
Doki’s Visual Novel Department! Recruiting TLs for Tomoyo After

Tomoyo After

One of my ambitions is to expand from fansubbing Anime, and make a move into the world of Visual Novels. And after recent developments, this is no longer a dream, but a possibility.

The first project we will be working on is Tomoyo After. Doki has many translators, but all are involved in translating anime.

I am seeking one (or more) translator(s) dedicated specifically to translating Tomoyo After. You will be provided with the Japanese text to translate from. You can email me if you are interested, or go on our IRC channel and find me or Cruxis (Supreme Receptionist of the Doki VN Department).

Cruxis edit: I am also looking for a person who completed this Visual Novel and can provide me some necessary resources. Find me in #doki.

Later I will be recruiting a number of “testers” to play the patched game, for debugging purposes.

There will be no “public” release until the entire project is complete.

Edit: A small update about how we will deal with the release, which shouldn’t be too far away. The only thing we will release officially, ie, via this blog, is the patch itself. We will NOT be releasing the actual game (iso or otherwise), for obvious reasons. You will have to find a copy of the game yourself. If you idle on #doki, I am sure someone will be able to help you.

2,159 comments to Doki’s Visual Novel Department! Recruiting TLs for Tomoyo After

  • Random passerby

    Congrats on the milestone!

  • Celena

    I’ve actually been following this blog since the date of its creation (yeah, kinda stalkerish… but no, seriously! I’m just that excited for the release). I just wanted to say, keep up the good work, TLers! I’m behind you all 100%, as is everyone else here.

    Question: Is the RPG game going to be translated as well? Dungeons & Takafumis, or whatever it’s called. I didn’t run into it on my playthrough of the partial patch, but then again, I only went as far as the translation went. Is it available at the end of the VN?

    • Hello Celena! I would welcome you to Doki, but it already seems as though you are well acquainted with the area. So then, welcome back! Remember when the front page looked like this? :

      Yeah, that was a great front page! ^_^ So much color, so little information, lol…

      Oh, you asked a question too. Every time I think I’m done with a post and there’s more to write! Let’s see… You want the VN Team to translate ‘Dungeons & Takafumis’ too? Unbelievable. Everyone’s working their behinds off and you have the nerve to ask us to do more work??

      ( ¬‿¬)

      Oh, what the hey. Of course ‘Dungeons & Takafumis’ is going to be included in the patch! Miss, I am the CLANNAD MAN, and this is DOKI. How could any of us allow such an important feature of the game be glazed over? Pu-lease!

      PS – Feel free to comment whenever you like. =P

      • Aleksii

        Was this an ironic version of Adolf Hitler on the 1934 speech “Triumph of the will”? 8|

        • It would seem that Aleksii knows his history, or at least his WWII era propaganda speeches. (Do I really need to say, “Neither I nor Doki endorses anything Adolf-frieking-Hitler said in the linked video.”? No? Good. I know you’re intelligent out there, Legionaires.)

          At the risk of sounding cliche, the perfect caption for that .gif should be, “Oh nein you didn’t!” However, I figure ‘Pu-lease!’ worked just as well.

  • Jon

    Yay milestone! May the moe propel you at god speed Team Doki!

  • Jon

    Key team>>>>lolis, sorry doki. BTW key team is the coolest thing i have ever heard xD.

  • Angel

    Will you guys be translating Dungeons & Takafumis in addition to the main story? if so, to what extent of detail? (items? skills? jobs? or just the basic story of the game?)

    • Celena

      Well, Clannad Man answered that in his reply to my own question. xD I’m going to assume that yes, the entire thing will be translated since he said this:

      “Oh, what the hey. Of course ‘Dungeons & Takafumis’ is going to be included in the patch! Miss, I am the CLANNAD MAN, and this is DOKI. How could any of us allow such an important feature of the game be glazed over? Pu-lease!”

      Sooo, going along with that, I’m going to guess that it’ll be done without missing those elements you mentioned. If I’m wrong, please correct me.

  • I just wanted to clarify some things for those of you who are still confused as to how Baka-Tsuki’s partial patch and the Doki patch are related. The reason behind this post is because I’ve checked out several blogs/articles concerning the upcoming Tomoyo After English Patch release and there seem to be some misunderstandings. The following should be considered general guidelines. If you know someone who has a question, send ’em here!

    Last year, Baka-Tsuki’s efforts to translate Tomoyo After were drawn to a close, and the project was picked up by Doki. In the transition, we received the entirety of their translated SEEN text (posted publicly), which amounted to approximately 30% of the game. These SEENs (what the game calls an individual scene) varied greatly in quality. Some had to be redone from scratch. The remainder were used as references and went through an extensive TLC process. So, while the Baka-Tsuki work was technically ‘carried over’, there is a good chance you wouldn’t know it because of the extensive changes that were made. There is not a single SEEN’s text that was copied verbatim from the Baka-Tsuki translation; any reports suggesting so are false.

    No scenes are going to be left untranslated in the final patch. Furthermore, all translations will have been individually translation checked, edited, and finally quality checked before given the go-ahead to be included in the patch. The patch to be released in intended to be comprehensive and complete for the original (LE) release of the game.

    Doki will not be re-translating the Clannad VN. The team at Baka-Tsuki did a superb job with it and I highly recommend their version to anyone who needs it. And yes, I would suggest playing/watching Clannad before you start Tomoyo After…

    Really? Shame on you! Next question.

    I can not answer any questions regarding future VN translations. As I have said before, one project at a time. Though I must say, I appreciate the enthusiasm from the Doki Legion.

    That should clarify the majority of the recurring questions I’ve found recently. Thankfully, most people seem to understand why the release date has been kept a secret thus far. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask, and do your part by answering questions for those outside Doki or by directing them here. Thanks!

  • Angel

    oops, how could I have missed that question just a few posts earlier?? I apologize…

    Also, Celena, if you’re looking to play D&T before the release of this (highly anticipated)patch, I remember finding a guide showing how to unlock it with no knowledge of Japanese required. You may be able to find it if you sift through enough of the interwebs.

    Anyway, I would like to give my thanks to DOKI and everyone working on this translation. Especially Clannad Man, for entertaining this mob of waiting fans.

  • JbstormburstADV

    Hey, it’s me again.

    Anyways, Clannad Man, while I would not normally deviate off-topic, is Doki going to consider light novel translation, especially since there are some really good LN’s not properly translated because Baka-Tsuki doesn’t know the legal status of the series, even if it’s obvious that there is no U.S. license. Especially Full Metal Panic…. Oh dear motherf—king Full Metal Panic.

    So, now that my rant is out of the way, I admire that you keep us knowing that this project is ever closer to completion, and if needed, I am willing to test the patch.

    Per Laborem ad Astra,

    P.S.: Additionally, I feel that I should mention that there is a reworking of the translation patch for CLANNAD in progress independent of Baka-Tsuki. Link to the main site is here: Personally, I hope that you could ask Holo or whoever the heck is in charge here to consider doing a collab, as a better CLANNAD patch would be lovely.

    Also, sorry if this post comes up more thsn once, but I wasn’t seeing my comments after I clicked ‘Post Comment’ the first two times.

    • Hi again Mr. Stormburst. Or do you prefer JB?

      Your comments were marked as spam for some reason, either because of the triple posting or due to the link. Since the messages were essentially the same, your last message was unspammed.

      Similar to my comments on future Visual Novel projects, I cannot yet speculate as to what the Doki VN team has in store after Tomoyo After is complete. If Doki were to look into completing light novels, resources would need to be taken away from the VN Department in order to construct a team of adequate size & competency. I’m not sure Holo wants to go that route, but who knows..?

      Pertaining to the Clannad Translation Project, Polarem has been handling it over at Baka-Tsuki for awhile now. The new web site he opened doesn’t take away from the fact that it is a Baka-Tsuki project, but it does draw attention to the fact revisions are being made to improve the SEEN script. I applaud him for his continued devotion to perfect Clannad’s translation.

      You aren’t the first person to mention what would doubtless be a legendary collaboration between the two of us and our translation teams. Heck, I thought of it myself and reached out to him several months ago to see if he was interested in working on Tomoyo After with well known translators such as Pandasu, NeWby, and Thaerin. Unfortunately, he declined, citing limited VN hours along with real life obligations.

      Ultimately, I suspect we have similar goals when it comes down to our respective translation projects. We both joined as a way of contributing something to the series we hold dear in Clannad. Those that have kept up with my prior posts know that I was originally asked to head the project and declined, and only accepted after my role was defined to the point where I believe my work on the project to be both legal and beneficial to the promotion of the series. With that hurdle cleared, my focus was shaped to provide as positive an experience as possible for the eventual readers of the translation as well as for those working to create it. I am sure Polarem is looking to get his Clannad release perfect as well.

      The problem comes with our release methods. I am trying to achieve a one-shot release, where everything is translation & quality checked, pictures edited and typeset, without any errors (or at least only very minor ones). There is more leeway in a community based project because there is less structure and a higher tolerance for errors. Everyone believes errors would be fixed eventually anyways. That discrepancy in structure could cause problems in a potential partnership.

      I would enjoy an opportunity to work with Polarem. I would even go so far as to provide an open invitation for him to come to Doki so that he would have the resources at his disposal to complete a comprehensive, polished, and likely final Clannad patch in an expedited time period. (That is, with Holo’s blessing, which I am certain he would be willing to provide.) I would hope he would consider the offer as a unique opportunity for both of us to achieve our goals of providing the gold standard of translations for the Clannad Kazoku of visual novels.

      I don’t know how Polarem will respond to this proposal. Hopefully positively. However, I believe that the fans of both projects will have the final say in what happens. I believe fan support will decide whether or not this collaboration is conducted. If you (any of you, fans of either project) would support the aforementioned collaboration, then contact him. Voice your opinion. Perhaps if we are all lucky and can agree to work together, a Clannad-Tomoyo After double feature will be available for all to enjoy in the near future.

  • Jon

    Here is the daily does of “Go doki Go!”

  • Exclusiveness

    So may I ask. How far are we to see this full release of the patch? Or like it everything on schedule?

  • Jon

    3,651?! That must be a whole lotta moe….. *almost dies*. And i will find one you haven’t seen before some how clannadman!

    • Well, start out by looking through this. Zoom in and you’ll be able to decipher several of the pictures I have. This one was made using my Key/Kyoto Animation set.

      Ultimate Key / Kyoto Mozy

      • Winwaker

        OMG!!! No wonder you are the CLANNAD MAN! I bow to you, that image is insanely awesome, I almost die by a heart failure and brain hemorrhage. hahaha

      • JbstormburstADV

        …I must bow to your level of fandom. I would never have time for something like that, even if it was Nanoha and Vivio.

        BTW, REALLY waiting for the A’s movie. Vita better be god damn awesome.

      • Ilmari

        That is phenomenal. You didn’t… do that *yourself* did you? No, no I imagine you did. Don’t take this the wrong way, but you are obviously the right man for the translation job, since you clearly have aeons of free time…

        Although, examining the pictures, I detect a dearth (albeit not absence) of Little Busters! – is there just not enough artwork out there from that beautiful and mean game?

        Clannad has the pride of place it deserves, though.

        Do you save every Key-related artwork you ever find?

        • I did complete that myself, though it really didn’t take as much time as you think. Collecting the images in the first place, that was tough.

          There is certainly less Little Busters! artwork out there than for the other shows / VNs. Getting the color schemes to work correctly was a bit of a problem. Several of the LB! pictures I have contain dark or brown backgrounds, and I wanted to utilize more Clannad Pics in that area. As it is, I still left out many, many of my Clannad Pics from the mosaic because they just didn’t fit in right.

          As for the artwork I save, I do not save everything I find, but I do save a lot. I look for pictures that I believe to be very well done and those which strongly convey a sense of emotion. I would never consider myself an artist, but I do appreciate well done artwork when I see it.

      • Keiichi

        Do you mind if I ask you exactly how many pictures were used to create this mosaic? The amount of individual pictures and the total amount, if you don’t mind. On that note, your dedication truly shines through with that picture… You have my heartfelt applause. I thought I was high in the ranks of dedicated Key fans, but you’ve shown me I’m still naught but a grunt.

  • Exclusiveness

    So is there any exact way you will find testers? Or have you guys already have it established on who will be testing? Or are you recruiting testers xD?

    • 1) No, though there are several methods on the table

      2) A small handful of VIPs have already been selected for initial testing

      3) The idea of having a contest has been thrown around

  • Lourence

    Cla—Clanna—–CLANNAD MAN!!!!!

    • You’re either yelling angerly at me or are very excited. I’ll assume that you’re happy until I have reason to believe otherwise. XD

      • -Regret-

        I’m excited and happy!!! XD
        I’ll be one of your fan!!! And also, your in 9th place now! Awesome! Good work and Good luck Clannad Man!

        • Haha, “one of your fan[s]”? That would suggest I have more than one! XD Once again, thank you for the praise, but as for the VN work the credit needs to be spread around to everyone. They’ve done a great job thus far, and I’m happy to have been given the opportunity to work with them.

  • Random passerby

    Somehow i feel entertain when i visit this page…

  • Redeyes260

    @Clannadman – I zoomed in but everything was too blurry…. Save the rare pictures. Great job I must add, but it looked like you had pictures from different mangas in there as well? Some looked like biographies or posts by people… O.o… How long did it take you to create it?


    • Lets see… I had the translated version of the Clannad mangas, Tomoyo After mangas, Angel Beats! Track Zero, and one K-On! parody manga, all of which I am fortunate enough to own a physical copy of. ^_^ I also included scans I found from the Clannad VN & Anime Guidebooks, as well as a very small handful of Angel Beats! track music. (I tried to keep out track music for the most part.) There is an occasional real life photo as well which depicts a location used in one of the Kyoto Animation anime, such as a cafe from the new K-On! movie or Tomoya’s home from Clannad ~After Story~.

      With the time it took me to collect the necessary pictures for a mosaic of this scale, far too long. lol

  • snow

    so no luck on getting completed english patch yet?

  • Jon

    That picture…. was just…. keytastic! ClannadMan why you have such epic stuff?!

    • I find it easier to get exactly what you want when you do it yourself, lol. However, sometimes you need a little extra help. The VN is one of those thing where I needed a LOT of extra help, and I’m glad I got it.

  • Exclusiveness

    Ooh I put a thumbs up for the contest. I must play when it comes up.

  • Redeyes260

    Alchemy Meister anyone? I hear it’s a good way to tide oneself over until we get our atomoyo after ;)… I still have yet to do everyone else’s routes in LittleBusters! Save for Rin’s first one. (How I love her so! :3)

    • danyo

      I already finished kamidori a while ago, it was a fun game, though, that might be because I like dungeon crawling turn based RPG’s 😛

      I really would recommend finishing little busters, it’s an amazing game, I personally rate it slightly higher then clannad, mainly do to the way the story works, though can’t say more then that 😛

      • Higher than Clannad? danyo, don’t say things you can’t take back later…

        • Jon

          Agreed, can’t believe you said that in the presence of Clannad Man, or saying it at all :o.

        • danyo

          Hehe, I know how you feel, but I’m not planning to take it back 🙂 That said, it’s really only slightly, and just because of the way they made the entire story work, wich I found very impressive. Characterwise though, my favorite girl will always be tomoyo <3

          • Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. However, I would ask that you read my response to XxLoNeWoLf94 posted below and consider it, as so you can better understand why I have taken the position that I have.

  • XxLoNeWoLf94

    Clannad Man Have you even played little busters?

    • ( ¬‿¬) This guy, hilarious~

      Readers, beware of potential spoilers, though I will attempt to keep them to a minimum.

      Yes, Lone Wolf, I have played the game, and I enjoyed it to the point that I have gone out of my way to purchase some rather rare & expensive Little Busters! merchandise. As a Little Busters! fan, I’m sure you know how hard it is to get one of these:

      Now I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you’re not a troll. Little Busters! is an excellent visual novel and if all goes well with the storyline adjustments it will be made into an excellent anime as well. However, I believe the moral presented in the ~After Story~ arc of Clannad is unparalleled in its ability to convey the ideas of individual helplessness and unwavering love. ‘Family’ and ‘friendship’ are the central themes of the story, but what binds the themes together are these concepts. The scenario presented was not the result of an accident, but rather due to the innate circumstances life provided.

      Life is not fair; man is tested from birth to overcome life’s inequalities to both enhance themselves and the lives of those around them. This is how humanity measures greatness. Therefore, what story could be greater than one where a self-described ‘delinquent’, a person who cares about nothing beyond his own personal interests, turns his life around with the help of others only to repeatedly lose everything that has ever mattered to him… everyone he has ever truly loved, being powerless to grant even a simple dying wish… and yet finally be rewarded a miracle in exchange for what he gave of himself to others.

      This is what Clannad is about. It is the belief that no matter what the hardship, man can persevere, and that no one should take on life by themselves.

      • danyo

        I totally understand where you are coming from, and I even agree with it mostly, though I personally would argue that accidents could be described as innate circumstances aswell.

        That said, I think it’s indeed up to personal opinion and taste in the end. I think both stories are equally amazing, the reason why I find little busters marginally better is because how the entire story works.

        Anyway, it wasn’t my intention to talk down on clannad at all, or try to make it look bad or anything, if it felt that way, I’m sorry. Also wasn’t my intention to really make a discussion about it, since I love both VN’s equally.

        • Absolutely, I agree that personal opinion plays a major part in one’s decision; no one can be forced into enjoying one thing over another. I just knew where Lone Wolf’s question was likely going, so I decided to respond while I had time.

          I was going to give you a personalized comment, but after I wrote the one above, I thought directing you there would be easier, lol. The basis of what we agree on is the same… Key writes some damn good stories!

          (PS – Not to deviate off topic any further, but I personally feel that people are more willing to make sacrifices during or after a sudden accident as opposed to when a debilitating condition is long established, making Tomoya’s sacrifices all the more impactful in my eyes.)

      • Ilmari

        Aha, Little Busters vs Clannad! I would weigh in here myself, but Clannad Man has just about summed up the argument I was going to present (though I would have done it more verbosely). Actually, what the hell, I’ll speak my piece. I am a great fan of both, too, but I find Clannad to have a bit of a lead.

        One point that I would specifically raise is the centrality of the relationship between Tomoya and his father – that’s something a lot of people don’t get about the story, but it’s ultimately the resolution of that conflict (which had haunted the entire story) that earns Tomoya the final piece for his miracle. Parent-child relationships, I think, are not explored nearly enough in most japanese fiction, and that is one of the things that sets Clannad apart.

        Furthermore, though I loved Little Busters!, it did leave me feeling a little bitter ~ for reasons that anyone who has played through Refrain should know (think about what is implied about all the playthroughs you’ve made). I think the cruelty was heaped a little gratuitously towards the end, and the inevitable turnaround was achieved less smoothly than with Clannad.

        Still, Little Busters! is truly excellent, so I won’t bring criticism, as we all agree there is the matter of taste here as well. As an aside, I think that Little Busters! could actually be adapted to anime better than Clannad, for a fairly obvious reason, regarding its narrative structure. We will have to see if this is the case, though.


        • Redeyes260

          This makes me want to continue the other routes so I can play Refrain.. I’m torn between such things as Guitar Hero, Call of Duty, my own guitar, and more guitar hero…. I think I’ll get in a comfortable position and skim through the other routes, well…. Not a couple though. I just want to have that supposedly bad ending with Refrain as you mentioned, since when playing Clannad that’s ALL I got. I never had the time to finish And collect all the orbs, then the hard drives fried so I lost all progress. Waiting for my new computer, lol.

          I can’t very well say which series I liked better since I’ve not finished LittleBusters! I did most of Clannad’s routes though. So until that day comes, I’ll have to go with Clannad being better, but that Tomoyo After is the best, until proven otherwise.

          • I would still encourage you to play the ‘good ends’ from Clannad, lol. Also, it’s probably about time I got back on topic and talked about Tomoyo After, eh?

        • To say that Little Busters! could be adapted into a better anime than Clannad relies on several unknown variables as well as personal preference. If it turns out to be a better adaptation than Clannad, great! That can only help to establish a stronger fanbase for Key and a reason to make more high quality VNs and anime adaptations. I personally doubt that the adaptation will be better than Clannad’s, but that just heightens the excitement surrounding LB!’s release, doesn’t it? ^_^

          • Jon

            Agreed, clannad pulled it of in some heck of an amazing way. Clannad is also my favorite anime. But i cant wait for the little busters! anime none the less!

          • Ilmari

            I use the word ‘could’ specifically – it has the *potential* to be adapted better. Whether it would then make a *better anime* (as opposed to a better adaptation) is a different matter, though, and down to personal preference. Already, the absence of KyoAni from the project saddens me.

            [Spoilerish; Redeyes had better not read:]

            The issue with Clannad is that is stories are mutually incompatible, and so the first season (and the start of the second season) had to cut and shift them to fit them together. [Really, spoiler!:] One of the central points of Little Busters! is that everything *does* happen in one continuity… and most of it doesn’t actually happen at all. It is, to my knowledge, the only VN where they can show every route, in its original form, in a single continuous story. They would have to do that, though, and fool all the people who don’t know what it’s about that they’re using the Amagami SS system.

            That’s what I’m trying to point out. 🙂


          • I see where you’re coming from. Once again, enjoyment of the stories is dependent on the preferences of the reader. I’m just glad that we were both able to enjoy the VNs! =)

  • Redeyes260

    How many playthroughs and or watchings of. Anime did it take you guys (mainly you, Clannad m
    man) to understand the time plot with the alternate realities or dimensions and the time traveling and such? I had to look it up to fully understand myself.

    >Ushio dies in original storyline (seen in anime?)
    >Her orb of happiness is so strong because she wants to help her father that she spawns as the only living thing in the “Hidden World”, and is tied to it, like how Nagisa was, but in a physical form now.
    >Tomoya dies after Ushio, orb of happiness is so strong it lingers in Hidden World, Ushio knows its her father, or rather, feels the connection.
    >Tomoya is born as a robot into that world, memories lost, as are Ushio’s now.
    >They spend time together, winter comes, Ushio remembers who she was and who Tomoya was, sends him back in time as she fades away.
    >Collects all side quest orbs in each timeline, is then reset back to high school life originally, has no recollection of past lives but knows about it vaguely. (Hence how Nagisa and Tomoya knew the story of the lone girl)
    >Collects Kyou’s happiness
    >Collects Tomoyo’s Happiness
    >Collects Kotomi’s happiness
    >Collects Fuko’s happiness
    >Is back in the Hidden World just as Ushio and the world disintegrate, sending him back to when Ushio was born using all orbs he collected to save her and Nagisa’s life, also relinquishing their ties to the town as well.
    >Happy Ending.

    At least that’s how I perceived it eventually. It makes sense though.

    • Redeyes, please take care to mark posts with spoilers. Thanks! As I am responding to a post with Clannad spoilers, one can expect elaboration of said spoilers to take place.

      It only took me one playthrough to understand the concept of what was going on. Then again, I’m a science fiction buff, so I enjoy piecing together these sorts of things.

      There is no official explanation for how the events of the imaginary world chronologically relate to the events of the true world. My perspective is that the events in both the true and imaginary worlds take place in an identical time plane at the same time. Recall that Tomoya had flashbacks of the imaginary world before he even confessed his love to Nagisa. Also, for means of clarification, the orbs of light are supposed to represent the hopes of people for others, bounded by the actions taken to achieve that hope. The Girl in the Imaginary World elaborates:

      “Like we can see people’s feelings from the other world as light in this world, my feelings will become many lights in that world and shimmer.”

      If the Imaginary World exists in tandem with the true universe to the point where they can interact, then what is to say the Imaginary World isn’t a sub-world made specifically for Tomoya’s existence? In The Robot’s eyes, only two creatures existed in the world: itself and The Girl. Essentially, the world acted as a collection of his own good karma, banked away for future use. Each time Tomoya committed a selfless act in order to help those around him, a light orb was ‘deposited’ into the imaginary world. His final act of kindness before collapsing (or as you suggest, dying in the Pokemon sense) is to attempt to grant his daughter’s final wish, as inadvisable as doing so might have been. That final act of compassion was great enough that when combined with the rest of his good deeds, a miracle was able to be performed.

      I believe the sequence of events you posted has some flaws, but once again that is nothing more than my personal opinion. Other things, such as Tomoya & Nagisa relinquishing their ties to the town, are either speculative or simply inaccurate; in fact, the pair is drawn closer to the town they are in because of the experiences they shared. However, what is ultimately important is that whatever way you see the story as unfolding, it provides meaning to you in some way.

      All of this Clannad & Little Busters! talk is going to make me think I’m working on another VN! lol…

      Also, to JbstormburstADV: A private message about a potential collaboration with Doki was sent to Polarem. I have not received any news concerning a response. If you’re still interested in potentially seeing such a joint undertaking, drum up some support and we’ll see what happens.

      • Kalalification

        Or, you know, we could just explain Clannad rationally and without magic. Kotomi and her parents clearly allude to the fact that there are many parallel universes, and while the immediate implication is that they’re talking about the Imaginary World, the rational conclusion to draw from their theory is that all of the arcs and scenarios are simply different universes where different things happened. Nagisa really died, Ushio died, and Tomoya all died. It’s just that there’s another universe out there, where for some unexplained and possibly unexplainable reason, Nagisa didn’t die. We saw the story of one particular Tomoya for most of Clannad, but in the VN and in the end of Afterstory, we’re seeing several different Tomoyas living in several different worlds.

        There’s no reason that any supernatural phenomena has to exist in Clannad, and while that is the easiest and perhaps happiest way to see things, it’s not the simplest and thus not the most likely.

        • Kalalification, eh? Your reputation precedes you.

          I don’t recall mentioning magic in my explanation. It is certainly plausible that your theory is correct, and that the game’s various routes could directly correspond to various universes. Furthermore, I see no reason why both our explanations cannot co-exist in tandem. Perhaps the fact I mentioned the word ‘karma’ upset you.

          On a different note, I love fans of science fiction, especially those who watch Star Trek. I have a friend who would follow the show The Next Generation religiously and blurt out her solutions to the crew’s problems whenever a new episode aired. Sometimes she would complain with something along the lines of, “The deflector dish can’t be reconfigured to fire a tachyon pulse that way! Come on!!” You know, as if phasers, Klingons, transwarp drive, etc. were all acceptable in her interpretation of the confines of that universe, but the reconfiguration the deflector dish using isolinear chips, THAT’S where the writers crossed the line.

          ┐( ̄ー ̄)┌ Just sayin’.

          • Kalalification

            First off: who am I to have a reputation? And who are you that would recognize me?

            Second, my point here is that there’s no need for anything supernatural to occur for the entirety of Clannad to be explained. Occam’s Razor and all that.

      • Redeyes260

        Ah, my bad, I did not realize that it was technically spoilers since you know… Clannad’s been out for a long time, and as such, everyone has either played the VN or watched the anime. Why come to Doki’s Tomoyo After section if you haven’t!? D:

        Plausible theory, but I was only curious, as it didn’t really make much sense to me, or rather, I hardly paid any attention to it until the second watching and playthrough of the anime. xD

  • Angel

    I see this conversation is trailing off to other key VNs…

    So how about that Rewrite guys??

    Oh, we’re supposed to be getting back to the topic of Tomoyo After now? eh… umm….. err….. Golden Takafumi!! yeah, that works. we should talk about golden takafumis now.


    • I’m not going to post a related picture this time, lol

    • Ilmari

      Well, with the full translation of Tomoyo After, I might finally understand what the Golden Takafumi is about…
      I’ve played through the entire game in Japanese, though my word-recognition is limited to half of every third sentence, at best.

      I must say, I’m impressed that people who can understand the Japanese well enough to translate it, put the time and effort in to making it accessible to lazy anglophones like myself.

      • Regarding the translators, I must say I’m impressed as well. I’d say they’re generally well intentioned people who wish to share the joy they experience in games and anime with others. That’s pretty cool in my book!

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