for only a year, baka had it for 3 before it was given up on.
all I want is kind of like “oh hey were mostly done with the main story line and we are starting the RPG’s now”
I would be like “sweet thank you so much for your hard work.” That would but me and the fans at ease and you guys wont get bothered as much, walaa win-win situation.
I blame the whole holo question on lack of sleep, I dont know where that idea came from.
You know, just in case you couldn’t tell. Also, NeWbY, how ’bout making your name easier to
How about changing it to n00b
That’s far easier
Yep. Then there’s Kuzu and BilliumMoto and jakeman95 and ryuu_zer0… the list goes on & on. Quite amazing, really.
I posted some of this information not too long ago, but since you asked nicely, I’ll be happy to reply again. Anyone who is looking for never before released classified information*, here’s your chance to get it. (I can already hear Holo saying, “Nooo-!” Heh heh heh~)
To be upfront, I was not on Doki’s staff at the time the project was undertaken, but I have received similar information from several sources. The team started working on Tomoyo After right after the project was transferred over from Baka-Tsuki. Cruxis was the project leader at the time and recruited several people both in-staff and otherwise to work on the project. The focus at that time was more skewed towards the game’s picture edits as opposed to the script, though both were being worked on. Unfortunately, in late summer of last year several members of Doki’s staff became ill or had personal matters to attend to. Cruxis, unfortunately, had to leave for a time as well. Tatsuya, who had also shown interest in the project, took on an interim position. However, with some of Doki’s editors and TLs temporarily out of commission, little progress was made for some time. Eventually, the VN Team was (unofficially) put on hiatus because the members were needed elsewhere just to keep pace with prior show commitments.
By December, 2011, Dys was hoping to revitalize the project again. As I was Doki’s most outspoken Key fan along with Holo, he decided to ask me for help in leading the project. I declined, citing that I had other commitments to attend to. However, over the next few weeks, Dys continued to suggest that I take the position, at which point I responded that 1) I really wasn’t lying about being busy, and that 2) as much as I would like to contribute to the series I hold dear (Clannad and Tomoyo After being in the same kazoku of VNs), I did not want to be involved with the distribution of the game itself or any other activities outside of getting a translation of the game completed. (Heck, I wanted an English translation for myself, and I have copies of the game already!) As mentioned previously, I only accepted the offer to become project leader after my role was defined to the point where I believe my work on the project to be both legal and beneficial to the promotion of the series. With that hurdle cleared, my focus was shaped to provide as positive an experience as possible for the eventual readers of the translation as well as for those working to create it.
While a fair amount of progress had been made on the in-game image translations & edits, the progress on translation the scene text was less than I had expected. So, before I went about reassembling the scattered VN Team, I did some reorganizing. The internal SEEN schedule was in disarray, so I switched some things around to make the assignment and completion of tasks easier on the eye. I also reviewed the files that were already completed and sorted them into their corresponding in-game folders. Once everything was cleaned, I made a plan for what I felt needed to be done and started reassembling the VN Team.
To some extent, I was lucky. Many of the people who had previously worked on the VN offered to conditionally return after being asked, assuming that some structure would be put in place and that contributors would actually feel pressure to complete work. Others offered to join just because they thought it would be cool to be involved in some way. I have done my best to honor their contributions by providing a reasonable amount of flexibility to the VN Staff in exchange for proactive work. I know that it is tough for them at times, but thus far I have not received any complaints. Fingers crossed, I won’t get any in the future either.
Anyone who knows about the project can vouch for the impressive amount of work that has been completed and subsequently checked, edited, and checked again for quality. Doki has no intentions or releasing a V2 of this patch – the team intends to get it perfect on the first shot. I can assure you, Ed, and everyone else reading, that Doki WILL release a COMPLETE Tomoyo After patch, and that you will not need to wait years for it.
The release date is classified to reduce pressure on the staff. If an internal deadline happens to be missed, the damage is minimal. However, if a legion of fans are waiting for a release and it is not ready, or even worse yet, the patch is shoddily put together, the fallout would be extremely negative. Plus, not providing a release date adds an element of suspense and excitement for the release, no?
As for the question about Holo, he never really left, he’s just been busy up until now. (What, did you think I was vying to overthrow him? lol) As he mentioned in a recent posting, the Doki Legion should expect major progress on Doki’s backlog. What this means for the summer… well, you’ll need to ask Holo directly.
Hopefully my post puts you somewhat at ease. I cannot provide you with exactly what you’re looking for, just hints. Have a little faith in us, and you’ll be pleasantly surprised at the outcome.
*As for the link, you weren’t really expecting me to post another Mikuru video, were you? =P
Thank you for your awesome response Clannad Man, but I think I am finally going nuts. I check this page at least twice a day and I just noticed that the cover picture for this story has Tomoyo and the date Monday June 28. The next Monday That’s on the 28th is a week from today, or could it be that June 28 is the release date. I always heard the best place to hide something is to put it in plane sight or I may be just going mad. This cover was chosen a year ago so there is no way you knew it could be done by then, but maybe just maybe you guys are time-travelers and you choose this picture on purpose to make me think about it until my brain implodes.
uahahaha that’s it isn’t it, I found you out now fess up!
┐( ̄ー ̄)┌
Guess you’ll just have to wait and see for yourself!
So i was tired of JPG and went into the GIF section for todays moe….
The second link is so awesome, mind if I use it?
Hey, Kyou, mind pulling Kotomi in a little closer?
Please, no, these girls are much too hot to waste on yuri… :S
And, I am an unashamed Kyou fan. It is my calling to wage constant war to defend her from GL shippers.
Pfft! I never even considered shipping the two of ’em off. Kyou and I are tight with each other, you see. She has no problem getting me a nice shot for my collection and then returning to her normal self. (Kyou, Y U so awesome?)
See? Just look at that profile picture of mine! Be-a-utiful!
Clannadman profile pic ftmfw man~ and @Ed, i just googled for these pics so i didn’t make it xD.
Interests differ, I guess… Myself, I like my Kyou by herself, looking at me with puppy-dog eyes. I splashed out on this so that she could brighten up my desk:×400.jpg
I’m actually stupidly uptight when it comes to excessive fandom, and that is the only miniature I’ve bought (and likely, that I ever mean to buy). But she is just so adorable…
Alternatively, Kyou with violent tendencies is awesome too.
Regardless, I commend your taste in girls, if not necessarily in the pictures you like to put them in.
Hmm, that’s too bad. I rather like the poses my Key Characters make!
That picture, I’ll admit, is ‘win’ – in a hyper-cutesie I-think-my-teeth-are-rotting sort of way.
It’s a good sort of crazy.
I wonder why Ayu looks so distressed. The rest seem to be happy (except Mai, who doesn’t really do ‘happy’). Also, I like the moustached dango.
Where *do* you manage to find these things?
Ayu probably looks distressed because she ran off with that taiyaki without paying again…
As for where I find these things, I don’t know, lol. The internets! Or from my personal collection.
Guys, you are all crazy. I think i speak for everyone when i say that this is the ideal woman of all Key works…
Your humour is lost on me. For a joke, this seems incongruously obscure; it actually took me a moment to even remember her first name. :S
No denying that she actually is important to Clannad after story, though; her role is small but critical in getting Tomoya to get over his adolescent grudge.
“That’s hawwwt.”
She’s a great-grandmother, actually…
Wich means she’s a grandmother aswell
Should I be greatly disturbed by this? Erm… yep. Yes I am.
I doubt you are as disturbed as I am by it… nor as mentally disturbed by whomever came up with the term ‘GILF’. (Is there a retching smiley?)
Nuff said
Still disturbing.
So i herd you liak clannad.
And here I thought it was ‘leik’. Also, I’ll take your Ushio and raise you a Kyou!
That picture is a whole new level of adorable. Saving it to harddrive.
. . .
btw … Is there really a correct way to spell ‘like’ incorrectly? :S
And i good sir will raise you one kotomi and fuko. Epic pic btw.
You’ll have to make the pic acessible, first.
Or is it just me?
Works for me, if it still doesn’t work have a sad panda:
Kind of makes you want to go back to the 60s, eh? =D
That picture was originally made for a special collection of bookmarks. The set was combined to make the picture you posted above. Its a good one!
Do you know, Clannad Man? Ur post made me remember about my favourite h-doujin called Kyoumania 2 XD
Shame on you, endorsing the defiling of our darling Kyou with un-canon porn rip-offs.:(
… I suddenly feel that I am all alone in my viewpoint. I’d better go to my bomb shelter. >_<
at least Kyou got a happy life with Tomoya and Ushio, in the end…
(* ̄▽ ̄*)
No, Ilmari, you’re not all alone, lol.
I mean, could you imagine the consequences of such an action?
And eventually…
(Actually, that is kind of cute…)
Ahem.. Still, I prefer my ~After Story~ just the way it is, thank you very much! It just seems right.
Nope, i agree with you to!
wait…what ô.O
havent played clannad VN yet, I know shame on me
do kyou and tomoya rly get a child, when I go on that direction? *_*
Telling you would be cheating!
just read Kyoumania 2!
Oh my, I completely forgot about my apparent “Spoilers” question/remark *rolls eyes* I really should check back every day, just been so caught up reading fan fictions, writing 2 separate stories, playing my oh dear loving Guitar Hero games and clan things on Call of Duty. Quite a busy life for someone who doesn’t get out much.
Downloading MQ-2… Never played 1, but couldn’t. Urgh, I hate having to get other things to do while I wait for my Tomoyo! *Sigh* aw wells.
@Clannad Man – Interesting back-story for Doki… I think you should post it up somewhere for others to read, since it’s mostly from your perspective…. Awh man, I forgot I gotta finish beating Pokemon Leaf Green! Shoot, I really am a kid at heart. Getting all nostalgic at my Charizard… (~_~’)
> Will check back later today
> Then again tomorrow morning
> Once more at 12:00-2 PM
> Rinse and repeat
The problems regarding the TL’s health & personal issues have been rehashed enough on other posts. What I posted was only an update for the people just checking up for the first time in a long while. There’s been a significant uptick in the amount of people checking this post lately, & I’m trying to give them new info as soon as I am able.
Kuzu just submitted some more work. We inch closer!
PS – Wobbuffet is the greatest pokemon in my eyes, for the lone fact he reminds me so much of myself.
Yeah Wobbuffet is a fearsome pokémon if you use him wisely, I still remember some guy who beat me using a f***n Wobbuffet! hahaha
YEAH! Winwaker knows what I’m talkin’ about!
Oh please, he is in absolutely NO comparison to the mighty Magikarp! That fish is the best thing ever known to man, especially when my precious Magikarp turns into a GIANT FUC—– DRAGON!! Wooooooooooo! XD I still gotta level him up, I named him Lucifer because my Charizard is named “God”… Named my Zapados “Zeus”, Moltres “Hades”, and Articuno “Poseiden”, since he is the closest God to manipulating ice… Now I gotta get this “bad egg” to hatch.
Do I really need to post a Pokemon pic here?
*sigh* Yes, yes I do, just for you.
I come back to see what I missed. I missed quite a bit it seems.
…And that one’s saved as well.
That’s a very thin dress Kyou has on. I approve.
Who wouldn’t? Sunohara clearly does!
Oh wow, Sunohara be pimpin’!
He likes his milk all right.
Please, just let him alone with his lovely sister, Mei
┐( ̄ー ̄)┌
As you wish…
Wow… What the…. Ky–Kyou with Sunohara… Sounds perfect! xD
Well, it ‘almost happens’ in Kyou and Ryou’s route, after all…
Thankfully, almost happening is as close as it gets. Poor Sunohara, he’s not destined for love. Unless he can grow a moustache and become a pilot, and then only with whatever ditz that impresses…
For those of you that can’t see the pic:
If you’re a girl that isn’t afraid of catching idiocy or a guy who doesn’t mind getting their a$$ kicked when doing something stupid, sure. However, I just don’t see this pair working out…
I like the touch of the smoking dictionary.
As a point of interest, would there be *any* Clannad girl you could see Sunohara managing to get with?
It seems that my link was shot, thanks for the replacement. I just did a quick google search for the picture I have on my computer, instead of uploading. :S
No other than his sister, Mei
┐( ̄ー ̄)┌
Aside from Kyou, who in her route did attempt to get with Sunohara to dispel rumors about herself and Tomoyo, I would say that the answer needs to be Kotomi. She was the only Clannad girl to openly accept Sunohara’s wishes to go out with him (even if it was for show). As a genius, Kotomi approaches situations with a degree of caution and logic, making her the perfect counter to the overconfident, quick to act Sunohara. Outsmarting him wouldn’t be an issue for Kotomi, nor would being social to Sunohara.
So yeah. Kotomi gets my vote for most likely to go out on a romantic date with Sunohara. Honorable mentions go out to Kyou, Mei, and Sanae-san.
Comment 888th…Who will get it i wonder?
That would be me, thanks!
Kyo does not approve of sunuharas actions×1200.jpg
Now for moe:
There’s a lot of Kyou in that first Flickr set!
Well, stalking her would be a worthy but futile – and certainly dangerous cause. I salute the brave souls who die by dictionary to get us these pretty pictures.
holy crap you guys have a lot of pics to show….
BTW I just read the manga adaptation of Tomoyo After (Tomoyo after – Dear Shining Memories), I really hope the game’s main ending isn’t the one in that manga.
I would link it but it’s on a r-18 website (the manga itself is only ecchi).
I imagine that most of those who have played Tomoyo After in japanese will have read the manga by now just to get the story finished.
Anyone looking for it just need to google the title, there’s several hosts I think.
As for the game ending… well, that would be telling ;).
┐( ̄ー ̄)┌ Read at your own risk!
As an aside, I guess you guys better be ready to release a Memorial Edition translation patch once the original is done… if you get what I’m aluding to.
Out of interest, how much additional work would that actually be?
Significant, for varied reasons. I’ll leave it at that for now.
Fair enough, and noone here is in a position to demand more out of you guys than is already being done.
I can just about hear the clamour for M.E. already arising, though… ‘_’
Comments are reaching the 1k mark this page is sure popular!
Tell your friends to come on down, the grill’s just getting warmed up! A good barbeque needs some good cooks and a whole bunch of people to share it with!
Longest. Barbecue. Ever. Can’t wait for the delicious translation to be done! I can’t wait to eat… er use it!
Pic related:
909th comment :3… I wonder who’ll get the 1k comment. That person should get some Tomoyo After information! (=´∀`)人(´∀`=)
雄 野??
*or not. Whoops.
I should close this post, cos Clannad sucks.
don’t listen to him. ixlone was just being tsundere
To this day I still find it amazing that on one of the biggest pro-Key sites on the internet, a senior project leader doesn’t love Clannad. Simply puzzling.
in fact, he loves Chu-Bra so much
┐( ̄ー ̄)┌
omg xD love ur posts index, often even funnier than clannad man’s
Ouch! lol
That seems like a reasonable proposal, actually. Just don’t spam messages or they won’t count towards the total!
Omg i hope i am 1000 comment if i do i would be all like!, How do you even check >.> what post it is lol.
Just before the first comment, brother Jon.
Good to know~ can’t wait for what ever happens next~ Pic related
The More You Know…
Hi, everybody)
Never seen so many devoted Key fans))
I humbly kneel before the translators of Tomoyo After)
We’re now at home straight completing Clannad translation)
I wonder who’ll be the first releasing the patch…
No need to kneel, Erizo. We’re all here to support the same story.
As for the Clannad translation, good luck with that! Doki offered its assistance to Polarem, but did not yet receive a response. Perhaps you could nudge him into giving someone over here a response… ^_^
As for who releases the final release patch first, we’ll see. As I promised yesterday, after 1000 comments are reached I’ll be providing more information regarding our project’s status. It might be worthwhile to check out…
( ¬‿¬)
Well I’m not speaking about the english translation, but anyway Polarem helped us a great deal))
Aah, I see. I think.
Looks like its going to be a quiet weekend due to Memorial Day in the States. We’ll see… Seems like as good a time as any to take a break!
Just for a day, though! ^_^
You’ve got some fans in europe too, though ^^
Yay for Europa~!
Not sure what Memorial Day is myself, but yes, activity seems to have dropped away here.
Memorial Day is a federal holiday celebrated in the United States to commemorate fallen soldiers in its military. It was originally created as a way of commemorating Union soldiers who died in the American Civil War.
As for user activity, I have a feeling it is going to jump next week. Just a hunch.
Would that have to do with getting close to 1000 comments?
Looking forward to whatever information you’ll have for us, no matter what it’ll be!
You and me both
I third that.
Unless it’s a notice that you’re packing it in and handing the project over to another group, in which case I will be sad, not least because I will have no excuse to haunt this topic. :.(
Not that I believe for a moment that would be the case, though.
Danyo, I think that is a pretty darn good guess.
I’ve got some good news to report this time around.
And packing it in? Now? Nawwww, man! That’s not how Doki rolls!
Packing it…… :o. Clannad Man i may not be able to sleep till i know more~
Pic related:
Won’t be much longer now. Hold in there!
This is how my reunion with tomoyo will be like when I get to play it.
“503 service temporarily unavailable”
~ there’s a message here somewhere.
I certainly hope this is *not* auspicious of your efforts to play Tomoyo After…
Huh, that’s strange, the link works perfectly fine for me
Whatever server that picture is on, it hasn’t worked for 2 days. Try again?
Also, after the long weekend downtick, views are back up to expected levels. Stay tuned for the 1k comment update!
And ask me a question already! lol
Still very strange! It’s a link from wallpaper base, oh well, here’s the picture again, and I’m pretty sure photobucket shouldn’t cause any issues xD
A question hmmmm…
How was your weekend?
Far too busy. Far too hot. Did so much farming I thought I was living in an Amish Paradise.
No, I’m not a farmer.
Clannad man, im serious haven’t slept since you posted that! j/k but i am so excited i have the page reloading of my phone like ever minute lol.
Well, I can’t keep you waiting without anything to show for it. Feast your eyes on these babies!
Seriously? They actually *do* look like that? Though, Botan is a bid rounder than those little guys. And I doubt they share its* talents.
*I’m still unsure if Botan is male or female… I’ve seen both translated.
Yeah, they really do look like that. Cute, aren’t they?
Also, Botan would appear to be a male, as he is depicted as having tusks in ~After Story~. The females generally have small tusks which are sometimes not even seen, so it makes sense to assume that Botan is, in fact, a male.
ClannadMan my good sir, you have just made my day.
I try my best. =)
So much pictures. I must save them all thank you very much
Only 6975 to go! (Really.)
FUN FACT: In issue number 511 of MAD Magazine, the Envelope Art submission titled “Masterpieces of Mankind” was selected as MAD’s Envelope of the Month. Featured on the envelope were several examples of man’s greatest works of art. Naturally, Clannad’s main heroine made an appearance:
Shame on MAD for not knowing ‘whatever the hell Clannad is’!
PS – Anyone else see the uniform MAD Max is wearing?
Yeah it looks like it is from The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya he is even doing the eye thing she does
I miss that show
What we’ve seen from Kyoto Ani won’t be the last, I can assure you. Wayyy too much of a cash cow for another season not to be made. Unfortunately, we will need to wait awhile first…
I’m rather offended that someone would put Clannad and Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu at a similar level of quality as MAD magazine, all the more so because MAD doesn’t reconginse them. But WTH, at least this guy recongises the masterpieces of mankind.
I love u 2
Funny, lol
I find MAD TV to be pretty funny at times, so I’ll cut them a bit of slack. But really, the art even says CLANNAD for Visual Novels and Animation, even if Cartman wanted to steal the second title for himself! XD